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Federal judge orders Google to open its Android app store to competition


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Tell this to Amazon. It’s Kindle Fire tablets run on a version of Androi but it offers no Google Store or Google apps in its own store, like youtube and Maps.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I assume the order to open up the Apple App Store just got lost in the paperwork.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sorry but imagine this type of ruling in any other type of store.

Think Costco being told it has to let Itoyokado set up shop inside its stores!

Apple got a tap on the wrist but google that is basically not restricted gets hit overly hard.

Unlike Apple, Android has always been easy to install Apps from third party sites, I don't recommend it but it is quite easy.

I have done it a few times do to Google app store "location restrictions" which means the App is in theory only available in certain countries and App store detects you are using a VPN IP from that country.

But I have never been able to do the same with my wife or son's iPhone that are not jailbreak.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

So google gets nailed but in effect apple gets a pass. Just one more reason I can not stand apple.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

So being penalized for having a good product once again.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

The monopolies needed breaking (and any restrictions/official requirements on Windows software could be lifted too), but nuking it in a short space of time will have side effects. It's certainly good news for those trying to flog anti-virus solutions on mobile platforms.

Google could do this quite cheaply. It could simply allow unrestricted access to third party stores (maybe even stores as apps), without any official filter or check. The tidal wave of data-snatching, virus-ridden apps that would use some unofficial stores would soon move people back to the safety of the official store. The same would work for Apple, probably more effectively. Apple users are used to a walled garden and have less tech nous. They would be like small furry creatures released into the Serengeti en masse in the hungry predator season.

Things will be easier for geeks and there will be more peer-to-peer and distributed software appearing, plus easier streaming capture. Perhaps even alternative operating systems as apps. But it will be a bit Darwinian for non-geeks who click on the wrong thing. Enabling is the new tech crime, so perhaps the judge will be taken to court for enabling it all. Fun times.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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