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Meta reviewing use of word 'Zionist' amid Israel-Hamas war


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Basically free speech is Ok, with certain condition. There are things that can't be criticized. Anyone who try to do that will be banned and kicked out from platform, must respect platform censorship policy.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Real problem's "Bibbi's" War causing massive political damage across world, especially to pol's that depend on Muslim or Youth vote. That's Facebook/Meta challenge.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

It isn't so much the word as how it's used. The emotion of "hate" isn't contained in the word. It's in the mind of the hater. What's more of a problem is people with nothing better to do than to wait for something they can label "offensive."

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

And what, pray tell, is the definition of the word and concept of Zionism, and what is the need to separate it from the words Jew or Israel? That was strangely omitted despite being the core theme of the story. Are we entering some sort of Orwellian dictionary revision and Rewrite? Rewritten by the big brother who doesn't need to explain himself, him being the law in its entirety?

Meta, please correct me if I'm wrong, or tell us what you think the definition of a Zionist Is?! We are all ears.

Personally thought it be a term that describes is the state of Israel and the Jewish people, historically persecuted and displaced but clinging to the concept of the right to exist?! Not sure what am I missing from the Meta story here, nor the need to mince words by the tech giant. If I need re educating, please let me know. Thanks.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Wait, I think I get it. No matter how hard the activist class tries to spin, they just won't be able to get away with running with a blatant anti-Jew or anti-Israel (rivers to the sea) core mantra. It's too revealing. The residue memories of WW2 after all still remain. Damn!

Create a separate word that allows us to throw scorn at Jews that is borderline acceptable, acceptable to the mob at least. Zionism! Boom!

Where there's a will there's a way right?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

And what, pray tell, is the definition of the word and concept of Zionism

I think it is the notion of creating a Jewish state in the area currently labeled Israel.

and what is the need to separate it from the words Jew or Israel?

Perhaps because some Jewish people around the world don't support the idea.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

In the context of the current attacks in Palestine and the eventual cessation of life or expulsion of those people then the description of a Zionist’ soon becomes apparent.

Any member of the Israeli government could easily be defined by the word Zionist.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Perhaps because some Jewish people around the world don't support the idea.

Ah the clutching at straws argument that tries to claim that some Jews don't think they deserve a state of their own. A tiny, miniscule actually, confused and tainted minority that has by bought into the lefts shakey notions of reality and ethics.

Any member of the Israeli government could easily be defined by the word Zionist.

OK thanks, any member of the govt. COULD also fit into this category. Got it. Anyone involved in the protection and continuation of the State of Israel at an official capacity. It's like trying to pain t a picture of the concerned dove. People that feel the need for example to say that they have a problem and issue with the Chinese govt, the CCP, and not the Chinese people themselves.

So it's the Zionists are fair game for attack here not the Jews in general. I imagine, that's the mental and verbal gymnastics at play.

Unfortunately people can see right through it, but do what you have to do folks to keep your souls in tact. Orwellian word play is always a telling strategy. As the grandson of a Polish resistance army officer though, you'll have to forgive me for my contempt. I've been watching the free Palestine demonstrations too and it's plain as day the spectres that have been awoken and allowed ( even encouraged) to arise. The mood of the rallies, the antics, attempts to intimidated, masks, screaming and the behavior of its young devotees tell us everything we need to know. None of this is new either. Enjoy the show of how easy it is to fall into darkness, and what the process looks like. Big learning curve ( reminder) for the species. Watch and learn careerfully.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I wonder what we should be able to call those currently committing genocide in Gaza then. Make it vague, like humans? Mammals?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Words like genocide, apartheid, open-air-prison, intifada and other terms that the anti-zionists have rote learned ( and like the parrot to each other as often as possible) are all part of this linguistic game that you play in an attempt to signal to you people. Keep saying it until you really believe it to be true. Apparently it works too.

Side note

Anti-Zionist as a term, you are OK with that right? Just wanna check. Would hate to misrepresent you and what you stand for. Words are still important to some of us.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Presumably, RickyKaminski, I am the target of your comment so I will address it.

"The International Court of Justice has found it is "plausible" that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention." Can we say it's just words? Rote learned by the court.

Personally, I think human beings are probably, in the end, agents of death. I often wonder what I am doing here on this planet watching their crass stupidity and cruelty. I have no particular allegiance to any group (and certainly not to fascists of any description). They are all totally barking mad. I find I am sympathetic to unnecessary suffering (I cried at the cruelty displayed at Auschwitz/Birkenau). And it now looks like that is what I am seeing. But people, using linguistic games, twist and misrepresent and justify suffering in their own minds to their own partisan satisfaction until they really believe all is fine, without one jot of self-awareness or sympathy. I feel like it's a dangerous way to go. Not being able to use certain words to describe a certain group is almost Orwellian in its attempt to shape thought. So, my question is: what word is acceptable for us all to use to describe a group committing daily atrocities here? Please tell.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

with negative connotations you may say:





Israeli is a nationality

Jew is an enthnism

Zionism is a poltical attitude and can be googled having a long history even engaging with the nazis - that long.

Lord Balfour wanted to create an Israeli state in what was called the British Palestine Mandate (inherited by the British empire at the fall of the Ottoman empire) ...The British courted Zionist groups as they viewed the promise of an "Israel" could make international Zionists as allies to the British empire...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Ricky Kaminski13Feb. 11  02:41 am JST

And what, pray tell, is the definition of the word and concept of Zionism, and what is the need to separate it from the words Jew or Israel? That was strangely omitted despite being the core theme of the story.

It is an antisemitic term, kickstarted even before Naziism appeared. It's derived from a bogus propagandic book titled 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'. It details a false conspiracy about Jews and Judaism wanting to envelope and control the planet through the economy, media and government influence. It's a load of hateful crap, it's been used as a leverage and excuse for Hitler to exterminate 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, as well as 5 million other 'undesirables'.

It's the sick paranoid notion of Jews wanting to interfere with all our lives and ruin them, esp. economically.

Antisemites use this Z-word frequently and they often project the fascism image upon the Israeli state itself. Ye has badmouthed Jews frequently during the past few years and Roger Waters has repeatedly referred to Israel as a 'fascist' and 'apartheid' state. While that nation's PMs (most but not all) have mistreated Palestinians, it is anything but that. RW has also narrated an online YouTube movie about how Jews have 'influenced the US media' and even Donald Trump! Big Bad Jews, yeah!

Calling Jews and for that matter Israelis the 'Z-word' is like calling Blacks the 'N-word' or Japanese people by the first syllable of that word alone. It's derogatory, bigoted and shows that the person who uses it casually is ignorant, hateful and dumb.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

So Jews who dont support a special land for Jews or who dont support Zionism are a ""tainted minority ""?

Ricky, I think your use of the phrase ""tainted minority "" just blew up your claims of others intolerance.

I think "Zionism "" has more of a politico settler colonial connotation that anything anti Jewish.

Remember, the whole start of this "project " of a Jewish homeland began many years before W2 and the holocaust, and I believe Uganda was one of the places envisaged .

Personally , it's 2000 pound bombs may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@starpunk - How can Zionism be an *anti*semitic term when modern Arabs in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria are also semites? I think it's more accurate to parse Zionism as a political movement concerned with reestablishing a homeland for the Jewish diaspora in response to European pogroms and later the Holocaust, as distinct from the religious practices of Judaism. Criticizing Zionism then is more akin to criticizing any other ~ism - communism, socialism, fascism, vegetarianism, effective altruism etc.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

How can Zionism be an antisemitic term when modern Arabs in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria are also semites?

Your splitting hairs. You know one perfectly well that anti-Semitism refers to hostility to Jewish people.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It is an antisemitic term, kickstarted even before Naziism appeared. It's derived from a bogus propagandic book titled 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'.

Zionism is a Jewish movement and many Jewish people identity as Zionists. The term was created by European Jews in the nineteenth century with the sun of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Not being able to use certain words to describe a certain group is almost Orwellian in its attempt to shape thought. So, my question is: what word is acceptable for us all to use to describe a group committing daily atrocities here? Please tell.

That was an interesting take of NOT being able to see certain words as being Orwellian. Very true. I guess this is what it comes down too. Instead of screaming at each other from two sides of a tiny table, it should actually come down to words, because luckily the do still matter.

So this is where the discussion should go. What is your definition of apartheid, or a prison, or genocide. Can people have a calm conversation to really see if these words apply, or whether perhaps they are being over used to thrown scorn at the perceived bad guy ( low resolution by nature) or do we really want to get a hand on this unfolding tragedy. How do we make the other side take one step forward towards us and we do the same. What does that even look like. Don't see it happening from the radical revolutionary left unfortunately. You never know though, they may stop screaming and swearing one day and sit down and have a cup day of tea. Enjoy the public holiday folks. Hoping things don't get worse is a start. Happy 建国記念の日 National Foundation Day anyways. Count the blessings!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Words they STILL do matter! Gambarimasu!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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