Japan Today

Nagoya Women's Marathon limited to elite runners


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hopefully they all get sued, if you cancel, you cancel all of it... or you have to refund

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Here is a headline from today's Mainichi: "Why won't Tokyo Marathon organizers pay back race fees after virus cancellation?" The female runners in Nagoya may soon be asking a similar question.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Post the women those chinsy tiny tiffany necklaces. That's all 98% of them care about.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I guess it's all about containing the spread of the virus but it does seem to be a bit random, which events go ahead etc.

Post the women those chinsy tiny tiffany necklaces. That's all 98% of them care about.

If there was an event for misogyny on JT, I can think of several competitors who'd be up for a gold medal.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

oh thats nice bit from Mainichi, finally people waking up here, those races have always had this force majure clause saying no refund but looking to the tc few years back they seem to be easily expanding any possible clauses for possible cancellation with no refund... some even state that participants "should accept our decision with no question" these are liter words... obviously its understandable in case of earthquake but this fashion of just applying it to everything with no clear explanation should be legally challenged.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Worked here in Nagoya for a while, can confirm over a handful of women have told me they ran the race expressly to get the necklace. It's the same as snowboarding, skating, hiKing, etc. They go out and buy the $$ gear, only to be used once then rendered useless as a boring pursuit. Truth hurts

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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