Japan Today

Amazon yanks Japanese rape simulation computer game


Online retail giant Amazon has yanked from its virtual shelves a Japanese computer game that lets players simulate raping girls.

A "Rapelay" videogame being hawked on Amazon by a third-party merchant was deemed inappropriate and the product's page taken down after it was brought to the California Internet firm's attention Wednesday night.

"We determined that we did not want to be selling this particular item," Amazon spokeswoman Patty Smith said Friday of the computer game.

The "Rapelay" game was created exclusively for the Japanese market but a couple of "like new" copies were being offered on Amazon by a U.S. seller specializing in animated Japanese pornography.

The computer game maker, Illusion studio based in Japan, posts a notice on its website that its products are specifically for domestic users.

"As we say on the website, we don't sell the products overseas because of the rating problem, and I cannot possibly comment on the report from San Francisco," said a spokesman for the company in Yokohama.

"We believe there is no problem with the software, which has cleared the domestic ratings of an ethics watchdog body," he said.

The game was released in 2006. Other titles from the studio include "Battle Raper" and "Artificial Girl."

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I dont know how anyone could say "theres nothing wrong with the software" about a game that simulates rape..how does he sleep at night ?

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Of course rape play is allowed in Japan.

This is a sick country and getting worse.

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Such sick perversion should be restricted to Japan's domestic market - otherwise foreigners will get the wrong idea about Japan.

Now I'm waiting for right-winger nationalists to target Amazon.

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nice to know that an ethics watchdog body has approved a rape video game.

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Maybe he means the game doesn't have any bugs (software defects). He said with sarcasum dripping off his tongue.

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which has cleared the domestic ratings of an ethics watchdog body,” he said.

Is "ethics" the right word here? Isn't this about "morality"? And how can a rape game be deemed to be ethical? Who is this mysterious "watchdog body" and have they EVER banned a game?

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This is disgusting. It would encourage nutters to go and do it in real lfe and that. What kind of morals does Japan have, strewth, it is appalling like.

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People, grow up. So, it's OK to sell games that stimulate killing people but not the ones that stimulate rape? Hasn't it been argued here that violent games don't necessarily make people violent? On what bases would you say that killing people ON SCREEN in a violent way, say Postal or other games, isn't as bad as raping people ON SCREEN? Oh, by the way, I don't have the game or plan to buy it, but those double standards really bother me.

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What a great culture where a video game of raping women is popular!

Japan: The land of Mt. Fuji, Kimonos, samurais, sumo, 30,000+ suicides a year and, of course, sexual perversion.

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Wait a minute... Grand Theft AUto is legal in the U.S., ... women are raped right and left in the game!

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Yokoso! Land of keystone kops and wink wink rapes.

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Saw this yesterday on another website and was just counting the hours until it appeared on JT. The whole premise that rape-themed games are acceptable just blows my mind. Anyway, I hope this story gets some legs and turns into a bit of a Japan-bash, if that is what is necessary to correct some misconceptions of what is acceptable content in this day and age.

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Japan and its 'ethics watchdog groups' usually only change when their idiocy is allowed out of Japan and other countries see how childish, immature or just plane dumb it can be. Then, suddenly, the watchdog groups find it 'ethically incorrect.' Outside pressure (gaiatsu) is a time-honored method of social change here.

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tokyochris: "If it's so bad, why are you still here? I've never understood all the 'Japan-bashing' that goes on around here..."

Some people feel it's okay to comment on society as a whole without leaving it to destroy itself.

This is absolutely disgusting, and coming on here to point that out can only be a bit more of an eye-opener to some who might find it acceptable. Just because we live here and were not born here does NOT mean we cannot condemn what goes on. I'm sorry you feel that it's simply okay to accept it and not okay to speak out.

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smithinjapan - it has nothing to do with that. I agree, a rape-based game is pretty sickening, but to then turn on the entire country with it is just japan-bashing for the sake of it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying people should give up their right to criticise, but when people start making sweeping comments like that, it borders on racism.

Moderator: Leave racism out of this discussion. It is not relevant.

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Such sick perversion should be restricted to Japan's domestic market - otherwise foreigners will get the wrong idea about Japan.

The wrong idea being...

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where are all the usual pro-pedophile posters on JT? That anime girl looked at least 18! The poor anime-guy was set up!

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let's play fair: i don't like video games, I think they're boring and shortminded. However, which crime is "worst" (in terms of more punishable), killing or raping. I think it's killing, isn't it? and I haven't seen any banning on such kind of games, and I don't see any complaint about morality and ethics refering to the "sick" people who are using them. So, why on earth any game (gaaaaame = FICTION!!!!) about any other kind of crime should be removed from shelves? I see, this is double puritan america moral: we can kill somebody but we can't show, let's say, a kiss. I personally don't give a pee about people who finds funny virtual raping as least as I don't care about those virtually killing. However, I think both should have, at least, the same rights and deeds in the fullfilment of their dementia.

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hey tokyochris - i think most of us that japan bash do the same for the awful, disgusting, idiotic etc. stuff that goes on in our birth countries. this so called "bashing" brings to light some of the sickening things that go on in this and other countries. i think that the outrage is mostly about the fact that the rape game cleared cleverly named "ethics watchdog groups."

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i think that the outrage is mostly about the fact that the rape game cleared cleverly named "ethics watchdog groups."

I agree, it's a shocking turn of events and I doubt anyone can dispute it - it SHOULD be highlighted and then both discussed/denounced.

However, to then go and say that Japan is a sick country and getting sicker is out of order

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Just highlights the irony of this Onion article:


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zybster if you had a son and he was outside messing around with a toy gun playing combat or cops and robbers playing dead youd consider it normal bahavior right ??But,if he and his buddy were playing rape simulation... thats a double standard ??apples and oranges to me..

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"Wait a minute... Grand Theft AUto is legal in the U.S., ... women are raped right and left in the game!"

Now wait... usually it's not rape, its the main character picking up a prostitute for her services in your car. It's consented acts taking place!

Of course, most times, the main character ends up shooting and killing the prostitute after the deed is done so as to take her cash...

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This is a videogame. sure its "sick" to some, but Amazon has every right to NOT allow its sale, even if it is My Little Pony Super Rainbow Adventure. Amazon is not America's "First Amendment". Its a private company and they can choose to be the sellers agent or refuse to be. Big deal, two copies showed up on Amazon. As of right NOW you can get it on ANY of the popular torrent sites (No, I wont say the name of the title).

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aintgottimetobl, I'm afraid it's you who is comparing wrong things. This is a game for adults, I understand. Here the problem is what effect video games have on adults, not on children. I'm against giving violent games, either killing or raping, to children. Also, children live in a world shaped by adults, so if we allow them to watch movies with shooting, they may react them in their games. The same thing may go with rape - if we allow them to see it, they may play it, but as it is now, the game is for adults, so I don't see any more harm done than from other games. As in many other countries, in Japan as well the children and adult world should be separate.

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The computer game maker, Illusion studio based in Japan, posts a notice on its website that its products are specifically for domestic users.

This is like when I told a Japanese friend that Aso's lack of kanji ability was being reported in English-language media.

My friend's response? Not "How embarassing for us to have a dumbass PM," but "How embarassing for thjs to be publicized in the English-language media." Same thing with this rape game case.

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any self respecting japanese made film will have an obligatory rape scene, just like the films coming out of india will have a dancing scene. It's the nature of the culture.

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These kinds of games are in fact old. I've seen such games, especially anime themed ones (hentai) as far back as the early 90s or even 80s! And yes, only the Japanese market cater them.

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sorry dude but sometimes Jpn needs & deserves a good dose of gaiatsu as others have pointed out, think child porn, & the game is another example, too many times Jpn just cant figure things out on its own so it has to pointed out to them, shoganai ne!

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let's play fair: i don't like video games, I think they're boring and shortminded. However, which crime is "worst" (in terms of more punishable), killing or raping. I think it's killing, isn't it?

No, it's not. If I had to choose the option of being raped or murdered I would go with murdered and find out which religion was right. Rape is a war crime because it is a way to terrorize a populace and harm civilians,you should read "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang, which is about Japans seige and occupation of the former Chinese capitol during World War 2.

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Nessie, that is interesting. Image over content. Getting right down to it though, people know in their hearts what is right and wrong even if society might try to brainwash us. Society will move forward, it must or we all will reap what we sow.

My boys are playing "Monster Hunter 2", together. Helping each other out to kill the monster. Shooter upper games are usually against someone trying to kill you. This rape game is just awful. Where is the market for such horrible stuff? Ethics of the company? People of good will must speak out in solidarity which includes our brothers and sisters in Japan.

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kagunlapell: you ask why a video game about raping innocent women should be seen as any worse than video games where the players kill people. it's pretty obvious, isn't it? in video games where you kill people, the player kills "bad people." but in this one, it seems that the player rapes innocent women. i think it's pretty sick and demented if someone gets pleasure out of that.

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Rape, muder, jacking cars... all of it is sick to me and yet folks buy this crap for their kids.

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I agree with the decision to pull the game. Any way you look at it, its a pretty vile game. Anyone who gets off on that is seriously twisted. And people have a problem with kiddy porn? How is that worse then rape porn? All things considered, I think they should outlaw rape porn as well.

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Real sick. How these things get approval in the first place? Talk about technology all twisted and in the wrong hands. This should be in the crime section imo.

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bamboohat - "nice to know that an ethics watchdog body has approved a rape video game."

I couldn't have put it better myself.

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"Disturbing" does not mean "immoral."

I know this is going to be difficult for some people to swallow, but there are couples...consenting couples...who simulate rape as part of their sex lives. Not everybody had a white Christian upbringing (and many who did really get into the fantasy, but I digress.)

Do I find this personally nauseating? Yes. So what? When did our standards fall so low that adjectives became legitimate points in a discussion?

This. Is. A. Game.

I do not accept, on any level, this idiotic idea that we should ban games because it "encourages" violent behavior. Millions of people consume violent media, then go through their lives without so much as a bar fight. The others? The others are sick, and I'm not willing to screw up people's freedom of choice for the sake of an unproven theory just because these sick people might be encouraged to do something.

And while I'm guilty of Japan bashing from time to time, there is one thing I will NOT swallow, and that's this retarded idea that the country's full of rape fetishists who would like nothing better than to expose themselves to schoolgirls while reading tentacle porn. I'm an American, and I've spent some time (and worked) in less than savory places. Trust me...Japan is NOT a country of perverts, comparatively. The only difference is that there are so many busybodies in America that all the whining creates the illusion of piety.

Hand wringing over a video game...which is physically incapable of hurting anyone (unless you raped them with it, I guess...) is childish. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. What matters is what matters...ACTUAL INCIDENTS. If the idea bothers you so much, then do something: volunteer at a rape crisis center, give money to a battered women's' cause, something.

Shouting WAHH I DON'T LIKE IT MAKE IT GO AWAY is not just infantile, it gives people a thoroughly indefensible feeling of self satisfaction. Modern society puts far too much emphasis on speech as action. Speech is, in 99% of real life, not action. How many people here are willing to do more than complain? Will you complain, then take action...LEGITIMATE action, against the GENUINE CRIME...if it bothers you so much?

Decrying this game does not make you a morally superior person, and it is not a noble pursuit. It merely allows you to feel like you've done something, when you've actually done nothing.

And before people start looking for excuses to tear me down, rape is a very hot button topic with me. I've spent more time than I care to think about helping friends get over actual rapes, which I dealt with by loaning money, offering a place to stay, calling police, offering a sympathetic ear. In one case, I was arrested for beating someone up in the middle of an attempted rape (the charges were dropped when she calmed down enough to explain what happened.)

A rape video game is just a game, although many who are unfortunate enough to have their lives affected by rape may be deeply offended. I get that, and my heart goes out to them. But life's tough, and I do think occasional offensiveness, no matter how deep it may be, is a small price to pay for freedom (yes, other people have freedoms, not just Americans.) If you're genuinely offended, get off your butt and do something about the actual problem, don't just whine then go back to your safe little world.

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No, it's not. If I had to choose the option of being raped or murdered I would go with murdered and find out which religion was right.

I am speechless at this remark. Anyone who thinks rape is worse than murder must be totally delusional. What if there is no afterlife (which I think is probably a lot more likely than any religion being right)? You'd rather completely cease to exist than someone having their way with you against your will? You think that someone who has been raped would prefer that they'd been murdered instead? I suppose I can't speak for you religio-nuts but I value my own life a whole lot more than that.

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No, it's not. If I had to choose the option of being raped or murdered I would go with murdered and find out which religion was right.

That's interesting. A rape victim once said to me, "If I had to choose the option of being raped or murdered, I would go with murdered because then I don't have to live with the memory of it."

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an ethics watchdog body has approved a rape video game

yawn...how was it approved

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TPOJ- I had u pegged after the first sentence. No reason to read your entire histrionics. An American who has fled to Japan in order to pursue certain (ahem) "interests". Unfortunately for you, there are other gaijin around reminding you of what is right and wrong. Like Rape porn.

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yawn...how was it approved

If you think about it logically (may be too hard for some) then according to the law, murder is a worse crime than rape. Therefore following that law, games that revolve around murder need to be regulated more than games that revolve around rape.

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doesn't answer my question.

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No, it's not. If I had to choose the option of being raped or murdered I would go with murdered and find out which religion was right. That's interesting. A rape victim once said to me, "If I had to choose the option of being raped or murdered, I would go with murdered because then I don't have to live with the memory of it."

I also think rape is worse than murder, if compared.

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in video games where you kill people, the player kills "bad people."

You must be playing some select games then! The ones I play, we just kill eachother; no reason. No one is bad or good. All are innocent of doing anything but trying to kill the other.

In my book raping does not compare to killing. Killing is far worse, and killing games are everywhere, even in the hands of children.

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doesn't answer my question.

Ok I'll spell it out for you. Murder games have no trouble getting approved, right? So rape games have even less trouble getting approved, because rape is a lesser crime.

Of course it doesn't work like this in America because Christians don't have any problem with violence, they just hate sex.

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hoserfella, are you trying to say that TPOJ has ran away from America because he is interested in "rape porn?" And would you happen to know him? Especially after NOT reading, as you said, of what he wrote on the difference between a real rape and a video game rape? He is making a distinction about virtual life and reality, but you are making personal offensive remarks? That would make whatever you have said pretty irrelevant to the discussion.

Moderator: Readers, please focus your comments on the story, not at or about each other.

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I also think rape is worse than murder, if compared.

I think that if you realize that most rapes do not lead to suicide, and that most rapes are not even reported, you might change your mind.

Another thing to consider is the degree of rape. Surely date rape is preferable to gut shot until one dies an hour later, and date rape is the most common form of rape.

But being repeatedly raped by mulitiple guys for hours on end would certainly be worse than just one shot to the head leading to instant death, but such rape is much more rare.

To be clear, USUALLY murder is worse than rape in my opinion, but some cases is the opposite, sure.

I have not seen this game, but I doubt its scenes of rape could really be worse than picking up a prostitute, taking her services, then killing her in cold blood, such as in Grand Theft Auto.

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sick game.. the government should ban it!!.. seriously pollutes gamers' mind.

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likeitis, thanks for the elaboration and pov. I've nothing further to add.

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Not everybody had a white Christian upbringing

I was unawares that only white Christians find rape an improper "game".

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So, so many ignorant comments posted. Rape is not about sex. All the comments about Christian values, this and that about sex, have nothing to do with the crime of rape.

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I was reading about this game on the Belfast Telegraph site. Apparently it involves kidnapping women and confining them with the goal being to turn them into your 'sex slave'.

Does that remind anyone of the failed plan of the guy who kidnapped his neighbour and cut her up in his apartment? Inspirational material perhaps?

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Starviking, yes, there is a resemblance there, but I'm afraid it was the other way around - such a "custom" of enslaving women existed way before the game, so I'm afraid it just tried to imitate the reality.

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So it's appropriate for Japanese men to fantacize about rape, but inappropriate for Americans? WTF?!!! No wonder the culture here is so screwed up. Rape is inappropriate behavior, PERIOD! For the software maker to say it was only meant for the local market really pisses me off. But even worse is that some local "Watchdog" cleared this game saying it was ethical. So rape is ethical in Japan eh? I really feel sorry for Japanese women.

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wow that game is old

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before I get jumped on. The rest of the comment I was typing was:

There must have been other copies of the game that showed up before now. Why is it just being pulled now? You would think that they would have said something earlier.

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what on earth has Japan unearthed here? SimRape?

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I also think rape is worse than murder, if compared.

I'm sure if it were actually possible to ask a murder victim, they would disagree with you.

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Actually to post what I really want to post:

You can buy books about rape without an ID card.

They still make movies with rape in them from time to time, and they may get high ratings but they don't tend to get banned.

Why is the game industry the only one ever shafted in this sort of situation? Any sex in a game and bam, can't release it. Rapelay in itself is a pretty boring game, but that's not really the point. Thanks to this idiocy on the grand scale, plenty of good games (primarily visual novels, many of which have a relatively small number of sex scenes) never reach us except through excruciating fan translations.

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so whats the website already?

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I am sickened by the very thought of a game that glorifies rape. The law tells us what we can and cannot do TO OTHER PEOPLE, OR OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY. However, any adult that plays this game or watches porn with rape content is going to tell you this: "You cannot tell me what is appropriate or inappropriate for me to watch"... and they would be absolutely correct.

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"Rapeplay", the high culture of Japan.

""You cannot tell me what is appropriate or inappropriate for me to watch"... and they would be absolutely correct".

Tahoochi, it's with thoughts like that that can make this world a crazy and sometimes dangerous place for us to live in. Furthermore, not everyone shares the same values as you do.

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Did someone mention christian values? where's the bucket?

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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechnology/technology/4611161/Rapelay-virtual-rape-game-banned-by-Amazon.html JapanToday neglects to mention the forced abortion part of the "game"

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Starviking, yes, there is a resemblance there, but I'm afraid it was the other way around - such a "custom" of enslaving women existed way before the game, so I'm afraid it just tried to imitate the reality.

I was thinking of 'positive reinforcement', that's all.

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TPOJ- I had u pegged after the first sentence. No reason to read your entire histrionics. An American who has fled to Japan in order to pursue certain (ahem) "interests". Unfortunately for you, there are other gaijin around reminding you of what is right and wrong. Like Rape porn.

Yep. You CLEARLY didn't read the rest.

Shortened for the lazy: reality and fantasy are not the same thing. No matter how disgusting you may find a fantasy, it is still a fantasy. If the potential reality bothers you that much, stop whining about video games and do something of substance about the ACTUAL problem, not what you think sounds like it could be an indicator in some cases.

Try to stop the reality. Stop wasting your time on the frivolous stuff.

I was unawares that only white Christians find rape an improper "game".

They aren't, and there's nothing in my post that suggests that. Nice try, but no.

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Midnightpromise: Rape is not about sex.

Actually, yes it is. Rape is also about power, but power is a part of sex and the enjoyment of sex, like it or not. Rape could be described as an extreme, inappropriate or unlawful over-expression of power for the sake of sex, and not just a forcible means to get sex.

The litany that "rape is not about sex" is a fallacy that was cooked up to try to get people to see the desire to express power by the rapist. Rape is about both sex and power, and the amount of each depends on the rapist. But certainly few go out and rape because they feel horny today. Being horny and unsatisfied for years though? Yeah, I think there are some rapists like that. And in that case, the display of power is minimal to the rape.

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Tahoochi, it's with thoughts like that that can make this world a crazy and sometimes dangerous place for us to live in. Furthermore, not everyone shares the same values as you do.

I can appreciate the fact that not everyone shares the same values as I do. However, like I said before, the law dictates what people can DO to people or other peoples' property, not what people play or watch in the privacy of their own homes. What's appropriate and what's not appropriate to watch or play at home is for parents to decide for their children. Not for you to decide for me or vice versa. The world IS a crazy and dangerous place. But if we started supressing people's thoughts like you are suggesting, then the world would be a sad and tragic place.

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Thoughts are very important and precede action. This game is perpetuating the reality of man as a violent species. We need wholesome entertainment that brings out our best qualities - like love and compassion, kindness, generosity, respect, consideration for others - and less that bring out our lower nature of greed, violence, heartlessness, seeing other people as objects to satisfy our lust. This kind of game is making the world a darker place. To those people playing this game I say you will find happiness only by bringing others happiness. Consider spending your precious human life being of service to others instead of degrading yourself and others with this trash.

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Does Japan's film industry, specifically the porno industry, actually have something called an "ethics watchdog body"?

For the porno film industry I would be very surprised if they do, thinking here it's probably not much more than a bunch of the company's drinking & porno-watching buddies who've labeled themselves as they wish, gleefully passing any and all films that come their way. Kokusaika only goes so far here.

I really don't see how women in Japan will ever achieve any sort of equity or respect if companies like this and their spokespeople continue existing and being tolerated by the masses. Women in Japan will have to speak up more, and more loudly, it seems, if they really want to change the way things work. But then, do they want change? It's not really clear to me (as a man, and as a non-Japanese man) given the high degree of acquiescence (among women AND men) to this sort of thing coupled with Japanese society's elevation of preserving wa as something sacrosanct.

And OK (to the Japan apologists here), Japanese society may not be sick, but it's certainly very, very unfortunate -- for all people -- when something like this is allowed that clearly makes a mockery of basic human rights.

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Please all read the WIkipedia entry on this game.

Actually, one of the characters that is repeatedly raped is a 10 year old girl.

also there are multiple scenes of train groping and upskirt action.

basically after each scene they show the girls covered in **. pretty sick if you ask me. cant get any lower than that.

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Japanese society may not be sick,

Relatively, no. But one has to ask, "What society is perfect?" My society glorifies violence to the point no one from it has any business going on and on about one rape video game if you ask me.

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To the "misguided" people who think that this game is acceptable, or no worse than games that call for simulated killing, or protected by basic human rights, consider this: How many games on the market can you name where the killing or harming of innocent and defenceless humans is the primary objective? How about a game where players got to rape and murder Jews in a concentration camp? Would that be okay?

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But games glorifying other crimes are ok to be sold on Amazon? Do for all what you do for one.

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Sad reflection of Japan.

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"The world IS a crazy and dangerous place. But if we started supressing people's thoughts like you are suggesting, then the world would be a sad and tragic place".

I have serious doubts that the majority of human beings in the world can thing in a rational way, that is why we need laws. We are not talking about suppressing people's thoughts (and I never suggested that, did I? You are definitely taking what I wrote out of context). To think about certain things (e.g. committing criminal or sexual acts), I think psychologists say is quite normal, but to act upon them is abnormal. I believe that allowing games like this to exist chip away at human morals and lower them. Much like drug use, start with the "party" stuff and it can lead to heavier substance abuse.

Anyway, would you play this at home? And if you played it at home and your wife, girlfriend or daughter walked in and saw you playing it, you believe it would be justifiable? I'm sure any woman in your life would have second thoughts about you. I think the killing or other violent acts we see in computer games is on a completely different level to this.

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You can buy child porn on Amazon.co.jp, my friend used to work there and because of Japanese law older print books (before the law of 13 was established - yes 13!) you can still buy it that smut. Amazon.co.jp is the biggest seller of porn online (it doesn't show up but if you know what to search for you can find it all there).

I wish the US would take a look at that as well.

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Amazon.co.jp knows its customers. Amazon.com knows its customers, too, so it banded the game. Perhaps if Bezos is notified that Amazon.co.jp is selling porn of 13 year olds, he might tell co.jp to stop selling it. Or he might not. We should tell him and find out.

Jeffrey P. Bezos, CEO/Chairman of the Board/President/Director 1200 12th Avenue South Suite 1200 Seattle, WA 98144-2734

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GOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope nobody here enjoys VIOLENT games or movies!! What is the name of that popular car-jacking game............ehhh..........er..I don't know it. But it is GOOD because there is only MURDER in that game. There is not murder here--unless you consider abortion to be murder. I hope Amazon doesn't stop selling movies and games with any form of violence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Rape is a slow form of murder. It makes the victim depressed and often suicidal. They often kill themselves out of shame or guilt. In other cases they become alcoholics or drug addicts and slowly kill themselves by abusing their health.

Rape is a slow and painful death by depression.

Moderator: Back on topic please. The subject is the rape simulation game.

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Yep, "created exclusively for the Japanese market". Enough said.

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reminds me of the movie "Strange Days"... give it time and it will become more than just a 3D image on a 2D device.

They should have called the game something different then it would have gone untouched. Perhaps "Virtual Dating" or "SIM crime"

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They say that it was 'created exclusively for the Japanese market' but I have seen screen stills and read reviews for this awful thing, and the game play has been translated into English. Bad English but English nevertheless. It is very obvious that they were hoping to make some money overseas as well.

The argument can be made that video games don't make people commit crimes, and for the most part that is the truth. I am somewhat of a gamer myself, although I'm not really into playing the more violent titles. You can say it's something done in the privacy of home, so what a person watches or plays is their own business, but how many news stories have we seen in the past year or so of loners randomly stabbing people because they were 'stressed' or they just wanted to see what it was like to kill someone? Couldn't the same theory apply to this game?

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I've yet to see a real reason why you people have such a huge issue with this game when there are far worse games released in America, such as Grand Theft Auto.

Raping someone is worse than screwing a prostitute then killing her to steal her money? Hmm ok, maybe in your world, but not mine. And as I've previously pointed out, the law takes a harsher view on murder than rape. Isn't it then logical that the government would allow a rape game if murder games are so prolific and widely accepted?

But at the end of the day, no matter what the content of a game, IT IS JUST A GAME. Anyone who is influenced by a game to rape or murder is clearly insane and would probably go and do these things without ever playing such a game. Ever heard of violent movies? The news? Are you going to whinge about them now because they could influence someone to commit a crime? If anything I would argue that games like this can sate a person's desire to commit crimes without real people ever getting hurt. Isn't that the best outcome for everyone?

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Outside pressure (gaiatsu) is a time-honored method of social change here.

That certainly doesn't apply when it comes to the contraversial 'scientific' whaling Japan conducts ...

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Rape is not about sex

Not JUST about sex, anyway.

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Just type ろりこん into Amazon.co.jp - it's child porn books and DVDs.

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And people say the Japanese lack creativity...they lead the world in rape simulation!

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I'm not sure anyone has played these Hentei game before. I played these kind of game since long time ago (The first game I played is under Window 3.1). I don't see any problem with these games because: they're never ever target for non-japanese customers; you cannot play these games in non-Japanese version of Windows. All interfaces are in Japanese only. What it means is that if you know Japanese language that well (these games are very verbal), you should know the Japanese culture -- this kind of sexual content is acceptable and normal in Japanese standard.

Possessing Marijuana is legal in Netherlands, but illegal in Japan. Do you blast Netherlands' government for legalizing weed ? If not, then you should not blast Japanese government for allowing Amazon.co.jp to sell these products.

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this kind of sexual content is acceptable and normal in Japanese standard.

Nonsense - no Japanese I know condone this, and it is hardly "normal", and crap rationalizations like yours do nothing to help Japan's reputation. As a Japanese friend said - "Japan is the pervert capital of the world", and much as I generally like and respect Japanese culture, I bet even an LDP politician would come out and say that simulated rape is part of Japanese culture.

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Ah, we're just tryin' a' have a liddle fun.

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Let's raping game enjoyment together!

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Lighten up. I love these kind of games.... I think all guys do. haha

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Who would want to forcibly have sex with a woman? I don't get it...

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We believe there is no problem with the software, which has cleared the domestic ratings of an ethics watchdog body,” he said.

And thats the main problem.

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This rape games cater to those guys with Rape fantasies/fetish. You know, when Japanese girls says "noo-", it means "yes I want it but you need to force it so you wont make me look like a slut". Thats why many guys dig these games. Its a cultural thing. by the way.When Japanese girls says "NO! blablah", it means NO!.

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from what i remember, people who commit rape in most cases wont even get ANY time.

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from what i remember, people who commit rape in most cases wont even get ANY time.

That's only if she's your wife.

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You and I both know what's going to happen. Sooner or later the headlines will be, "Parents of boy charged in area rapes say boy influenced by game." It'll be here soon. And because there are first person shooter games where you score points for shooting someone in the head doesn't mean it's okay to have rape-sim games. You don't think ppl haven't been protesting against GTA? Rape is worse than murder. With rape, you never ever forget exactly what happened, even with counseling. Someone once said that rape is a kind of murder. Do we want to live around the kinds of ppl that are into this game? Do you want your daughter dating this guy? Do you want to live next door to him with your wife and children? Do you want your mother living next door to him?

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what is wrong with amazon? why ban this type of game and still sell hundreds of rape theme movies, books, manga, comics and other violent types of media. if i can't buy that in amazon, i'll probably look for that in lawson.

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I honestly can't belive that so many people have actually supported the game on this page. It's disgusting. "Lighten up. I love these kind of games.... I think all guys do." If you like it your absolutely sick!What is enjoyable about ruining a womans life? Even if it is just in a game they make games like this really real and violent games have been known to induce real life violence, why wouldn't rape games have the same effect? "This rape games cater to those guys with Rape fantasies/fetish. You know, when Japanese girls says "noo-", it means "yes I want it but you need to force it so you wont make me look like a slut". Thats why many guys dig these games. Its a cultural thing. by the way.When Japanese girls says "NO! blablah", it means NO!." No means no ffs your view on this is totally disturbing! Making these games legal is like making kiddy porn legal. And it shouldn't be accepted as part of the japanese culture, that's like accepting that binge drinking is part of Aust. culture, it's bad but oh well, it's what we do. I thought the Japanese and lots of respect and all that!

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