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Samsung passes Apple in smartphones


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Never liked Samsung phones, they are alright, but nothing special enough for me to shell out the big bucks. Didn't even know Nokia was still relevant as a cellphone maker. Nah...would never trade my iphone in for anything Samsung or Nokia puts out, inferior crap

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Apple Fanboys never let me down with their predictable comments....

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Apple doesn't need more models than it currently has, save for updates. It's good that there's healthy competition out there from companies like Samsung, and my hat's off to them, but really since they're selling more than 40 models that only means that each model is selling less than the iPhone models. What's more, iPhone plans in a lot of countries are pretty crappy (we're lucky in Japan in that the flat rate packet plan is pretty good), whereas other companies offer slightly better plans with Samsung handsets.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

This is like saying Kia passes BMW in car sales, doesn't really account for anything.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

I am in Brazil now, Samsung is sold in every corner whereas Apple is very difficult to get. Brazilians go to Miami and bring iPhones to resell here, it's a huge black market. Also, an iPhone 4S costs two Samsung devices. But if I ask any of my Brazilian friends which smartphone they dream of, their eyes tell it's an iPhone. But a Samsung will do until they can get one. As for me, heaven forbid someone sees me with a Samsung on my hands. Eh eh, I think I am an Apple guy.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

i'm embarassed when i have to show i own a samsung.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

i'm embarassed when i have to show i own a samsung

I have the same feeling when I take out my iphone... I know what you go through, but hey they are the cheapest here in Japan....

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Dutchduck: "I have the same feeling when I take out my iphone... I know what you go through, but hey they are the cheapest here in Japan...."

So if you're so embarrassed why do you own one? My guess is you are just griping for no reason, since if you do indeed own an iPhone you own the superior product. Or else it's just a case of the grass is always greener, and you'd be whining about a Samsung if you owned that, too.

In any case, LostinNagoya is correct -- in most cases of Samsung owners it was merely a case of not being able to buy what they truly wanted and having to settle instead.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Iphones are completely overrated. Many apple fans buy iphones not because of the technology in it but because of the status symbol it brings. Apparently, many Apple fanboys mistakenly believe that owning an iphone makes you hip and cool. Apple cannot maintain its cool factor forever.

The Samsung Galaxy S2 despite being released almost a year before the iphone 4s is faster, has a better camera, better screen, better processor and is far more durable. I am not saying this as an android/samsung fanboy, I am saying this as verifiable fact. View the videos below. There really is no reason to buy an iphone4s over a Galaxy S2.



My friends with iphone 4S's are in a complete state of denial. They refuse to accept the idea that they bought an inferior phone. They reminds me of the folks who bought a Dreamcast console when X-box 360 and PS3 were just around the corner. Anyways, heres what Samsung is releasing very soon.

Flexible, bendable, paper thin and nearly indestructible AMOLED screen.


Please mute this video if you don't want to listen to god awful pop music.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

This is like saying Kia passes BMW in car sales, doesn't really account for anything.

True - but I doubt BMW would install Kia-made components, engines etc like Apple who use Samsung componentry! LOL

5 ( +6 / -1 )

What apple worshipers fail to realize is that Apple is not much of a hardware developer. They don't develop the screens, computer processors, casing, memory and other tech components that goes into the I-phone. Companies like Samsung do.

Ever wondered why the recently released I-phone 4s is slower than the year old Galaxy S2? Its because apple uses technology developed by Samsung. The A5 computer processor that runs the I-phone 4 and 4S was developed and sold to apple by Samsung. The yet to be released I-phone 5 is going to use the A6 processor which is yet again developed by Samsung. As impressive as the A6 processor is going to be, Samsung is going to keep the best tech for itself.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Oh please, seems everybody in America has at least one smartphone nowadays. I associate with tech/gadget-heads all the time, and there's a variety of smartphones amongst them: Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc. And these are people who know the technology underneath these machines. Tech-wise, there's really no more status symbol among smartphones anymore. Doesn't really matter what you have - all new smartphones are quite powerful now.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


wrong. Apple designs the processors based upon ARM architecture, and Samsung manufactures them.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

awww the Apple bashers are out in force! The funny thing about people who trash the iPhone saying that other phones have superior technology is that the iOS is one of the smoothest if not THE smoothest to use. One of my friends has an Experia and it has piles upon piles of menus and Android keeps resetting itself about every hour. The latency and jerkiness of scrolling is pure garbage. This goes the same for tablets too. One of the reasons my friends and I bought an iPad is the latency (or lack of). For the average Joe this doesn't matter but I use mine to control music programs. I agree that a lot of these devices that use Android are quite capable. But they are so clunky to use. the iPhone and iPad work so well because the software is made for the hardware. Android keeps dropping the ball because it's one OS trying to fit in all kinds of different devices.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Oh please, seems everybody in America has at least one smartphone nowadays.

Are there people out there with two or more cellphones? That would be interesting, trying to maintain two conversations at the same time! LOL

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Apple fanboys.. please, . the iphone uses Samsung parts and then made in China.. it's not god's gift to phones...

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

My guess is you are just griping for no reason, since if you do indeed own an iPhone you own the superior product.

I owned an iPhone, just UPGRADED to a Galaxy SII. Much better phone, much better experience, don't have to put up with Apple's copious amounts of crap.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Apple Fanboys never let me down with their predictable comments....

Hey, bro...hate the game, don't hate the player!

Believe what you want, but again, there is nothing as far as smart phones are concerned that comes even close to an iphone, sorry.

Apple fanboys.. please, . the iphone uses Samsung parts and then made in China.. it's not god's gift to phones...

That depends on who your definition of God is. Also, couldn't care less if it were assembled in Zimbabwe. My girlfriend has a Samsung, I tried it and....naaaw. In a nutshell, Samsung phones just suck royally, just saying the truth, so hate all you want. As much as you Samsung lovers want and try to make it seem that their phones are superior, please don't waste your time.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The Apple fanboys come back ranting as usual... too bad Apple has to come to Samsung for parts and not the other way around.... And why does your girlfriend have a Samsung... . didn't you tell her that Apple makes the greatest phones in the history of the universe???... haha

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Here in Brazil, Brazilian equivalent of eBay is selling iPhones 4S for U$ 2,300!!! I couldn't believe this till I contacted the seller. He brings them from NY of Miami, and is out of stock. Samsungs are sold for around U$ 1,000. If I were Apple I would open stores in Brazil, ASAP. This is a huge market for Apple, but Brazilians have no free access to their products. As much as I love Apple things I can't understand why only a dozen countries have Apple stores.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Darrin No one is ranting. I'm just telling the truth, no need for hatin'. Again, I don't care if Apple goes to "Radio Schack" to buy their antennaes as long as Apple can use it to make a superior phone, why should I care, right? As for my wife. She loves IPhone always has, but there is only one feature she really needs and that Apple doesn't have (yet) and that's the FeliCa /Edy payment system. When the day comes that Apple will integrate that system, she'll toss her Samsung down the toilet. Other than that, she thinks her Samsung phone is at best mediocre in overall everything.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Most of the guys i work all use iphones, the main thing i notice is they are always ringing at their desks as they are too fragile to carry around in their pockets, 2 in the last 3 months have broken the screens, and after repair by apple, now don't seem to work properly, and they always seem to be on the charger, that's the one thing that puts me of a lot of brands when you can't carry an extra battery with you. One guy has a S2, seems to be a pretty cool phone. I really don't understand why people get so wound up, if you like a paticular brand use it, if you don't like it, use something else. Remember the world still worked before all this. My wife went from 3 high end phones when she worked in Japan to a very basic LG pre paid now, she hates mobile phones these days.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@bass4funk... once again.. nobody is hating' !.. you are only stating your opinion.. .. i say Samsung is faster with a better processor and camera... and for less... take or leave it... We will see overall sales and comparison tests as time goes on.. fair enough?.. Arigatou!!!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

the Apple bashers are out in force!

Actually, the hating started when someone called Samsung handsets "crap." The "bashers" are responding using logic and citing examples.

In fact, the hardware specs between Iphone and the Galaxy are very close, while iphones have been plagued antenna problems that other consumers would never tolerate. "Just hold the handset differently" Hahaha!, good advice!

Again, it's a case of Apple fans living in fantasyland. Enjoy the purple Kool-aid!

4 ( +5 / -1 )


That depends on who your definition of God is. Also, couldn't care less if it were assembled in Zimbabwe. My girlfriend has a Samsung, I tried it and....naaaw. In a nutshell, Samsung phones just suck royally, just saying the truth, so hate all you want. As much as you Samsung lovers want and try to make it seem that their phones are superior, please don't waste your time.

You do realize that Samsung makes nearly 4 dozen different phones, from cheap bargain phones to high end world beaters like the Galaxy S2. Claiming that Samsung phones suck after only testing 1 budget phone is like claiming that western automobiles such as Ferrarri, Bugatti and Bentley are all low quality substandard trash because you once tested a Ford pinto. Way to be open minded.

The fact of the matter is, high end Samsung phones like the Galaxy S2 beat out the latest and best I-phones despite using technology from a year ago. I just can't believe how deep your apple fandom goes. Just look at the videos i've provided. Customers of both products tested which phone is faster, more durable, better camera, better screen etc. The S2 beat out the 4S in all categories easily.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

i say Samsung is faster with a better processor and camera... and for less... take or leave it... We will see overall sales and comparison tests as time goes on.. fair enough?.. Arigatou!!!


And that's nice, if that is something you prefer and that is your opinion and your right to feel that way, but it doesn't make it a fact. So we can just leave it. Don't care about sales, NOT a salesman, I am a consumer...that is the fair thing. And you are seriously welcome!


Comparing a Ferrari and Bugatti are no where in the same galaxy (pardon the pun) as comparing to phones. Entirely different and lame argument. One is for picking up chicks and for people with a slight tinge of inferiority complex and the other is to call your spouse and to listen to memorable classic artists such as Night Ranger!

Just look at the videos i've provided. Customers of both products tested which phone is faster, more durable, better camera, better screen etc. The S2 beat out the 4S in all categories easily.

Sorry, dude, never gonna happen. That's like asking me to switch from a mac to a pc and besides, the iphone looks cooler IMHO.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


How exactly is my argument lame? You tested out one of the nearly 4 dozen phones that Samsung makes and didn’t like it. Therefore are all Samsung phones of low quality? That same logic can be applied to western cars. If I tested a Ford pinto and thought it was garbage, then does that mean Ferrari sucks?

Sorry, dude, never gonna happen. That's like asking me to switch from a mac to a pc and besides, the iphone looks cooler IMHO.

Thats good to hear, you can keep your pretty yet overpriced, slower, weaker phone that breaks into a million pieces after every little bump. But please don’t claim that its superior to a high end Samsung phone. It makes you look ridiculous because all evidence points to the S2 being a much superior phone.



-2 ( +4 / -6 )

@vg866 As I said, I'm not convinced and never will be, nor would I ever buy any phone by Samsung. To ME as a consumer it matters what and how I see and feel how the product can benefit me and the Samsung doesn't. It's not something I want in a phone, whatever that might be and how it impacts my life. I think most of their phones are crappy! And besides, what are you worried about? Why are you trying so desperately trying to convince me? You have a Samsung, you think it's superior and leave it at that. I'm happy for you that you love your phone as much as I love mine. No need to argue. I just would never by the crap. My choice, my right. I'm cool with mine, really and you should be with yours too.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The west creates, and the east improves on it , deal with it

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Is Samsung astrosurfing this site ?

Even neutral comments that are not praising Samsung get downvoted.

Many apple fans buy iphones not because of the technology in it but because of the status symbol it brings.

I buy it because it works relatively problem free.

I had a Samsung Galaxy S once. It got a broken pixel after a few days - had to bring it down for an exchange. Then stupid thing started lagging after a while for no reason. The upgrade to froyo made it worse (WTF?!), so much that it was practically unusable - also had to bring it down again to do the upgrade because the OTA upgrade install KO itself. Apps would auto-shut for no reason and it takes seconds to do much of anything.

Got ridden of it for an iPhone 4. Never been happier. I'm not going to make myself miserable over a phone. Never buying a Samsung of anything again. Never.

What apple worshipers fail to realize is that Apple is not much of a hardware developer. They don't develop the screens, computer processors, casing, memory and other tech components that goes into the I-phone. Companies like Samsung do.

It's call having suppliers and Apple is dropping Samsung as one of them - Samsung profits are going to take a hammering given how big a customer Apple was.

Apple is a system integrator, not a component manufacturer BTW. And from my experience the finish products they produce work damn well. I don't care who created what as long as the end product that reaches me works. Something I can't say for Samsung.

The A5 computer processor that runs the I-phone 4 and 4S was developed and sold to apple by Samsung.

Nope. Intrinsity which design the A4 with Samsung got bought out by Apple. It is they and one other company Apple bought that design the A5. Samsung has nothing to do with it.

The yet to be released I-phone 5 is going to use the A6 processor which is yet again developed by Samsung. As impressive as the A6 processor is going to be, Samsung is going to keep the best tech for itself.

Nope, again. Apple doesn't need Samsung for ARM processors anymore. Not for design, not for manufacturing - TSMC is getting another huge customer very soon.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Nope, again. Apple doesn't need Samsung for ARM processors anymore. Not for design, not for manufacturing - TSMC is getting another huge customer very soon

Unfortunately the iphone 5 will still be powered by an A5, manufactured by Samsung.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I do have an Iphone 4, never owed nor used anything by Samsung, but I do know back in the USA and Mexico Samsung products are very popular, and as somebody says, the more competition the better, let Apple and Samsung,Nokia, Sony,Erricson, etc..try to out do each other with applications, with style, with service and as long as it gets cheaper and cheaper and better for us, we should let the free markets do what they are supposed to do, the best products will become more popular and crap like Nokia, long long ago I made the big mistake of getting a very expensive Nokia for Docomo here in Japan, what crap! Never again! Iphone batteries?? I can swear to god on your old bible, well, they suck! And you can not change, exchange, batteries in Iphones, just like you can not with Ipods etc..Apple needs to do something about this ASAP!

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Sensible enough. On that point, I do agree with you, if Apple can make a way to make it easy to do a battery exchange, it would be icing on a perfect device, but we just have to wait and see.


Agreed 100%

What gets me is the trolling and the Apple haters out there that are so bent on convincing you that Samsung is the best, well, for them that may be, but it doesn't meant that the Samsung Galaxy is THE BEST phone out there. It boils down to personal preference and I choose to avoid Samsung phones. As I said before, I see it everyday since my wife has one and it just doesn't hit me. Always liked Apple iphones and always will, fits me and my lifestyle perfectly. No regrets. Don't care who is in the winner in this, but Apple HAS enriched my life and made it a whoooole lot easier, that's my point!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bass4funk, I agree with you too about Apple making our lives better, my kids can not stop playing with my I Phone 4!! They are taking pictures of everything putting it up on Facebook and my daughter is just 4 years old and my son 7, so it is funny when my nit wit wife who has NO IDEA how to use the iphone has to ask our kids, and sometimes ME TOO! We are a bakapuru??

0 ( +0 / -0 )

All the Apple Fanbois are worry these daysafter the Person who used to give the the Koolaid is gone!

i wonder who will give then theykoolaid now!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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