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Epic CEO: Apple won't let Fortnite back until case ends


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Epic had claimed that Apple has been gouging app makers by charging commissions ranging from 15% to 30% for in-app transactions because it forbids other options on its iPhone, iPad and iPod.

A bit hypocritical when Eic doesn't criticize Nintendo or Sony for doing the exact same thing.

Also, Sweeney wrote this in his letter to Apple:

Epic will resubmit Fortnite to the App Store if you adhere to the plain language of the court order and allow apps to include buttons and external links that direct customers to other purchasing mechanisms without onerous terms or impediments to a good user experience.

So, he wants Apple to interpret the lawsuit the way that he interprets it. A bit disingenuous, not!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

A battle between Sweeney and Cook. My prediction is Tim will win.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Stop making lawyers wealthier without good reason, ignore the Apple ecosystem and just operate on other platforms.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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