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Google's new operating system to take on Microsoft


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Google empire vs Microsoft empire.

Who is richer Microsoft by USD 70 billion dollars.

It will better if Page,Brin and Gates/Microsoft join forces to create new giant IT firm with 330 billion USD .

The could beat Exxon Mobil as biggest company in world for the future in wealth and in wealth making ability.

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It's good to hear, that there will be an alternative (besides mac os x, which I choose anyway) to Microsoft. I'm curious ...

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Mac still beats both, hands down.

Still, it'll be good to see Microsoft having a rival for sheer sales (Apple dominates in the artistic fields, but not in word processing or games), and might even make Microsoft actually step up their game instead of releasing crap like Vista -- and 2 years after they promised at that!

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2010, summer: google launch of new operating system is a huge success!

2010, late summer: in a surprise move by Microsoft, the company has purchased a majority share in ownership of Google Inc.

2011, spring: Microsoft announces today the upcoming release of a brand new operating system, code-named Wingles!

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Linux already does everything people need to do on a netbook. For what a netbook is designed to do it's PERFECT. And it's free.

I don't understand why more don't adopt it. Download Ubuntu Netbook Remix, install, use. It couldn't be easier. It's preconfigured to work with most netbooks without tinkering and thousands of programs can be added easily - and for free.

If Ubuntu doesn't capture people's fancy, then Google stands no chance either.

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Let's not hope that this to the OS world was what Tmobile G1 phone was to the iphone, a total dissapointment. Yes, it was meant from the start not to be as powerful/sophisticated as the iphone, but a lot cheaper. Which it was. But that was the problem, people expected more from a company like Google. Today, Google no longer forays in the cell phone market. Same might happen with their OS.

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if it really fast, secure, and most of all it can run every programs i need to use on daily base, i would be more than happen to try it.

software capability is the only think that keep me away from Linux today.

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lots of people don't move away from microsoft because "better the devil you know". google is a well known and trusted brand, so has a chance of eroding microsofts dominance. it will take time, though

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When I read the news I hoped they dedicated to make their implementation of Linux. Why Linux clones can not gain popularity among masses is because there is no support on a large scale. If Google makes Linux derivate for a low price (lets say 30USD) and back it up with their resources and support here we go - I guess many people will switch.

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So, if you lose Internet connectivity, you will no longer have access to your documents. If this catches on, I can see ISP's raising prices for access.

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