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OpenAI releases Sora AI video generator to public


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I more and more dislike these AI companies.

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No, that is too harsh, I don't dislike them. And of course I see that they need to make some money for their shareholders and to make own ends meet every month. But do they at least have any basic math competence, knowing what they are trying to do although it is intrinsically destined to fail (again) in the end, like it has all the decades before since discovery in the late '40s early '50s of last century? What entities them to stubbornly pumping up the AI hype balloon until it will burst with massive economic devastation all around? Because they have now a lot more money available than former AI researchers, or they are just only more talented to swindle extremely high investments out of money hungry investors from outside the AI competence field? I don't know what really drives them all, but better put it immediately back into the Pandora box, where it's been all the long time and where it belongs.

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