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Koike pledges utmost anti-virus steps to deliver 'wonderful' Tokyo Olympics
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Bjorn Tomention
Ludicrous !!
She has been pledging for one year already. But she knows it won't be suppressed soon in such a big city.
A pledge without substance
Sven Asai
Unbelievable. It’s absolutely not about those games, safe or not so safe. It’s about many people more get infected and dead after the games, because of massively imported virus loads and new variants of concern and the accompanying exponential infection raise!
The word 'pledge' is worth nothing here.
Look I'm not even going to read the article tell me how many throwaway phrases I hit.
This is a critical time/phase/period
Japan is doing better than most countries.
We must have a safe and secure olympics (absolutely no details on how) (normal proceeded by how many people don't want the Olympics)
Something about insuring the dirty gaijin don't bring the virus to Japan. Needing to protect Japanese from the explosion in cases the Foreigners will cause. (Absolutely no mention of the reverse; protecting athletes from the mess that Japan is in.)
Am I 4 for 4, did I miss anything?
Truth in paraphrasing;
"I sincerely look forward to seeing ‘all athletes from Japan’ ...100 days from now.” -smithinjapan
What’s the strongest, a pledge, cow, swear, or promise? Because she done all of these things in saying she’ll eliminate the virus in Tokyo and yet it is still sky rocketing upwards.
Oxymoron, at this point the outmost important step would be to cancel the games. What is next? find the healthiest way to promote smoking?
Nobody wanted it,
no one asked for it.
Japan won't even let people from around the world participate in the audience.
What can possibly be wonderful about it?
robert maes
Bordering on criminal negligence with complete disrespect of human life.
The world will be watching.
She also pledged to increase testing to 65,000 per day by December last year.
I disagree. The majority did want it back when the world was a different place. A lot has changed of course.
I think the question now is when should it be held? With a record breaking slow rollout of the vaccine, a delay is the wisest move.
To be fair, to these Nippon Kaigi members, Olympics with an exlusively Japanese audience and possibly predominantly Japanese sportspeople must sound 'wonderful'. Death and disease never looked like an issue to them anyway.
Talk is cheap, Olympic dreams expensive.
Sven Asai
Are you sure, @klausdorth? Some thousand athletes, trainers, medical staff, media from around the world, that alone surely means quite an imported virus load, not even considered higher inner-Japanese activities around all those places and accommodations. Those ‘helping hands’ also spread it further afterwards into every direction, especially in many ‘yoru-no-machi’, if you know what is meant. lol That’s for sure.
For permanent residents all I can say is get your escape plan in place. I’ll likely leave for the duration of the games hopefully to get vaccinated back home. That seems like the only option.
Derek Grebe
And the award for, “Most vapid set of meaningless cliches in one speech” goes to…
FFS. A wonderful Olympics for everyone (with their snout in the trough)
“pledged to suppress the spread of the coronavirus in the Japanese capital” ohhh why didn’t anybody else think of that? Think of all the lives and economic ruin that could have been saved if we’d only had the common sense to pledge. I didn’t realise you could neutralise the virus with a magic spell like that.
Disparate Virosum!
What an absolute shambles. But never mind – look at the mascots! They have big eyes! Say they are kawaii! Go on…say it!
Then get your hands in your pocket because you’re going to be paying for this heist until the day you die.
Comment, he wrote
Disillusioned, unrealistic and out of touch and just a few words that spring to mind.
CNN's take
It's hardly going to be a wonderful Olympic Games... I mean there will be only Japanese spectators (so not much cheering for Bob Scratchit from Bognor Regis in the water balloon throwing event)... participants frog marched from the village to the games and back before and after their event... and hostility from the local population.
This is all about face saving than being sensible... the cache of holding the games seems to override common sense
Toasted Heretic
Pretty sure residents who have tickets will be allowed.
There are non-Japanese people living in Japan too... at least I'll be a spectator at some of the events, and I'm not Japanese.
The only ones that can still maybe believe Koike’s pledge to deliver a “wonderful” Olympic experience are the naive people of her country.
But at this stage I think even them are waking up to the crude reality of a world pandemic which is far from being over.
Michael Machida
"Koike pledges utmost anti-virus steps to deliver 'wonderful' Tokyo Olympics"
Lot's Of Luck With That!
Well hope you don't live in Kanagawa, Saitama, China, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Fukushima or Sapporo.
Because the "Tokyo" Olympics seem to be just about every place they could figure out a spot.
Going to be one nice big mess.
So, cancel the games, for this year at least, and gain the respect of 3 out of 4 people in Japan.
I find it amazing that this government does not listen to what the people want. Might as well bring back emperor worship!
I plan to be there.
Ship of fools. Sadly they have clearly chosen money, national pride and a stubborn stupidity over the safety and wishes of people in Japan. Idiots.
Ricky Sanchez
The only thing she will suppress is the TRUTH. How will this be accomplished? Lower the number of tests, and false reporting. The sad part is outside of Japan, people don't know the T R U T H.
I share the sentiments of all here but it is really the IOC who are behind this charade, Koike and Co are but puppets. Common sense would have seen this all paused until at least 2024, then Paris could go to 2028, but no, all the money at stake brings us to here. Such a terrible shame for the athletes and the public.
So Koike is looking forward to welcoming 100000 people for the olympics that no one wants.
Meanwhile, 1000s of international students with CoEs in hand are waiting outside of Japan while their life is on hold, attending online classes at 1am. This is just so unfair. I wish these damn olympics were getting canceled. The athletes will be gone 2 weeks later, while many students plan to make Japan their permanent home after finishing their studies.
I seriously considered following your plan, but the logistics of getting back in, even for a PR like myself is just too daunting.
We need a new name for this. Covid Games? Dentsu-Drain? I for one will not be volunteering as tribute.
Bjorn Tomention
Why are there a Blue Mascot and a Pink Mascot, are they trying to say there are only two Sexes.....................
"Wonderful" is not the word that I would use. Maybe "memorable," to TRY to put it in a good sense.
El Rata
The utmost anti-virus step would be cancelling their ridiculous, expensive, cheerless, masked games no one cares about but them and that French lad from the IOC who sometimes comes to Japan!
Peter Neil
"I think she's taking the sensible, realistic approach," he said, as he struggled to contain his laughter.
Just opened up JT for the first time today and saw the head line.
Koike pledges utmost anti-virus steps to deliver 'wonderful' Tokyo Olympics
Tokyo reports 591 coronavirus cases; Osaka records record-high 1,130
Not so wonderful, Olympics (save face). Get the virus under control. Where are the priorities.
I know, I know all said before.
Ricky Sanchez
CNN is reporting this now:
With 100 days until the Tokyo Olympics, Japan has vaccinated less than 1% of its population. That's a problem.
When 2020 Tokyo Olympics volunteers have in recent weeks asked officials how they'll be protected from Covid-19, given the foreign athletes pouring into Japan for the event and the country's low vaccination rate, the answer has been simple.
They'll be given a small bottle of hand sanitizer and two masks each.
"They don't talk about vaccines, they don't even talk about us being tested,"
Next month, "Tokyo Olympics to only have Japanese athletes and spectators. Will still hold Olympics as sign of International Unity."
No need to worry about athletes and foreigners coming here for the Olympics. These guys will be regularly tested.
The average Taro already here not.
Nearly correct.
The IOC is the main villain. But we can blame Japan and nearly all other countries in the world.
If the USA, the EU countries, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc... Pulled out the IOC would have no choice to cancel.
But they aren't and won't and a big reason why us as simple as Australia still held the tennis open despite covid, the USA still had the Masters tournament, etc...they wouldn't cancel their international events either and fear if they pull out if the Olympics the same will happen at their next events if covid is still around.
I in no way am defending the corrupt IOC, but showing there is a lot of blame on top of the IOC.
The CIO official website made an interesting post today. Title was: "Tokyo 2020 - 100 days to go. For the planet, for the people". No joke.
You can bet on it if the IOC doesn't cancel it.
Japan will do an opening ceremony, with 2 dogs attending, each event with a pigeon if needed as the Athletes in order to avoid unilateral cancellation and having to pay the IOC the cancellation penalty clause money.
Japan's only way out now is for the IOC to cancel, otherwise Japan has the games or pays the penalties for canceling.
@Ricky Sanchez
Maybe the Japanese have a different view of the "vaccines". They might see that wearing a mask, keeping clean or just staying fit is much more sensible than playing whack-a-mole with every virus and mutation that comes along. A lot of people are actually immune to Covid. Did you realize that?
It has been raining all day in Tokyo.
If Koike or any other government official came out now and pledged that it would stop raining before the Olympics, I might seriously Think about going out band buying a houseboat.
That is how much I trust their pledges.
Notice that she has quietly abandoned her claim that the Games would be "symbolic of humankind's triumph over the coronavirus"?
I think you are right. Unfortunately, I have not seen an article yet that explains clearly what the financial consequences are if Japan unilaterally cancels. Japan, at least in this forum, is taking most of the blame but I really think pressure should be put on the IOC. I think it is not too late and I still believe the games will not take place.
As they stand there, mask-less, they promise corporations / sponsors that things will make their money.
It is never about the people.
3 things the government needs to do:
More testing without fudging numbers by not reporting private PCR tests.
Stricker measures on big businesses forcing staff onto crowded public transport to come to office.
Rollout the vaccine now without delay to everyone, fast.Antiquesaving
There are several factors.
One is a penalty paid to the IOC the other are the sponsors.
If the IOC cancels there are no recourses to pay them back.
But if Tokyo unilaterally cancels then the sponsors could demand payment.
The Government wants something from the people of Japan and when the people of Japan are asking for something from the Government their voices are not heard ....and who cares what the OIC says they are just looking for the ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥.....
"Due to fears that the Olympics could become a global super-spreader event, spectators from overseas will not be allowed to attend" : Sounds sensible...
" held in front of a limited number of people..." : Sounds sensible...
"... athletes will be tested for the virus regularly..." : Sounds sensible...
... All sounds sensible precautions.
Sure are some negative posters here! Must be miserable being them!
Agree, in Australia, pretty much no cases here now, certainly no community transmission.
Japan however still has cases every day which are a concern 100 days out from the Olympics. I doubt the foreigners being allowed in would be carrying the virus as they’d be tested vigorously in their home countries prior and would possibly be vaccinated.
I’d like to believe the governor, I really would!
More athletes in Tokyo are going to be tested multiple times in two weeks than the whole general population of Tokyo has been in months.
Maybe the reason tests don’t increase in Tokyo now is to save the test kits for the athletes.
And who is going to be paying the 30,000 yen per test or is it more for people with noJapanese health insurance Not the IOC I am sure. The Japanese tax payer of course
Yep but then Australians got locked in their homes for months on and off, banned from traveling, etc..
Then while Australians were locked up. The government let in tennis players as to not cancel the Australian open, and what happened? Covid broke out in the quarantine hotels.
So honestly Australia isn't any better.
It should have shown the world the proper thing to do and cancelled the open, and maybe others would have gotten the message.
But nope Australia, like the rest are still planning on sending their team here.
If Japan has any hope of holding safe Olympic games in Tokyo this summer, Koike needs to ramp up vaccinations of millions of people in Tokyo a day. And furthermore, utilize e-vaccine certificates to confirm who can enter Tokyo. There is no mention of how Japan will accelerate its vaccinations. There seems to be more effort to hold the high risk Olympic games as is than it is to provide the ultimate solution — vaccinations!
Toasted Heretic
Could one of the downvoters explain why my post is so controversial?
If it's factually incorrect, I welcome clarification.
@Antiquesaving - I assume you live in Japan?
I wasn’t locked in my house and was free to travel locally. Our measures may seem draconian to you but most people here supported them, we saw what was happening around the world.
Granted, many were opposed to the Tennis being held and yes, cases were imported into Australia but they were contained in the hotels because of the quarantine system and as far as I recall there were no community outbreaks.
I do hope Japan improves things.
Boris Johnson suddenly has dropped into the silver medal place for telling lies
The safest possible ...right....
Draconian, yes if you think about where/how people in Japan live compared to Australia, Canada, USA and population density.
We are 4 adults in my house my two recent university graduate children my wife and myself.
A we are all working from home now which means 24/7 on top of eachother.
There are no big backyards, no nice size bedrooms, livingrooms, etc..
There are 2.5 x 2.5 metre bedrooms the biggest is 3 x 2.5 metres.
Being locked down is not a viable option in such a country.
My actual point is that many here and many other countries keep criticising Japan for not cancelling the Olympics, but they are not ready to do the same like Australia's tennis open, USA master's tournament, etc.
They are also not ready to pull out of the Olympics either because they know if they do then they will be expected to cancel their event if covid is still around.
It is the hypocrisy I am pointing out.
Yes, keep smiling there...........because the people of Japan are not.
No worries.
Well there were mixed feelings here about the tennis and possibly now the same for Olympics.
Hang in there mate.
Good work . Japan prove that virus size matter is next to peanut .
**Koike pledges utmost anti-virus steps to deliver 'wonderful' Tokyo Olympics ** OK I get it, the pledge is only for the Olympics and not for the people of Japan. In other words she is working hard to surpress the virus as it pertains to the Olympics. Image is everything, lying is a trying thing!
Joe Unc
Sacrifice the nation’s lives for what ?
Bjorn Tomention
Meanwhile the locals will be on restrictions during their natioanl holiday season (golden Week) and bars will close at 8pm so the narcissistic athletes and the money grabbing olympic organisers can roll in their glory and cash, leaving the population fuming and spewing on the fact that ...............NO ONE CARES!
Dont Buy TOYOTA ! PANASONIC or other horrible sponsors products.
This is going tn
be a big mistake.
Spot on!
Japan's only way out now is for the IOC to cancel, otherwise Japan has the games or pays the penalties for cancelling.
There's much more to it than meets the eye - it's a game of chicken and who has to back down first.... All about insurance and reinsurance for the money already spent.....
My actual point is that many here and many other countries keep criticising Japan for not cancelling the Olympics, but they are not ready to do the same like Australia's tennis open, USA master's tournament, etc.
The Australian Open is very different from the Olympics in that you have only tens of tennis players and hundreds of their staff as opposed to tens of thousands of athletes and thousands of their staff in the case of the Olympics so the comparison isn't the same.
Happy Day
What exactly is the risk of having the Olympics? I would think everyday life in Tokyo presents a higher risk of virus spread vs. an event that will have people that are in superior physical condition, vaccinated people, masks, temperature checks, negative tests, social distancing, etc.
Blind and tone deaf, just like last year. They were heading off a cliff last year too until the athletes pulled the plug. Looks Like this will have to happen again. Unless The athletes have turned blind in a year too. Wh
Groan.... what is that even supposed to mean? The virus is endemic now, regardless of what these clown politicians decide. The Olympics will be held, but it will be pretty quiet and largely virtual affair, because hardly any visitors will come. Just accept that and spare us this silly hyperbole about "wonderful".
The Streets will be deserted during the Tokyo Olympics... not through some Curfew but Simply because local Residents do not wish to interact with potential Foreign imports of the Virus.
This will be the picture for Tokyo 2021 Olympics.
Wonderful what a joke! She will be the only fan in the stand clapping to her face!
Welcome to the ""Super Spreader Games""
What a joke. So the same countermeasures that have proved so ineffective over the last year?
How's that vaccination campaigh coming along?
Toasted Heretic
This fact seems to annoy some people.
Good for you! Stay safe and enjoy the Games.
Quote: "There are non-Japanese people living in Japan too... at least I'll be a spectator at some of the events, and I'm not Japanese."
Don't count on it. Remember when the virus struck at year ago? All the permanent residents thought they could go home to Japan just like the Japanese. Uh, uh. Those who missed getting in before the restrictions came down were out of luck.
As an American from a nation that has the most fatalities from the virus due to mass gatherings, people not bein considerate of others, lies and violence stirred up by an egotistical immature narcisstic lippy sassybrat fascist, misinformation, and people just not using their noodles, my message to Japan is this:
Call off the Games. Wait until next year when the Winter Games occur anyway. Restore Olympic years like they used to be until they 'split the Olympiads' in 1994. It'll be worth it, worth all the time and yen you invested already. You'll be glad in the long run.
Don't be stupid like too many people in the USA have done.
Not a good choice.