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© 2011 AFPSamsung seeks iPhone sales ban in Japan, Australia
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© 2011 AFP
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Apple threw the first punch, they only got them self to blame.
Awaiting massive thumbs down from all the Appleophiles on this site. (But you know it is true)
Those Korean copycats again. LMAO.
It is quite ironic that Samsung make of the components for Apple machines. Regardless of this case, it won't stop me buying Apple products. Anyone who bashes Macs has never used one.
Samsung? have you seen the Galaxy S phones? dont they resemble a bit of iphones? plus the charger units are a complete copy if you ask me.... Who will win? cant tell you but I hope apple wins... cant stand copy cats.
I am a Mac user and slam them often as do many others. Tired of the SBBOD(Spinning Beach Ball of Death) also seen their flops some which nearly ruined them over the years.
Those lawsuits are driven by lawyers, who try to MILK anyone for an extra buck, apart from that work is just the same and co-operation will continue.
I like Mac, Windows, Unix, etc but tired of people looking at Mac/Apple with rose-tinted colours.
In the marked for a new phone and will chose one that suits and fits my needs, want one-seg, saifu-keitai, etc. If apple provides and the price is right .....
P.S.: This was typed on a Mac.
Or likes using a computer that doesn't think you're an idiot, or likes a mouse with more than one button, or likes paying 50% less for equivalent hardware.
(Linux user, before the Windows bashing comes out)
I don't think they look anything like the iPhone other than they are rectangular. But so is almost any phone. The Galaxy SII has a much,much better screen than the iPhone 4, too.
Pawatan - A mouse with more than one button? The newest Mac mouse has no buttons cos they are not necessary. Go figure?
there is the free market for you. once apple started loosing market share they sent out the lawyers. because apple can't compete in the mass market.
Jared Norman
what ever happened to the anti-counterfit treaty, i guess samsung is still at it
its not counterfeiting. everyone wants their smart phones in the same form factor with the same basic functionality. samsung makes parts of the iphone and for a few years apple wasn't paying patent royalties. samsung makes a phone a similar phone based on andriod and because its a sales success apply is using the courts to block fair market competition.
I hope apple loses. They don't deserve to walk over other companies just cuz their a big name.
I love Macs too, but I have to agree with your comment above.
I am an avid Mac user, and would not waste my time with any windows product. You do no thave auto sync across the board with music programs, movie programs, photo programs etc. Everything we have is used by the pros in the music industry etc. You windows people are way behind the times except for the fact that you excel in getting MalWare and Viruses. You must be a proud bunch, and Norton and McAffey love your silly efforts to protect you insecure machines.
I rest my case.
Samsung is a copy cat.
By the way, that Spinning Ball of Death can be fixed. It is easy. Restart your computer. It is the same as teh windows salt glass of death.
Up-dating my iPad 2 now, then my brand new iPhone 4Gs. Have fun windows losers, I mean users. :-)
I SUPPORT KOREA! iPhone is copying Samsung technology!
pawatan: "Or likes using a computer that doesn't think you're an idiot, or likes a mouse with more than one button, or likes paying 50% less for equivalent hardware."
Umm... not to nit-pick, but someone who cannot use a mouse with fewer buttons is not smarter but less smart. If you need a specific button to tell you what to do for everything, well...
As for this whole charade, it's just one company that's bitter about the loss in sales of it's inferior product. Samsung DOES produce a lot of good stuff, of which other companies copy, but there's no question here that if one company is copying another it's not Apple copying Samsung, and they are only shooting themselves in the foot by doing what they're doing.
sunhawk: "once apple started loosing market share they sent out the lawyers."
How do you 'loose' market shares? Do you stick them in a catapult and cut the rope? Perhaps an arrow-head loaded with market shares? I seriously wish people would learn the different between 'lose' and 'loose'... it seriously makes me ashamed to know that people who's native tongue is English cannot distinguish between the two VERY different words.
The Apple Fanboys never fail to disappoint with their predictable diatribe against everyone who dares make a negative comment against Apple. Also why is it that Apple fans assume that anyone who doesn't like Macs uses Windows?
Elbuda Mexicano
Koreans are infamous for copying EVERYTHING kind of like the Chinese, so is anyone surprised that Samsung is trying to pull this kind of stunt?? Me?? Well sorry but no surprise here. GO! APPLE GO!
Screw Samsung. Inferior, lame products made by insecure Koreans.
Yeah, smithin. It's hilarious that people like yourself who like to nitpick on other people's writing can't even use "whose" and "who's" properly. Funny.
Samsung has no innovation. Samsung is basically cloners and they steal other people's ideas, just slap their name on it. Hey we made it. Like China are cloners too or better yet copycats, nothing is unique.
i love my samsung led tv. much better value then say a sony. though i have a blackberry bold because of work.
Seems to be a bit of cultural imperialism on this thread. Of course, an American company (Apple) would never for one second do anything wrong - the former CEO was a Saint - but those evil South Korean "copycats" and/or Chinese would though, they'd copy everything, eh? The Apple fanboys and girls are letting emotion get in the way of this issue. For the record - I'm not a fan of any electronics Co.
I'm using Mac stuff (besides some windows and some linux) since 20 years. There are many things about Apple I didn't like recently, but still it's far better option than any other tool. Stuff from Korea in my eyes is still merely trash, from cars to computer to audio to video or whatever... And yes I used korean stuff. When Jobs died, the korean newspaper didn't said jobs died, in their words it was the enemy of samsung died... LOL, losers ...
All readers back on topic please.
i don't know the details of the problem. but one version according to samsung is that inside the iphone, apple copycatted stuff from samsung. according to apple, samsung copied design and tons of other things. in general, samsung copies designs, and maybe more, no doubt about it. but apple is sometimes so disgustingly greedy that you just want them loose...
Uwe Paschen
Samsun lost their case in the EU and ended up having to take their product of the market. Maybe both are right and wrong here. Patents have become a tricky business and an international nightmare. They have been cases where patents where registered in the US for company "A" and the same patent in technical terms was registered for company "B" in Korea, than both filled for registration in several countries and for International patents, than it becomes a legal battle who was there first and at times that means just a few hours. Edison is credited for inventing the light bulb because he was the first to file the patent, but he was not the first to invent it. Nevertheless, only one is allowed to take credit in the current system and that may not be fair. Several products have been invented or developed simultaneously by different people and this has happened through out human history. Why giving credit and reaping the profits may have to be debated and changed to accommodate the reality of our world. It could very well be that both developed similar technologies at the same time or with in a same period. Justice wont be served by partisan talk nor by insults to one or the other.
I use a Samsung Galaxy S II. It is nothing like a iPhone 4 or 4S.
The Galaxy Tablet looks nothing like the useless iPAD II. Apple is just afraid of getting there ass handed to them.
What a stupid case.
American is also a copycat!
Don't suspend my iphone s I- I just got the darn thing !
As impressive the specs of samsung smartphones might be, I don't think there's any doubt about who invented the large screen multi-touch smartphone concept with one home button and downloadable apps. Google didn't have a clue about smartphone operating systems before the iPhone and does someone remember what kind of supersmart phones Samsung was designing before the iPhone appeared? That said I don't think that apple will be very successful with court action on the long run. They created a model that was so well thought that it became generic. In a way the apple design (the combination of hardware and software) was too successful to be protectible. Ironically it's not the first time for apple to play such a role, in a very similar way they layed out the concept of the personal computer the way we know it today, using a mouse and clickable icons on a desktop, and Microsoft copied the system very successful. Steve Jobs and Apple did huge pionere work and largely defined the way we use computers and mobile phones today. So cudos to who they belong to.
Get over it, smith. When you finish learning the whose/who's difference, you might wanna look into its/it's.
Japangirl , you had better Un-rest your case if you are updating anything . iCloud pushes all purchases to all devices and is not the same as sync across the board. Those days are gone,
You can now rest your case.
genjuro: "Yeah, smithin. It's hilarious that people like yourself who like to nitpick on other people's writing can't even use "whose" and "who's" properly. Funny."
Sorry... where did I mistake that? Trust me, li'l one, you don't want to engage in a grammar contest with me. As for Samsung, I think in many cases their products are actually superior, but not here.
Burakumin: "The Apple fanboys and girls are letting emotion get in the way of this issue."
Actually, you're doing exactly what you complain about, albeit with slightly less fan-fare. You're talking about a company that has supposedly come up with the parts to some of the whole that Apple is selling, but complaining about the issue as though two finished products were being compared.
ben4short: "Get over it, smith. When you finish learning the whose/who's difference, you might wanna look into its/it's."
The 'It's', if I ever do make that mistake, is due to the iPhone's automatic change. You cannot mistake 'lose' for 'loose', as the mods well know themselves and have asked people to stop doing. It's simple corruption of the language as opposed to a typo. Better yet, though, ben4short... do you actually have something to comment on the thread? Looser! (I mean that you are less rigid in your standards). :)
Elbuda Mexicano
The Koreans are doing a great job, but this mess of trying to stop Apple?? Just plain stupid, and while the Americans and Koreans fight each over patent rights, the CHINESE will make real good copies of both American and Korean products, then sell them for half the price and the Chinese will have the last laugh, so better for Apple and Samsung to get their act together IMHO.
アメリ フセイン
I already got mine today. Ha ha!
Get ready for another setback, Samsung.
if its in a dispute with Apple WHY ban sales of samsung in JP or Australia? it doesn't nmake much sense. i always avoid samsung products & will only BUY Japanese Electronics.
Hurry up waiting list!! I want mine before any more stalls come about. I don't want to have to loose a bunch of anger about losing my new cell. To loose such anger would be a loss, and I would feel tighter, not looser, albeit I would be a loser. :)
Apple is sooo greedy. Most of their products were made in China so they can profit more. (NO wonder he died early.)
fact - apple could make the iphone/ipad in the united states and still make a profit on them. just not as much profit as they do now.
Get ready for another setback, Samsung. What are they so worried about, anyway, they're already the world's #2 mobile phone maker.
"I already got mine today"
You would have, ha ha!
There is no need to bash any company. The simple fact is you cannot make a smartphone without infringing on somebody's patents. Both Apple and Samsung are not stupid. It won't take long until we will see them sign a cross-licensing agreement. Until then they will fight in courts to get a better position in the negotiations.
This is Samsung fighting back.
Apple's modus operandi, going all the way back to the 80s, is that when it realizes a competitor is about to overtake them and they can't beat them with quality or marketing, then they go to the courts. When Windows started becoming bigger in the late 80s, Apple sued them for "look and feel" and tried to force Windows to change its user interface so that it couldn't use intuitive designs like overlapping windows. Apple was told then by the court that they cannot patent simple ideas, but they didn't learn their lesson, even now they're attempting to claim that only them have the right to make rectangular tablets with rounded corners (never mind that tablets with similar designs have existed for nearly a decade, see the HP TC1100).
Samsung is a fast-growing Android smartphone maker, and its Galaxy lineup is starting to get brand recognition and is challenging the iPhone's sales position. In some countries, Samsung Galaxy phones have already outsold iPhones during certain quarters, that's why Apple is lashing out at Samsung through the courts.
Apple does something different in its lawsuits too... whereas other companies will generally allow other companies to use their patents for a small licensing fee, Apple just wants to prevent other companies from using their patents. Considering that it's virtually impossible to make modern smartphones without infringing on some patent regarding how the devices work owned by another company, this would require Apple competitors to spend millions, if not billions in developing workarounds that would still not be nearly as good. It's not like Apple doesn't infringe on other company's patents either, it lost a court ruling with regards to Nokia patents that resulted in Apple being forced to pay 1% royalty on every iPhone to Nokia.
The best thing to hope for the consumer is that Samsung wins, putting enough pressure on Apple to force it to back off on the lawsuits, which could get rid of this ridiculous lawyer's game and get companies back to focusing on innovating and making better products.
Let's see. Here we have an article on Samsung vs Apple in Japan and Australia, and yet the usual suspects have to bring up China. Well done, Elbuda - I can't wait to hear what your country has contributed to this world, apart from 30 ways to decapitate someone.
On a more related note, I do like the look and feel of the ipod touch, but I really do want radio and GPS. I have all but given up on this - this company keeps consumers waiting and waiting when all the good stuff goes to the iphone. I just hope Samsung improve with their Galaxy player wifi series which has everything including a slot for 32gb microSD, but could do with a bit more storage. Good luck - consumers could do with seeing a bit more competition. And I don't want to get tied up with itunes - drag and drop ability always gets an extra point in my book.
You can't pay twice as much for the equivelant hardware and insist people think you are a prudent consumer. You can't wear diapers and insist people treat you like an adult. You can't use an Apple and force people to think your are intelligent. You are all fools and I am glad I will always have more money after buying a computer which will last longer than your's, is faster, is upgradable and has no significant virus issues.
I support samsung. My screens are much better than Apples.
I refuse to buy any product that comes from korea,they act dishonestly blatantly copying anything and labels them his as invention.They managed to destroy the market for LCD and plasma created by Hitachi and Fujitsu,now they are uncover that Americans are not tolerant as the Japanese,they simply are putting the rope around his neck.This is hilarious.
You made my day
Screw Samsung. Inferior, lame products made by insecure Koreans.
I seriously wish people would learn the different between 'lose' and 'loose'... it seriously makes me ashamed to know that people who's native tongue is English cannot distinguish between the two VERY different words.Yeah, smithin. It's hilarious that people like yourself who like to nitpick on other people's writing can't even use "whose" and "who's" properly. Funny.
This must be the only way they get non Koreans to buy their junk. It is over priced garbage, I never buy Korean products.
Here we go - another Japanese nationalist on the thread. The rest of the world disagrees with you - Samsung is now THE BIGGEST electronics Co. in the world. Sorry to break the news to you.
Elbuda Mexicano
I will never forget my first time I flew to South Korea and on the way back going through DUTY FREE, I saw so many nice cameras, radios etc..maybe made by Samsung, LG, etc..ALL COPIES OF SONY, sorry Korea supporting people here, then I lost all respect for Korean products, but that was about 20 years ago, now I am not too sure, has anyone been to South Korea lately, are they still copying everything Japanese??
Apple and Samsung are just imitation of japanese elctronics company anyway. Both company products inferior to the SONY, Panasonic, Toshiba and Hitachi. American and Korean, Chinese companies will never catch up to superior Japanese tecknologies. This is why tourists come to Japan, to buy only Japanese made elctronics. SOrry about Mr.Steve Jobs but maybe he was just copy-cat.
Looking all over the world for an appropriate expression for this, found it in Taiwan: ---"'Thief! Thief! Somebody call the police!', screamed the thief."
while there are consumers willing to pay for a copy it is certain that manufacturers like SAMSUMG will survive.I remember a cell phone sold by samsumg in 1998 in the United States,was a perfect copy sold by NTT DoCoMo in Japan.until they develop something that is really unique They will always be labeled as second-line manufacturers.whom knows the country knows that this situation will hardly will change
Yes, it's annoying !!!!! Samsung is doing well. Android phones are cool.
Anyone bashing Apple products is ignorant, apple computers rule if youre a musician, graphic designer, doctor(most japanese doctors use them...maybe because theyre virus resistant) or a 65 year lady like my mother who just wants a computer to do what it`s supposed to do.
Anyone bashing Windows products is ignorant, windows rules if your into gaming(]which doesnt mean that you cant do music or design...), if you`re on a budget, if you like to have the choice to choose or if you like to "make" your own computers and keep them updated with affordable hardware(second/third party).
Anyone not able to distinguish the difference between a galaxy s and a iphone is a complete moron, worse with your support of these companies(in which most of you dont have stakes) in their court dealings, you deprive yourself of future choices. Where does this brand loyalty come you receive your products for free with a big hug and a cuddle? Maybe in the future you want to have an iphone or a galaxy because of certain reasons, but find out that this choice is taken away from you... WE are consumers, THEY are companies who try to sell them to us, dont confuse yourself being their friend, youre not, youre just a dollar sign...wake up!
Apple has been behaving very Microsoft-esque. I say release them both and let the consumers decide.
zichi, ok you caught me on Chinese products, from the I phone to my macs. Suppose China might make some good things. I will never buy a Korean cell phone (have a Chinese one :p). I love my I phone and would not trade it for anything. Ok lets drop China, shoddy Korean products are being pushed on us. Oh I wear nothing from China, it mostly come from India.
Samsung is the major supplier of components in many Apple devices, including part of Apple's A4 and A5 processors, which can be found in the company's iOS devices including the Apple TV. The smartphone industry is filled with patent actions. Even as Apple is filing its latest claims, the company suffered a setback in earlier cases it has pending against HTC and Nokia. This one is particularly interesting because Samsung is a prominent supplier for a number of Apple products.
Yeah, no contest with someone who doesn't even know his "whose" from "who's". You're right there, lil' smithin. As for Samsung, they're just cheaper but inferior quality-wise. I'd choose Apple over them any day.
I have a Samsung cam corder and it is great. But, you cannot get a spare battery here because they are prevented from selling the cams here. Nice free trade.
So I use my iPad2 and will use my iPhone 4s.
I hope they fixed that suggested typing in the new iPhone 4s. I find that really annoying in the 3Gs. You have to add a bunch of useless letters and then erase them when typing in romaji.
wtf is south korea doing?
I can't help but laugh when reading the comments of Yuri, Genjuro and that Ebuda guy. Its so funny that you guys rip on Korean tech as low quality when somewhere around 50% of the components inside your beloved I-phone is made by Samsung or LG. Samsung and LG both make billions of dollars annually thanks to apple products. The screens are made by LG, the flash memory, DRAM and the computer processor that makes the entire phone work in the first place is made by Samsung.
Korean products are not considered low quality. Apple seems to agree which is why they still buy their components from Samsung and LG rather then inferior Japanese and Taiwanese parts, despite the fact that Samsung and Apple are both rivals. You would have a point about Koreans copying Japanese electronics if this was the early 1980s but its not. Its the year 2011 and Samsung is larger then the top 10 largest Japanese electronics companies combined. The consumer has voted, and they would much rather buy from Samsung then laughing stock Sony. When it comes to smartphones, Japan is a joke(Xperia=lol). LG has surpassed Japanese competitors in flat panel screen sales and technology and Hyundai just recently surpassed Honda in sales and quality surveys. Semiconductors and ship building are other technologies that Japan has lost its lead in. But of course, your excuse to all of this is that Koreans are nothing but copycats. Talk about sour grapes.
Just two days ago Samsung embarassed lawyers couldn't tell the difference between an iPad and their Galaxy Tab, 10 feet away from the judge holding both tablets on each hand. This tells all about Samsung. If I was about to buy an iPhone and I was unable because of Samsung, I swear I would throw a heavy stone on their car or window shop. Samsuck. Tech losers, that's what this Korean company is.
Here's one of the many articles about the Samsung confused lawyers:
The lawsuit is surprising because Apple gets much of the components it needs to build its iPhones, iPads, and Macs from Samsung, and common sense dictates that you don't bite the hand that feeds you. On the other hand, however, Apple don't take too kindly to copycats, and while it's hard to put a dollar value on the brand equity Apple currently enjoys, this lawsuit shows it's valuable enough for Apple to risk upsetting its relationship with Samsung and jeopardizing its supply chain.
アメリ フセイン
Samsung fandom is strong in here.