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© 2011 AFPSoftbank profit surges on iPhone sales
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© 2011 AFP
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Elbuda Mexicano
So the big question is, will my Iphone softbank get CHEAPER?? Now that KDDI AU is also selling Iphones??
Softbank are rip-off merchants. Their charges are very high for the iPhone, and also they lock you into it so that you cannot change your phone company. I bought one of these from them and have regretted it ever since.
The real question is how FAST their profits drop not that they have a competitor that has a network that actually has a signal.
Had Softbank (3G) now have Au (4S) adn luvin it!!
'Softbank, Japan’s third-largest mobile carrier by subscribers, now faces tougher competition in selling the iPhone.
This fact is statistically wrong, there was no competition before and now they have.
Nothing will change as KDDI is offering the iPhone at virtually the same price (if not more expensive), without adding any benefit whatsoever. As for locking into a 2 year contract, that's the same across all networks in Japan. They all agreed on the same cancellation/termination fee of 9950Y or thereabouts. The prepaid market is dead over here, unfortunately.
Can they PLEASE use that money to better their signal? It is sooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!
you are so right! they should change their name to SOFTSIGNAL, and also turn off that crappy and spotty wifi. even at the hint of a weak signal, my phone will want to switch to wifi. and then when it does, the wifi doesn't work. soooo dis-satisfied with them.
I love it when iPhone die-hards complain about Softbank's signal and network speed. So many AU iPhone users are starting to complain that the network speed is barely above dialup speeds around Tokyo now that more users are joining. And if you arent using an iPhone, Softbank is actually a very good network. I did a speed test recently - AU iphone vs SB iphone vs my SB Android. I was getting 5x the speed of the SB iPhone, and 10x the speed of the AU iPhone. Seems like the problem is the PHONE not the network.
And while Docomo might be faster again, SB is still almost half the price of a typical Docomo subscription over the life of the phone (for decent phone and net use).
Elbuda Mexicano
If you are planing to use a iPhone for at least 6 month, SB is cheaper.
@originalusername: I'm not talking about speed, I'm talking about getting a signal and dropoffs and my phone randomly "searching" for a signal... If you have never owned a Docomo phone you don't know how bad softbank's signal really is.
@bentheredonthat: Soft signal! Excellent!
@kaketama... Again, 2 issues i have not had with my Android (one of the few that support SB's 1500mhz band). I often have full service when all my iPhone owning friends are on one bar or no service at all. Though that isnt as easy to quantify as a simultaneous speedtest.
But yes i did leave Docomo out of the equation; They might have better signal, but when you arent using an iPhone, (at least in Tokyo) the difference is marginal and not worth the price difference in talk rates and internet plans (in my opinion)
I never have a signal problem except on one stretch of the Denentoshi Line. As I do not talk much on he iPhone, I cannot understand the signal dropping thing.
Aizo Yurei
Never had any problem with SoftBank's signal strength or SoftBank at all for that matter.....until now. Been 2 weeks and I still haven't gotten my phone.
The signal is so good here in Osaka that I'm using my 3GS' Internet as a wifi spot for my iPad (in which I'm using to write this message).
I'm sorry, vote me down if you want but Docomo's coverage and signal strength over softbank (iphone or not) doesn't compare, don't get me wrong I hate docomo as well, ask around everyone knows docomo has the best coverage. You're obviously just defending your purchase.
"Softbank now faces tougher competition"
No worries, Softbank still has the best commericals.
Too bad an American company was unable to offer what Softbank did to Apple. It's a shame in this day and age of untenable trade deficits with Japan.
And a pity dentsu sells facebook ads too - where are the American businesses when there are such opportunities? - especially with their own technologies!!
I came very close to buying a new iPhone from Softbank. It seems that they are subsidizing the cost by giving a 2000 yen rebate to the purchase per month. The cost per month of the phone is about 2500 yen, so you're basically paying 500 yen a month for 2 years for the phone. That works out to around 12000 yen for the phone. They are obviously making their money on the connection fee which is about 4500 (unlimited internet) + 1050 yen (white plan) + 315 yen (??S! something?).
That was in my area (Fukuoka), so I'm not sure what it costs in other areas. I do want it, but I definitely don't need it as I already have a working phone. I really only wanted to have the SIRI function.
iphones are stupid!
アメリ フセイン
This might sound unbelievable to some, but SoftBank gets better download speeds than au where I am, I checked with a friend who has an iPhone 4S on au. All in all, it depends on where you are and the general consensus is that au offers better coverage in more places. I stuck with Softbank because they offered a slightly cheaper plan than au.
アメリ フセイン, Softbank's max network speed is higher than AU, so that isnt surprising at all. The difference is whether the network is congested or not.
And in response to gogogo; I chose Softbank on price, and because i hadnt had any signal issues with them in the past. I dont regret it at all, i have none of the signal issues that iPhone users complain about, and download speeds are fine for what i use it for.
originalusername@ my docomo bill was half of what my softbank bill is... softbank stings with with all these extra charges.