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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Google planning to sell wireless phone service
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Please come to Japan and provide similar plans , we need competitors without price fixing here !!!
Google, please get softbank to stop overcharging me
Going to take some time before that service is expanded beyond the US borders.
Please come to Japan and fight against two-year automatically renewing contracts.
At least we have some choice now with MVNOs starting in Japan, but there is a need for more competition.
Penfold, do what I did. I just dropped Softbank and bought a SIM from BIC camera, so my monthly charge went down to around 1,700 yen.
Which carrier are you using now, because I checked yahooBB (or something like that) and the difference is almost nothing...especially if you're a softbank user.
Japan cellphone carriers need more competition. They are overcharging because we have no other option and we are tied up with 2 year contract. I hope there will be others who will establish their business here and offer a much cheaper plan.
This is fine if it's a separate company, not more things owned by Google. The Google monopoly needs to be broken up.