NTT Communications Corp announced Thursday that it has begun accepting applications for HOTSPOT Express, a wireless local area network (WLAN) service aboard N700 Series cars of the Tokaido Shinkansen (bullet train) between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka, which will start on Saturday. The service will also be introduced in waiting lounges of all 17 stations along the route.
This will be the first wireless Internet access service on any Shinkansen line in Japan.
HOTSPOT Express will offer maximum downlinks of 2Mbps per each 16-coach bullet train for any IEEE 802.11b/g-compatible PC, smartphone or other mobile device. The monthly charge will be 819 yen (including tax).
HOTSPOT Express subscribers may also use NTT Coms other HOTSPOT service area, covering more than 4,000 fixed locations nationwide, on a temporary basis without subscription for 315 yen (tax included) per day.
Customers who subscribe to HOTSPOT Express within the month of March will have their startup fee of 1,575 yen (including tax) waived and will be charged just 390 yen (including tax) per month until the end of September.
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Who is "us"? The Tokyo - Osaka line is a regular commute for many a salaryman.
Um, it's a Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka. Few of us commute on such an expensive route "twice a day." Hence, the silliness of having a monthly fee system.
I pay for 1Gbps and the Best Effort I can get is 50Mbps
Go te Sweden and you'll see Wireles LAN in busses, trains, and taxis. They've had it for years. Japan isn't nearly as advanced as ppl here tend to think.
And it is only 2009. High Speed is on Best Effort. Read the fine print. meaning no effort to improve services. Simply pay for what they feel like giving you.
high speed is high speed, for most who commute every day at least twice, 819 is well worth it for the internet connection.
they don't have "high speed"(its all relative) internet in the uk. even planning for the future it wont be half as fast as what japan has had for years
the internet might be high speed but the trains are not
Monthly fee for wifi serice on a train? Which Einstein thought that up?
well there is finally one thing the British rail system does better - free internet - bet it isnt high speed though.
They have these on British Inter City trains, difference is its free.