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© 2021 AFPUnvaccinated tennis players unlikely to get Australian Open visa: state premier
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It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. (See what I did there?) I hope this trend continues so more people will get vaccinated.
Melbourne doesn't deserve to have any world-class events, what a backwater city. Dan Andrews is ruining the state.
JapanToday's, I'm assuming, American readership appears to skew alarmingly antivaxxxxx.
You assume incorrectly. The VAST majority of the readership is pro-science, pro-fact, and there by pro-vaccine. The loud minority you hear is just that: loud and a minority.
Note to Rob: It is a vaccine. You are wrong.
No loss.
Novak has long held an anti-vax stance, undermining the tour, instigated a super-spreader event at the height of Covid that led to many falling ill. Not to mention angrily smashing balls into innocent ball kids injuring them.
Will end up with the most titles but never be the GOAT.
My assumption was confined to the American commenters on here.
As an American, I will try not to take offense as I can see why one would think so. However, I believe that even amongst us Yanks, the anti-vaxxers are also loud, but few.
blue in green
Novak Djokovic values his health, along with medical privacy, and freedom,
something in very short supply in Australia.
He will live to play elsewhere.
Happy to keep the unvaccinated out of Melbourne and Australia.
Let the anti vaxer's put others at risk elsewhere where people do not care if strangers live or die.
Raw Beer
Well, there is one vaccinated player who will not play in the tournament because of the vaccine. France's Jeremy Chardy had to put an end to his competitive season last August due to the side effects of the vaccine.
Jeremy Chardy - Claims to have had several side-effects, fails to mention what any of them are. Doesn't have a Dr. to back up his claims. Could it be that it's not related? Could it be that he is just breaking down?
The side effects of the vaccine are known and very rare beyond the fevers and general feeling of "blah" for a day or two after.
Yet more antivaxxer disinformation.
Who cares what he thinks or says, this is our country, we decide the conditions of entry just like everywhere else.
Get vaccinated or don’t come it’s that simple.
Just a glimpse of the future for those too fearful or selfish to get a proven safe and effective vaccine and yes, It IS a vaccine.
There are no wide-spread documented side-effects beyond the fever and aches for a couple of days after the 2nd Jab.
It is highly effective (not perfectly effective) against both infection and more importantly serious illness and death. It is the Holy Grail of treatments.
It is highly tested - accounts to the contrary are bunk.
A whole hoard of PhD level virologists, immunologists and public health experts (eg not some guy you saw on FB) say they are safe and effective.
So this is a glimpse of the future for you anti-vaxxers. We will not miss you at the pubs, concerts, sports events or on the planes as we travel to places you are not allowed.
And the BEST part? You did it to yourselves. No one is discriminating against you. You had a choice. You made it. These are the consequences.
Raw Beer
Didn't Djokovic get Covid last year? No need to get the vax.
Novak Djokovic values his health, along with medical privacy, and freedom,
something in very short supply in Australia.
oh how is that, Australia has one of the highest mortality rates in the world, certainly higher than Croatia, they have very strong privacy laws, and their population votes by the largest popular vote on their leaders
People don’t seem to realise that vaccinated people also spread Covid.
Surely you jest. The man is a disgrace, ruining businesses, separating families and reducing the city to an international laughing stock. Hope he encounters some more wet and slippery stairs soon.
Dan Andrews has done a pretty good job protecting citizens. I dont see other cities around the world laughing at Australia's low death count for covid, but plenty seem jealous of it.
If I do not vote for him in the next state election it will not be due to how he handled covid. It will be his willingness to blindly do business with China.
Yep, plenty jealous of those in Victoria who are fined and/or beaten by police for having the nerve to leave home without a valid reason.
Yep, stopping people from travelling and funneling their money into the real estate bubble will artificially inflate net worth and stamp duty revenues.
Melbourne was locked down for longer than any other city in the world.
The unvaccinated idiots can stay out of Australia, they’ll not be missed!
Yes, don’t lower the IQ of your country if you can help it.
Sheez Australia…
vaccinated can spread covid. Andrews' decision seems to ignore this fact.
No need to write my own reply because I can save time copying and pasting zichi's:
Why people still don't know this is beyond me. Clearly people are deliberately unwilling to learn, and prefer to stay in anti-vax echo chambers.
Agree: @Ah_so 5:43am: “No need to write my own reply because I can save time copying and pasting zichi's:” {@4:32am: “The vaccinated are less likely to become infected and less likely to infect others, than the unvaccinated.} responding to: “People don’t seem to realise that vaccinated people also spread Covid.”
If one is vaccinated, one is less likely to become infected. BY DEFINITION one is less likely to spread the disease than an unvaccinated person.
This logic seems to escape the anti-vax crowd which is sadly, not that surprising.
Influenza kills (and as more deadly than COVID amongst certain populations such as young children). There is a flu shot which reduces (but doesn't completely eliminate) the chance of getting infected and by definition reduces the spread of influenza. Why not mandate flu shots as well?
The whole thing is a political vote grab.
Yep, plenty jealous of those in Victoria who are fined and/or beaten by police for having the nerve to leave home without a valid reason.
wrong those beaten by police started a violent anti lockdown protest against the police, even the unions of the companies employees involved rejected their protest and will be fired as a result.
The vast majority of Australian are against these thugs and theyve been dealt with accordingly
Influenza kills (and as more deadly than COVID amongst certain populations such as young children). There is a flu shot which reduces (but doesn't completely eliminate) the chance of getting infected and by definition reduces the spread of influenza. Why not mandate flu shots as well?
wrong covid is about 10 more fatal as the flu, and far more contagious,
research shown by the CDC and John Hopkins Uni.
the reason why the flu is almost non existant in 2020 2021 is because of social distancing and masks, prior to 2020 almost nobody was SD or masking to fight the flu
got to love science always prove the deniers wrong
I heard he changed his name to novaks Djokovic
Raw Beer
Yeah, overall covid is deadlier than the flu. But the initial comment was that the flu is "more deadly than COVID amongst certain populations such as young children". Among the young, the flu is deadlier.
You keep repeating this, it is still as false as the first time.
Under the same conditions (the same season) deaths related to COVID for patients under 18yo were 513, deaths related to Influenza was only one. There is no way to conclude that a disease that only caused one death is deadlier than one that caused 513. To keep repeating this false information can only be qualified as attempts of disinformation.
The Stockholm syndrome is strong in these two.
I guess you aren't among any of the small business owners decimated by Andrews' callous lockdowns, or the parents and kids driven mad by being forced to all work and do their schooling from home and only be allowed to go out into the public exercise yard for a short time each day. Or among the people who dared to disagree with Andrews and get themselves arrested by an out-of-control police force for their trouble.
But hey, if you're a public servant and get to stay home doing very little on the taxpayers' dollar, Dan's probably seems to be doing a good job.
As for Djokovich, good on him for sticking to his guns. He's young, fit and has a minuscule risk of getting sick from this virus, much less than from potential vaccine side-effects. Why should he risk it. And as it seems he's already had it, has immunity at least as good, probably 27 times better, than anyone who's been vaccinated.
The best outcome would be for all the unvaccinated players to give Melbourne the flick, especially big drawcards like Djokovich, and turn the event into a farce. Victory for players who do compete would be hollow without the best competitors around, and spectators and broadcasters wouldn't be getting their money's worth either.
Any data for this? professional athletes close to international competitions are well know to be immunologically depressed and have an important increase of infections and complications, the risk is far greater than a normal person of their age doing a normal life.
It is also best to remember that getting COVID means the risk for long lasting problems that can actually end the career of anybody that depends on being in top physical shape, against this risk having instead a chance of quickly disappearing minor side-effects from a vaccine seems the only logical choice.
Where's your proof?
As usual, in pubmed several examples can easily be found in seconds, as anybody that actually search regularly scientific studies instead of videos would know, PMID: 9129264 PMID: 32821648, PMID: 10893024, PMID: 23112908, etc. etc.
Just search for exercise-induced immunosuppression
That's far from open and shut; the evidence goes both ways so you might want to qualify that claim. Over-training can result in burnout, which could affect immune response in various ways, but properly managed training and competition can also enhance immune response or simply not significantly affect it.
People like Djokovich have top doctors looking after them to make sure they're in as good a condition as possible. I can't speak for him, or course, but these a better than even chance that he and his medical team have weighed up the pros and cons of getting vaccinated, especially if he's already had COVID, and decided that the risks of the taking vaccine are greater than of not taking it.
If you have a problem with that, take it up with him.
Raw Beer
... and he already recovered from Covid19 last year, with no problems, right?
The quote you bring refer to normal moderated physical activity, which is not what the articles I brought talk about, the evidence is clear that professional athletic activity at the level of world class competition comes with immunologic problems, which is exactly what I said, your cherry picking of unrelated activity do not constitute evidence of the contrary, It would be like saying that eating carbohydrates in moderated fashion is "evidence" that eating excessive amounts regularly is not that bad for your health.
All professional athletes have professionals looking after them, and they still get infections and other problems related to immunity at a higher rate that people that only do a moderated amount as recommended. You need to understand the difference between those two types of physical activity.