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Nearly 60% say Tokyo Olympics should be canceled: poll


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... the survey showed 87.7 percent are concerned that an influx of athletes and staff members from abroad may spread the virus.

Tens of thousands of athletes from approximately 200 countries will be entering the country and interacting with roughly 78,000 unvaccinated local volunteers and thousands of local medical personnel who will all take whatever viruses they come in contact with back to their local homes and communities nightly.

“This has the feel of a runaway train.” — Matoko Rich, Tokyo Bureau Chief, New York, 14 May

33 ( +34 / -1 )

The whole thing has become so montypythonescally absurd that I wouldn't blink if a major Japanese brand started to advertise that they are not an Olympic sponsor.

27 ( +29 / -2 )

Pim, outstanding thinking! We bring you our product not the Olympics! That would work. Defiantly branding your product to distancing itself from the Olympics would actually be a smart move.

22 ( +23 / -1 )

Nearly 60% say Tokyo Olympics should be canceled: poll

The other 40% forgot to answer.

I literally do not know any japanese that says the Olympics should go ahead this year in Japan.

23 ( +25 / -2 )

Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, summed it up best: “Suicide Mission”

Mikitani is a smart guy. Unlike these useless clowns in Nagatacho he went out and earned his own money instead of leeching off the taxpayer.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

As they removed the "postponement" option in the possible answers, there is only one comparable basis data left: the percentage of people in favor of a cancellation jumped from 39.2 to 59.7 since April.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Yes Indeed CACEL the games. I was a supporter pf the games, BUT now that the virus is still spreading and only 2.7% of the population are vaccinated, I believe this is NOT the right time or conditions to hold the games.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

This is a non-news item., These surveys no longer have any significance.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

"Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, summed it up best: “Suicide Mission”"

and he would pay 15 billion back to Tokyo if the games are canceled?

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

The other 40% forgot to answer.

I literally do not know any japanese that says the Olympics should go ahead this year in Japan.

exactly. Me neither.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Really, just 60%? A poll the other day showed what, 70%?

I wonder, next week will it be 50%? What's up with the "pro" Olympic propaganda?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, summed it up best: “Suicide Mission”"

and he would pay 15 billion back to Tokyo if the games are canceled?

To a guy like him 15 billion yen is a drop in the bucket!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Citizens have been against for a long time. But as the Olympics seem to go ahead, many known people might use that opportunity to voice their concerns, knowing it can not impact the decision and their business.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

vaccinated athletes still can spread COVID


3 ( +4 / -1 )

They should poll kids. The much touted line about it inspiring the children of the world is vastly overestimated. I guarantee most kids couldn’t give a hoot about the Olympics.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Cancel it

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The people have no voice in Japan.

There is no real democracy,after all such word was also part of the German Democratic Republic which was everything but a democracy.

The oyajis are the masters and Bafuku of the country.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

[ 80% to 85% ]

From what I have seen in official documents at work, it's not 60% that want the Japan Olympics cancelled. It's way more than that.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

[ 80% to 85% ]

From what I have seen in official documents at work, it's not 60% that want the Japan Olympics cancelled. It's way more than that.

What documents?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Pro Olympic propaganda. We all know it’s more like 90+%

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, summed it up best: “Suicide Mission”"

and he would pay 15 billion back to Tokyo if the games are canceled?

So will Tokyo get $15 billion back if the games are held?

Now lets look at that.

No tourists, Athletes and officials are theoretical to remain in a bubble. ( To do that is going to cost more not to mention over 100,000 covid tests each day).

Only local or possibly no spectators,

The IOC and Tokyo Olympics commity split about $1 billion in broadcasting fees ( this according to CBC).

So as it is now that $15 billion is gone and there is zero chance of recouping any of it.

However going through with the games is 100% going to add more losses in medical cost, testing costs, extra personnel, etc ..

The horse is dead throwing more hay at it will not bring it back to life.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

What documents @Michael Machida?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

The most recent poll on yahoo.co.jp showed that 79.8% of the voters wanted the games cancelled (around 435000 voters).


10 ( +11 / -1 )

I would like to read the 50 sentence long introduction before finally reaching the main question, "Should the Olympics be cancelled?"

We all know how they like to use too many words before getting to the point. Sort of like Japanese wedding speeches. Those things had to be the origin of Sempuku/HaraKiri

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

This is Sunday May 16th 2021 at a stadium in Tokyo for a basketball tournament during a “state of emergency” This is a clear indication of how serious the government plans on taking the Olympics its attendance and covid precautions! Watch the last 30secs when they win. 


4 ( +5 / -1 )

Actually the Japanese government has no say in it, this is all up to the IOC. Once you sign the contract of hosting the games, there's no way to get out of it, except for a war. It's all up to the IOC if they see the need to cancel the games. In the mean time the Japanese government has no choice to promote it and make the best out of a bad situation.

Personally I don't get what the big "wooha" is about, if all athletes are vaccinated they won't increase the risk of infection, and when you stroll through Tokyo, it's obvious that most people don't take the precautions that seriously. It'll be nice to watch something else on TV than the food programs we get killed with every day.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Did they give a scientific reason why? “Because other people said so” is a bad reason to cancel the Olympics.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Its time to start getting rid of Olympics all together. Its a game for the rich. Billions spent on who know what? If same amount of money was spent on needed schools, nurseries, hospitals, and roads; would actually make impact on society. Just look at Brazil and the wasted funds. Japan is no different than Brazil. But we will get to third world level, just a matter of time.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@Little joey

Yes and no regarding cancellation.

The Tokyo government can request and the IOC can refuse.

But the contract it between Tokyo and the IOC not the national government of Japan.

So the national government can go public demand that Tokyo and the IOC cancel the games.

Tokyo may not be legally able to say anything publicly that could "harm" the games, but the national and other prefectures can.

Under that kind of international publicity the IOC would have no choice and Tokyo would be legally safe.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Its time to start getting rid of Olympics all together. Its a game for the rich.

I can to that conclusion over a decade ago when it became clear the richer the country the more technology and advantages they had.

The swimming competition where the swimmers from rich countries had high tech swimwear designed to reduce friction in the water but non rich countries couldn't afford the multi thousands of dollars each one of these custom made suits cost.

It is like having a formula one race where some teams have F1 race cars with full pit crew and the other teams have a standard production car and no pit crew, guess which one is going to win.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Up until a few weeks ago it was 80%, suddenly 60%, some manipulation is at work.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Looking at the comments I must be the only person looking forward to the Olympics. If there's a solid testing protocol for athletes and staff it should be a safely run event.

Or we can all just cower in our homes for the next 2 years like some people here would like.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Or we can all just cower in our homes for the next 2 years like some people here would like.

Do you think anyone enjoys living in a SOE??? Why exactly should we be forced to cower in our Tokyo homes by the japanese government while athletes compete in a massive event that is, at this point, only designed to make the IOC richer?

Vaccinating the population and ensuring that everyone living in Tokyo is safe should be a MUCH higher priority than any sports event.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Looking at the comments I must be the only person looking forward to the Olympics. If there's a solid testing protocol for athletes and staff it should be a safely run event.

Ok do tell us how are they going to stick to these supposed protocols?

Over 100,000 daily tests is what will be needed just for the Athletes and officials, on top of all the local support staff,etc...

The government hasn't been able to conduct even close to that nationwide even less within Tokyo.

At best the most the country has been able to test in a day was 120,000 and most of that was from private labs processing requests from those unable to get tested by the government. the next larger testing was by hospitals with their own testing facilities followed by universities.

So the whole country can barely test over 100,000 a day from Hokkaido to Okinawa but bby some miracle Tokyo is suddenly going to be able to test 100,000 plus daily and not interrupt the testing of the local population.

Please let use know how this will be possible.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

This is not just about safety of the Japanese people anymore. Not at all.

It is not safe for foreign athletes, supports staff or media visiting Japan. Why is this issue not being raised?

Japan is dangerous right now and unless a foreigner has really been paying attention, they have to way to judge risk of attending the Olympics.

Japan should be held liable for any illness resulting from the governments negligent reporting of COVID statistics.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The IOC honestly sees no downside or problems because by the time the results of how many people got infected, how much the games caused a super spreader, the games will have been long over those coming here will have left and the IOC will have already claimed nothing went wrong like they did with the marathon in Hokkaido which 2 weeks later is seeing a rise in cases.

I guess the learned this from the from the superspreader events last year in the USA.

The 2 to 3 week delay in people showing signs of covid means they can deny any link!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Little joey

Yes and no regarding cancellation.

The Tokyo government can request and the IOC can refuse.

But the contract it between Tokyo and the IOC not the national government of Japan.

So the national government can go public demand that Tokyo and the IOC cancel the games.

Tokyo may not be legally able to say anything publicly that could "harm" the games, but the national and other prefectures can.

Under that kind of international publicity the IOC would have no choice and Tokyo would be legally safe.

Looked it up and you're right, now the only way the olympics will be cancelled if the IOC decides to cancel it, if Japan cancels it, all cost and losses will be shouldered by the host....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan is dangerous right now and unless a foreigner has really been paying attention, they have to way to judge risk of attending the Olympics.

Japan should be held liable for any illness resulting from the governments negligent reporting of COVID statistics.

Straight up B...

The organisations for each sport are the ones that make the decision and the fact the USA team chose to skip coming here to prepare and remained in the USA until the Gabe's shows they know full well what is going on.

Canada's gymnastics team will not be coming because it refused to go to qualifying meet in Rio Brazil.

So it seems clear these organisations are paying attention but for the most part ignoring it all.

The Athletes have little or no say, if they refuse they risk (more likely will) be penalised by their respective associations for refusing to go, which could mean losing funding, suspension, etc...

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Yes Force Majeure is in the contract BUT it states the IOC must be the one to make the final decision after receiving the request.

If the IOC refuses the request the contract is quite clear.

The host can be held liable for losses.

It will not be the IOC that will go after Tokyo, it will be the sponsors and broadcast Companies, etc...

I haven't read which jurisdiction the contracts say will be used in the event of legal disputes but I would venture to guess Japan.

Even if Tokyo wins every case, the cost and trouble for Tokyo and the Japanese government, Court system would still be substantial.

The Force Majeure clause seems poorly written and advantageous for the IOC, I am no lawyer but I would have never signed a contract with such a lopsided Force Majeure clause.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

In a survey in April, 39.2 percent believed the event should be canceled, while 32.8 percent thought they should be rescheduled

So it was 70% in April. Glad to see people are coming to their senses and seeing it is hypocritical to worry about the Olympics while packing in trains every day and going about your daily life as if nothing has happened.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It should be noted that Kyodo News has a deep ties with Dentsu. It is the second largest share holder of Dentsu. Kyodo News is not the only news publisher that has manipulated poll questions. NHK and Yomiuri, also under the influence of Dentsu, did the same in their recent polls. They all stopped asking whether the Games should be further postponed. Instead they provided more options for holding the Olympics: at full capacity? limited capacity? or no spectators?


4 ( +4 / -0 )

Tokyo can’t really cancel the Olympics. The city is between a rock and hard place. The IOC owns the Olympics and has the final say. Tokyo signed a contract with the IOC and that contract doesn’t look easy to break.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The two-day nationwide telephone survey conducted

I stopped reading here. What did they do? Break out a phone book and just go down the list until 5 pm?

Who owns or answers a telephone in 2021?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

the survey showed 87.7 percent are concerned that an influx of athletes and staff members from abroad may spread the virus.

The staff members and athletes from most countries will be vaccinated and tested before they come for the Olympics.

With over 40,000 new cases in Japan every week I’m sure the athletes and staff members are more concerned about contracting the virus while they are here.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I don't see it happening. Even if 100% of the population wants them cancelled and athletes start pulling out of the event, they'd run it on a skeleton crew.

Quite simply, neither the IOC nor Japanese government are going to cave in and take the financial hit to cancel the Olympics. Even if they both wanted to, they will want the other party to do it so they can recoup more of their own losses.

Prepare for the most anemic olympics history has seen.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

@shogun36: I have both a land-line and a mobile telephone. I both of which I own.

I also place and receive calls on a land-line which my company owns

Unless the number originates in an odd country, I do pick my phone up.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

It should be noted that Kyodo News has a deep ties with Dentsu. It is the second largest share holder of Dentsu. Kyodo News is not the only news publisher that has manipulated poll questions. NHK and Yomiuri, also under the influence of Dentsu, did the same in their recent polls. They all stopped asking whether the Games should be further postponed. Instead they provided more options for holding the Olympics: at full capacity? limited capacity? or no spectators?


It should be noted that not just the poll, but the article itself titled as ”Nearly 60% say Tokyo Olympics should be canceled" was written by Kyodo. If their motive was to put the Olympics in a good light, do you think they would word it that way? They are more interested in making click-bait content just as any other news outlet.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

No reason to be ruled by irrational fear.

CDC reports that vaccinated people do not spread covid; all athletes and supporting personnel entering Japan will be fully vaccinated.

CDC also reports that covid is not spread outdoors.

If you are afraid, stay home. Do not present Japan as a nation of paranoid party poppers.

Let the games begin. And enjoy them from the comfort of your own home.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

No reason to be ruled by irrational fear.

CDC reports that vaccinated people do not spread covid; all athletes and supporting personnel entering Japan will be fully vaccinated.

CDC also reports that covid is not spread outdoors.

If you are afraid, stay home. Do not present Japan as a nation of paranoid party poppers.

Let the games begin. And enjoy them from the comfort of your own home.

LOL pushing the exact same line, word for word, as the corrupt IOC.

Is that you, crooked Coe?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I agree @Danielsan: TV event only. Enjoy it, at home, with a cold beer and some good home cooking.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

In an Asahi survey on May 15, those voting against the games was 81%.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I literally do not know any japanese that says the Olympics should go ahead this year in Japan.

I can back up what AG states. I too have not met a Japanese person who supports holding the Hunger Games, er Despot Games, excuse me, the "Olympic Games".

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Tokyo can’t really cancel the Olympics. The city is between a rock and hard place. The IOC owns the Olympics and has the final say. Tokyo signed a contract with the IOC and that contract doesn’t look easy to break.

I am afraid I really must respectfully disagree for 2 reasons:

1) Tokyo could just refuse to open the venues or allow entry. If the IOC were to sue, they would have to sue in Japan.

2) I would be beyond shocked if there were not an "Act of God" clause in the contract covering things like natural disasters and global pandemics.

Normally I would agree with you, but in this instance I do not.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Didn’t we already know this?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

If the polls are correct and 60% of the folks here in Japan want cancellation they should seriously consider cancelling the games.

If the Suga Administration had rolled up their sleeves back in January or February, gotten serious, and gotten to work on the vaccinations and started vaccinating at the pace they have done in Israel, the UK, and the US the Olympics maybe could have been held. Over Probably, 50% of the population would have been vaccinated by now, and people would have been a lot more optimistic.

But, they didn't. 

I do not think their inaction was deliberate, nor that they were looking for some type of pecuniary gain as some have suggested. They just seemed to really not care.

You can bet if their sons, daughters, or grandchildren were participating in the Olympics things would have been different.

Hopefully the public will remember this come election time and vote these people out of office.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

If the polls are correct and 60% of the folks here in Japan want cancellation they should seriously consider cancelling the games.

If that poll numbers translated into number of petitioners then maybe.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

If you are afraid, stay home. Do not present Japan as a nation of paranoid party poppers.

Let the games begin. And enjoy them from the comfort of your own home.

If you are afraid stay home, but stay home anyway. Kind of a mixed message.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Looking at the comments I must be the only person looking forward to the Olympics. 

For me, it's less about the safety of holding the games then the optics (and potential hypocrisy) of holding government-sanctioned, large-scale events while the normal freedoms of of everyday life are curtailed.

In other words, "following the science" should apply to all situations or none.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

If there's a solid testing protocol for athletes and staff it should be a safely run event. 

Or we can all just cower in our homes for the next 2 years like some people here would like.

If there had been a solid testing protocol and vaccination programme for Taro Average and his Missis, we wouldn't be in the middle of yet another surge and SoE and there would be no need for anyone to 'cower in our homes' (aka being sensible, maintaining a social distance and trying not to infect Granny). If it cannot be done for the general public, why believe it's suddenly possible for tens of thousands of extra people suddenly turning up on the doorstep?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

It's actually 80% and not 60%

The Kyodo's poll was deceptive as it didn't include the postponement possibility :


4 ( +4 / -0 )

Big sports events continue to be held here and in other countries, regularly, why would they cancel the Olympics?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Very deceptive reporting to highlight lower opposition for Olympics.

Another recent poll by Asahi (over the weekend - link below) shows total of 83% opposing Okympics - 43% cancellation, 40% further postponment (last same poll these numbers were 35% and 34% respectively) - so actual opposing % has increased from 69% to 83%….


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Big sports events continue to be held here and in other countries, regularly, why would they cancel the Olympics?

because those other events dont have athletes from over 200 countries travelling to a country with less than 3% vaccinated population…….
0 ( +0 / -0 )

> Big sports events continue to be held here and in other countries, regularly, why would they cancel the Olympics?


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Still haven’t met a single person who wants it in Kansai. Not one.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If asked whether it should be cancelled or postponed, the poll percentage rises to over 80%. None of this makes the slightest difference to the out of touch Japanese government nor the money grubbing IOC. The games go on no matter what the vast majority think or whatever the consequences. Money matters over lives.

1 ( +1 / -0 )



-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Somebody out there must have ran numbers of some kind, and I don't mean the polls

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted this in another thread, shouldn't at least spectators be disallowed?

Learned something new today. MLB season consists of 162 games for each of 30 teams. Stadium capacity average around 42thousand and fans are allowed at varying capacities from 19% to 100%

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Big sports events continue to be held here and in other countries, regularly, why would they cancel the Olympics?


Seems that Japan has selective reporting.

The gymnastics qualifying meet in Rio Canada's Gymnastics team refused to risk going due to covid dangers so will now not be coming to Japan.

At least one group has brains.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted this in another thread, shouldn't at least spectators be disallowed?

Now tell us how many of the Athletes are going to be showing up in the tens of thousands from highly infected countries and what is the status of vaccination in the USA and Canada? (Hint vaccination levels are not under 3%).

1 ( +1 / -0 )

IF the host city contract is THE REASON, I think Japan should give a f**k to IOC and reject it, even if Japan would never for ever be able to host a world amateur sports festival and bear the burden of such contract by paying whatever penalty .... the contract which does not allow this world-wide pandemic to be qualified as force-majeure. Hey, it is not rare these days that not only super powers but all breach the written and sighed contracts/treaties.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

COVID-19 cases have been growing nationwide in recent weeks, putting further strains on the country's medical system. More patients are dying at home due to the difficulty of finding available hospital beds, with the situation worsened by the spread of the new variants and the slow process of inoculation.

When people are dying in their homes because they cannot find hospital beds, yet the government is provisioning thousands of beds for the Olympics, you have a competition for resources. Japan needs to be 100% focused on a rapid vaccination rollout. The Olympics is a distraction to the manpower, decision making, money, energy, and time needed for the vaccination effort.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Antiquesaving - Yes - but all athletes WILL be vaccinated. Just wait and see. You all doth protest to much. How may of you have any intention of going anywhere near any of the Olympic venues in any case?

Its going ahead - 100%

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


And in the end they will claim as they have with the Hokkaido marathon a safe success because new cases will only show up 2 to 3 weeks later as we are now seeing in Hokkaido.

The testing results will be a joke because simple math.

In the whole country from Hokkaido to Okinawa the most testing in a single day was just over 120,000 tested ( 30,000 yesterday).

So who in their right mind thinks that somehow Tokyo is going to suddenly be able to test the 100,000 athletes and officials, plus all the local staff servicing the games ( numbers between 100,000 and 175,000 daily tests).

To get that done they would need to requisition every private lab, hospital and University lab on top of every prefecture public health centres. Ending any testing of the Japanese people.

It is called simple logic based on present information and facts.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Why oh why do so many want to ruin the athletes dreams and cancel the Olympics. Upsets me how they seem most intent on wanting the physically challenged games to be canceled. Those people suffer enough in life, being bullied and with issues, yet it’s ok for people to want to end their lifelong dreams.

I shall support the games 100%

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Just don’t keep trying to deny these youngsters dreams please.

I do feel sorry, a bit, for the athletes who have trained for years in preparation for their day in the limelight.

But I feel much more concerned about the Japanese public who cannot get tests or vaccines or a hospital bed all because the government is pouring everything into the Olympics and taking vital resources away from where they are really needed.

’These youngsters’ can try again in three years’ time. The people who succumb to COVID because the government was more interested in playing games than in protecting the people won’t be here in three years’ time to watch the youngsters. Or to do anything.

Putting the ‘dreams’ of the few above the health and lives of the many is scandalous.

And that’s before we start talking about all the small businesses that are doomed to go under and the workers who will be put out of work in the next SoE, which will no doubt be implemented in an attempt to control the fifth, massive, post-Olympic surge.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Extremely well put, thank you!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

CrickyMay 17  06:56 am JST

Pim, outstanding thinking! We bring you our product not the Olympics! That would work. Defiantly branding your product to distancing itself from the Olympics would actually be a smart move.

It certainly would because if the Olympics do go on this year, it's guaranteed to be a disasterous bust. And you wouldn't want to be a sponsor of or have an association with that, would you? That would reflect badly on YOU and you'd have egg on your face.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There is no Tokyo 2020.

Not no more.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Now tell us how many of the Athletes are going to be showing up in the tens of thousands from highly infected countries and what is the status of vaccination in the USA and Canada? (Hint vaccination levels are not under 3%).

Currently, mortality rates are still far higher in the US compared to Japan despite the high vaccination rates right?

Anyway, you probably have an idea of number of people that will be coming if the Olympics pushes thru.

Is it anywhere near the number of attendes for MLB games alone?

The lowest estimate for the numbers above would be

162 x 30 x 42,000 x 19%=


Multiply that by 5 to get upper limit

Learned something new today. MLB season consists of 162 games for each of 30 teams. Stadium capacity average around 42thousand and fans are allowed at varyin

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Perfectly agreed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I am in general a huge fan of the Olympics, and would love to see them held this year, but not at the expense of the needless loss of life that a superspreader event would entail.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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