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tokyo 2020 olympics

Coates says Tokyo Games face 'real problems' due to COVID-19


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Oh you don"t say!? Color me surprised. Wish I pulled Coates salary for stating the obvious.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

He's really implying the Games are off.But most people know that here and abroad,barring a vaccine pronto.

No, he is not. There is a better than decent chance Tokyo/Sapporo 2021 can be held, if the venues, incoming athletes and Olympic village are properly quarantined, testing is conducted rigorously, etc. Incoming fans from overseas will likely be absent. A scaled down Games would clearly be the way forward.

The IOC have over a year to learn from other professional sports competitions that are taking place right now in some places.

Extreme caution is required, but there is no need to be super negative. Of course, all sports everywhere could be brought undone by all the "open everything up now" halfwits.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

This thing may have to be cancelled altogether. Too bad for Tokyo and Japan.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Seems to me that it would be a straightforward matter of requiring certification of a negative test in countries of origin 14-21 days prior to departure followed by self-isolation, then re-testing upon arrival. Any resulting exclusions would be on an individual athlete basis. No different than requiring certain vaccinations for travel.

They need to make every effort to figure this out as there will be no more extensions. Massive bankruptcies are on the horizon for multiple industries if Japan cannot recoup some gain from the games.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I think that 2021 is too soon to pull off without a vaccine, and of course they don't want to have them in 2022, because there is a winter Games and a World Cup, so why don't they right now say that the 2024 Games will be in Tokyo, and 2028 will be Paris. That gives Tokyo three years to build a new Olympic village, sell the ones they have now, and everybody is happy. If seems to be the only fare way!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Im so happy to see the Olympics being screwed. We don't need these events anymore.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This thing may have to be cancelled altogether. Too bad for Tokyo and Japan.

Actually it would be too bad for athletes and fans from around the world.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I think the Olympic committees are gearing up for a cancelation. Both Coates and Bach have mentioned it and even Abe has vowed 2021 or Never!

If it were possible, I’d like to see the athletes compete somewhere - possibly without an audience or the razzmatazz show that surrounds them.

Perhaps the runners could meet in Australia or New Zealand while the gymnasts could go to Sweden. The marathon runners to Sapporo, of course. Other sports, other places.

Keep the number of people to a minimum: athletes, coaches, and referees only.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Seems to me that it would be a straightforward matter of requiring certification of a negative test in countries of origin 14-21 days prior to departure followed by self-isolation, then re-testing upon arrival. 

Are you serious? You are prepared to trust some thirld world country to do a proper test!!!???

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think they are preparing for a cancellation. These messages wil be drip fed out to the media over the coming months and when the announcement comes, people will be already over it.

Just hope they refund the tickets.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I say there is a less than 50% chance they will go on, it is proving more difficult to deal with the many issues about postponement

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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