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Japan to use AI to tackle online manga and anime piracy


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And how do they think that anime & manga got a foothold outside of Japan? These pirating sites helped (and still continues to help) to bring in new fans into what was once a very niche market.

In the UK we only had DBZ, Sailor Moon, Pokemon and a few other shows back in the late 90s/mid 2000s. And the anime that I was watching, I could only find on pirating websites. The anime community was very small when I joined it and I doubt that I would've stayed around if it wasn't for these sites that gave me access to anime.

You'll also find that there's a lot of manga and anime (especially the older stuff from the 80s and 90s) that can't be found online from an official source.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Japan is planning to use AI to police anime and manga pirating websites that the pop-culture powerhouse accuses of costing it billions of dollars in lost revenue every year.

Is that the excuse why they don't pay the majority of mangaka a living wage despite the high popularity of manga?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

In the UK we only had DBZ, Sailor Moon, Pokemon and a few other shows back in the late 90s/mid 2000s. And the anime that I was watching, I could only find on pirating websites. The anime community was very small when I joined it and I doubt that I would've stayed around if it wasn't for these sites that gave me access to anime.

True it was like free advertising as well since the final outcome of having more fans is purchasing more merchandise

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Within five years with fake AI posts, 90% of the internet will be bogus.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Isn't AI writing anime/manga by this point?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Still fail to see the appeal in kids comics and cartoons. It’s a funny old world isn’t it.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Still fail to see the appeal in kids comics and cartoons. It’s a funny old world isn’t it.

The ones for kids are different than the ones for adults very much like Halloween parties for adults aren't the same as the ones for kids but you know that already.

I fail to see the appeal of hunting and shooting animals just for fun. It looks quite psychotic to me that there are people who enjoy doing such violent things

10 ( +10 / -0 )


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Ken: "The ones for kids are different than the ones for adults very much like Halloween parties for adults aren't the same as the ones for kids but you know that already."

Hallowe'en parties for adults, since you brought it up, involve going out, socializing, drinking alcohol (maybe), possibly meeting someone you become intimately interested in, and having fun. Manga for adults is for... well... reading about having fun?

"I fail to see the appeal of hunting and shooting animals just for fun."

All you did was further alienate adults who like kids' stuff.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

This will ruin the experience for me and millions across the world crunchyroll is damn expensive.i doubt if that stupid AI will be effective.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Still fail to see the appeal in kids comics and cartoons. It’s a funny old world isn’t it.

The only reason you think this is because you don't know the history of Japanese animation and Magna. After WW2 Japan's film industry was pretty much destroyed. Getting new equipment was a low priority item. But animation was cheap to utilize so instead of live action shows they used animation to tell stories. The industry grew from that.

Japan also has a history of using pictograms to tell stories. Silk painting on wall partitions were normal in many high class or noble homes. After WW2 they were introduced to American Comics which greatly influenced modern manga. As a form of entertainment it is a very common fixture in Japanese life. You see people of all walks of life reading manga on trains and busses. The stories range from historical fiction pieces, like Vinland Saga, to comedies and slice of life, all the way to shoen superhero type stories.

It shouldn't be surprising to see story franchises jump from medium to medium. Just how Star Wars went from a movie, to novels, to a comic you see similar jumps in stories like Mobile Suit Gundam going from an Anime, to a story, to a Manga, and then to Live Action. Anime and Manga are just different mediums to tell a story. There is nothing childish about it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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