Japan Today

New app brings your bank accounts, credit cards, financial insights to your iPhone and iPad


Moneytree, a new app that can automatically display balances and transactions from your Japanese bank and credit card on your iPhone or iPad, is now available for download from the App Store. Tokyo based Moneytree KK has been developing the Moneytree app and supporting cloud service for over a year.

“Most people feel tracking their finances is a burden, but it takes too much time, so most people give up soon after starting, and often feel guilty about it,” says Paul Chapman, the representative director of Moneytree KK. “Moneytree is an app that seek to do all the hard work for you -- after signing up, you just open the app on your device to see bank balances or credit card usage.”

Moneytree seeks to redefine the “personal finance” genre. The app focuses on reducing the amount of data shown, and uses analysis to deliver the meaningful insights to consumers.

For example, Moneytree tells you when and how much your next credit card payment is, so you know if you have sufficient funds. Another useful touch, it can show you when an expected payment has arrived, eliminating the need to visit a bank branch or log into a smartphone ‘unfriendly’ website.

“Even those disciplined enough to track [their finances] still feel the stress of keeping it current,” Chapman continues. “Moneytree relieves the stress of not knowing where you stand. Its simple, elegant interface shows an immediate overview of your financial situation.”

Given the private nature of finances, the app also focuses on security and privacy − you can register for the service with just an e-mail address. Moneytree’s team includes information security and privacy experts with more than 25 years combined experience managing and securing personal information.

Moneytree supports over 30 major Japanese banks and credit cards, and plans to support more in future. The free app is available from today for iPhone and iPad on the App Store.

Website: http://moneytree.jp App Store URL: http://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/line/id586847189?mt=8 HD Video: http://moneytr.ee/mtpromo1 Cost: Free (optional paid features planned for later release) Requirements: iOS 6.0+ Languages: Japanese, English

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1 ( +1 / -0 )

to your iphone ah thats ok, we all know that the iphone is basically unhackable and peoples personal details will never be stolen from one of these smartphones, thankyou Apple Ill sleep better tonight.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

And if your data leaks, it will be eeeeh? Shouganai! Moremashita!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Utterly bad idea to put all your eggs in such a vulnerable basket.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

“Even those disciplined enough to track [their finances] still feel the stress of keeping it current,”

sigh, why God has blessed these people with (so much of) wealth?

-2 ( +0 / -1 )

“Most people feel tracking their finances is a burden, but it takes too much time....... " You know another thing that is by far a worse burden? Trying to clear theft ie: identity, credit card, cloned accounts etc....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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