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© KYODOAlcohol allowed but no condom distribution in Tokyo Olympic village
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Well, the Japanese always like to do things their own way, and to heck with the rest of the world.
And usually, the Japanese way makes no sense whatsoever.
“Thank you for participating. Here are your condoms.”
I know it’s the rainy season, but this? It’s raining stupidity. So you can get drunk, presumably have unprotected sex... but no cheers, no exuberant moves, just get drunk have sex and get out of the country. Just when you think the organisers can’t possibly be more stupid....they wonderfully surprise me.
The Nomad
What's the point of handing out condoms on departure? Are they gonna have sex with the other athletes in their own country? The whole point is to prevent STDs here when they are all together and have a moment of.... you know what!
How can you possibly have an athlete bubble without a lubricants rubber shell. Seems an obtuse decision.
jiji Xx
.....and all the athletes will definitely stay in their own cel, oh, I mean rooms, um, that's recyclable rooms, drinking quietly.... dreaming of all the safe sex they'll be able to have once they get home..... I think these Games must be being 'organized' by Brian Rix. (for non Brits-of-certain-age, there's a wiki page).
So that they can screw like rabbits on the plane back, we don't want any of that hanky panky going on in Japan....
So let me get this straight. Japan is going to let in thousands of the fittest people on the planet in their peak hormonal years, most likely in a state of sexual deprivation due to training, it’s going to provide them alcohol to reduce their inhibitions, but no condoms in the hopes that they will say “oh dear. Too bad. I guess no sex.”?
This is without a doubt the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while.
Looks like the cleaners will have a lot of mess to clean up then.
There is another 100 pages added to volume 6 of the official Tokyo Olympic play book. Have fun, don’t have fun and don’t show you had fun...go home. Volume 7, 8, 9 are currently in meetings stage.
As long as they drink alone and only between 5 and 7pm like the rest of us... Seriously, you can't make it up.
I'm rather concerned that they haven't banned hugging. An awful lot of hugging goes on at sports events. The Euros have had repeated instances of group hugging with little sign of policing in evidence. Banning condoms only covers those who celebrate wholeheartedly. For those whose celebrations are more modest, dangerous amounts of hugging may take place if it is not formally banned.
If all participants were requested to wear large, inflated rubber rings, it would be difficult for them to hug. This is a simple and cheap way of maintaining social distancing and could be rolled out globally after the Olympics.
At least the government has not engaged in an official campaign warning Japanese women from being captured by the lady-first etiquette of foreign men — like the government did prior to the 1964 Olympics.
When you thought that the organizers have reached the peak of idiocy, they save a gem like this for you.
Absolutely no sense was made in this. For japan it makes perfect sense, but in the real world, no.
So the athletes will just have to bring their own condoms. Take THAT japan
They do realize that folks CAN and WILL bring their own condoms and not be dependent on free condoms to be distributed - not sure if airport customs is going to seize any condoms from any athletes entering Japan for olympics.... How are they going to control people frolicking/enjoying themselves - with or without condoms???
Don't worry. I'm on birth control. Here. Have another beer.
Thousands of young, fit, people at their physical peaks in community housing and you think lack of condoms will stop the sex? Ha!
Everyone is looking for a little "strange" at these events. What happens in Japan, stays in Japan. ;)
Just setup condom vending machines.
The problem here is more what image want to give Japan in the face of the public, its domestic public. Beyond the thousands of love hotels and massage parlors, Japan likes to give an image of pure and perfect country. For that reason. Japan does not want to be seen as promoting a sex village. In a way, just hiding from the reality, not facing issues and avoiding responsibilities.
Wasn't this Olympics to showcase itself as eco-friendly?
The backdrop looks very depressing. No greenery anywhere - vertical green walls, living roofs, soft core surfaces to absorb and release water and lower temperature ... trees!?
Depressing unimaginative urban development.
When all athletes will drink in the common space, who will intervene to ask them to go back to their rooms. The 80 years old Japanese guard.
The village is like a private community, so I do imagine the JOC or locals being able to strictly enforce any rules. It will mostly depend on how much the national teams staff do educate their athletes.
That photo is a microcosm of why there is zero confidence in the sensibility of the Japanese. Look at those two. Unsure as heck of their own agenda is what it looks like. Body language, clothing and the depressive nature of the empty location screams uncertainty. These are not confident people, in fact, look like prisoners told to pose and say what they're told or they'll be executed.
As is the case of Japanese work culture, these two probably have questions in their hearts, but for their job, they will go against their own will and brainwash themselves into believing it's all good.
Well that[s one way to help raise the decreasing baby birth rate! I see what you did there. Trynna make people set some olympic records in their rooms, huh! I see you, organization committee!
Oh .. they are going bareback in the village ? Cool
Who comes up with these ideas?
So we're going to have thousands of young people with no where to go, plenty of booze and no condoms?
Have they never been to a university campus?
Expect an athlete baby boom 10 months from now, and a huge increase in world record breaking during the 2040-2048 Olympics!
Perfect picture for the no-fun Olympics.
If I had been asked to take a picture discouraging athletes to come to Tokyo, I would have gone with something like that.
The only other country that I travel to that comes close to the weird, seemingly stupid approach to the pandemic is the Philippines, where everything is just a little screwed up. However, Japan is trying it's best to look like complete idiots to the rest of the world...and they're succeeding. I will go to an outside restaurant in Yokohama tonight because we can finally have a beer. I'm not sure what banning alcohol has with stopping COVID but Kanagawa officials must know something I don't. In any case, rich Japan continues to act like a 3rd world country with minimal efforts to vaccinate the population. What is the reason for this, oh great octogenarians who run this country? Japan is rich. Why didn't they book vaccine for everyone when they had a chance, especially if they were planning on an Olympic summer? Well, never mind. Pass out those condoms to the visitors on the way out. Why not give them a Y500 drink coupon as they exit the airport? Makes as much sense as everything else they've done to date.
These guys are just making it up as they go along, waiting until the absolute last moment for decision.
I'll make it simple for you. Cancel the Olympics. All problems solved. You're welcome.
This decision is idiotic, as they think athletes will have sex if they have free condoms and will not if they don't.
Also, these people said there would be no unnecessary contact between people taking part in the Games, and yet for this cringeworthy photo op they do a fist bump that is unnecessary and awkward.
Make athletes full of testosterone and women in their prime breeding years…add booze…what could go wrong?
Looks like it has become a stupid tradition IOC forces host city to follow.
No sex please we are Japanese, we only like to play with rubber dolls and plastic figurets and drool over girls at Maid Cafes...
Athletes can stop by the condom shop right after they pick up their favorite alcoholic beverage. Perhaps they could pack a few dozen boxes back in their home country before leaving. Leather, chains, toys? There are plenty of opportunities to pick up some cosplay role playing outfits. Love hotels are well stocked with condoms and other needed accessories. I think the Olympic Committee should keep its eye on the covid ball. You sell the athletes short when you assume they cannot be responsible for their own health.
Really? No condoms means no Sex? or they will put GPS as well? not sure on the logic and rational on the decision. If this is due to COVID-19 then alcohol goes in the same way. Athletes are adults - well most of them but the safety and AIDS risks prevention are still important where usage of condoms is highly advised for good! People will have sex either way ...
Alcohol but no condoms is the worst combination possible. Get drunk, get a disease, get pregnant. Need I say more?
From the other news "Japanese condom makers fear anticlimax at Olympics"
I can hear both KYODO and JT are laughing away
It's Japan, nobody cares about condoms anyway.
This is Hilarious!!
'Thanks for coming,
enjoy that weird new strain of Covid you got...
Oh, and here's a handful of condoms!'
Yeah, that's not how that works!
Might as well distribute sleeping pills
Don't worry a source I have said he had been placing condoms in a basket in each room, this is just J-Gov lying to appease the nations who questioned the wisdom of handing out condoms and promoting a shag all olympics,. come on guys you know this is the money grab lypics.
I understand the logic of the TOC, but this is a good example of where ‘logic’, which Japan often uses to get around making difficult decisions, doesn’t make sense.
The logic is - ‘We’ve told them to be in bubbles and have no contact with each other, therefore condoms are literally not necessary. We can’t break the contract we made in 2018 with the condom makers, so we’ll just hand them out on departure’.
The reality is - You aren’t going to be able to enforce these bubbles in the athletes village and athletes are going to be mingling, socialising, drinking, and bed hopping regardless.
Therefore providing condoms is just a socially responsible thing to do.
My background is in public health policy.
The BASIC rule is, "make the healthy choice the easy choice".
People are going to have sex. And now they've made healthy, the hard choice.
Giving the condoms after the games is nothing but the Japanese hoping to hear, "wow Japan condoms good. Gaikoku bad. Nippon banzai".
As always pathetic.
Peter Neil
It's become a tradition that started at the 1988 South Korea Olympics. AIDS was in the headlines then and it was a PR gimmick to make people more aware of the dangers of HIV/AIDS.
The Koreans did it . . .
In a country with a declining birth rate , in a country whose leadership exhibits the detrimental characteristics of inbreeding, it is obvious that this decision has been made solely to enrich the national gene pool.
“So what did you bring home from Japan?”
”Some Hello Kitty stickers, free condoms, and oh, an STD.”
Now that I have seen inside one of the rooms - I would be too embarrassed to pose outside. Cardboard should be used for disasters - oh wait - it will be a disaster
Too little, too latex
Someone ought to tell them that this means foreigners might therefore have unprotected sex with some Japanese, too. Might scare them enough to realize the stupidity of what they are doing.
Storm in a teacup.
If the athletes are planning on having sex, shouldn't we credit them with the responsibility to make sure for themselves that they are properly protected? Treat them as the adults they claim to be.
If they all go home with STDs and unplanned babies, it's not the fault of the IOC, the JOC, the TOC or the Japanese government.
Now, going home with the deadly virulent Olympic variant, and passing it on to friends, family and casual acquaintances back home....the bozos who decided holding a major world sporting event in the middle of a global pandemic was a good idea, need to step up and take responsibility for that.
Chartered flights, booze, no more training and free condoms. Those flights home are going to be awesome.
Look up "hormones".
It’s very considerate of them to give the condoms out once the event is over .
Or there might be a more sinister reasoning , Could be a sneaky way of getting more super athlete babies being nationalized to Japan from athletes from all over the world.
In all seriousness though, Not much surprises me after being in Japan 20 years.
I still love it though! Hydro foil time!!
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
It's Japan, no one cares about condoms anyway.
Maybe if they put this picture of two middle-aged (being generous) people in every room, it will serve as a form of birth control?
Derek Grebe
Fantastic - horned-up young people in the peak of their prowess, plenty of booze and no johnnies.
What could possibly go wrong?
So alcohol + no condoms = good idea? So they pretend to care about about curbing the spread of Covid but not STD’s? Since STD’s aren’t airborne, who cares right? After a few too many, sexually frustrated kids are gonna do it with or without protection. That’s a fact.
And we have these two and Bach to thank for this incompetence. Japan is pouring billions of yen into this and this is all we give the athletes? Man, they're getting taken up the shorts. They got the short end of the stick.
AscissorToday 10:27 am JST
Too little, too latex
Definitely the gold medal comment. Well done on coming first!
Do the hustle
Yet another mind boggling decision from the Tokyo boffins. These are professional athletes. It is likely they will not be drinking due to their training schedule. It is more likely they will be quite promiscuous during their time in Japan.
Chris Ghaar
When AIDS was discovered in the 80's it was dubbed first as GRID - Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Japanese condoms are of very high quality, and if you are satisfied with them, you may be dissatisfied with other condoms.
So no two week quarantine. Many different virus variants which are new and no short term or long time studies. these 100000 people can just wear shiny paper bracelet, and go to town in a city of 23 million and get drunk on the street to avoid getting drunk alone in their room?
what could possibly go wrong?
Why there's a condom for the athletics? This the first time I heard?
Consolation prizes for not winning a medal?
Carl Smith
Depressing photo.
he’s giving her a good pounding.
Buy now - those olympic condoms will be hard to come by in the future
I actually snorted when I read this headline. And then when I read the entire article I laughed out loud at the stupidity of it all.
And the American boy and Aussie girl just won't go in a tent like what did happen about 8 years ago, and everybody else watched. International dialog just like Agent 007 and Agent XXX in 'The Spy Who Loved Me'.
According to JT community, another side of Olympics is an official international one-night-stand casual sex festival. That is why. Tradition was initiated by South Korea, no wonder, and is pressed by IOC. We learned a lot what the Olympics really is didn't we?
Sex, drugs and Olympic games.
Hopefully, they will be able to buy them from a pharmacy in the village or bring their own .
clown world
Force Hashimoto and Kawabuchi to live in their village for the entire duration of the games. That would be called justice.
What does that even mean - no condom distribution? Well, they can bring their own, buy at combini, or shoot wherever they want to (it's their freedom). Does it even matter? Or is the organizing committee trying to say "no sex allowed"? It is confusing.
Brian Wheway
Oh dear, the above comments have made me smile this morning, do the Japanese event organisers realise that the Ozi are the drinking champions of the world, so allowing alcohol in to the village is ok, but will they be restricted on how much? I can imagain crates of booze being taken back to the village, IF stopped by security can the person claim its just for there consumption and not others? it could look like its possibly for a party. ref the condoms, will they be just plain or will they have the olympics printed on the out side?
JJ Jetplane
Some are asking why do they distribute condoms? There are a lot of chemicals running through the human body and they are heightened during times of competition. It has never been a secret that a lot of "fun" occurs during the Olympics. The condoms simply allowed the fun to be safe. To remove condoms won't change what occurs but rather reduce the chances of safety. I don't believe this rule comes from Japan but rather the IOC in hopes that athletes will just stay in their rooms and not mingle. Some of the biggest companies in Japan are condom makers and I am certain they were looking forward to this particular event. It actually further hurts the Japanese economy with this ban.
I think this was an emergency decision after the first feedback received from the Uganda delegation about the wearability of Japanese standard size condoms. Someone at the Olympics Committee is now writing on each of them “Tokyo 2020 souvenir - Do not try wearing it”. *
*Yes this comment’ like Japan itself, includes both negative and ‘positive’ racist stereotypes and does not reflect reality. Unfortunately that doesn’t make it less likely or logic than any other reason that might have brought to this decision, which also does not reflect reality.
The tradition started to raise awareness of AIDS. None posted mask should be distributed for this time.
Unlike Japan, condoms are not used in pornography in the West.
When it comes to athletes and the Olympics, men and women have been hooking up since the very beginning of the games and if there is a will, there will definitely be a way for them to find different ways to get their groove on, the lust always wins.
Drink if you will.
Bang if you must.
But pull out indeed.
Its Tokyo 2021 or bust!
Does anyone knows what is the max condoms authorized by the JPN customs when entering the country ?
My favorite cocktails out of one of those ghastly plastic cups, I rather chew on my most expensive footwear.
Cocktails, Condoms, and Covid.
A sure fire recipe for a disaster waiting to happen....
It's just another one of those shock horror nonsense stories, don't you see that? The organisers have just decided not to provide condoms at the games. So what? The offer of condoms on their departure is probably just misinterpreted.
The alcohol issue would be the same in most countries.. well, countries that would even consider holding the games.
Nin Jah
Who cares, When in Rome do waht the Romans do.
Un-planned pregnancies maybe?
With daily testing and mostly vaccinated people there, covid spreading will be less likely to occur than outside the Olympic village.