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© 2020 AFPAustralian media group wants tech giants to pay $400 mil a year
By David MILLIKIN SYDNEY©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Viktor Cernatinskij
I totally agree with Australia!!! Good job!!! Google and Fakebook are exploiting the whole naive world!!!
You know they are kinda advertising the newspapers and so an for free there ... if they would just remove them the ravenue of these news pages would go down very much which is why most countries that had the same Idea came to the conclusion not to do it.
Not really. Google takes popular content and puts the basic information on its own pages, so they keep any ad revenue. Only if a person clicks through for more details do they move onto the media website. So most articles are browsed within Google, using content created by others.
Amazon has similarly predatory behavior. When they see a successful product, they do their own knock-off. The company that made the product successful on Amazon has provided Amazon with all they need to know - volume, customer list, pricing, etc. Virtually no risk for Amazon, and they easily trash a successful Amazon seller and put the profits in their own pocket.
These companies makes the railroad barons look like saints.
All those companies are middle-men, sponging off the work of others, without asking. They are taking snippets from real news organizations, without compensation, hourly, daily, weekly, for years now, and generating revenue. "Fair Use" laws shouldn't be abused in the ways that the huge aggregators do it.
I'd love to be able to block all google stuff, but that is impossible. I have been able to block all facebook at the network layer, well, 95% of facebook.
Amazon is nearly impossible to block because some govt websites use EC2.
Whatever laws are enacted shouldn't be about specific companies. They need to have a test for how abusive a middle-man company is based on the frequency and number of copied snippets and definitely the total revenue for the company. These need to be relative to the companies having their content taken.
If a news article by a 4 person news company gets taken by google, then ends on the front page for 50M google users, certainly that tiny news company deserves compensation. Perhaps A$0.01 each time it shows up, regardless of clicks.