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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Reddit strikes $60 mil deal allowing Google to train AI models on its posts, unveils IPO plans
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God help us if AI is training on Reddit.
Triggered because r/The_Donald was banned?
Personally I think it is overstep and the MAGA posts are illuminating as an inside the cult look.
Was it really? Hardly surprising though.
No, I think the biggest issue is that modal Redditor is a skinny-fat, usually bald White American typically typically sporting some sort of ridiculous-styled facial hair who, owing to their poor life choices, skews strongly toward the "American Far Left."
Here's a snapshot of the typical Redditor philosophy on a variety of topics:
Religion = we're militant, nihilistic atheists
LGBT rights = we believe transsexuals should have more rights than biological women
Environmental issues = if you're not a climate catastrophist you're a "nazi"
BLM = if your avatar isn't a black square you're a racist
Drugs = Legalize all of them
Capitalism/socialism = we should be centralizing power to "trusted" authorities
Geopolitics = we're a non-negotiatable 'yes' for Ukraine/Palestine
Personal responsibility = nothing is my fault, it's theirs!
Toxicity at its absolute worst.
There go all my posts on r/Japanlife, r/Singularity and r/LateStageCapitalism.
Reddit has its good and bad, but there is a lot of gold there.
@Jay it is seems you have thought long and hard profiling Reddit users. Maybe some alternative intellectual outlets? It is sad.
Thing is they really don't have that much of an impact beyond some tech sectors like the Reddit founder, rest in power.
The corporate-funded MAGA media is a whole different matter though.
Zero surprise you are in that sub.
Has anyone seen what googles ""AI"" has been doing, its been off the charts stupidly woke revisionist non-sense of the highest order......dont believe me, google it LOL!!!
Google were forced to apologize this week after their new Gemini AI refuses to show pictures or achievements of White people.
Looks like they've programmed non-negotiable "inclusivity" into the image generator, making it almost as historically inaccurate as its creators are stupid.
"Google says its AI image-generator would sometimes ‘overcompensate’ for diversity:"
The question is, will this AI integration allow Reddit to continue to devolve into even more of a sad, fedora hat-wearing, skinny-fat, zit-faced Marxist cesspool?