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© 2021 AFP
Nothing can stop Tokyo Olympics from going ahead: IOC's Coates
By Martin PARRY SYDNEY©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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This is about as arrogant as you can get!
The Kamikaze Olympics in the face of total failure they will forge on despite public opinion despite the dangers the non interest, the pandemic. Corruption must be seen to prevail. These mostly old men will have their day proving that corruption trumps all, and their legacy is secure as the most self serving cluster of outcasts any society would ostracise.
Nothing ever could stop it.
Japan is at the mercy of fate now as to how this event plays out on the world stage.
Absolutely disgusting.
A disaster in slow motion. Well, at least there will be consequences. And one of them will be to hold those incapable of saying "No" responsible.
Coates has only one mandate, one interest. I suggest everyone who cares should not watch TV coverage of the games. If we devastate the advertising funds that networks are hoping for, those broadcasters won't be so eager to bid next time. It really is time to cut this oligarchy down to size.
The callousness of Coates is stunning. The IOC is putting money ahead of the safety of Tokyo residents. There is no denying that. I’m sure there have been more positives at these test events but we will never hear about it. When it’s all over these IOC crooks should be locked up.
Paradoxically these declarations made me feel for the first time that a cancellation is actually possible. When people become so desperate that they dare to say that "nothing would stop this" it is because there are many reasons that are pushing for a cancellation.
Since vaccination is not going to improve significantly and may even slow down thanks to heavy mismanagement of the necessary preparations, I wonder if Coates is trying to mislead the international public (because the Japanese are well aware this is going nowhere) or if he is just naive to the point of incompetence and actually believes this to be true.
Alan Harrison
Call me old fashioned but I’m a great believer of not giving up and facing the challenge. After the billions invested, and the fact foreign spectators are already banned, and that it will be held in the summer months, then what’s wrong with being determined to hold it ?
It is not a question of being defeatist, but a question of common sense (obviously lacking in Coates and the like).
He didn’t want to visit Japan for a meeting, but willing to send thousands in his place? That’s a confidence inspiring action.
it’s all about the OIC and the other Business who would lose a lot of money if the Olympics is canceled.
Mr.Coates said it was a big step forward.
"All of the precautions that we have been taking are aimed at the health of the athletes and the health of the people of Japan," he said, denying the IOC was putting sport and financial considerations before health...
what precautions are put to the people of Japan?
U.S. drugs giant Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech on Thursday announced a deal with the IOC to provide vaccines to competitors and staff at the Games.
they forgot the people of Japan,it’s the athletes money spent on.
Coates revealed a Tunisian official at a recent rowing event in Tokyo tested positive for coronavirus, but said that only proved the tough measures were working."
He tested okay before he left Tunisia, tested okay on arrival then three days later tested positive,"
Someone from a foreign country bringing the Virus into Japan IS NOT measures working. This is just one person! Imagine how many will test positive and bring different COVID mutations when THOUSANDS of people arrive..The Gov't is out of touch with reality.
I wish the reporters would hold his feet to the fire more. If they are vaccinating the athletes going to the games, what about all the people who will work there (janitors, translators, chefs, etc.) ? Will they also have early access to vaccines? If new variants emerge that are more contagious, such as the British mutation and possibly the new Indian one too, what will the response be? What will the infection numbers have to be in Japan for the IOC to consider postponement? If the Olympics do become a super spreader event, who will claim responsibility for it? Will the IOC cover any of the costs for the hospitalization and treatment of people who get sick because of the Olympics? Will they paid for again by taxpayers?
I mean, if reporters would start taking this more seriously and grill this guy, it would be more apparent that this whole situation is not well-thought-out and a facade for greed.
Madness. Coates, Bach and Coe are all corrupt. They are politicians simply in this scam for the money. They couldnt care less that the world is in the middle of a once in a hundred year pandemic that is getting WORSE by the day.
Cancel this rubbish, pathetic Olympics. Anyone who supports it is as deranged as these three politicians.
Tokyo Olympic head says Bach visit to Japan now unlikely
I realize you were trying to be cute here by calling it "kamikaze", but that is totally off the mark and wrong!
It's a slap in the face to the "true" kamikaze, who sadly died in the belief they were dying to protect God (Emperor) and country! Right or wrong.
Using that to describe these games is wrong, because the people pushing for it, do not care one iota about the people of Japan and only care about their pocketbooks!
What disturbs me the most is that all those Olympics related people will travel easily and be exempted from quarantine, while simple citizens living here not.
Designer 02
Arrogance beyond belief. It would appear from the outside that Japan doing everything it can to control the virus does not include getting the apparently stockpiled vaccines into arms. Priorities appear to be in the wrong place. Condescending use of 'they' to say the least
Except for the athletes themselves.
"Nothing can stop Tokyo Olympics from going ahead"
What an incredibly stupid thing to say. You don't have to be a seismologist with a doctorate from Caltech to know that there is definitely something that could stop the Tokyo Olympics from going ahead. It's a sporting event, not a general election to the National Diet.
Sorry Yabaru, I meant it in the sense of useless waist for a lost cause. Not some spiritual journey to an afterlife.
Sven Asai
Yes, of course, we know. The history books are full with such ‘invincibles’ and self-overestimators.
IS THAT so??
This is like watching a train wreck in slo-mo. When the Olympic athletes descend upon Tokyo, just wait and see how the number of cases are going to skyrocket out of control....
Actually sir, we the Japanese people could stop you. So you should watch what you say.
how irresponsible can you get? Last year the atheletes stopped you. Looks like they'll need to do it again
The term nothing means that all of the worst case scenarios have been examined and that it can still proceed, right? I really doubt Coates figured in all the possible worst case scenario for these games. How about another 3.11 scale disaster, along with a typhoon and high infection rate crippling the hospitals? In Japan it's all plausible.
The problem is there are people in Osaka dying because they can't be hospitalised.
The games still cost money , money we can use to help Osaka or even India why not .
The sponsors too should rethink their marketing strategies.
I would rather sponsor vaccination centres ideas and non profits that offer well payed part time jobs for licensed nurses to help administer the vaccines.
Remember what Mercedes AMG did in the UK last year with the ventilators ? Do you see my point ? buying a Mercedes means helping out with an actual problem , buying a Toyota means helping guys like the ones in the picture make money that is about it.
Hideomi Kuze
according to worldometer, number of new cases and new deaths in Japan are 7th worst in Asia.
At Osaka prefecture, patients who can hospitalize is one of ten.
I’m suspecting a lot of people here are just anti-Olympics & never wanted them here in the first place.
"" Suga held talks with U.S. President Joe Biden in April and stressed Japan was doing everything possible to contain COVID-19 infections and hold a "safe and secure" Olympics. ""
Didn't know that Pres. Biden was running the Olympics!?
IOC has got billions of dollars from Olympic business. It seems to me IOC doesn't want to refund money they already got if Olympics is cancelled.
Covimpics, brought to you by Pfizer and friends
Well, they are obviously not the cerebral Olympics.
There is only 1 thing we can do... boycott the games. Make them irrelevant.
Droll Quarry
No chance of this happening! They will all be sitting in the Good Ole Boys club, counting their money and chuckling about another well played con.
In September, 1918 the city of Philadelphia refused to cancel a Liberty Loans Parade that drew 200,000 spectators. This was despite the arrival of the Spanish Flu in the city. Experts' warnings to cancel the event were ignored.
12,000 people died, and the city of Philadelphia had to be shut down.
Deja vu?
as long as you boycott next year’s Beijing Winter Olympics as well - they started this pandemic
So, forget about national sovereignty, G7, U.S., the EU,... The world is ruled by a bunch of corrupt suits in Zurich. Nice.
I hope this statement is going to get.under the skin of many Japanese.
"He tested okay before he left Tunisia, tested okay on arrival then three days later tested positive,
So where did he catch it?
In todays UFC event in Vegas, one fight was canceled just hours before the fight, because one fighter was tested positiv.
And the UFC fighters get tested almost every day.
Where did she catch it?
That proofs exactly what I told here already many times:
Test results are just valid for one moment. After the test you can get immediately infected and the test you just took lost all his sense.
robert maes
So, an Australian and a German are governing Japan. Good to know.
The arrogance, the casual shrugging of of Japanese lives is sad to see. Particularly for an organisation pretending such high morals, to trample over their own principals for greed, money and power is sickening
Space Cochonne
Quite interesting actually, he is saying there is no scenario of Olympics being cancelled because this is what Suga keeps repeating to them. so politically he is basically putting the responsibility of this decision of absolutely going ahead without any other scenario on the Japanese prime minister.
Actually, your reference to the so-called-"true" kamikaze of WW2 (who are more widely known/pronounced at the time and now as "shinpu" or even "tokkotai") is a slap in the face to the actual "kamikaze" (a pair of coincidental typhoons) from 800 years ago.
They had a chance to pull this off and knew what they needed to do (we all did) since December 2020 when the first batches of vaccines were about to finish trials. Prior to that they should have been planning the distribution (as they did in the USA, UK and Israel).
Proper testing and contact tracing
Vaccine rollout
Proper lockdowns when requiredThey were also given time with the lower death rates here and a year delay in the Olympics.
They have failed on all of these and it is sad to see. I'm a strong supported of the Olympics, and believe a postponement until 2022 is the best option. Cancellation is too freely thrown about (often by people who want it canceled regardless of the pandemic).
I think there’s a correlation between everyone feeling that an important decision about public health is being dictated by the IOC and how much everyone hates these stupid games.
Cancel now.
Just over 10500 deaths.
Can this sentence be revised. Those are human lives. Not just 10500 deaths.
If a significant number of volunteers opted out, this would stop the "games".
One thing that has not been discussed much is why Suga and his gang can push ahead with the Olympics, overwhelmingly against the present will of the public, and also not care much about moving quickly on vaccinations, which might shift more people back to the pro-Olympic camp. The why is that there is no political risk, because the same lot gets elected time and again, despite taking Japan from the top ranks of the OECD on most social and economic indicators 30 years ago to the level the more corrupt and inept regimes today.
I was really looking forward to the olympics and actually had tickets for an event.
Each day that passes and each new moronic declaration by the IOC or the japanese governement has now turned me into one of the staunchest anti-olympics protestor that could exist.
Cancel these impossibly stupid olympics ASAP. Just cancel them. And throw both the IOC and the jiminto into the closest trash compactor.
Bruce Chatwin
Coates' sordid history of corruption is emblematic of the rot that is at the heart of the IOC.
Cancel the Tokyo Olympics.
Actually, 2-3 days to 24 days in human incubation and transmission and up to 72 hours on surfaces, unless stored in cool dark spaces, up to 14 days.
Incorrect. Under the contract, if the Olympics is postponed twice, or cancelled on the second time, the host country must pay (using our tax money) full compensation to the IOC, all major international sponsors and American companies who hold copyright rights for the media transmission. They can also demand compensation for expenses.
we are not talking about peanuts here.
Thee some old men who are totally not in sync with reality, not just in Japan but also Australia.
This idiot should not be telling Japanese people how to run their lives. Japanese people's health and safety comes first before any games.
The athletes and countries with low chances for medals should boycott !
This way they will get medals for altruism and also TV time.
Bruce Chatwin
A big thanks to the chuckleheads who agreed to those conditions. I wonder what motivated them to agree to the conditions.
Christopher Glen
While I believe that Covid 19 has been criminally overplayed by the media, clearly holding the Olympics now would make them the most dull in history.
Perhsps even damaging their legacy permanently.
A compassionate and truly well-meaning IOC would reply:
"We'll help support Japan to adjust to this very difficult and unusual situation by allowing for a reasonable postponement of these Olympic Games until next year or, if necessary, two years. We'd also like to accommodate the timing of the Olympics to fall on a month that will not be so excruciatingly hot and humid for fans and athletes alike thus avoiding unnecessary heat strokes and/or deaths. We wish for the best, enjoyable and safe running of the Games that the whole world can enjoy"
Texas A&M Aggie
Bravo, VP Coates. Never saw a need to cancel the Olympics. After more than a year, a little over 10,000 Covid-19 related deaths out of a population of over 130 million Japanese. Overall, the mortality rate is miniscule. More importantly, it would be devastating to those young athletes around the globe who have trained so hard to be shutdown like that. VP Coates is correct to proceed with the Olympics for the sake of the children.
Doesn’t matter the cost, doesn’t matter the deaths that result, we want our money.
history is not going to judge any of these people well. Sadly, that doesn’t help us now. Don’t forget this in the next election, people. I guarantee once the Olympics end we are going to get SLAMMED taxes and “shouganai”s, and suddenly they’ll start talking about serious lockdowns, far too late, as the systems around us still standing collapse (medical, welfare, etc.).
Have the Olympics don’t have the Olympics I couldn’t care less. But Simian don’t give us the symbol of hope crap. It’s only about the money. It has never been about honoring past distaste victims. Like others I will show zero interest in this disgraceful arrogance
Happy Day
Propaganda and fear will not cancel the Olympics.
If someone can provide a scientific reason, then maybe cancellation would be a possibility.
Until then, it makes for good headlines.
When I saw this, I thought of that knight in Monty python's holy grail.
Just a flesh wound!! It won't stop me.
Just a pandemic but our sports junket is more important.
It’s all about power and money…the IOC could care less about the Covid 19 pandemic, the health and safety of the Japanese citizen or the chance of various infections brought in by foreign athlete's and their staff.
Coates extremely arrogant and disrespectful comment is the true face of this cash generating organization the IOC!
Thomas Tank
There is plenty that could stop the games.
Japanese government says no games.
Japanese gov. blocks travelers from overseas - or just athletes.
Tokyo Fire Dept declares buildings unsafe. (or whatever dept. is in charge of that.)
Enough volunteers quit.
Tom Young
God cannot sink this ship. Sounds like a challenge, doesn't it?
What he realy means is
"Nothing will stop the IOC lining its' pockets for another Olympic cycle. Too many bribes and kickbacks have been paid for this not to go ahead now"
Sort of yes and no.
As far as most can figure out.
If Tokyo requests the IOC to cancel and the IOC agrees, then no compensation is paid out by either side, and Media/sponsors get nothing and has no legal recourse.
But if the IOC accepts cancelling then the cancellation insurance does not pay the IOC or anyone.
If Tokyo requests and the IOC rejects cancellation and Tokyo unilaterally cancels then the IOC gets it's insurance money, the sponsors/media will then have the legal right to demand compensation from Tokyo, no actual obligation to compensate is in the contract but if Tokyo refuses the sponsors, media etc...( Not the IOC) can pursue legal action.
So actually the only way Tokyo doesn't have to pay us if the IOC is the one to formally cancel, no way they will as they will not get the insurance money and the sponsors will not get compensation and that means fewer will be willing to risk sponsoring future games.
It is now a game of chicken will Tokyo give in first and the IOC gets all the money and Tokyo pays the bill or will some form of international pressure force the IOC to give in and no one get paid compensation.
Coates is as corrupt as they come. Just witness how he has engineered Brisbane 2032 without even a vote
It could be the most televised event in history, so there’s definitely money to be made somewhere.
Check his Bank account and where all his income coming from.
We'd also like to accommodate the timing of the Olympics to fall on a month that will not be so excruciatingly hot and humid for fans and athletes alike thus avoiding unnecessary heat strokes and/or deaths.
Precisely! When rescheduling the games from last year, they chose exactly the same two, most brutal weeks in Japan - the last week of July and the first week of August. When the Olympics are eventually rescheduled, maybe they can reconsider this...
Michael Machida
"Nothing can stop Tokyo Olympics from going ahead: IOC's Coates"
OK. Everyone. Take a screen shot of this and let's all remember what he said and is inciting.
Where's the vax?
John Coates to get $475k from AOC despite 20 per cent pay cut
Such a nice man! He is so nice to accept a paycut! Not! This guy is TRASH!
Just give "john Coates" more time to make it worse. I am sure he will blame Japan after the Olympics are canceled.
Does this mean the IOC knew in June 2020 that there would be 400,000 new cases a day in India, that "lockdown" in Tokyo would mean some restaurants closing at 8pm, and that there would be 20 million doses of vaccine in Japan sitting in freezers with no-one administering them?
That is better than Nostradamus.
Oh my GOD! This isnt a promise coates & the IOC are THREATENING us now.......insane!
Alfie Noakes
Yes, it's truly astonishing. Will the people of Queensland be allowed a referendum to decide for themselves?
It was the FBI in New York who "turned" corrupt American soccer supremo Chuck Blazer and brought about the eventual downfall of Sepp Blatter and his cronies at FIFA. Where are the equivalent to the FBI now? It's time the tsunami of corruption around the Olympics was stopped once and for all.
Texas A&M Aggie
Japan lobbied very, very hard to host the Olympics. They wanted it. Time to finish the job.
A Canadian
Although I like the Olympics and usually watch them, I do not agree with putting my fellow citizens at risk and removing hundreds of nurses and other healthcare workers away from their regular jobs to support the games for the sake of money so I will #BoycottTokyoOlympics this year.
Bobo Chan
Sieg Heil IOC
Hope you are going to take responsibility for all the damage you will be doing to the people in Japan as well as the athletes. The IOC has peverted the spirit of the Olympics with business coming first not to mention the personal enrichment of officials. Amazing that nobody in the IOC has the conscience to publicly protest the decision.
Doing everything possible except vaccinating it's own people.
Israel is not hosting the Olympics, yet they have a 62% vaccination rate.
Chile is not hosting the Olympics, yet they have a 44% vaccination rate.
Japan IS hosting the Olympics and has a vastly superior economic power than those two combined, and yet, they have a vaccination rate of 2.4%, it kinda makes you wonder why.
"This is about as arrogant as you can get!" Agree completely. It is also as desperate as you can get.
This will go down in history as the most shameful Olympics ever.
@A Canadian
Why not also contact your family in Canada and politicians there to pressure Canada to not send it Olympic team. ( I have/am).
How is it Canada is under lockdown and restrictions but the government is still planning on sending it Olympic team.
I am not just singling out Canada, all here that agree the Olympics should be cancelled need to get their respective governments, media, family friends to point out what is the situation and get their countries to pull out of the games.
If enough pull out the IOC will have no choice but to cancel.
Donald Seekins
Are Prime Minister Suga and his bureaucratic-political cronies traitors to Japan? This question needs to be asked. Henpecked by the super arrogant officials of the International Olympic Committee, Bach and Coates, they have descended to the low road of holding the big event in the middle of a pandemic. And holding it no matter what the impact is on Japan's 126 million people. How can the reception of as many as 80,000 people from overseas (athletes, officials, trainers, doctors, nurses, et al.) NOT endanger the local population with vaccination rates so slow and new variants of coronavirus popping up all the time?
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Okay, It's time to start putting pressure on the athletes themselves to cancel this. Let them know that we will not only NOT be cheering for them or watching them, but that also history will hold them accountable for playing their part in forcing this unwanted event on millions of unwilling people and spreading death and disease for corporate interests.
I'm already part of a campaign to put pressure on US athletes to boycott this, suggest other posters do the same with their respecitve countries' athletes.
Don't be arrogant, because arrogance kills curiosity and passion. ...
A Canadian
I have!!! Also, I've written to Trudeau and Tricia Smith ( and others. I'm proud that Canada was among the first to pull out of the Olympics last year and I hope my country does the same this year. As a resident of Tokyo, I don't want the citizens of my adopted country put at risk for money.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
That's a start, but don't leave it that: go right for the Achilles Heel in all this, the athletes themselves. Most of them have Twitter accounts where you can make your feelings (respectfully) known. If enough people do this, many of the athletes will not want to go.
@A Canadian.
Great try doing on CBC and CTV sites but be ready for CBC to remove as they hold the broadcasting rights.
I do and people are genuinely surprised at the information and what is going on CBC is virtually silent on what the situation is in Japan.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
It's really just a mass coordinated Twitter campaign. Let the athletes know how immoral this all this and how they will be willing accessories to it if they come.
@AntiqueSaving @ACanadian
Yes. Doing the same with French authorities, including embassing in Japan. However, France being in line for the next Games, I doubt they will be in the first to pull out.
BTW, didn't Biden say right after his election that the decision to hold the Games or not should be science-based? He should be reminded about this and the Bristish Medical Journal paper.
Nothing? Seriously!? Not even death can stop the money machine. I've lost all interest in any Olympic anything
They want money now because most are retiring next year.
India thought they were in the clear as well.
Hubris. It has consequences.
This is such an awful situation now and but nothing short of a revolution in Japan is going to stop these old gits going ahead with their stupid olympics. Or of course the promised for years big Tokyo earthquake. Please someone somewhere throw all these so called "leaders" out of power and into prison for crimes against the state.
What an arrogant man and what a ridiculous thing to say.
Richard Gallagher
Coates. Arrogant. Ignorant. And stupid. The powers-that-be insist on holding the Olympics during a pandemic and it is a reflection of deep corruption in government.
The Olympics are of little personal; interest. It's a slew of professional athletes in the employ of large corporate interests that are 'scientifically' trained and as need be their 'biochemistry' is artificially altered to win in violation of established rules. Many of the sports are not 'clean' and employ drug regimes, to insure success from the starting line.
It is a spectacle that nary reflects the propaganda that enshrouds varying athletic contests. In the USA, when the Olympics was genuinely amateur sport, you might have ended-up on a box of Wheaties. Now, you are awarded with a small fortune, if a gold medalist in a marquee sport. Key players in a sport such as USA basketball are already a multimillionaires.
There are sports whose athletes operate in a state of neglect and are allowed to shine at the Olympics. However, that number has been steadily diminishing as the influx of money & marketing dominates the games.
It is, to begin with, a farce and completely divorced from the once amateur games, which were interesting.
Coates, an arrogant, old man whose ego clouds his ability to make rational decisions and has the power to impose what is more akin to a circus, than a series of athletic events, on a sovereign nation whose citizens are opposed to holding a super-spreader event during a pandemic - reinforces the notion the Olympics should be cancelled.
If, Prime minister Suga is so beholden to Coates aka under his thumb, that an independent decision by the government of Japan to cancel the games is not possible - Suga should be removed from office.
As a historical reflection: In 1980 Coates was at the heart of the controversy as to whether Australia should boycott the Summer Games in Moscow. He was adamant that, as one of the two countries that had participated at every games, Australia's sporting bodies should not bow to political pressure to boycott, but rather should indeed send a team to Moscow.
We have yet to hear a scientist declare the Games will be safe and secure. So far, only politicians and business men have said that.
"He tested okay before he left Tunisia, tested okay on arrival then three days later tested positive," he said. "But the system worked and he was taken out of his team, the competition, and no one else tested positive. Sorry for him, but that was a very good experience (for organizers)."
Can we surmise that the individual got the disease in Japan and not Tunisia.? He was okay for three days after arrival and then tested positive.
Would it have better if he had not left Tunisia?
What a selfish IOC moron!!! And, totally speechless. This man, sorry, not even a man as he has no backbone, is just as clueless.
Can people please stop being so negative. These games mean so much to so many and they provide hope to the world after. Covid. Life has to go on, we can’t all bunker down and live like hermits forever.
Adequate precautions are being taken to ensure safety for all.
if you don’t like it don’t watch, please don’t try to end these young people and their families dreams over irrational fears
Haaa Nemui
Usually I'm an avid Olympics fan, but the Olympics are as much about showing off the host nation as they are for the athletes. Spectator-less, these Olympics are going to be the most dour in history. It will not be a success for anybody except the IOC lining their pockets, as others have already said. Nothing good will come of this. And the IOC position on holding the 2022 games in Beijing has totally put me off the Olympics. I never really cared much for the politics of it before, but it's disgusting what is going on with these guys.
And is he being taken care of... who is responsible for that? I'm sure the IOC are wiping their hands of this and will be when (there is no "if") there are problems as a result of going ahead as planned with the games. Continuing with this is moronic at best.
Did he explain that risk? I do not see it. The athletes are young and healthy, and there will be practically no visitors. Most of the show this time will be on TV only. So what risk?
Tokyo Yokohama
Does this mean that Xi Jinping will host the global recovery games as the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022?
Maria 'Bing' Velasquez Reid
IOC should cancel even if it means they will not get reimbursed by the Insurance. They are waiting fir the host to cancel so they could get Insurance money back. And that means insurers might lose business. I read ghat somewhere
To be honest I don't see how properly socially distanced events will be much worse than the packed commuter trains in Tokyo, which run every day in all directions because "it cannnot be helped".
Tosser! I hope he’s proved wrong.
How will Japan vaccinate athletes when they can't even vaccinate their own people? Ha
Ai Wonder
A huge earthquake would. And Japan is extremely earthquake prone.
This self entitled behavior of the IOC is going to destroy Olympics. There are VERY few countries not that are prepared to host the games! Only China, Japan, and Russia are because they seem to think that it will somehow make them superior. And I hope after this disastrous, extremely expensive and dangerous Olympics, Japan will never again desire to host one! And should this Olympics if they really do go ahead, create a super cluster and overwhelm Japan's medical system that this government, JOC, and IOC are permanently removed from power for endangering the lives of millions of people!!!
Totally irresponsible and totally disrespectful of the wishes of the Japanese people. very selfish and totally do not care about the safety of the Japanese people. Therefore, it is true. This is all about just profits. Very sad.
WHY does this irresponsible man has the power and rights to decide for Japan and the responsible Japanese people???.
The same arrogance was shown by the Indian political leaders when they decided to go ahead with the Kumbh Mela (biggest religious gathering on the planet) and election rallies last month instead of focusing on controlling the spread of Covid in the country. It turned into a tragic disaster. More than 1 million people would be losing their lives (even with the under-reported numbers) in India before the second wave subsides.
They had to cancel the IPL cricket tournament in India mid-way even though being the richest cricket Board they had put up the best possible "bio-secure bubbles" for the 200 odd players. Now imagine trying to organize the Olympics for 10,000+ athletes and 50,000+ officials, media resources and volunteers who would be arriving from 200+ countries.
I hate to say it, but IOC has prioritised money over the wellbeing and lives of people. Very very sad.
Brian Wheway
John Coates was adamant Saturday that nothing could stop the Tokyo Olympics from going ahead, and what will happen if a large amount of atherleats dont participate? they might have helth fears! I am sorry to say this olympics will go down in history as the worst of all time.
As you say like a parrot against the realities of this country .
What about the situation of July ?
nothing to change your policy in arrogant way of thinking even much the new Covid variants rampant !!
Great confidence you’ve got strongly !!
"If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through."
Working on safety measures for the latter end of July onwards is all well and good, but how about a few safety measures and adequate precautions to put a cap on this fourth wave NOW?
Not only Tokyo residents. How many of those Olympic-related visitors, athletes, coaches and hangers-on, are going to pick up some variant while they are here, and take it home to bestow on the folks back home, who had more sense than to attend a global super-spreader?
The point is that it's invisible, you can't see it. People with no symptoms, people who look really fit and healthy, can spread the virus to people who are not so fit or healthy, or who have committed the crime of being past middle age.
Be very, very, very careful what you wish for.
Bjorn Tomention
For these people showing their complete arrogance and disregard for everyone else, everyone in this country should absolutely make it their goal to stop these damn games. Make it impossible to hold them , time the people of Japan united and showed their spirit!
Best to get it over and done with.
COVID, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, war,
Nothing will stop us !
John Noun
An absolute bellpiece
United by corruption more like!
All it takes is the right choice of words and good timing to foil these games from happening anytime soon in Japan.
It's ok for him. It's not his country. He's just going to wait for the Japanese side to give up (if they do).
Typical, I wish these pathetic political bureaucrats would go somewhere, forget the Olympics, they’re going to lose so much money either way, put pride and money aside for once, at this point you’re not even going to get people to watch the games.
Wow, totally in shock at all these selfish comments here. These athletes wearing for years, decades even for this opportunity and you wish to deny them this? More ridiculous comments like this will cause chaos such as in India. What planet are some of you people on? I’m out and about in Osaka today, life is as normal. Yet these athletes will be sheltered from the public and constantly tested.
A sportsman friend said the other day that he hoped that this would be the end of the Olympics. I agree with him. Coates and his gang are as utterly corrupt as an organised crime syndicate.
Wow tha Kisatens near my place worked for decades, so did the Izakaya, every mom and pop store that are now closed, bankrupt , lost everything due to this mess.
My aunt's worked their whole lives to afford a comfortable retirement but what they got was covid and death as have millions and we should care about a small bunch of mostly privileged youth that will be vaccinated before everyone.
Not me I don't have any sympathy unless they and the IOC, governments want to pay all my bills and that of the rest of us who's business are not able to survive much longer or pay for our families.
'Nothing can stop the Olympics going ahead.'
I think we 're reading this in the wrong tone? If the IOC were dictating he would have said 'Nothing will stop the Olympics'.
I think what Coates is saying when he mentions this is what Suga told Biden is that the Japanese Government are not the ones who are in control of Japan's fate. They are powerless to stop the event because the bribes, pay-offs and favors have all been dished out.
The LDP sold themselves and Japan's health out to the highest bidder, and now are powerless.
This will be the ultimate 'Emperor has No Clothes' event, except quite literally nobody will be watching or paying attention to see them strutting around in the buff.
We know already that few visitors will be present at the events, but where do you get the idea from that nobody is going to watch them on TV? Are you suggesting that people have suddenly lost interest?
I want to watch the Karate and Bouldering competitions in particular, others have other interests.
How about the 10,000 local workers, the others that will have to deal with those staying here gathering in large numbers.
Now unless those 10,000 live alone in isolation they will be in contact with at least 3 other not working the games, who will be out in public for at least the minimum shopping,etc.. for the essentials of daily life.
Now start doing the math of how many unprotected contacts that will end up.
Remember being vaccinated protects the person vaccinated from getting seriously ill but does not mean they cannot catch covid or spread it and as we clearly know very few Japanese will be vaccinated other than the lucky elite athletes.
So now you know the risks.
International Olympic Committee Vice President John Coates, believes whole heartedly in his own conceited self-importance.
Coates inadvertent foolish outburst could have set the stage for a total drains up reform of the structure and continued hosting of future, at least morally of the entire Olympic Games ethos.
The IOC/John Coates over inflated ego, opinion, displays a mislead ignorance of the fact, ultimately staring a nation in the face.
Coates is in effect advocating contractual obligation over the lives of the most venerable in Japan society!!
For a few dollars more!
Lee van Coates better beware, Clint Eastwood is on your case, don't believe for one moment the people of japan will not, for one moment turn this whole sorrow saga into a noodle eastern.
Yes I read your comments, very peculiar train of thought. I can’t imagine how you think this event is so dangerous compared to say people on their daily commutes in packed trains.
Well, not that I'm going to watch any of it, but get ready for the biggest, most expensive dog and pony show in history.
Well then we both can't imagine the other's thinking.
Because I cannot imagine taking medical advice for non medical persons with a financial interest in something over the overwhelming medical advice from nearly ever corner of the world!
And basically that is what people taking the IOC's word are doing, I hope next time people that believe the IOC over doctors get sick, that they go to their financial advisor to get medical treatment, and see how well bthat goes.
My daughter had a fairly serious leg injury a few years back.
She still sees a doctor for it.
He is one of the doctors that takes care of players from several of Japan's pro Soccer team and was one of the doctors for Japan's National soccer team.
He is now semi retired.
He was recently approach to help with the Olympics.
He refused calling it a totally unnecessary health risk during a pandemic.
When my daughter has to go to his clinic for treatment, she and the rest must wait outside the building until they are called, this is an orthopedic clinic, so if they are not taking any risks why is the IOC?
My point was that there won´t be any crowds gathering in large numbers. We know already there will be few visitors, and the Japanese audience is, as you know, thoroughly masked and extremely compliant.
Do you get your medical advice from your financial advisor or your doctor?
I am not being mean, I am seriously asking.
Because not a single medical association is backing the Olympics at this time and most have come out clearly in opposition to holding them.
So business people with a vested interest in the games claim they will be safe, medical professionals say no it is a highly risky things to have.
It is simple medical advice from a doctor or from a stockbroker.
You choose!
Still think they should be cancelled - but kept saying it all last week to a deluge of downvotes. The Olympics will take place. Too much cash at stake for so many. Nobody even stops to think about how much NBC pay for the rights to televise the Games and sell them on to every other broadcaster. Just as ONE example.
Get everybody involved vaccinated, starting now - Keep them in a bubble. It's not like they are taking Japans vaccines! Nobody seems to have access to them unless you are 100 years old and lucky to get one of 10 appointments a day.
A lot of anger here, but more bark than bite I think.
Yes I have and pointed out why the IOC even if asked by Tokyo will refuse to cancel.
Under the contract if the IOC cancels no compensation is paid to anyone not even the broadcasting companies.
So the broadcasters will be have lost everything they paid.
For the IOC this would be bad as after that no broadcasting company will ever again take the risk on the Olympics.
But if Tokyo unilaterally cancels then Tokyo will be responsible to compensate the broadcasting companies and sponsors.
This is now the game of chicken the IOC and JOC are playing.
Bruce Chatwin
Translation: "We're doing it so we can fill our pockets."
Bruce Chatwin
The Olympics are an option; a luxury.
Going to work is a necessity for everyone I know.
@Bruce Chatwin
Normality must never be considered a luxury. That’s why life must go on, including sporting events loved by millions around the globe. Anything else can slowly turn into oppression and tyranny.
Bjorn Tomention
? Lets prove this arrogant ace ole wrong, lets stop these damn games and show these over entitled ones the reality that people matter and these fools egos do not !
Rise up lets get a NO olympics movement happening in Tokyo wreck their dream
I am normally a person who believes you should never say never. But if the IOC and the Japanese government are so determined to go forward that a global crisis like a worsening pandemic doesn’t cause them to question the idea of pressing forward with the Games, Coates is probably right. These Olympics are going to happen come hell or high water.
Profits over people
Nothing more dangerous that a rich maniac. Stop the Olympics. It is unfortunately the right thing to do in a pandemic.
The Olympic slogan says it all: "United by Emotion." That's right. Not common sense or logic. Emotion. Insane emotion. That is all.
TheResident: "It's not like they are taking Japans vaccines!"
Japanese athletes will be, or rather, they would be vaccines that could otherwise go to people who should ACTUALLY be prioritized. That's but ONE example of why you're being short-sighted, and downvoted as a result.
It is not that black and white. Firstly, not all medical people agree on the policy measures like lockdowns, and secondly, this is a question of risk management. You can not simply ignore all factors and just make it a single issue.
Should have waited until 2024. Instead of this mess and frustration.
It will already be the middle of 2021 before the games start. Next year you have the winter Olympics. Too close to each other in my opinion.
There is no need for all the fear and hysteria, all around the world sports activities have resumed, including Soccer, American football, basketball, tennis, hockey, etc.
Japan has a very low rate of covid compared to other industrialized countries , and as long as common sense protocols are followed, there is no need to worry!
Just stay home and enjoy the world's best athletes perform on television, and there will absolutely no risk to anyone.
Actually it is that black and white.
Don't try confusing lockdown with holding a major international event.
As simple as this, no medical association is in favour of the Olympics being held.
Not Japan not Canada not France, the UK etc... All the major medical associations have come out saying the games should be cancelled.
Non have said the games should be held.
Japan's own medical association has said the games should be cancelled and the Joc and IOC ignored them.
So who is better qualified to make what is essentially a medical decisions the doctors or business people?
I vote doctors and they say cancel the games.
One wonders just how tone-deaf the IOC can get.
They can't give back all the bribe money because they have spent it. No choice but to go on.
Coates says opposition will wane when vaccines are rolled out.
Hey Coates: If you had any reading comprehension skills or intelligence you would realize that the vaccines for the general population will not start until September.
Talk to my in laws who will receive their first in June and second in July (if all goes well).
Boku Dayo
Oh, does he say?
I had forgotten about this other "megalomaniac".
A major international event that that is mostly outdoors, with very few international visitors.
"Medical associations" have their own motivations. Besides, I doubt that you have checked every "medical association" out there.
And you can bet that the China Olympics will take place, no matter what. When Xi Jiping decides they take place, they will, without annoying opposition.
Bruce Chatwin
@ false flag steve
Funnily enough, in a bizarre quirk of history, the 1940 Olympics were cancelled. Where were the 1940 Olympics to be held? In Tokyo. Why were they cancelled? Something about oppression and tyranny.
Mark Andrews
Coates and the IOC are so full of themselves ... Shame on you for holding Japan to ransom....
The people of Japan must not be unduly influenced by a few loud dissidents and hysterical fear mongers.
Most likely these protests are backed by enemies who envy Japan's prestige and seek to cause loss of face.
Japan will host an Olympics that will be second to none, with all the class and dignity for which the Japanese people are known .
Don't let a few paranoid naysayers disparage the display of international friendship and Olympic ideals, just ignore these disgruntled rabble-rousers and let the games begin!
Nothing short of a baffoon! Just after his own interest.
Well, second to none I don´t know. It will be a pretty quiet and unusual affair, with no visitors and half-empty arenas. But I am glad Japan goes ahead and does fall in line with the hysterial Corona panic.
The IOC and the Olympics is about as has-been as the Golden Globes and Hollywood....
Suga is showing he's clueless by passing the buck onto the IOC... WHOSE COUNTRY IS IT ?????
Back in the olden days, as people sat around on stone steps watching men slather olive oil all over themselves and wrestle naked, I doubt anyone was thinking,
"One day, all of this will be run by a global cartel that goes around extorting billions of dollars from countries that probably can't really afford it every couple years."
What may stop it is disease and death.
The mother of all super spreader events a mere 2 months away. There goes hope for an economic recovery in 2021.