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© KYODOKDDI says mobile network almost recovered across Japan
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David Brent
I like how in Japan, you just bow and show some crocodile tears, and you get off scot-free.
How about a discount on my bill next month? Nah, didn't think so.
“The carrier is considering compensating individual and corporate users, he added.”
get ready for a single 100-yen coin to be delivered to your house, for which you’ll have to stay home to receive it. At least, that’s what Yahoo! did ages ago when they inconvenienced the nation by accidentally selling our personal info.
Anyway, I hope Toyota and other big companies switch carriers. THAT will get them to learn pretty quickly.
If I’m a hacker, or Russian or Chinese military, I would be studying this very carefully.
The photo above is the true depiction of Japan today.
Forget about Brad Pitt's new move 'Bullet Train',that technology was made when Japa was at its peak.
The photo of the old man walking past the AU store is what Japan is like nowadays.
Just do the sensible thing and move to DoCoMo. You get what you pay for.
Ok, now 3 days, my service was again disrupted this AM. I first wrote that I would "forgive" KDDI for a 10,000 yen voucher, but now my price is 30,000 yen, and will go up 10,000 per day until it is fixed.
Better yet, time to changes carriers!
Imporant people no call. It's mad!!
Choice softbank better.
That actually anyone knows of publicly, I know when it was KDD, they had international service outages!
Considering? You want to keep customers, you had better fork out some of the war-chest of cash you have on hand!
I've never understood why people chose AU or their sub-brands. Docomo has better coverage. And, Softbank has better 4G speeds.
I originally chose Docomo network with both the MVNOs I've had here, and switched the current one to the Softbank network last year, with a huge increase in speed.
Actually, I don't know why anyone would choose any of the "big 3" MNOs directly, when their sub-brands and MVNOs are so much cheaper while running on the same networks.
I can't wait to get the 500 Ponta points they'll inevitably insult us with.
I seethed when they sent me an unsolicited bluetooth speaker (with its own zabuton, no less) for being such a good customer.
Lies. They got hacked by Russians. Let’s wait until this info is officially revealed in the “investigation”.
Because now there is 5G, and the other carriers have the same or similar phones at cheaper prices. If you live in "inaka" then maybe docomo is the better choice, but if you live in a municipal area the other carriers have stable coverage at a cheaper price.
STILL having problems! KDDI can't.
Keep calm and have a cuppa. Tech systems this large are technically complicated and break easily. Every upgrade is an opportunity for failure. Good tech staff are thin on the ground, globally. With limited migrant labour, IT failures will become more common.
Tech is not the solution it is sold as by politicians. It is a new set of problems. It will go down, regularly. The more complicated it is and more widespread the use, the more the failures will impact. Digital is inherently less resilient that physical. Welcome to the future.
No system is perfect, and chips shortages will have an impact for the next two years on some kit. Maintain your own 'plan B' as best you can: Landline, second phone, fax, cash, pen and paper, postal service.
The live lines must work at all times.
On first world countries telecoms do not fail, bridges don't fall and planes don't crash.
Reports talk about serious situations arising from this disaster, something that should be unthinkable in any developed country. KDDI should face serious consequences for the disruption and the government should also assume the responsibility of letting this happen. What is the point of having control of telecommunication companies if they are not even made to be competent in their business?
Alan Bogglesworth
Ive had insanely bad experiences with banks and internet companies and was convinced it was going to change providers.
When I looked around, I noticed it was all the same. I’d move from one horrible provider to another.
Richard Burgan
We need to require communications companies to meet reliability, redundancy, and security standards that prevent widespread outages. Where KDDI has divided Japan into two autonomous areas companies in the US have divided the country into hundreds of small autonomous areas. With proper management, outages will not spread from area to area. The government should set and enforce standards requiring companies build and prove the reliability of their networks.
I've had no issues with my MVNO, Line Mobile, either from an account perspective nor with network coverage/speed/reliability. Unfortunately, they aren't taking new customers, as their owner, Softbank, started a new branded service called LineMo. (They keep encouraging us to switch to LineMo. But, we have a better deal with our existing Line Mobile accounts. Plus, LineMo doesn't offer voice mail, which is utterly ridiculous, IMO.)
Perhaps you need to find a new provider. If you don't need voicemail, you may want to try LineMo. Otherwise, providers such as IIJmio and MIneo offer multiple networks to choose from, at very reasonable prices, and good new customer discounts. You may want to do a little research.
As for banks, online banks such as Sony Bank or Seven Bank seem to offer better service for foreigners than the big traditional banks like MUFG, SMBC, or MIzuho, including English language support, which is nice.
I'll repeat. Keep your land-line, even if you don't use it. It's the only thing that worked in March 2011. Switch to Docomo, or a virtual provider that uses them as their backbone. Softbank are crooks and AU have just proved they are not competent.