Japan Today

Tokyo Olympic CEO reminds visitors that cannabis is banned in Japan

By Stephen Wade

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Remind all you want, but it isn't going to stop everyone.

When I went to a big-name band's concert in Tokyo Dome in 2007, the men's restroom was hot boxed like Snoop Dogg's living room.

Japanese people are slowly waking up to the benefits of marijuana consumption. Too bad the dinosaurs in power are too old to accept reality.

17 ( +29 / -12 )

Japan bans cannabis, but it does have relatively lax anti-smoking rules that allows smoking in many Tokyo restaurants and bars.

SO? Want to make it seem like one is OK and the other not? And calling the anti-smoking laws "relatively lax" in comparison to other developed nations, made me spit up my coffee today!

The laws are just paying lip service to demands from outside the country, and with enforcement being next to non existent the laws themselves are a joke!

7 ( +15 / -8 )

Shucks, just test everybody at the border and refuse entry to anyone who tests positive.  Or... build lots of detention centers, since visitors are unlikely to quickly plead guilty.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

"There are countries and some regions around the world that have relaxed rules recently," Muto said

Sounds like he's warning the Canadians!

17 ( +19 / -2 )

suck my ...

2 ( +10 / -8 )

It would seem he has already forgotten about the recent arrests of Japanese law makers for using pot and stimulants. I’m quite most visitors are not stupid enough to attempt to bring pot through customs. However, I’m also quite sure the Japanese dealers are stocking up for the event.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

No doubt some midnight tokers are unaware, so it could save them some trouble next year to get the word out. That said, Japan sure is going about their opening to the world in a passive-aggressive sort of way.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Good thing. Here in Washington, I am sick of seeing stoners and smelling their stink. Don't bring this to Japan.

-10 ( +11 / -21 )

It’s ridiculous to see cigarettes and Cannabis in the same light, for the latter is a narcotic that can lead users to heavier drugs such as cocaine and heroine. It’s more of a health issue than of a moral one.

-28 ( +6 / -34 )

It’s ridiculous to see cigarettes and Cannabis in the same light, for the latter is a narcotic that can lead users to heavier drugs such as cocaine and heroine.

Sounds like someone has been drinking the proverbial "kool-aid". Didn't you know THAT's illegal too?

It’s more of a health issue than of a moral one.

Quite so! The medical benefits of cannabis are well noted! It is much healthier for people to smoke or ingest cannabis than to smoke cigarettes!

There are FAR more problems with "legal" drugs and mind altering substances, here in Japan, and yet folks like you want to believe the garbage the government chooses to feed you! Wake up!

23 ( +26 / -3 )

It will be fun to dox people during the Olympics. Rather, it will be fun to watch the police hurry to arrest somebody who is actually just smoking a cig.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Oh now I understand the purpose of yesterday's news about Japan's Detention Center and showing the floorS not occupied ....... yet.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

What about smoking?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

oh gee oh no terrible pot... wouldn't want the kebab stands to run out.....

but hey if you want to smell gross and get a lung full of bad stuff no worries just go to pretty much any small bar or restaurant, take your fill of it..

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Great, now they are starting to threaten people before they arrive.

Locals may tolerate being treated like children but its offensive to start this sort of nonsense as Japan starts to get watched on the world stage.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Prohibition didn’t work.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

...for the latter is a narcotic that can lead users to heavier drugs such as cocaine and heroine. It’s more of a health issue than of a moral one.

Are you for real? Please educate yourself on the health benefits of Cannabis and CBD oil. Researchers are now understanding it is a kind of miracle drug.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

"Great, now they are starting to threaten people before they arrive."

Japan is telling people to follow the law. If you can't follow Japanese law than don't come to Japan.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

It’s ridiculous to see cigarettes and Cannabis in the same light, for the latter is a narcotic that can lead users to heavier drugs such as cocaine and heroine.

The '80s called, and they want their drug propaganda back.

18 ( +21 / -3 )

It will be fun to dox people during the Olympics. Rather, it will be fun to watch the police hurry to arrest somebody who is actually just smoking a cig.

I wouldn't attempt it. Contrary to popular belief the cyber crimes division of the National Police Agency is actually pretty capable at doing their job.

Are you for real? Please educate yourself on the health benefits of Cannabis and CBD oil. Researchers are now understanding it is a kind of miracle drug.

Anyone who thinks any type of substance is a miracle anything, just proves they shouldn't be handling it.

Great, now they are starting to threaten people before they arrive.

Locals may tolerate being treated like children but its offensive to start this sort of nonsense as Japan starts to get watched on the world stage.

Its not threatening people. You don't get special treatment just because you're visiting the country. Japan has laws, however Draconian, and they have to be followed.

Since there haven't been anything proven that marijuana is any more useful than a placebo, and the fact that is smells to high hell, I'm glad Japan is strict on it. It smells like a bunch of sweaty dudes stuck in a box in the middle of July..

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

Anyone who thinks any type of substance is a miracle anything, just proves they shouldn't be handling it.

And yet, decades of research has shown it to be such.

So should we take your rhetoric over decades of science?

11 ( +15 / -4 )

I think recreational users will know this already. The warning is important for medical users - the 57 year-old housewife who uses a CBD oil containing cream for her arthritis, coming to see her niece compete.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I am pretty confident that this will make a great article in The Rising Wasabi.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

All progressive ideologies of the 21st Century from across the globe will be making changes to their policies in a large number of standpoints. Japan will not. 10 years from now, 100 years from now. A prehistoric society afraid of change.

7 ( +11 / -4 )



Cannabis is a lethal drug.

It is far more potent than alcohol and cigarettes --- as a mood-altering drug.

It is equally addictive

And has far more chemicals that are not only carcinogenic, but also impact body chemistry and hormones.

-18 ( +5 / -23 )

Cannabis is among banned substances listed by the World Anti-Doping Agency for athletes at next year's Tokyo Olympics.

Could someone tell me what sports activity cannabis enhances performance for?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Proceed at your own risk! Non-U.S. Government or Military personnel/visitors are not covered under the Status-of-Forces Agreement and will do the full time for the cannabis usage if violators are caught & the Japanese court’s convict. Mellow out on a bottle of Nika or Suntory & enjoy the games!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

This shows the insular mindset of Japanese. I mean who rocks up at the border of another country thinking it's a free for all and they don't have to respect and follow the laws of that country? Are they going to remind visitors of every single law in advance just because some board member suddenly gets worried?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

There's a hemp shop in Roppongi, that sells bongs, why haven't they closed that down? Yet alone cracking down on yakuza selling it to people here

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

once the Japanese government gets a piece of the pot market they will be marketing it, not banning it

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It’s not a threat from Muto San, just a friendly reminder that drugs are not tolerated in Japan. It will be a real shame for foreigners to buy super expensive Olympic tickets, book flight and hotels, only to be thrown in detention at the airport and then deported permanently from Japan, because they brought illegal marijuana with them.

Just stick to smoking tobacco, and have a fabulous time watching Tokyo 2020!

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

How about now?!? I was drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette in front of a convenient store in Ropponghi and two guys asked me if I want marijuana or cocaine!!!! In plain site!!! The police don’t know about them? I doubt that.... I know you want the world to belive that Japan is heaven on earth but you can’t fool us .

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Just stick to smoking tobacco, and have a fabulous time watching Tokyo 2020!

LOL. Yes, please buy a lot of Japan Tobacco products-we truly want cancer to bring people together. But by all means please beware of that other leafy product. After all, we just saw Reefer Madness and are now terrified of what might happen..

12 ( +14 / -2 )

There's a hemp shop in Roppongi, that sells bongs, why haven't they closed that down?

How? What law(s) has the shop broken?

2 ( +5 / -3 )


It’s ridiculous to see cigarettes and Cannabis in the same light, for the latter is a narcotic that can lead users to heavier drugs such as cocaine and heroine. It’s more of a health issue than of a moral one.

Are you implying that the only issue with cigarettes is morality?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

It is wise to be aware that being caught throwing hey man's, with a Jamaican woodbine dangling from your mooey is not the only means of having your collar felt.

Traces of the substance in a sample of urine is equally a means of having a suspect bang to rights.

Stick to the sake. Prison time in Japan is not for the faint hearted

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Yubaru : And just how many people a year die from drunk-driving accidents vs those that smoke pot?

Cannabis/Marijuana has not been legalized in some parts of the western world until recently - THEREFORE we have not been able to collect sufficient hard stats that show the # of accidents contributable to cannabis use.

So it is impossible to draw comparisons, for example, motor vehicle accidents

Law enforcement has just recently come up with a device to actually measure the presence on THC in the blood.


Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis ( among about 100 others) - is immensely potent and, like alcohol, impairs judgement .

Death from use of mood-altering drugs -like alcohol and cannabis- is not only caused by car or boating accidents.

The drug itself destroys body organs.

Alcohol ,for instance, will pas through the system within 24 hours.

Cannabis is fat soluble and remains in the body for over 30 days, attaching itself to fatty organs like the brain, liver, and, thus continue to destroy the these organs.


-9 ( +2 / -11 )

I think recreational users will know this already. The warning is important for medical users - the 57 year-old housewife who uses a CBD oil containing cream for her arthritis, coming to see her niece compete.

Actually CBD is legal in Japan. It can be purchased quite legally online even. shipped from Japan. It would appear that Mr. Muto is either misinformed about Japanese law or needed to better qualify his statement/warning.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Cannabis/Marijuana has not been legalized in some parts of the western world until recently - THEREFORE we have not been able to collect sufficient hard stats that show the # of accidents contributable to cannabis use.

Um, yes we have. We now have a few years worth of data in areas where cannabis has been legalized. Did you bother to fact check yourself?

The drug itself destroys body organs.

No it doesn't. The War on Drugs called, they want their propaganda back.

Cannabis is fat soluble and remains in the body for over 30 days, attaching itself to fatty organs like the brain, liver, and, thus continue to destroy the these organs.

Um, it doesn't "destroy" them in the first place, and its presence for over 30 days also does not cause any issues.

Did you bother to even fact check a single thing you've said? It all sounds like something from a DARE propaganda pamphlet from the '80s, rather than being based in current day science.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

To qualify what I said above, it is THC that is illegal. And many CBD products contain traces of it. People should still indeed be careful.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

it is THC that is illegal. And many CBD products contain traces of it


Either way, if you need CBD, you'd probably be best coming here and buying it, rather than bringing it in.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Extensive research has been going on for decades on Cannabis vs Tobacco. On almost all reports, Tobacco was found to be more harmful.

The major reason why it has taken many this long to come around to the legalization of cannabis is because it was seen as a factor in producing wealth in certain third world countries. Furthermore, it would cut into the profits of established powers. The Tobacco industry which is a huge power in most of the world.

Lastly, alcohol is by far the deadliest of all drugs. Far more dangerous than opioids and psychedelics.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

"Tokyo Olympics CEO reminds visitors that Japan is effectively a police state what with it's legal system and censorship of the media".

3 ( +5 / -2 )

There goes half the attendees.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

So glad pot is illegal in japan . Disgusting stuff that causes all kinds of medical problems and makes you an unproductive member of society .

not to mention it’s disgusting smell .

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


Either way, if you need CBD, you'd probably be best coming here and buying it, rather than bringing it in.

Yes indeed. I was as surprised as you. Give it a google.

I may have been premature saying you can buy without import though. I'd agree, it would require a fair bit of trust that the Customs folks know their stuff. If you don't like holdups at the airport I'd say let the postal system handle it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Disgusting stuff that causes all kinds of medical problems

Current science disagrees with you. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you know what you are talking about, please tell us what kind of medical problems it causes, and show us the supporting evidence.

makes you an unproductive member of society .

Again, current science disagrees with you. In fact, there was a survey that showed people who smoke cannabis actually exercise harder than those who don't. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt again, so please show us your supporting evidence for your above claim, which I have no doubt to be true, but should be shown so as to support your argument to those who are more doubtful than I.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

For celebrities marijuana misuse is harsh and uncompromising, Junnosuke Taguchi former member of KAT-TUN, bail 3 million yen .......whoa! that is serious concrete kissing.


The court might some leniency, however why risk it?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The court might some leniency, however why risk it?

Never risk it. Never carry drugs over international borders unless they are legal in both countries, and all potential points of landing between.

Of course, some people will take the risk anyways. But anyone with half a brain will never do it.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The drug itself destroys body organs.

Alcohol ,for instance, will pas through the system within 24 hours.

Cannabis is fat soluble and remains in the body for over 30 days, attaching itself to fatty organs like the brain, liver, and, thus continue to destroy the these organs.

Funniest thing I have read, in my entire life. Could also be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

CBD sales to japan just spiked! Legal. Yes you can, just minus the silliness and giggles. Any suggestions oh wise JT readers while we at it? Brands, companies etc.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bless their paternalistic wee souls. Everyone thinks they are doing the right thing. Shades of gray innit.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Can the police even use urine tests from foreign tourists in a court of law? Part of me doubts it. I'm no expert but I don't think the law in Japan says anything about THC being in one's system. Now if someone is caught carrying it into the country, then they will be subject to harsh prosecution. As long as tourists don't try to smuggle drugs in with them, they should be fine.

You would think Japan would start banning indoor smoking too, but that along with excessive drinking is clearly labeled as a safe and wholesome activity by the Japanese lawmakers.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Why all the fuss? A lot of hate for Japan here. The way I read this is a gentle reminder to tourists about drug laws in Japan. It's PRINTED in immigration cards when you enter various SE Asian Countries.

I'm sure most of us here are not averse to a little smoke now and then, but we well know the consequences if caught here AND I think most of us wouldn't be as stupid enough to carry over international borders.

I'm 100% in favour of legislation of softer drugs so before you give me a 'thumbs down' please appreciate that, but seriously a lot of you are Japan bashing for the sake of it. Nonsense.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Chip StarToday 06:46 am JSTRemind all you want, but it isn't going to stop everyone.

When I went to a big-name band's concert in Tokyo Dome in 2007, the men's restroom was hot boxed like Snoop Dogg's living room.

Japanese people are slowly waking up to the benefits of marijuana consumption. Too bad the dinosaurs in power are too old to accept reality.

When I went to a Pink Floyd concert at Ohio State University stadium in 1994, Mary Jane was everybody's date. The soft drink vendors made a killing that night (no alcohol was being served). Then after the show the campus strip bars were loaded and after the last call the Burger King (open 24 hrs.) was patronized big time. Good for businesses, a win-win for all.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

There’s plenty of skunk and more than that.

Muto seems to be ignorant re the reality....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Shouldn't have bid for the Olympics in the first place if they cannot welcome diverse peoples from around the world.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Maybe Muto-san can also remind female visitors on Japanese law for rape crimes..?

I mean, make sure that nobody in Japan can smoke some draw, but don't worry too much about punishing rape crimes.

Muto said the issue was not on the executive board's formal agenda but came from a concerned member

If it's not on the official Olympics agenda why raise it.?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Omachi. So - You definition of diversity includes welcoming people who 'have to' get their hit and tolerate that against your own laws? Please read my comment above and then really think about whether you think smoking Cannabis should be compared to LGBT rights, Colour or Religion? What an absolutely dumb and ill informed comment.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Cannabis has been proven to relieve pain and lessen the effects of Parkinsons, but the Japanese "gamon" theory is probably more effective. I've heard of people here becoming alcoholics after injuries since doctors are forbidden to prescribe opioid medication unless its for cancer treatment. Try to import some herbs or supplements like DHEA (a mild hormone that's sold over the counter in the US) or Body Glide (anti-chafing ointment used by many athletes) and you would be out of luck.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It is far more potent than alcohol and cigarettes --- as a mood-altering drug.

Riiight... because being in a good mood is social faux pa in Japan, isn't it...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

the benefits of marijuana consumption

good article here about the naming of the weed. I prefer to use cannabis myself.


3 ( +3 / -0 )


Marijuana production is raking in HUGE money, so a lot of information is suppressed.

There is good data available, - non biased - based on clinical research that provides a through discourse on the impact of the drug on the human body..

Below are some links.

Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells? Harmful Effects


The Truth About Marijuana | MARR Addiction Treatment Center


20 Years of Marijuana Research: What We Have Learned


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

@ Vernon Watts: Cannabis has been proven to relieve pain and lessen the effects of Parkinsons



THC-free Cannabis has a wide range of medical benefits- some which you mentioned, including the treatment of MS

[I have a relative that uses the spray and capsules to mitigate symptoms and slow the disease progress.}


3 ( +4 / -1 )

I have been told that at both Haneda, and Kansai customs have been using passengers hand swabs.

I have been flying frequently Nagoya Chubu to Frankfurt, I have been stopped once or twice.

On declaring my Gin/vodka purchases. Customs swabbed my luggages but are polite. I think it is the amount, I do tend to fill another suitcase, needing bubble pack protection.

Airports could cause unintended risks to passengers flying in from countries with liberal recreational drug legislation. I don't know how long Cannabis remains within the blood system to be at risk of detection. Also if in Japan that would constitute an offence.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don’t think the CLF (Cannabis Liberation Front) is likely to invade Japan in 2020. Any tourist who tries to bring weed in deserves a Darwin Award.

As far as usage is concerned, the benefit depends on who, how, where, etc. What I don’t want to encounter are stoners on the street getting in the way and generally making nuisances of themselves. What may seem to be hilarious or a deep insight to them ... enough said. Weed has never improved anyone’s IQ.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

If u want to take it, go where it's legal.

But this is Japan warning u it's prohibited and be sure to follow the law.

It's very simple yet people, adult people...they think their thoughts and mindsets are better.

People want people to use drugs whether it's got health benefits or not....in the place where it's prohibited. Pathetic.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

@Semperfi www.drugfreeworld.org is an organization funded by the Church of Scientology!!

11 ( +11 / -0 )


haloerika : Doesn't matter whether it's beneficial or not. Different countries have different laws. Plain simple


Yes. Good point!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

 A lot of hate for Japan here. The way I read this is a gentle reminder to tourists about drug laws in Japan. It's PRINTED in immigration cards when you enter various SE Asian Countries.

Please let's not bring again the usual Japan hate or bashing argument whenever there are critical point of views towards Japan. We heard it already.

In fact what some people seem to miss is that Muto with the typical Japanese (old) man patriarcal, arrogant and cavalier attitude is trying to lecture people on cannabis in Japan despite the fact that one can find with little effort places like bars, clubs or hostess bars say in Shinjuku owned by the Yaks where cannabis and other drugs are sold. The point is that people don't need to bring cannabis with them to smoke it in Japan in contrary to what some people including this dumb dude want to believe.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@semperi https://www.marrinc.org is an organization based on the AA to help Alcoholics

2 ( +3 / -1 )



2 ( +2 / -0 )


Cannabis is a lethal drug.

It is far more potent than alcohol and cigarettes --- as a mood-altering drug.

It is equally addictive

And has far more chemicals that are not only carcinogenic, but also impact body chemistry and hormones.

Cannabis is not lethal. There are no recorded deaths from cannabis ever. Unlike alcohol that kills thousands every day

More potent than alcohol? Really? Drink as much alcohol as you can you will be legless and incontinent within short order. Not cannabis.

It is less addictive than tobacco and alcohol. The former is pretty addictive for anyone. The latter, can be very damaging to the lives of addicts

And so you know how many chemicals are in tobacco! The most damaging thing about traditional cannabis is the tobacco people mix it with to smoke

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Hemp used to grow freely Japan. Shinto shrines have rope made from hemp on them. It has some holy status.

Then came an erradication campaign - inevitably inspired by America. But now America is growing up past its cannabis panic, yet Japan stays rooted well in the past.

I think that we a have a duty to go into the hills and plant cannabis seeds and reintroduce this recently extinct fauna.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Muto said the issue was not on the executive board's formal agenda but came from a concerned member.

"The comment from the member is that it's important that we inform all the participants that use of cannabis is prohibited by law in Japan."

I also wonder why all this fuss

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


In fact, their day’s haul of hemp plants was already ten times that of the same day last year. “No matter how much we pull, it keeps growing,” one of them told Yomiuri Shimbun, “it grows and we pull it out, over and over again.”

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yes, Japan is strict, but ignorance of the law has its rightful punishment.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Im happy that Japanese government and Olympic Committee reminded to all the foreign visitors that they shouldn't do drugs.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Can't imagine what all those Olympians will do without a little "Skunk" to spice up their experience in Japan.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

AFAIK, CBD oil is legal in Japan, as long as it doesn't contain THC. You can purchase a number of hemp-based CBD oil products here, albeit ridiculously expensive compared to Western counterparts.

The Japanese alcohol industry - I mean the government - just doesn't want people getting high from something other than what they're selling.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ricky Kaminski13Today  12:23 pm JST

CBD sales to japan just spiked! Legal. Yes you can, just minus the silliness and giggles. Any suggestions oh wise JT readers while we at it? Brands, companies etc.

Elixinol is pretty good. They ship to Japan, although you should include an analysis of the batch. JP Customs will probably test it, as well, if they open the package.

You can buy it from Japanese companies, as well. But, it's ridiculously expensive, and would probably be cheaper to have it shipped and pay any tarriffs/duties on top of it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Tokyo Olympic CEO reminds visitors that cannabis is banned in Japan

I think that this could be aimed at Japanese sellers, and actually warning foriegn visitors not to buy cannabis from anybody in Japan.

But of course, Japanese don't do that. So it must be aimed at foriegn residents residing in Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

After reading so much crap I made an account lol.

If you are a person, that is against the legalization of cannabis, you in fact simply don't know enough about the subject yet.

But don't worry, apart from false information and anti drug propaganda the internet is full of great legitimate studies and articles.

I believe in you.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Fact: most people who are against the legalization of weed have zero experience with it! Hence they just buy into the propaganda. Sad, because it is such a waste of one of nature's great gifts.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

And so you know how many chemicals are in tobacco! The most damaging thing about traditional cannabis is the tobacco people mix it with to smoke

And the temptation to wake and bake. Basically, to be stoned all the time. Trust me, I've been there. It makes you slow and stupid, and it also decreases your testosterone. There's a reason it's legal in North Korea.

It's fine on occasion, when all the day's work is done though.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And so you know how many chemicals are in tobacco! The most damaging thing about traditional cannabis is the tobacco people mix it with to smoke

Yuck. Polluting cannabis with tobacco is disgusting.

Trust me, I've been there. It makes you slow and stupid, and it also decreases your testosterone.

Trust me, no it doesn't. I did a BSc. in Physics, and I smoked every day, all day, during university. And I've been tested for testosterone as part of my training for the past 20 years, and in the past two years, as it has started to decrease from old age, I'm still above the average testosterone levels.

Now that we've canceled each other out with our anecdotes and calls for people to trust us, maybe we should try dealing with actual scientific fact instead of anecdotes which say the opposite.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I may have been premature saying you can buy without import though. I'd agree, it would require a fair bit of trust that the Customs folks know their stuff. If you don't like holdups at the airport I'd say let the postal system handle it.

As you mention, it would be a hassle to bring it in with you. I've imported it by mail order, but I emailed customs first to clear it and check procedures. They did require a third party certificate of analysis supplied by the manufacturer, which was fine, and they also took a very small sample to check for themselves. Other than that they were helpful and sped things through.

I wouldn't call CBD a miracle, but I use it along with the opioids prescribed by my Japanese doctor, and the combination helps for a chronic pain condition.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The government is going on and on about getting ready for 2020. Why don't they just make legal by 2020...

Doesn't matter whether it's beneficial or not. Different countries have different laws. Plain simple.

Yeah, but many are not aware that pot was made illegal in Japan by the US right after WWII.

I would very much prefer Japan get rid of this stupid law than revise Art. 9 of the constitution...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

CBD is legal in Japan though: https://healthytokyo.com/blog/cbd-hemp-oil-japan-legal/

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This: "However, Tokyo Olympic organizers have enacted tougher anti-smoking rules for games venues. Smoking and the use of vaping devices will be banned at all indoor and outdoor Olympic and Paralympic venues, plus within all perimeter areas of the Tokyo Games."

That means the Olympic powers that be recognize the hazards of smoking/vaping. Why not expand that IMMEDIATELY and forever to include all of Japan? Doesn't the gov'mint value its population...you know, the always aging, need their tax base population? Instead of poisoning people all their life with declining output and huge medical costs at the end of their miserable lives.

In my dreams, "Make it so."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In order not to double post I have read through all 94 posts so far.

Reminding people that it is illegal here is ingenuous and off-target, Muto Toshihiro San.

It is illegal in the UK too. So what is the difference? In the UK you will usually be given a warning and a wink and allowed to go.

What should Mr Muto and 'the concerned member' be really reminding visitors of?

They should tell visitors that Japanese authorities will enforce the letter of the law on you and totally mess up your stay. Zero tolerance means exactly that, zero tolerance. Like Mr Anderson in the Matrix, they will have no sympathy, and you will not be seeing any Olympics once the wheels start turning and you get the law working against you.

In brief, the law here is not pleasant or funny. It is a steel trap. Those who enforce it are responsible only to their superiors, and they will have a serious lack of empathy with you.

This is surely what the concerned member really wanted to say. As others have said, regardless of the endlessly entertaining arguments regarding harmful or harmless, and for or against legality, it is the way that the law is enforced here, down to the last endless boring detail, that people need to be aware of.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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