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© 2024 AFPAI giant Nvidia unveils higher performing 'superchip'
By Glenn CHAPMAN SAN JOSE©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2024 AFP
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Cheradenine Zakalwe
I may be wasting time responding to this that has been posted multiple times but the data points to the backpropagation algorithm developed by Hinton used in neural network LLM as superior in many respects to human cognition especially when equipped with vast amounts of data and compute.
That is why there are many high-level AI alarmists at present.
A Singularity is coming even faster than Kurzweil suspected.
Well that was quick, one of gaming biggest suppliers is now an “AI company” after saying they would push their products into the space officially only a few months ago.
But dang the GPUs of the 30 and 40 series were already huge. To the point they needed bracer attachments to not sag or bend inside the computers they were installed in. How big is the next batch going to get?
Sven Asai
No, it's only insane to think that those 'AI' attempts will ever work somehow on any size of processors or their advancements, because that is mathematically intrinsic and impossible. I wonder how bigger, faster and more numerous all those chips still have to become until their little brains recognize the fact that it can't and won't work whatever they try.
NotThe One
How long before he is blackmailed by China?