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© KYODO2nd Ugandan Olympic team member in Japan tests positive for COVID
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Here we go.
”Safe Olympics” they say.
So why were they allowed to get on a bus for 8 hours and travel to their accommodation knowing that they were close contacts with a confirmed infected person? What about the other 80 people on the flight - have they been contacted?
Absolutely pathetic - the first real test of what happens when an infected athlete arrives and it's a total failure. Sounds like they had no procedures in place for close contacts of an infected person. Useless.
Samit Basu
This was expected, since new variants are so easily transmissible and only the likes of Pfizer and Moderna can stop them.
Ugandan Olympic team received AstraZeneca, which can't stop variants as well as Pfizer and Moderna.
Peter Neil
That's only 22% of them testing positive. What's the problem?
Let's see... 11,000 athletes coming X 22% = 2,420 people.
That's nothing. 14,500 people in Japan have died from Covid-19.
Samit Basu
That's the agreed entry protocol between JOC and IOC.
And the contact tracing of the folks on the plane including the cabin attendant?
I seriously doubt that it was agreed that potentially hundreds of infected athletes can be sent around the country to stay in hotels not specifically set up to cater for covid cases. This exactly why the mayor of the city where the Ugandan athletes are staying was on TV last night complaining and asking why they weren't housed at the same govt facility as the infected athlete.
"On Tuesday, the entire delegation and an Izumisano official, who traveled with the delegation from Uganda, were deemed to have been in close contact with the first infected individual."
Well,, why did you allow the rest of the group to just jump on a bus heading to Osaka when anyone with a brain cell could have told you the whole Uganda delegation should have been quarantined after the first person tested positive?
Peter Neil
"Hmmm... contact tracing? I think I've heard of that. How do we contact them if they've already been here, had dinner, checked in to the hotel, went to an izakaya, karaoke, went back to the airport and have left already?"
Poor Izumisano — first the furusato nozei ban (later overturned by the Supreme Court), now the Ugandan COVID debacle.
Isn't the whole point of testing athletes, delegates, and officials to uncover cases of Covid? It may be shocking that a small percentage of positive cases arise but is it unexpected? They have protocol in place to deal with this.
englisc aspyrgend
Many more catch it and there will be no Ugandan team!
Do feel sorry for them, but the whole event should be cancelled.
If the Olympics proceed the members of the Ugandan team surely won't be the first.
So legitimate question: How can a "fair" competition be held, either in team or individual events, with many representative delegations suffering this attrition?
Expect a significant number of athletes and officials from many nations to show up positive to Covid once in Japan, despite supposedly having taken tests (not a foolproof system, which is why infected people are flying with the virus all over the world) and vaccinations (these are not mandated for athletes/officials).
This whole fiasco is unworkable.
People here worry enough about the side effects of any vaccine. Having athletes and officials who have been fully vaccinated testing positive when arriving, is not going to calm people fears.
One member resulting infected is expected since the vaccine is not 100% effective at preventing it, but a second one? even if still possible this should be raising a lot of eyebrows for the people in charge because of the low chance of this happening if everything was done as described. Several possibilities come to mind, and none are good.
How would you think this would be shocking, unless you're the IOC, Suga, or Koike? Unsurprising would be a better word.
Welcome Uganda. I hope your team overcomes this minor setback!
What protocols? It was obvious from the questions that were asked after the fact that no one considered it their job to decide who was a close contact needing to be isolated.
Bob Fosse
Clearly. Waving them off on a bus and letting someone else take care of it later.
Alfie Noakes
To be fair, that's was the LDP's response to the coronavirus for most of 2020.
The other article states that Seiko Hashimoto is anxious about the upcoming olympics.
2 out of 9 vaccinated members of the Ugandan delegation (22%) tested positive. Not all of those coming to Japan will be vaccinated.
A sample size of 9 is extremely small so if we consider a 100% error (reduce to 11%) and extrapolate that to the expected number of visitors (80,000) we should expect over 8,000 infected individuals to be entering Japan for these "games".
Seiko Hashimoto thinks this is worth it.
The Japanese public does not, the Japanese medical profession does not, Japanese residents (such as myself and most of us here) do not.
It does not matter: The IOC and NBC will get their way.
By the way and related to my post above. If we assume a 100% error in the other direction then we would expect more than 24,000 infected people to enter Japan.
Some people here are calculating these cases like 1 can only transmit to 1. Hey! covid transmission isn’t linear like that way of thinking! Are you even watching or reading news? Heard of the recent delta variant?
Suppressing even 1 case is a big help in the long run in this fight!
Kobe White Bar Owner
When will they learn… pride comes before the fall!…never
Agreed, @dagon 7:45am:
If the IOCLDPJOC are ‘anxious’ now, with another Ugandan athlete testing positive, we wonder how they’ll feel when 1000’s of other athletes and hangers-on arrive?
Perhaps they don’t really care about outside competitors, and ‘competition’ in general, for that matter?
Happy Day
LOTS of false positives from these tests. That’s why we see so many cases and few serious illness these days.
Either that or the vaccines don’t work. Which is it?
That shows the AstraZeneca does not prevent infection
@alt.....this is correct. The infection rate is exponential with the current value of the exponent being between 1.2 and 2 (at least based on broadcasted data). The news reported the most recent variant is 1.5 times more infectious (not sure how accurate but that is what is reported).
The Colympics (TM) is a fool’s errand.
This relatively small contingent of the Ugandan team, now dwindling in members, are facing many issues: isolated, ‘on their own’, without a coach, etc.
Yet, the J news media are focused only on its members testing positive and we’re seeing none of the ‘heart-warming stories like the “Mayor’s *nationalistic *Welcoming” the Australian teams received last week*? *
Where is the equal media coverage of the promised IOCLDPJOC demonstrations of “Olympic spirit” and the much-lauded Japanese “Omotenashi” for these Uganda “guests”??
Peter Neil
Ironically, this was irony.
Todays target article for those in the 'against' the Olympics - Gives them something to feast on and away from the good vaccination news.
Bob Fosse
Nobody has said the vaccines are 100% effective. Nobody. There are more than 2 possibilities here if you take a moment to think about it.
Boku Dayo
Well, so much for the "bubble".
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
A Johnson
this is how contact tracing works. People transmit COVID-19 to those around them
this is what has actually happened with 95% of the discrete 300-600 cases you report each day, and with the people those contacts were in contact with, and the people the secondary contacts were in contact with
What different here is that these individuals were vaccinated and likely pose less threat than Tokyo’s unreported cases.
Todays target article for those in the 'against' the Olympics - Gives them something to feast on and away from the good vaccination news.
Many of us are not "against" the Olympics however would like them to be postponed.
There is nothing to "feast on" here for me. I live in Japan and for me I see the Olympics as an unnecessary risk with no financial benefit to the average Japanese citizen or Resident. On the other hand NBC and the IOC will be taken care of.
Why do you care anyway? You "won" - the Olympics will go on as scheduled.
Exactly. Agree 100%.
A Johnson
of course there will be more cases. Tokyo is swarming with people who won’t pass a PCR test.
tokyo should apply the same standard to athletes, if they aren’t dying, don’t test them. If it’s good for Japan, why not the visitors
i don’t mean that at all, but just making a point. Tokyo has no idea where it’s population stands in terms of infection (positive PCR), they insist on having the olympics and now are going to scape goat the guests that trusted the nation that invited them… shame, shame, shame…
The Japanese covid policy has been centered on minimal testing and contact tracing so the asymptomatic and low symptom cases never get found. (Their official cases are kept low and these people get better, but they do keep spreading the virus as evidenced by hundreds of cases that never go away) but now for the Olympics they are going into unchartered waters, totally reversing this policy and testing everyone and daily. This is just a preview of what the results are going to be. There are going to be thousands of cases and as this story also illustrates vaccination doesn’t stop it. Miscalculation to reverse their long standing testing policy fo the Olympics particularly since most cases found will be asymptomatic, exactly the ones they never look for or find with their restricted low testing strategy
I didn't 'win' anything. Simply stated a foregone conclusion that a small minority truly believed that they could change with a few thousand signatures.
If you look back at my posts you will see that only 'supported' a reset of the cycle - and Tokyo holding the Olympics in 2024.
We don't know to what extent vaccines prevent transmission.
The publicized effectiveness ratings refer to efficacy in preventing severe cases and deaths.
That's why it's important to be in a bubble also before embarking on the trip here
Maybe they broke bubble protocol before coming here since they thought it was safe being fully vaccinated.
Once the IOC had stated that it would take place in 2021 or not at all- Then barring UK / US / Brazlian or Indian type Infection/Death numbers then it was always going to happen.
Many were totally misinformed or chose not to research how the Olympics are organised and who holds the keys.
Neither, COVID tests have very high specificity, with tests at 99.9% specificity being usual, no such thing as "lots of false positives" that is just a debunked mistake.
The vaccines do work according to studies in millions of people, so this in no way proves they don't. Many other possibilities come to mind, from people not being adequately vaccinated to new strains that can cause infection in higher percentage of the people than what has been observed until now, the two possibilities you mention are between those that can be eliminated.
@theResidentToday 09:30 am JST
I do not have time to look back at your posts but I would fully agree with your statement about postponement. So on that aspect I would say we are in agreement.
I have never held the belief the games would be cancelled or postponed because there is just too much money at play and the Japanese Government (current govt.) is far too weak to push back against the IOC.
The financial risks to Japan (even considering penalties) far outweigh the benefit of the games and the Japanese citizens are against them.
The sad thing is that it is now obivous that the Japanese Government does not care about the Japanese citizens. My wife says the government has never cared about the average citizen as they are too far removed and detached from the average Japanese person's life. I had a hard time believing her (ironically I am not Japanese - she is) and I never fully understood what she meant until now.
Let's look at the positive side of this... there is none.
Sadly, with two positives, the questions will need to go right back before the flight to Ian's bubble above, and to how each athlete was vaccinated, where and when, with or without the mandated spacing between the two shots, and how they were tested, and all under what verification system.
This must be a wake-up call to Olympic teams all around the world to keep their protocols tight.
Oh, and I saw on yesterday's news that the J government is now recommending physical spacing of 2 meters in order to mitigate somewhat the increased transmission/infectivity of the newer variants.
Let us hope that traveling team members will wear masks and keep their distance from each other, even with two vaccinations taken under the recommended conditions.
Maybe we can consider this a good thing because it happened now, before delegates started coming en masse.
This is indeed a wakeup call and everyone now should have been put on notice and hopefully everyone will exercise (more) strict protocols, especially the host country
Again, failure by anyone to see doesn't mean there is none
@TokyoEngr: Oh - After 30 years here, I am well aware that the Government neither knows or cares about the average citizen - But when, since 1945 apart from two small breaks from the LDP what should anybody expect? Hence my constant 'if you don't like it, then leave comments' over the years. Voter turnout is so low on average here, its difficult to actually call Japan a democracy.
Disagree about the financial risks being greater by holding the games though. The penalties for Japan to solely cancel are way too great.
half-hearted jumper
None of them PREVENT infection with 100% efficacy.
..and sorry - I should have been clearer. The Government does not care for the average persons opinion - and doesn't need to as they don't turn out to vote.
It is indeed, very fine living here.
Sad. Although unlikely that any young and fit athlete will suffer any severe symptoms or consequences.
For memory : during one of their so called test event, they had a positive upon arrival. That person was removed but not the other as they tested negative.
We know from that time that it was what was going to happen. At that time since no other tested positive they probably have patted themselves on the back thinking the system was working. Surprise it is not. I guess they need a new version of their stupid playbook.
And : where are the 2 Ugandan person ? You made them come, you better take care of them until they are recovered, not throw them away.
@Flute - One in Tokyo in Government Quarantine as tested positive on arrival. Rest of delegation plus the city rep that picked them up all now isolated in their Hotel.
The whole hype of the "bubble safety" of the olympic village is a joke. Especially when you have all these athletes training all over Japan, sure the local communities feel lots of anxiety, confusion, and anger over all of this. The other 80,000 support staff will be going all over tokyo, eating out, partying.
You have CNN saying the athletes will come 5 days before their event, and leave 2 days after their event. But then you have some teams coming a month or more before, staying in the country side at some 4800 yen a night business hotels, being told to stay in their rooms. The ugandans arrive in Narita and after going through the PCR tests, and one person testing postive are put on a bus for 7.5 hours to Osaka. What einstein came up with that in the plan for omotenashi olympics.
Astrazeneca was around 70% efficacy, so 2~3 out of 11 is probably right. The other passengers on the plane, might wanna follow up with those people as well.
Was endorsing, @expat 11:08am, for the “IOCLDPJOC” to be recognized as “the Triad”; “The Trifecta of Ignorance (n.-‘lack of knowledge’); or “the Olympic Axis of Evil” but, you reminded us of Mr. Abe’s former role in all this so, “The Cabal” is equally appropriate:
Only those vaccinated should be allowed in. No one can say they've not had time to prepare for that.
Testing regime before coming to Japan needs to be stepped up.
Boku Dayo
Of course, they will. Bach and Coates love to count their money.
That do not reply to the question. The first article was stating the first person was denied entry in Japan. Where is this person ?
For the 2nd one, I do not find it clear. There was 10 people boarding the plane it seems. But only 8 are to remain in their room. So we are short of 2. After seems, it is in fact the Japanese one which is missing. But, in the same time, that a positive person is just handled the same way that negative ones seems strange.
This happening with only the second group to enter is embarrassing and raises lots of questions, some obvious ones about quarantines and contact tracing but also more fundamental ones about efficacy of vaccines, for a global event like the Olympics, every different vaccine out there, against simple infection.
Some vaccine data out there in other countries will be have used rapid tests that are more likely to give false negatives. It is possible that at least one vaccine out there is not as effective at stopping infection as the data on it may suggest. The main purpose of vaccination is stopping serious symptoms, not infection itself.
Yes, shocking @HenryMontag 11:33am”
Agreed, @Boku Dayo 11:40am:
It is going to be interesting to watch this unfold and the dream of safe Olympics collapse! Monumental loss of face for Japan! Never to be forgotten!!!
They will undergo PCR tests every day and have their movements restricted, according to the city.
Wait a minute...THIS is SUPPOSED to be the standard procedure and requirement of athletes coming here in the first place. The article suggests these measures are being taken as a response to the infections.
@Flutre - The first positive case was taken to one of the Covid Hotels as was asymptomatic. Question answered.
'Denied entry' probably means whisked away to a government holding hotel until free of symptoms, at which point 'entry' will be officially granted. It does not mean they are in limbo at the airport, or on a plane home.
@theResident & nandakandamanda
Source ?
Tom Doley
Here we go again. Diamond Princess part 2. Total incompetence by Jgov.
I’m so sick of reading misconceptions like that. They never said the vaccines stop you from getting Covid. The vaccines are designed to stop SERIOUS CASES and DEATH from Covid-19. It really shouldn’t be that hard to understand.
“I thought bicycle helmets were supposed to stop accidents! Why are people still crashing their bikes when they wear helmets?” That’s the same straw man argument so many are making.
As much as it pains me to agree with @theResident.
They are correct, this was said on multiple TV news including NHK.
The news said the first person was take to a designated place for quarantine.
I cannot find any written news on this but it was said on the day they arrived.
Japanese people (negative) are being sent back to their embarkation points on arrival at Japanese airports
due to not having their PCR forms signed!
Yet, positive athletes are being transported 100s of miles within Japan
What a debacle’
Those wondering how they could test negative before leaving positive on arrival and why they have covid if vaccinated, well:
The first question has many possibilities from improper testing to incubation time, etc..
The other is more simple.
Just think that according to the data from both Pfizer and AZ immunity isn't full until 7 to 14 days after receiving the second dose.
Now if we take the data as being correct if they received their second dose less than 14 days ago well they were not protected yet.
Seeing that only 6 days ago did vaccinating the Olympic workers start and with the 2 weeks between doses, the vast majority of those will not reach immunity prior to the start of the games especially based on 2,500 people a day 40,000 people.
So knowing these facts is anyone going to be surprised if more cases arrive or are spread within the so-called bubble?
@Samit Basu
Don't talk nonsense!
No vaccine provides immunity against virus infection.
Hideomi Kuze
This case revealed defect of present Japan's quarantine that has been not yet improved since last year.
To use „games“ instead of „competitions“ says a lot about sports these days.
It’s entertainment as were the gladiators of old and now the EU soccer tournament athletes.
By the PCR test with its notoriously high false positive rate no doubt. How many cycles did they run the test for? With enough cycles, everyone tests positive.
Basu: Wrong. Astrazenica works just the same as Phizer and is a better product. Phizer which needs to be keep at_70c which is problematic. Why are countries sending competitors that are not vaccinated. Having haft a vaccination is not vaccinated.
So in the last 7 days there have been 2 asymptomatic people who tested positive in relation to the Olympics, out of the 100% people tested among the foreign delegations that entered Japan.
At the same time, over 8,000 people tested positive domestically, all of them having being tested only because they were either showing symptoms or very close contacts of positive cases (notoriously Japan doesn’t trace even kids in the same school class if they don’t seat close to each other…). Thousands of asymptomatic positives - which represent over 90% of the positives everywhere in the world where tracing is done seriously - take the train every day, go to work, to school, to do sports. Even with a low estimate of the asymptomatic cases that are likely to be hidden by the lack of testing, there have been probably 100,000 positives in Japan just last week. Which is as many as the people expected to come for the Olympics.
But the Olympics are the problem.
Ok, thank you. Do not watch TV news so would never have know.
I hope they will communicate clearly (and honestly) about the procedure they are effectively going to apply. And most likely fix these. Because, if thing are the same staring from the 13th and the opening of the athletes village, that will be epic, if they do the same.
Bob Fosse
This. Yes.
Not this. No evidence.
Commodore Perry
I wish the mods would stop this type of false information from remaining.
This has be proven false over and over again by every news outlet every reputable medical journal, institution, etc ..
Along with the fake information that the creator said it can't be used to do what it is doing, he died before covid outbreak so that one couldn't have been true but it keeps being brought up.
So much misinformation by the same people over and over again.
PM Suga - be a man, use yor noggin, have a heart AND
Oh yes1 they have protocols in Japan to deal with COVID. Like the "Diamond Princess" and the entire COVID situation. For problem solving, unfortunately working harder and longer, doesn't work in situations like this.
2 out of 9?
Not bad odds, one more and that's 1/3 of the team.
What is the over under on the other members having covid-19?
Tony W.
I think the lesson from this is that, given the Games are going ahead, ALL visitors, no matter who they are, have to be tested and quarantined on arrival until cleared. Better really though that the Games had been postponed!