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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2013.DoCoMo holds out against iPhone mania, but at what cost?
By Sophie Knight and Maki Shiraki TOKYO©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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For 53 months straight DoCoMo has shown a net loss of subscribers because it will not, like other companies, accept Apple's terms. I wonder how DoCoMo's shareholders feel about their stubbornness? Softbank's stock price has doubled in the last 2 years while DoCoMo's share price has dropped by 20%.... the share price is down despite a recent bull market on the back of Abenomics.
"stubbornness"? iPhones are not the ultimate device. They will be obsolete in 5 years or so. What customers need is the diversity of choices and I think it is good that DoCoMo keeps competing.
Wait... you can't access Flickr or Instagram with an Android phone?
Dennis Bauer
I see many Iphones but lots of android phones also, so it will balance itself out in the end
Almost all of my Japanese friends have iPhones. They also all know very little about technology and when purchasing a phone don't debate their options, just go straight for the iPhone because it is what everyone else has and thus must be good. After I show them my Galaxy S4 they are amazed at how big the screen is, how lightweight it is and how much more customizable it is than their iPhones. When it comes time for them to get a new phone though I'm sure they will get another iPhone though as most of these customizations are too complicated/difficult for them. In a country that still uses fax machines and is fueled by group mentality and consumerism, I'm not surprised that the more technically restricted iPhone is more popular.
Absolutely true.
Good job, DoCoMo - do NEVER EVER surrender to the evil crApple !! I'm a DoCoMo shareholder and I fully spport this decision. Apple only wants to suck profits and imprison users in its "system". What is the cost to consumers and to the carriers who became hostages of this company??
Elbuda Mexicano
Docomo is TOO expensive!!!
Amidalism - maybe your friends are all just idiots? I think there are a lot of people in the world - even Japanese! - who properly weigh their options and STILL choose to buy an iPhone rather than an Android-based smartphone, for one reason or another. And perhaps the real reason they'll get an iPhone again the next time around, instead of following your advice and jumping ship to Android, is becuase switching would require them to buy their apps all over again? Just a thought.
iphone on Docomo would cost 3 times more than anyone else.
No no some are elderly and some are technological impaired and some are not even 16 yet! To call them all idiots is just rude imho.
So is it losing or gaining customers...? It is haemorrhaging customers, but total subscribers are up 630,000. I am confusted!
You deserve an award for hypocritical comment of the day. The article itself mentions that docomo doesn't want to include iPhone because it will ruin its "system".
DoCoMo will be just fine without Apple.
Well, they cannot be blame. DoCoMo is true Japanese company, it aims to protect also other Japanese Mobile phone manufacturer. What they must do is to develop a strong rival technology or intesify the usage of Android.
If they stick to their guns they may well do OK since Steve Jobs is no longer with us, who is really going to keep apple alive. How long will it be before the Apple cart is toppled, a fad can never last for ever in Japan.
docomo lost me after they dropped the ball with blackberry and insisted I pay too much for niche phones short on desirable features. Love my AU phone.
I have a docomo NEC Medias Tab N-08D 7 inch with 16GB internal and 32GB (it only says 16GB in the specs) external memory running Android and I am very happy with it. It weighs 249 grams, has an 8BG and 2GB camera, TV with remarkably good reception, and haptic feedback. It also makes phone calls. It is superior to an iPad Mini in most ways I can think of.
Everybody knows Apple or Samsung products. However, Very few people know DoCoMo products in the international market. What NTT DoCoMo needs to do is build trust and brand loyalty in this rapidly changing environment. DoCoMo need to research and finds that social media helps organizations check and monitor the complaints about their products or services more efficiently. They have to improve on customer service to retain customers.
or, they just need an iPhone killer.
Docomo is way too expensive, no wonder they are going down the toilet.
Docomo completely blew it by being stupid and stubborn, and a whole lot of the people still using Docomo are not doing so by choice but because they must -- they work for NTT or KDDI or Docomo itself and would be fired if caught using something else, same as if a Panasonic employee didn't spend his/her bonus on Panasonic products. When AU began selling the iPhone it stifled some of the flow of people flocking to Softbank, because AU still has the best range of the three major companies here, so people kept with AU or changed to it instead of Softbank (with even a few Softbank users switching over).
The longer Docomo holds out the more they'll lose face when they are forced to give in, which they will. It is extremely unfair to those who canNOT change but want to use an iPhone, and the shareholders must not be very happy at all.