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© 2022 AFPMusk 'kills' new Twitter label, hours after launch
By Julie JAMMOT SAN FRANCISCO©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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RIP Twitter..
Musk is also asking some fired employees to return. Does he really know how to run the company?
charles chevaux
Should have quit when he was ahead after rescuing those Thai kids.
Hard to see how he got where he is if this is the way he does business.
This clown has no idea what he's doing and it's hilarious to watch.
This Musk guy is reminding me more and more of Trump.
Remember how Trump kept firing everyone he himself had hired only to call them losers and stupid and incompetent after letting them go?
Musk buys Twitter after admitting he did not really want to and is bent on messing it up driving away advertisers only for him to say 'we are losing money so I have to fire people.'
But I will give him one thing: he may be the world's richest man, but he sure knows how to get free mentions and publicity from every single media day in and day out.
It will take a while to fix twitter. It was a mess when Musk bought it.
Thousands of people got pink-slipped. That ain't funny at all.
He just has to take everything he sees, doesn't he? Disgusting.
Diaper Don shut down his bogus 'charities' and his phony university to escape the taxman, shortly before becoming the usurper that he is. And of course, he sasses off the mouth like a brat at everybody anyway, we all know that.
Muskrat may have bit off more than he can chew. Of course if I had a Twitter account I'd delete it in the first place. I want nothing to do with this greedy turd.
Bob Fosse
Almost seems like he has no idea what he’s doing and shouldn’t have fired all those who did.
Something kind of comforting about watching the richest man in the world trying to wing it and totally fail.
A blue bird simplies the recent tweets coming from one with a bird brain!