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© 2021 AFPNew name for Facebook? Critics cry smoke and mirrors
SAN FRANCISCO©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2021 AFP
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'Smoke and mirrors'? Got that right! A pig is a pig. Can't give it wings and call it a bird. And I'll flip my bird, pardon the pun, at Facebook's CEO any day until they put him in jail.
Crap is crap no matter what!
Let's run a competition for best new name. I can think of a few choice ones.
I can't think of a name, but how about a tag-line?
"Metaverse, so bad it will make Zuck's hair look sexy by comparison."
There's a poll running at the link below.
SPECTRE seems to be winning at the moment.
What are the names being considered? (If this is even true that is.)
Viktor Cernatinskij
I think the most appropriate name to change to is FAKEBOOK.
The Verge cited an unnamed source noting the name would reflect Facebook's efforts to build the "metaverse", a virtual reality version of the internet that the tech giant sees as the future
Zuck is infatuated with Neal Stephenson's Snowcrash now? Imagining himself as Hiro Protagonist?
FarceBook is more appropriate!!!