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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Japanese composer for Tokyo Olympics apologizes for 1990s abuse
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So the composer is a bully who picked on disabled kids and boasted of this this back in 95. But he’s really sorry for it now that his name has been announced.
in other words, it’s just another day at the Olympics.
His act and the fact that he himself was narrating it to a reporter and laughing with pride instead of remorse enough for him to disgracefully fired rather than politely asked to resign. Allowing him to continue is dignifying him for playing a major role as composer in the olympics.
Oyamada, a well-known rock musician, had boasted about the abuse in detail in Japanese magazine interviews he gave in the 1990s.
Rock stars love to flaunt a bad boy reputation, but can you imagine thinking," How cool would it be if I bragged in interviews about torturing children with disabilities."
This may story not be gaining traction abroad, but if it does...Oyamada would be very deserving of the full force of western cancel culture for his sadism.
Here's what this scumbag did:
Some dude
Yikes. That’s a bad look.
It doesn’t change the fact that he’s written some nifty music as a solo artist, but it’s another black eye for the Olympic PR machine.
Maybe they should use some anodyne, androgynous members of some manufactured boy band to dance to some instantly forgettable song.
Many bullies receive their karma sooner or later. You can sometimes say oh well, they were young and immature over a one time event. In this case though, he continued it from elementary school through high school. He deserves whatever press, career tarnish or criticism that he will get.
As an extension of this topic, last week I received a hand fan at the Hanshin Tigers game. The fan was sponsored by a travel company called Trapics. The picture shows their mascot "Trapig", a big pig, standing next to Naomi Watanabe. Obviously Watanabe could care less that she was chosen and paid to advertise the company with the pig.
I don’t see how the Olympic Games keeps him or his song after this.
I was a prolonged victim of a bully and his gang at high school, it never really goes away those memories. I have nothing but ill will towards them. As an adult I realize they were just horrible people who grew into horrible people. No sympathy and no mercy for people like this.
He's only sorry he got ousted.
It’s worse than they’re letting him apologize… and get away with (again)
Another deplorable image, ‘courtesy of the JOCTOC’.
Bullying is a despicable act, and should never be tolerated. Sadly, it is all too common in grade schools in Japan. Any kid that is different from the others can count on being picked on at some point. I wish society could find a way to address this, and have less young Oyamada-sans out there.
But is ruining this guy's career over something that happened decades ago really the best way to solve it?
I cant believe they are going to use the abusers music. Will it be played in paralympics too? Disgusting.
Some dude
I was a prolonged victim of a bully and his gang at high school, it never really goes away those memories. I have nothing but ill will towards them. As an adult I realize they were just horrible people who grew into horrible people.
I also had issues with a particular kid. By the sound of it it wasn’t as bad as you had it, but it was still unpleasant. I looked up his name a few years ago and it turned out that he had a history of drug abuse and a long criminal career and then died - it wasn’t specified of what, I’m guessing overdose. I’m not going to say I was happy to read this, but I sure didn’t shed any tears.
PTSD is terrible. - Saddening to hear about similar abuses on many within this thread that suffered at the hands of such bullies. - Another reason to boycott ALL involved?
Many here hope he is no longer immortalized as a JOC idol and influencer, and that they take responsible corrective actions.
This was not an isolated incident. It was continual and persistent abuse. He should be in prison.
The time for him to apologize was when he did the interview, not now 30 years later when he is called up upon it. No sympathy.
Japan Subculture Research Center has a piece on this.
Bob Fosse
As Cornelius he produced some good music in the late 90’s. I didn’t know about his despicable past until now. No excuses.
Along with racist and all-round bigot Koichi Sugiyama at the opening ceremony it’s turning out to be quite a poor show.
Haaa Nemui
@Cricky and Some dude. I was bullied through middle school years. Hated it. One particular guy who was doing it was just a thug. Stabbed a friend of my brother’s in the back at a party they were at. He also did time for rape. Some bullies are just kids joining the pack. Others are real psychopaths. None deserve any further thought. Hope you guys are all good.
Tarō Asō was right when he said this Olympics are cursed!
They are cursed in soooo many ways, starting from the design and cost of the stadium, then the 2020 Olympic logo controversy, then COVID, now the music at the opening ceremony which is composed by a bully who has bullied school classmates during his time at elementary school through high school, including those living with intellectual disabilities. Sexist remarks by Yoshiro Mori when he said that women talking too much. Hiroshi Sasaki for suggesting a Japanese actress dress as a pig. 1 athlete disappears! 2 athletes in the Olympic village test positive for CORONA before the start of the games! 80% of population don't want the games to go ahead! What next???
He bullied his classmates when he was a teenager, so in the 80s.
The interview article was published in the 90s.
worthy composer…
his Olympic spirit shines
@Atem - Paralympians should turn their backs if the abuser's music is played.
What he did is to vulnerable disabled children is utterly unforgiveable, product of a truly sick mind.
This is person recounted with pride that he mocked a student with disabilities running in a race and he is allowed to be associated with the Paralympics. The acts he bragged about are presented as bullying, but if you read the stomach-churning details you see their are criminal acts of sexual assault and torture.
I think it wasn't the steering committee that asked him to compose the music, but FPM's Tanaka, who has been hired as the music director for the opening ceremony.
They are both artists who were popular in some circles in the 90's, the genre known as shibuya.kei.
Disgusting that his music is supposed to be part of the opening ceremony. But it’s only fitting that this coward will be in any way connected to the opening ceremony of such an important event, as a symbol of this country’s problems. Problems that are still ignored. Bullying is literally everywhere in Japanese society. There’s thousands of unknown cases happening everyday in Japan. It’s happening right now.
"He had been “immature,” he said, and it was guilt that had prevented him from coming forward before."
No, it was your cowardice. Not that you've been called out, and have no choice, you apologize. You've had DECADES. Okay, let him stay, on one condition -- during the opening ceremonies, the kid or kids he bullied are welcomed on stage, and he apologizes, mic in hand, in front of the world to cap it off.
Sickness, bullying, disorganization, financial misconduct-Japan is not exactly showing its best face to the world…
*... to the opening ceremony of such an important event taking place in Japan, as a symbol of this country’s problems ( which the Japanese still choose to ignore ).*
Bullied someone that has a disability. Hmmm....and then just publishes a statement, it's so convenient and easy now. Just tweet or put it on Facebook and don't have to face the crowd and make a public apology. He's still the coward I guess.
Keeping Oyamada on as the composer for the Olympics Opening Ceremony makes a mockery of everything the Olympics is supposed to stand for. But then again, when the government of Japan and the IOC insist on holding the Olympics in the middle of a pandemic, ignoring all warnings of the public health risk, maybe he is the perfect composer. Who better to write an ode to the callous cruelty and winning-is-the-only-thing-that matters attitude of the IOC? And like the IOC, he probably stands to earn a lot of money from the Olympics that over 70% of the Japanese people don’t want.
Shameful. Truly disgraceful choice by the JOC.
Bob Fosse
“Be heartful and let’s Olympic” ?
In one of the interviews in the 1990s, he said "let me take this opportunity to apologize" but then laughed. He is only apologizing with apparent sincerity now because a very lucrative gig is on the line.
This scumbag does not deserve to be associated with brave and dedicated para athletes.
Bjorn Tomention
I have heard first hand what this ace hole did to some from one of those he bullied, no mercy for this bag of waste material , literally he needs to be flushed.
He needs to be brought to his knees emotionally and financially and should suffer more than just bad press.
Forcing someone to masturbate in front of others is sexual assault, not "bullying".
And, Taro Aso, * *@Paul 7:05pm,was filmed laughing aloud & sans Covid mask just this evening, in the center of 10-20 appropriately masked people at the “Welcome” event for IOC Bach. Aso’s always thought and acted like he’s above everyone else, a real ‘man of the people’ and has the cronies around him protect him. That’s’ his answer to both the pandemic and the Olympics, NOT …
Point is, the IOCLDPJOC continue to turn a blind eye to every important public concern choosing profit over people.
Abuse of this nature to a mentally disabled person if proven in court is a serious criminal offense.
Keigo Oyamada, a Japanese composer regardless of when, must be held accountable in law.
The abuse detailed above is grievous, appalling and demands that Oyamada face trial.
Straight to hell if found to be legally culpable.
Yes, it is.
Musicians and actors in Japan typically lose their career after being caught with one joint of cannabis.
Systemically bullying and abusing a disabled person over many, many years is magnitudes worse than that.
I hope this z-grade "musician" scum loses his career, is destroyed financially, and his reputation remains forever ruined. In fact, I wish far, far worse befalls him, but I may get deleted if I went into details of what I wish for.
What is worse is subjecting a disabled child to sexual assault and torture. That is what he did. It wasn't as if he stole lunch money.
Keigo Oyamada, no apologies, no deep bows.
These alleged barbaric historic atrocious acts perpetrated on a defenseless disabled person must be subject to due process.
Keigo Oyamada, must explicable under the law. Oyamada must answer for these alleged crimes, despicable acts.
If Keigo Oyamada doesn't face a trail, the most venerable in J education system, those deemed as nerds ,misfits, disabled walks with a stutter, will be subject to similar abuse.
Some survive , others end the abuse by taking their own lives.
In this case a disabled person was subjected to horrendous abuse, Oyamada openly admits to, and feels a apology closes the matter is frankly beyond the pale.
It doesn't and never will.
J Alternative
Keigo Oyamada is a second cousin of Joichi Ito, the Japanese business partner of Jeffrey Epstein. You make the connections.
Toshiro Muto, the Tokyo 2020 chief executive, noted that Oyamada had apologised and indicated that with six days to go before the opening ceremony, he would remain part of the creative team. “He is sorry for his past actions and he has said that he wants to act with higher moral standards,” Muto said. “It’s true that the organising committee was not aware of what Oyamada had done, but we have heard his apology and are hoping that he will continue to contribute to the Tokyo Games.”
Credit AF Guardian.........
You really cant make this up with the para-Olympic....
J Alternative
His school was Wako Gakuen
If it happened 20 years ago or more, erase it from our collective memories and move on. EVERYONE, everyone did at least 1 stupid, mean or insensitive thing in their lives, guaranteed. I hope Japan does not go down the same endless hole of blame that tries to define the whole of a person by 1 thing that happened a long time ago.
We all have done certain things we aren't proud off in our youth. While he was clearly very in the wrong, people need to get over the fact that this was like decades ago when he was kid. Humans can become mature and learn more about life through experience. Not to mention the world and mindset was very different back in the 90's.
While we cannot change the past, we can at least still try to mend the wounds if possible and continue our lives by doing better. If that person he had bullied is still alive somewhere in Japan, i hope they can meet again and find closure before their lives end.
I hope Japan does not go down the same endless hole of blame that tries to define the whole of a person by 1 thing that happened a long time ago.
Japanese society does react this way to any person caught just once with a tiny amount of marijuana. What Oyamada did sounds a lot worse than just smoking a joint, especially if (like me) you don't consider smoking marijuana to be a bad thing at all. FYI Oyamada is the second cousin of Joi Ito, the onetime golden boy of the venture capital world before his association with Jeffrey Epstein was revealed.
Pizza Gaijin
IOC should ban him from the Olympics and his music from the opening ceremony. Bullying is a big problem in many countries, but in the Japanese society and in the Japanese school system it is ENDEMIC and deeply rooted. Therefore, a stern and rigorous response from the IOC is necessary. Especially considering that a child with disabilities was bullied and the Paralympics will start just after the Olympics.
Bjorn Tomention
Just one more reason wo dislike the olympis games and what they stand for !
Anyone or thing associated with them is tarnished and stinks !
If we all were held accountable and were “canceled” for all the things we said and did when we were between elementary school and high school… there would be no one left.
Anyone disagreeing with that statement is a hypocrite.
i’ve said and did some very dissed tasteful things during that period of my life and I was also on the receiving end and even relentlessly stocked by bullies myself.
I would like to think that when we finally grew up, we finally grew up.
In my case, most of my bullies and I are now good friends. Apologies were made long ago and even today, we can joke about the whole thing and laugh.
Was his behavior an aberration, or a habit? None of us is perfect, but some are better, and worse, than others. One can only hope that the person mentioned has reformed himself.
Bob Fosse
Repeated crimes, some sexual, that happened a long time ago. No, this isn’t he said/she said. He admitted it and went unpunished. Until now.
This isn’t “cancel culture”. This is someone taking responsibility. Do you think it is appropriate he be involved in the Paralympics?
“It was a long time ago, we all did it, move on” are not acceptable in this situation.
If you look at any of his pics on google, you just think…….
how was THIS GUY not bullied in school?
What a low life loser. Get rid of him, now.
It’s much worse.
“Yeah, I did inhuman things. I’d strip (one kid) naked and roll him up in cords and make (him) masturbate. I made him eat feces and then performed a belly- to-back-drop wrestling move on him.”
Keigo Oyamada, the composer in charge of the music for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics opening ceremony.
He doesn't care at all about the kid he tortured. Otherwise he would have apologized a long time ago.
He's "apologizing" to the public because he got outed and he wants to save his career. I hope he spends the rest of his days regretting his existence. Piece of trash.
Boycott this creep's music.
Keigo Oyamada beg-pardon, must go hand in hand with due process, justified retribution handed down by the Judiciary, must not be interpreted as an act of revenge.
All irrespective of the historic nature of these alleged acts of appalling physical, mental, and sexual abuse of a disabled person.
Bob Fosse
He’s a member of The plastic band. Has Yoko dropped him yet?
Bob Fosse
Absolutely this.
Whatever the allegation, equal due process.
I understand Keigo Oyamada allegedly, abused a group of disabled school children, students.
It is truly gut retching.
To read the interviews where Oyamada frivolity in his abuse to his victims, is truly a further act of persecution after the event, rubbing salt into the wounds, he alone must be held accountable.
No excuses, the victims must have relived Keigo Oyamada horrors time and time again.
Aaaaaand he’s gone. Good riddance and good work by the journalists at Japan Subculture Research Center for bring this issue to light.
Bob Fosse
He was also a child, a classmate.
It’s wrong and he deserves any punishment coming, but don’t get confused and conflagrate this.
Aaaaaaaaand he’s gone. Just as I predicted. Funny how being an admitted abuser of the disabled isn’t a good look....
Bob, three victims to be precise, that were subjected a series of humiliating brutal assaults over a prolonged period of time.
The following interview with Keigo Oyamada (Cornelius, a famous Japanese musician) was published in Japanese music magazine "Rocking on Japan" in January 1994.
The nature of this type of abuse means victims rarely come forward. As witnessed in the numerous case of abuse in the The Catholic Church, stated as a example.
Bob Fosse
I’m aware of all the details.
My point was that Okayama was a child and classmate. Some posters seem to be under the impression that he did this as an adult towards children.
Keigo Oyamada abuse surfaced at Elementary School, a child.
This, with the benefit of hindsight it should have ben nipped in he bud.
Keigo Oyamada continued the abuse throughout his disabled victim schooling.
Keigo Oyamada openly admits to the fact.
His 1994/5 interview appears to confirm he openly got a sense of satisfaction from such behavior into early adulthood.
This is not bullying, it is extreme psychological maltreatment, physical, sexual of one human being to another.
Bob, this has to stop, my nephew he shy and sensitive, he is clever but kids at school call him names.
He has big glasses.
I know that life, children can be notoriously cruel to each other.
He blurted it all out, and asked me never to tell Mum and Dad, because Mum and Dad will confront the School and the perpetrators parents. I over time have managed to persuade the little guy to tell the School masters.
Maybe this can be handled discreetly.
However, Keigo Oyamada abuse is a criminal act of abuse, by his own admission.
Keigo Oyamada, no matter the historic nature, this must be judged by a court. Any extenuating circumstances will be at the courts discretion.
It will clear Keigo Oyamada conscience, and maybe in time his honor.
An example from personal experience, Bob the difference between what could be taken as bullying and outright criminal act of depraved abuse.