Japan Today

Tokyo governor slams Fukushima coverage on eve of 2020 vote


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we have heard more than enough from Japan, now let's wait and see what IOC has to say not about Fukushima but Olympics.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Too late, seriously I hope the pressure continues. 30 months later and the sheople of Japan are still having the wool pulled over their eyes by a lying, manipulative government in the guise of TEPCO. Fact is:as soon as public funds were allocated to TEPCO the government was calling the shots. Now as the FACTS are coming out at an uncontrollable pace they are starting to panic. They should have been in panic for the last 29 months to put this issue at the top of their priorities. Olympic celebration after this crisis is under control please, I will cheer and shout and scream for Japan but not until Fukushima AND Miyagi AND Iwate get some sense of completion. Do the right thing Tokyo, look after all the people before your business nepotists.

29 ( +33 / -4 )

Agree, enough already. So much damage control poop. All of this should have been handled properly from the beginning with proper oversight. Oversight meaning third party international oversight since both JPN Gov and TEPCO are in bed together.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

And pray tell Mr Inose why was it reported on the news that the fishermen and official's in Fuskushima don't agree with your assessment that :

He added that the Japanese government had taken control of the crisis.

Not to mention that they are also debunking the garbage out of your mouth that "Tokyo is safe" from potential radiation coming from the stricken areas?

I sincerely hope that the IOC members listen to the folks on the ground in the areas affected and not just the mouth-piece Inose!

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Inose, who said all food was checked for contamination when it was brought in from outside Tokyo

Huh? How could you check all food for contamination? Only certain supermarket chains have a check-all policy, and even then they do it on a sample base.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It's just a world of self-satisfaction for this old bird.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Mr. Inose, putting money aside and taking responsibility is not solving the the problem. Enough said!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

What's starting to happen in Japan is pretty groundbreaking to be honest. I can't remember many times (if any at all) where the media has started to question, or should I say scrutinise (something that happens all the time in other civilised countries), the aurhorities. Fukushima may actually turn out to be a positive driving force that will start to break down the Japanese sheep-like mentality.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Ha ha! He's just peeved cos he wasn't able to conceal the truth. If TEPCO had't created such a huge mess while the J-Gov idly stood by and watched it unfold there would be no problem.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

"First of all you should read the statement and then ask questions. Fact and basis should be reported. We will provide all the data and that will be fair."

he said one day before the voting.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Yes, how dare the media report that a power station a couple of hundred miles away is leaking deadly radiation on a daily basis.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The reports might be correct as he claims .... however, they could well be true. So should we believe these news stories that have at least been investigated by some journalists or should we just accept the esteemed governor's beliefs that are just based on his thoughts?

And the food was checked before it was brought to Tokyo? That's great, but there have also been quite a few incidents of supermarkets relabelling where it was from. There is a chance the media might be wrong, but I'll side with them and prudence rather than trust the silly words of a man who will say anything to make his personal dreams come true.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

“What happened in Fukushima... was an event that only takes place once every 1000 years"

Yes! And it is happening now!

"Abe said on August 8 that TEPCO should no longer be in charge"

"In charge" means "controlling" or "responsible". TEPCO never has been in charge. Only taking many money to pretend to fix the disater. But every day it is get worse.

“So much rumor has been conveyed by the media" And so much lying has been conveyed by TEPCO and a government. Remember, there is no meltdown? It is only steam?

Basic fact is - we cann NOT trust TEPCO and we can NOT trust a government. They only want Olympic money for keeping. Nothing will go to Tohoku's people. So, we read other facts from other source. Inose wants control where we get information - Like a North Korea!

No Olympic in Tokyo, please!

12 ( +18 / -6 )

Tokyo Gov Naoki Inose blasted the media coverage of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant on Friday and said that people should not believe in scare stories but on basis and facts.

Yes of course. BUT...TEPCO has such a long history of lies and cover-ups that they have lost the trust of the public. The government has been just as bad.

From the first day of the crisis, when TEPCO 'underestimated' the initial release of radioactivity by less than half and the SPEEDI figures were witheld by the government, the public of Japan has been shown nothing but gross disrespect and contempt by the authorities.

So, Governor Inose, I'm sorry that your glorious bid for the Olympics is in ruins, but why don't you just shut up and p*** off, and stop trying to close the doors after the horse has bolted. Perhaps you should have thought of the effect this would have two years ago - ah, but then you must have assumed it would still have been kept under the tatami like a dirty little secret.

The public don't like being lied to. It's a small, sweet justice to see you f***ed up over the incompetence of all involved.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Who is Naoki Inose? Never heard of him. Tokyo Gov. Ishihara was straight-forward and spoke his mind. Time to get him back in office.

-23 ( +0 / -23 )

Hi Hatsoff, where did you get your information. TEPCO didn't have any figures for radiation after the accident because their detectors were broken or without power. The first information came from a US radiation detecting satellite, but the US government told them not to release the information because then other countries would know they had such a spy satellite. The information was finally released when it was reported about by English press. The first working detectors set up in the area were by the US. So any figures in about the first 10 to 14 days are all US. I doubt the US lied about anything.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Inose and the rest of the japanese government just don't get it. Of course Tokyo is safe. NOW!!! But this can change in a second, if something goes very wrong at Fukushima. And the government is not in control, they just pay the money. Tepco and it's people are still in control. And with their record and the task to remove the fuel rods from November, I assume something will go wrong. Just hope not for the worst case.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

the tsunami and the earthquake was an event that only takes place once every 1000 years, the last time being in 869

Noooo.... Massive earthquakes and tsunamis hit the same region in 1896 and 1933.

Fact and basis should be reported.


7 ( +9 / -2 )

In another words he'll get some massive kickback if Japan wins the vote. Sorry, Inose, but the actual Google street view footage of towns still empty save for the rubble not cleaned up are pretty good proof that this bid does not promote growth and/or help the people of said areas. And slamming the media coverage for reporting things that are revealed WELL after they've already happened??

This is pathetic, as is Inose.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Tokyo would never win the Olympic bid while Japan is just keeping to say that Fukushima is safe and radiation level is safe and leaks can be stopped later without clear evidences that everyone understands well. Japanese government should insist clear scientific plans of its every year's process that leaks of radioactive water can be stopped and Fukushima can be a safe level by 2020.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This selfish d-bag cares nothing about his country. He just wants the glory. Yes, the glory of debt. Fukushima is a huge factor and is no where near contained. Japan needs to be shamed into doing something about this. Let's start with a losing bid.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

literally dont know any Japanese person here in Tokyo that is in support of the olympics here... Why this sudden olympics urge.... they are hoping it to be a plaster to put on the issues unfolding but this time issues are a bit too big for a plaster...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It must be nice to walk through life with blinders on.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Nothing to see nothing to see move along.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Damn, the Press Club has malfunctioned!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It is funny, we haven't been able to afford restoring a lot of infrastructure but all of a sudden we can afford the Olympics. Watch, if Tokyo loses the host bid, then the Tokyo Governor will say again to the country, cut back on your spending because the city is broke.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

If they win he better prepare for a large number of international media asking awkward questions, ie seeking the truth. Have a feeling he is not going to like it.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It could also be said that the media is to blame for reporting the anti-government unrest in Turkey earlier this year or for reporting the state of the Spanish economy. The games are 7 years away, civil unrest can calm down and economies can recover but nuclear waste clean up takes decades.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Where do they get this "every thousand years" from? Japan has for or five major earthquakes every decade.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

He (Tokyo Gov Naoki Inose) added that the Japanese government had taken control of the crisis.

do you remember the words of former PM Noda ?

Fukushima is in cold shutdown, says Japanese prime minister


3 ( +4 / -1 )

I saw Inose-san on TV being very iritate when people ask him about Fukushima. He said "Don't worry, everything is control" twice, then when people don't believe and ask for more detail he said "I will answer in Japanese".

This showed the world two things:

Japan is exactly hierarchy. Inose thinks foreigners are very rude for questioning. He is man at the top, so when he speaks you must say "Ah yes, thank you" and make nice bow. Other countries people must pretend man at top is wise, even when he talks a bollocks thing.

Also, Japan can't find anyone good at international language English to be the face for most international event in a world! So shame for Japan. We put sixties age man at the cameras and expect everyone in a world to say he is leader only because sixties age man.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

A hot headed elitist facing criticism, a media rant on eve of the decision process. Naoki Inose is Istanbul and Madrid's best friend right now.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I'm still waiting for Ishihara to explain where the 7 BILLION yen went for his failed bid to get the 2016 games. He did promise to explain where every single yen was spent, but we heard nothing since.

We've either got money to wee away on this nonsense, or we're broke and have to raise traces. Not both.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Here's what Inose wants: the glory of the Games and the bid-rigging bribes from gov't and construction companies. He'd retire a very rich man well before the crushing debt the Games would bring after.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Typical of right wing Japanese politicians. Don't listen to the media. Don't read history books. Don't trust the IAEA. We have our own 'unique' nuclear watchdog that respects the views and traditions of 'Japanese culture'. Just listen to us, we'll be straight with you....

8 ( +9 / -1 )

This is most " regretable" but I'm sure they will " sincerely reflect on the situation", "collect all relevant information swiftly " and "take appropriate action speedily ".


6 ( +8 / -2 )

If, from the beginning, TEPCO and the Government actually reported real concrete facts and were more open about the truth, then the media would have little to report other than the facts.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Inose-san, unfortunately after more than 2 years of lies and down playing about Fukushima, the only way to get things moving is to put it on the international scene. For the good of Japan and the rest of the world! And the OG vote session is a great opportunity.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Tokyo is not the problem, Fukushima is.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

if the government is in control,why do we does the news keep getting bad day by day since the crisis started? I think Japan should act more responsibly by not trying to endanger the lives of worlds top class athletes and foreign fans by inviting them to a site which is only 2nd worst to chernobyl. not even the evil soviet regime tried to do that..

2 ( +3 / -1 )

CrazyJoe: TEPCO stands for Tokyo ... The Fukushima issue comes clearly from Tokyo where the power (TEPCO HQ and J-Gov) is and where everything is decided.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

danalawton1@yahoo.com: DPJ

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Please note that climate people say that actually Tokyo is not in danger. The west coast of the Canada and the US are in danger. The prevailing winds carry the radiation north, up toward Alaska, then down to the west coast of the US. On the day of the earthquake, there was a local wind that carried some radiation toward Tokyo, but that was only for a few hours. Anyway, Ishihara just wanted the Olympics in Japan for his own grand nationalistic vision. A waste of time and money. I don't want the Olympics here. If scarry Fukushima and images of irradiated Tokyo does the trick, so be it.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Let's not forget Darnname's Rule #4:

Everything a politician tells you is good, is bad, and vice versa.

And Darnmane's Rule #12:

The "winner" of the Olympic games is actually the loser, and vice versa.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Let us stop negative criticism on Tokyo Bids for Olympic. Olympic Committees are people of great integrity, judgements and fairness. Year 2020 is 7 more years. Many aspect for the safety of the athletes, journlists, medias and spectators can be corrected. Japan is needing the world for the courage to stand-up, once more from the deadly natural calamities it injures. Fukushima being the after-effects of that calamities. Tokyo committee with Olympic committees will address the safety issues internally. Many people are suffering and if the 3rd largest economy, Japan, gots help from the world, so much positive economic growth will be regain and will spread to the world. I am a foreigner in Japan for 21 years, however, can still understand how wonderful people they are. For me, Istanbul is my choice for world developments and Madrid is my choice for the old superpower to regain culture and heritage. But Japan is my choice for the old people to reminisce the glory and the younger families to see the “Ligth” from its desperation to stand-up. This new bid is different from the earlier bid Tokyo made. Just wishing. Lets all wait for the judgement. Mr Inose gave his all heart for this…even losing is wife just July.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

If there hadn't been lies and deception from the beginning, perhaps more people would believe what they are told now

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Tokyo Gov Naoki Inose ---> what an ignorant person, you better resign ! NOTHING is under control, just the opposite ! People wake up, don't believe this clown, he want's something else --> business (money).

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Why should the smiles of Japanese children be dependent the Olympics be awarded to Tokyo?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

He added that the Japanese government had taken control of the crisis.

And exactly what have they done?

TEPCO is still under the same management, and behaving the same as it did during and immediately after the meltdown.

Words only...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Actually, it sounds like Tokyo Gov. Naoki Inose is trying to lose the Olympics. By blasting media coverage on the Fukushima nuclear plant and saying that the media is turning out scare stories ... he's also indicating the Japanese media could be lying on other things about Japan, too.

Why doesn't the guy learn to keep his yap shut ...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

“Winning the Games will restore the smiles on the faces of the children.”

You mean the children of Fukushima, who are forced to live separated from their fathers? Or to you mean the children living in tiny temporary houses years after the quake?

The IOC should refuse Tokyo's bd because the government spends more energy promoting the olympics than speeding up recovery, and more time with false pride refusing international help over 2 years at Fukushima, probably out of fear the news would get out. Sorry Inose, the fault is not with the media here.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

"Tokyo Gov Naoki Inose blasted the media coverage of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant on Friday and said that people should not believe in scare stories but on basis and facts."

Ok so let's look at the facts. 13-09-07, 16:00, the radiation reading is 27,028nSv/h in Okuma and has been that way for a very long time. Isn't that a scary fact?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

When officials start vaguely blaming the media you know that they are desperate. The Fukushima disasters are there under everyone's nose: the natural disaster and then the Tepco-government crisis management disaster.

Like it or not, this is not the time to have the Olympics in Tokyo.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The IOC should refuse Tokyo's bd because the government spends more energy promoting the olympics than speeding up recovery, and more time with false pride refusing international help over 2 years at Fukushima, probably out of fear the news would get out. Sorry Inose, the fault is not with the media here.

Number of posts like this blaming Tokyo Metropolitan Government, for what they think the Japanese Government should be doing. Inose's patch is Tokyo, and nowhere else. He wants the games here and a lot of people have worked hard on the bid for 5-6 years. That's what he doesn't want undone, and lets praise his passion at least, and then you have the right to blast the people in charge of Fukushima, etc for their LACK of passion in their jobs. Governments involvement in the bid has been limited, Abe joining now and then. But yes of course they want it, it will generate JPY for the country, with employment prospects rising (including for those people in Tohoku).

I hope the Olympics goes to the city with the best plan, not because of the wrong reasons, and not because of bribes (still a concern with IOC IMHO).

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Gokai - the info was given at the time (2011). I don't know if you were living here when the explosions happened but we were getting reports every day from TEPCO and Edano. After about 6 months or so, the figures for the original release of radiation was revised to over double. The government refused to release any SPEEDI figures at the time too.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I used to respect Mr. Inose when he was a journalist, but after he became a politician he is just like all the other politicians. Promising left and right, talking big, jogging for the cameras, etc. etc.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"Don't ask! Why are you asking?! Shaddapu! Shaddap!"

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@No Miso, sorry if I was unclear, I meant the National Government, and they have made it so that it might be hard to trust whether information being given about the source of food, for example. And if I remember correctly, national money was used to host IOC members when they came to Japan a few months back. Therefore, he should be angry that the national government has made Japan look suspicious.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So the argument now is that 'Tokyo is separate from Japan, and that should warrant a fair chance to to Tokyo's Olympic bid'.

This would work, in a vacuum. Internationally, Tokyo IS synonymous with Japan. Historically, since the transfer from Kyoto, the Tokyo region has been the seat of most, if not all, political, social and business developments in Japan.

So let's go to today, most politicians in Japan are seated from Tokyo. Most Prime Ministers elected are politicians seated in Tokyo. The Tokyo government has as much control of Japanese politics as the national Diet. The current situation with China was exacerbated by the Former Tokyo Governor, he now has a seat the national Diet. Tokyo is not just a separate piece of Japan, it's the whole country. If Japan's hopes are spoiled, blame both the national and metropolitan government for they the two hands that run the country.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@RealJapan: Inose had been quiet but he used to be as big mouth as Aso. Ask any JT comment writers,

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@no miso

But yes of course they want it, it will generate JPY for the country, with employment prospects rising (including for those people in Tohoku).

This is a nice thought, but it isn't actually true, as we can see from the London Olympics. They were a horrendous waste of money and only people in London and in the London vicinity saw any financial benefit from the games. The rest of the country was largely ignored. Think about it - how does having the Olympics in London help a hotelier, for example, in Newcastle?

Now if you had a situation where the games were held at various venues all round the host country, you may have a case, but imagine how much extra would need to be spent creating the stadia, facilities, improving transport connections...no, if there is any benefit to a country, it is only seen in the city that hosts the games, and even then, they are a huge drain on a country's resources.

Actually using Tohoku as leverage is a shameful thing to do. ALT companies were blasted for using it in advertising after the disaster by one website.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This is a nice thought, but it isn't actually true, as we can see from the London Olympics. They were a horrendous waste of money and only people in London and in the London vicinity saw any financial benefit from the games.

n what basis do you say this? I went there, and saw Olympic money being spent in stadia and cities all over the UK. Stadia that were already built (e.g. Old Trafford, Reebok Stadium), and in places as far and wide as Cardiff, Manchester, and Glasgow. Holding the Olympics in London helped all of these cities (these were just the ones I can remember.

As I understand it, there will be events held in Tohoku if Tokyo gets the bid, so there will be some benefit there too. Yes, mainly Tokyo, but an Olympics in Tohoku seems unlikely as it really doesn't have the infrastructure to deal with it, does it?

Actually using Tohoku as leverage is a shameful thing to do. ALT companies were blasted for using it in advertising after the disaster by one website.

I'd agree with you there, and similarly using Fukushima as negative leverage is the same thing, right?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This quote got me:

We will provide all the data and that will be fair.”

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a problem with this...so are we all expected to just believe the government or something???

1 ( +1 / -0 )


@No Miso, sorry if I was unclear, I meant the National Government,

I'm kind of sorry for using,your quote - it wasn't the worst example, just the most recent. I hear your point, but personally I don't really have an issue with food. You cannot hide radiation, so I think it is generally safe to eat. There WILL be isolated incidents of items getting to market that are over certain limits, but on the whole, I doubt if anyone while die from radiation poisoning from food. More people will die in coal mines or from pollution related respiratory disease than from radiation. No one really cares about that, that's life, it seems.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@ no miso

n what basis do you say this?

On the basis that it is true. People have said it. There have been articles about it in the British press. It was a flash in the pan, and now it's all over and that was that.

As I understand it, there will be events held in Tohoku if Tokyo gets the bid, so there will be some benefit there too.

On what basis do you say this?

similarly using Fukushima as negative leverage is the same thing, right?

In theory yes. In practice, we are talking about people's lives here, and potentially catastrophic health issues if Japan fails to deal with the mess up there. It isn't something you can ignore, really, is it? Or is it? Look what ignoring it has done so far. On the other hand some rubbish about making children smile is just ridiculous. They won't be smiling a few years from now when the effects of no evacuating start to show up! Get real, fella!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"scare stories but on basis and facts" No Sir they are NOT scare stories. The Nuclear Radiation has not STOPPED. " Radiation levels around tanks holding contaminated water at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan have hit a new high, officials with Japan’s nuclear regulator said Wednesday". This is a Catastrophe and will threaten the entire Planet soon. TEPCO still in Charge? The Foxes in charge of the Hen House. They have been and are Incompetent to fix the problem. The WORLD must help here.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Spain has rampant unemployment and is financially bankrupt,requiring bailouts they can't afford to stay afloat.

Wouldn't hosting the Olympic games generate new hope, new energy, new employment ? Whereas Tokyo will plunge the Fukushima victims into a state of despair... "Our government is spending money on the Games while we still have no decent place to live..."

5 ( +5 / -0 )

sorry Inose san but criticizing the media in doing their part would only prove your incompetent to face the truths and to respond to confusions, i think we need more information on the Fukushima problem, not less information. we should therefore thank the media in doing what they can to report and to try and invoke more ideas from the public on how to seek and perhaps solve this problem in mind.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

“With the leaking contaminated water what can we do? Well Prime Minister (Shinzo) Abe said on August 8 that TEPCO should no longer be in charge and measures were put in place. On the 3rd of September, $500 million were set aside to tackle this project.

I thought it's obvious......another roll of duct tape should do it and keep smiling !

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"basis and facts." ???

We have been lied to by TEPCO and the Governments of Japan and the US about this situation.

Here is a fact for you. A friend works under contract through the state of Hawaii under the umbrella of NOAA. He checks for pollution in the Pacific, particularly the extended Hawaiian and Aleutian island chains. He reports that cesium levels in fish are at a level that should prevent human consumption. We have coined a new term for Sushi ... Fukusushi

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Francis Urquhart

On what basis do you say this?

On the basis that it is true. People have said it. There have been articles about it in the British press. It was a flash in the pan, and now it's all over and that was that.

Well then it must true, if "people" have been saying it. I would have to then question the personal experiences I have had when I was in the UK during the Olympics, and also this year. As for a "flash in the pan" effect, how many other 3 week events have such a lasting impact on a town?

Please don't forget that this is a TOKYO bid, not a country bid. 2012 was a LONDON bid not a UK bid. There is definitely going to be a focus in one place, but the ripples do reach out. For 2020. regional grounds will be used to host Football and (maybe) Baseball. People in the regions WILL have a chance to participate, and the atmosphere in Tokyo will be electric. It will be a fun event, try and join in!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

No miso - read this!


0 ( +0 / -0 )

No miso - read this!

Read it earlier. It contains quotes from opposition party (Labour) MP's saying the current government has failed. It listed a number of instances of companies that have failed in the East End of London, and mentioned nothing about the positive side. I have friends in that region who were over the moon, and really enjoyed the 3 week period. There were businesses rushed off their feet. The important thing is to try to get a balanced picture, and not focus on just the negative. Everyone can whine about their current position, it is the people who rise above it and show us what human nature is that are the real stars.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

i wonder how that will work with the rumoured plan to relocate government to Osaka, heard that one few times already

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I slam the media coverage too.


Tepco uses about 400 tons of water per day to inject into the ruined reactor facilities (especially the area around the three 100-ton molten fuel cores) in order to keep them cooling. That amount is mixed with the 400 tons flowing in as groundwater. Tepco recycles half and pumps out the latter 400 tons of contaminated water and puts it into these above-ground tanks, each with 1000 ton capacity. So every 2.5 days, a new tank is necessary, for an annual total of roughly 150,000 tons. About 350 of the 1000 tanks already in place were for "temporary" storage, hastily thrown together with bolts and bits of cast-off material, and some of them are already leaking. That suggests some will need to be replaced.

At the same time, Tepco plans to continue installing additional tank capacity, leading to total above-ground storage capacity of 700,000 tons in 2015 and 800,000 tons at the end of the 2016 fiscal year. But its ability to keep adding tanks is limited by proximity to the facilities, stability of the surface, and the area of Daiichi itself.

So Tepco are, so to speak, trying to go up on a down escalator, dealing with "one of the most challenging engineering tasks of our generation."

Several international experts argue the solution is removal of very dangerous strontium and cesium (some leaked water's radioactivity was 8 million times Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare limits) and then dilution and disposal. The Atomic Energy Society of Japan, for example, includes an accident investigation board that is calling for this. In late August, the board concluded that "It would be realistic to dilute the contaminated water to levels found in the natural world and release it into the ocean after removing radioactive materials other than tritium."

But this kind of release plan is contingent on Tepco getting its Multi-nuclide Removal Equipment (ALPS) back into operation. It is planned to be capable of removing 62 different radionuclides from 500 tons of water per day, but is offline at present due to weakness in the face of the corrosive water it is designed to filter.

See more at: http://www.japanfocus.org/-Christopher-Hobson/3991#sthash.eA7FzCPI.dpuf

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"We will provide all the data and that will be fair." For only what we wish you to know, otherwise you'll just have to believe us. Right....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It turns out Inose san was right. The media was wrong to ask about Fukushima, as the IOC decision shows. I hope he had a chance to bathe in champagne after the great victory. omedetou Inoue san!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This guy doesn't have to worry about the reactors as he is the governor of Tokyo. I wonder how many nuclear power stations there are in his prefecture- probably zero.

Feel sorry for the governors of Niigata and Fukushima- they have to deal with this mess while Inose goes all the wonderful celebratory parties.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Heavens, don't tell the truth.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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