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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Tokyo Olympic organizers reiterate 'we will hold the Games'
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Mori said
What a selfish and entitled jerk. Eighty percent of citizens don’t want the games but Mori seems to think he’s a dictator of some type
Not it isn't. The biggest problem is a global public health one. Holding this international, large scale event runs counter to global efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
But, hey, the Beijing Games will probably go ahead, thereby humbling Japan in organizers' minds and elderly Mori, who wont be on this earth much longer, has his legacy to think about.
We will hold the games no matter how many people will get sick and suffer and die because of our selfish Pride
Dogged persistence of the old.
What we do in life, echoes in eternity .
Who will come to japan for Olympic from abroad?? Not Many,However,This isn't good news for japan.
i wouldn't risk my life for Olympic,Would you??
“No matter what situation would be with the coronavirus, we will hold the Games,” Yoshiro Mori, who is also a former Japanese prime minister, told lawmakers.
What a reckless and idiotic statement to make.
Good to see who’s calling the shots. Is there anyone who still believes it’s about sport?
As others have already said holding the games in the middle of a pandemic is extremely foolish and dangerous. Whatsmore other than perhaps some athletes I am sure no one is interested. Perhaps this is just an act for the insurance companies with the government and committee holding on for countries to withdraw so the decision becomes a forced one.
In case you missed this excellent analysis yesterday.
This is going down to the last grandmother sharpening bamboo spears. If the world ends tomorrow, Japan will still hold the Olympics.
He, is off his head. And those who supported his rebirth as an Olympic organiser were off their heads. The build up has been a disaster before the virus now with a global pandemic his lack of reality is making a Diaster even worse, I'm sorry but the cliff he is rushing towards, no not going to follow him. But I will wave as he plummets down.
I love sports. I love the Olympics.
But not this time.
It’s the IOC that has the final say on whether to go ahead with the Games. Why is the Switzerland-based committee so adamant about holding the postponed Olympics? Probably they don’t want to lose the money they will get from selling broadcasting rights to major US television broadcasters.
Even if Japan become as in Resident Evil, Mori and other dinosaurs will keep going with their OG!
What can stop them for ever in their stupidity? A G7 country declaring any athletes will participate, others will follow like last year.
Is it just me or is Mori slowly being mummified? He seems to be month by month wrapped in more bandages?
Why he need to answer to particular party? Did that party hired and pay him?
So far he works for Japanese tax payer money that already NO to that events.
In the end, maybe these J-politicians will end up with only a ceremonial Olympics with no events, athletes, fans, and advertisers.
They can, but who will come? I'm sure knowing Biden, he won't send his athletes.
News just in a gang of wrinkly faced, rigomortis riddled zombies stumbling aimlesly around, possible new variant covid strain?. No just the LDP guys coming out of a hostess club.
Lorem ipsum
Hold it without athletes, mkay? Boy would i love to see the look on his face if such a thing actually happened. But it's easy to understand why he wants the games to continue no matter what given his two million yen per month salary.
Spectators are not the can hold Olympics without spectators.
But how about the athletes?
More and more athletes all over the world are concerned that the Olympics will be canceled.
The athletes wants the Olympics to happen, because it is probably their last chance.
If this Olympics is canceled and the next one will be 4 years later, many athletes can not join anymore, because in 4 years they are probably too old.
Do they? Or is it organizer that have more concern about cancellation.
From people who survived covid, their body won't back in good condition as used to be. So having to risk just go to one sport venue is not worth the risk at all.
Invalid comparisons will be made to the tennis about to begin in Melbourne next week. I am sure as the tennis progresses the Olympic dream stories will flow. However they are different events in a place with a different covid situation and different covid rules.
As previously posted above if you missed this story it is a good analysis of this and the whole situation,
Michael Machida
"The government has to make sure to get rid of such concerns for the athletes.”
Do they?
Yes they do!
According to international sports news, many of the athletes want the Olympics to be happen.
Not all, but about 90%.
It is the biggest sports event and biggest chance for them to get the chance to jump from amateur to professional sports.
I mean, if I see the Australian open is happen now, the UFC started already with spectators (limited amount)....of course it will be a big big challenge for Japan to hold the Olympics, and I am not sure if they have the ability to hold the Olympics in a safe way...but if it will canceled, I feel very sorry for the athletes.
Or just extend to 2022...if that is financial possible.
robert maes
I want to ask if we can make a distinction between Mori personally and his misguided support for the Olympics.
Mori Sans personal courage amazes me. He is indeed very sick but wills himself forward. All of us should respect that in him.
Hewas and is however never a very intelligent or inspired leader. Just the proverbial tank storming forward blindly. That is his style. He thinks his last job, presidency of the LOC Tokyo2020 will be failed if he cancels them and fails to see that cancelling them for the right reasons would cement the legacy he so desires, while organising them will taint his memory.
when my time comes I hope I find his kind of courage to face it but I also hope I can avoid his misguided actions.
Many might not like my comment but I welcome the decision to continue with the games' countdown. It's still half a year and IMHO the pandemic will be much under control by then. Just my forecast but since the inoculations are starting everywhere and the production amount of vaccine also is improving there is good hope that this summer the Olympics can be a messenger for the end of the pandemic. BTW also sponsors start to use the Olympic rings e.g. NBC is what caught my attention recently. So for many the games are on and one could still cut the cord in 2-3 month like last year.
@robert maes
Normally I have compassion for folks and I may have a little for Mori however having lived in Japan greater than 1/4 of a century I cannot make a distinction between Mori and his more than misguided support (i.e. dictums) for the Olympics.
His selfishness and sheer arrogance is impacting and will direclty impact the lives of Japanese.
He clealry believes he is entitled and better than other Japanese (thus his attitude "listen serfs...this is the way it will be").
For me it is not posible to make such a distinction.
Bob Fosse
Not going to happen.
You can’t get refunds on bribes if you don’t get what you wanted.
There will be no corona by July. So it's safe to have the olympic.
Having been unfortunate enough to be here for the Mori admin., I can confidently say he was the worst PM EVER.
Just because he says it forcefully doesn’t make it so.
Yes I remember his short and VERY unpopular administratoin. Actually in 2000 (give or take) he had a couple of his top appointees who had to resign due to alleged fundraising scandals/possible bribery. Sounds familiar - right? His admin was the most unpopular (or at least nearly the most unpopular) administration since the end of WW2.
He is another silver spoon in the mouth spoiled Waseda hack who thinks normal Japanese citizens all must bow to him and owe him something.
Mori is living on cloud cuckoo land. Retire already.
Was it him or the Aso that pronounced I.T. as itto?
I'd pay to see the games with just Mori, Bach, and co. doing the events.
Give it up. Cut your losses. Admit defeat.
I was lucky enough to be in London for 2012 and there was the same misguided pessimism prior to the games that have naturally been compounded here by fears of Covid. That period ended up being such a joyous celebration of London, England and of human endeavor. As a physical and televisual spectacle I couldn't cite any other event that gave Londoners and the British a chance to celebrate their past and have hope for the future (Brexit discussions in another forum please.....) This is without mentioning the excitement and inspiration provided by the competition itself at an unmatched global scale.
Thousands of major sporting events have happened in countries that have completely messed up their Covid responses but here the people of Japan have dealt with the virus extremely well, how or why is still difficult to understand but they have and the fact that there's a possibility of the games is a testament to that. It is very easy to succumb to defeat from the outside especially when you don't acknowledge or understand what is lost if the games do not happen. I personally think the world needs this victory and when it is a success you can perhaps admit that maybe in hindsight you were wrong just as I would if for some unknown reason it all got out of hand.
Feel free to enlighten me -
Bob Fosse
An unknown reason it all got out of hand?
I can think of 2 known reasons. A budget that has tripled and a global pandemic. It has been out of hand for a long time. Happy memories of London are irrelevant to this mess.
exact same reason it was cancelled last time
Thomas Tank
Doubling down, I see. What do they say? "Twice the pride..."
The UK, Brazil, and South African variant strains say nope
How? The government can't even get the vaccines here fast enough and that's the least they can do. Are we expecting some kind of magic or a miracle?
Mr. Mori looks like he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, or even the second sharpest knife or even the third... So many compentent, intelligent people in this country are forced to retire in their 60s in this country, but...
Bob Fosse
Mori has been a clueless buffoon as long as he’s been in public office. One of the worst examples of old boys club.
Modi’s key sentence is aiming to find a way.
I think by 2022 he will find a way.
Mori: “Aiming to find a way!”
Sven Asai
What a hazardous gambling...The whole economy and future could be at stake, as most companies operate in the bigger Tokyo area, generating quite a percentage of the GDP in Japan. As well many young people from the whole country living and working there, also brought into danger. Then it will affect the rest of the country too, if something happens, for example viruses intrude, or their mutations, more spreading potential, the hospitals already under stress now in the Kanto region. If I were a company owner or a stake holder, I would stop that stubborn old guy immediately, while I still had some assets left. The population probably can’t stop this mafia, although 80% against that event. This time the riches are on duty to cancel this stupidity in their own interest.
Around 0.008% of the Tokyo population are getting the virus each day and that is currently going down. Nationally there's less than 6000 deaths in total. Even if you multiply those numbers by 100 it's a relative success.
People should be happy to live here and get the opportunity to indulge in such delights as the upcoming Olympics. Feel grateful we are not in North or South America.
Bob Fosse
So you want only people living in Japan to ‘indulge’ in the Olympics or do you want North and South America coming here too?
If their Athletes and Citizens follow a set procedure (which may include them not coming at all) then I'm fine with that.
Bob Fosse
How would an Olympics with only some Athletes attending work?
What percentage of attendance would be fair?
To be clear, if there is a procedure to follow you can bet an Athlete that has committed everything over many years if not their entire lifetimes to participate in the games will follow it so I see no concern there. Already countries don't compete across all events so I'm not sure what you mean by fair anyhow.
Tourists too may also see attendance as a once in a lifetime thing so should do what they can but those guys I can take or leave.
Was talking to a guy about this a while back. Forecast the end of the Olympics but he replied: "They'll hold the Olympics because it's been decided. There is no gong back. It will happen, one way or another."
Never admit defeat, just keep pushing forward no matter the consequences. It's the Japanese way.
A liar and a psychopath.
We will HOLD THE GAMES!! The question is WILL ANYONE SHOW UP? This is nothing but a money move, the country wants to shut down business and lose money but expect the people to stay home but then invite them out to watch the games to enrich themselves. SELFISH!!! The only thing they care about is whats coming out of the peoples pockets!!
Go ahead with the games, japan is acing the virus stats compared with other counties and will be able to continue to do so.
The doom and gloom brigade will just have to try and be happy and smile for a change
Steve Martin
Wondering why no is talking about what else Mori said at the meeting?
The rest of the world is.
Bob Fosse
And will continue to do so by inviting people from every other country on the globe to gather in one city.....yeah acing it.
The ‘doom and gloom brigade’ are babysitters for small minded children.
I predict a lot of gold medals for Japan, if it does happen. No one else will show up.