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Musk offers to buy Twitter for $43 billion


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I'm guessing when he found out he couldn't make the changes he wanted from the board, he decided to buy the company and force changes.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

I sure wish I had bought some twitter shares!

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Musk has an eye from drama and will likely allow extremes all over the political spectrum to get clicks.

No, he just believes deeply in the 1st amendment for all.

Probably exacerbating the already polarized political divide but it may make money.

He could care less, he has more, more than enough money. It’s a principle thing for him.

Unless he can raise other money Musk would have to sell Tesla shares and pay capital gains on those.

Yes and he was reported saying he would gladly do it, knowing he would make the money back especially since the left is pushing for greener EVs, he would be fine.

10 ( +21 / -11 )

From your train of reasoning, no.

You don’t know my train of reasoning.

If I were to unpack it cutting taxes on the wealthy and corporations by the Republican congressmen in their pocket is a good thing in your estimation. 

The rich already pay more than their fair share and by the way, the days of the Dems overtaxing people and the rich will come to an end later this year. People realize punishing the job creators and the middle class to the hilt is the very reason why States like California and NYC are falling about and there’s a mad exodus out of these States.

And Democrats giving corporate subsidies from the taxpayers to fund the development of expensive electric vehicles that only the wealthy can afford is also...good?

They will be the man people that can afford them.

Sounds like a wonderful system for the impoverishment of the 99.95 percent who are not in Musk's class.

Here we go…

Maybe the Dems should read the polls a little more. If you look at every poll, every single one of them, the masses don’t agree with the left when it comes to income redistribution.

But, hey at least you can own the libs on Twitter right?

No, it’s all about the 1st amendment and the freedom of speech for all first and foremost.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

If Musk sells a large stock of Tesla shares will drive down their value of them.

He knows and stated as such, but he’s a known gambler and so far his instincts have always been proven right.

Not about the money, its the principle for Musk. . No, it's the money.

No, it’s about the first amendment first and foremost. He would have never interfered or gotten the idea to buy the company if Twitter hadn’t turn into a one-sided echo chamber safe space for the left and not allow opposing points of views from multiple less liberal opinions.

And the right keeps on cutting capital gains and corporate taxes and he will get back more.


And Tesla makes most profit off of green tax, EV credits, yes from the Dems. So he is profiteering from both sides.

Well, enough rich will be able to afford them.

See how it works?

8 ( +16 / -8 )

Seems overpriced. Twitter should sell.

(then musk should shut it down, and end that echo-chamber of hate speech and marketing)

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Twitter is still incredibly popular. Even those who claim to hate it still use it. I guess the ‘alternatives’ didn’t pan out. 

What’s your waiting list number at now?

Some do, millions don’t and more support globally for Musk to attempt this continues to grow. So let’s see what the shareholders want, to either make more money or to stifle more free speech. The left tried so many times to crush this guy and failed every single time.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

First amendment doesn't apply to a private company. It only applies to laws made by congress.

That is correct, but that doesn’t mean that if Musk owned the company he would do the exact same thing the left is doing to conservatives, the quasi-liberal that he is. The guy from South Africa loves the traditional values and principles of the US that prided itself in freedom of speech and he wants to uphold that principle, nothing wrong with that and everything right with it.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

This line only works on people who still believe in trickle down economics.

Ok, so explain that to this President and his administration. He’s hovering around 37% approval rating and his party worse. So the nation knows income redistribution doesn’t help create anything long term. Again, California and NYC says and shows us this on a daily basis. This winter is a doomsday scenario for the Democrats and their policies.


But keep believing Musk is an idealistic 1st Amendment warrior come to rescue you...

As long as he restores Twitter and makes it better as a platform for all is more than anyone can ask and hope for.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

It's one of Musky boys pump-and-dump schemes. By becoming the majority shareholder in the company and then spreading rumors of his hostile takeover he drives up the value of his newly purchased share in Twitter and will dump it all to make a quick buck. 

Either way, ol'Musky is a spoiled billionaire man-child with a cult of personality of very strange worshipers.

Money talks

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Musk offers to buy Twitter for $43 billion

Man that guy is a chump. I got my Twitter account for free.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Seems overpriced. Twitter should sell.

(then musk should shut it down, and end that echo-chamber of hate speech and marketing)

Can you imagine the global pandemonium that would cause, were that to happen? The apocalyptic meltdown would be memorable for generations to come.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Once the shareholders realize they will lose millions if Musk does not purchase Twitter, the shareholders will sue Twitter and Musk will enjoy a hostile takeover.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Oh yeah? They used congress to censure senators for daring to say Trump lost the election.

And the left is using the social media platform to block, cancel and ban anyone that even questions the result. In the US prior to this social media platform you could at least debate the issue, now you’re not allowed because a groups of dissent hating liberals don’t want to hear the other side.

That's not just a bunch of right-wingers whining, that's right-wingers using the law as the club to enforce their cancel culture.

After November, the Dems hold on free speech pretty much ends and watch the whining by them commence. They know that clock is ticking louder and there’s not a single thing they can do to stop this red tidal wave running towards them.

The left-winger loser cancel culture is entirely weak and ineffectual in comparison.

If it were then Musk could have bought the company rather easily, but the liberal establishment would rather die on the hill than re-open their platform to allow free speech.

Even now you can't admit Trump lost, and lost by a HUGE margin to the superior man.

Again, for the millions that disagree with the results, they should be able to voice that opposing viewpoint at the very least and not told they’re not allowed to talk about. Utter nonsense.

Republicans invented and mastered cancel culture,

If they did, CNN, msnbc, WP and NYT and many others would be blocked or bought out by other Rich and powerful conservatives. I could care less what any prominent liberal thinks or says, they can say whatever they want and feel whatever they want regardless of how looney they sound, I just want the left to to equally do the same to the right. But the left never have any good argument to back up any of their toxic policies, so they just block you from talking about it, again, that practice will be coming to it’s much needed and awaited end.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

American oligarch offers to buy state-affiliated social media platform - anti-free speech neocons lose their minds.

and up is down and night is day.

For example, say Donald Trump didn't win the election, and see how fast you get banned from Truth Social (speaking from first-hand experience).

I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $400, Alex.

The libs are absolutely falling over themselves in hysterics with this news. Entertaining to watch the hypocrisy is real time.

2 ( +9 / -7 )


Musk will purchase Twitter just to silence them.

Very amusing.

Twitter's already doing a good job of censorship. Anyone who dares question anything about what's happening in Ukraine and doesn't follow the mainstream media narrative have had their account suspended.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Twitter is just a data harvesting company where the users are the product being sold. Every country needs to make laws that let's people decide if their data can be used at all and PAID a reasonable price when it, but only if agreed by those users.

Here's Twitter's business model: https://youtu.be/wqn3gR1WTcA as explained by John Oliver (comedian).

Normal people have no idea how easy it is to track everything that they do on a website. Typing rates, mouse movements and scrolling can be seen with good analytics. Add in a little cookie or 'local data' support and now you are being tracked across most popular websites. If you have a login with one of the major companies and use that to connect to a website, then you are effectively tracked across the entire web - google, bookface and tweeter have those logins "for our convenience and security" - - no way would they each use them for gathering even more, self-identified, information. No way! /s

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Usl owning Twitter is bad news. It will turn the platform into a right-wing conspiracy theories, racist, any nonsense goes platform. Twitter will lose its relevance

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Republicans invented cancel culture, then pretend they support free speech.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Let's get this back to the Iain M Banks theme and less of that Republican-Democrat nonsense.

Musk has described himself as a utopian anarchist. I can see that one might view the Minds in Iain M Banks' Culture novels as such. But I fail to see any parallel in buying Twitter. Freedom to hold and express views is fine, until you annoy others. (You can hate my living room curtains all you want, but if you start shouting your opinion outside my house at 3am, there will be consequences.)

Maybe best to also read Iain M Banks non-Culture novel, The Algebraist. And then wonder who you identify with.

PS. Apparently, upon the bombing and invasion of Iraq, Iain Banks ripped up his passport and sent the pieces to Tony Blair.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Musk has described himself as a utopian anarchist. I can see that one might view the Minds in Iain M Banks' Culture novels as such. But I fail to see any parallel in buying Twitter.

I'm a member of some Banks discussion communities.

Half the members see Musk as a deep cover SC agent playing the long game. The other half considers him a poseur and mostly resembling Joiler Veppers.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Half the members see Musk as a deep cover SC agent playing the long game. The other half considers him a poseur and mostly resembling Joiler Veppers.

Oh, really?

because MTG continues to sprout proven lies and misinformation AOC doesnt,

Oh, yes, she does, but this is where the block button comes in, so how can you challenge the left if you’re not even allowed to prove the other side wrong, that’s the problem. If I hold the mic and claim I’m the king and you say otherwise, I’m not allowing you to speak into the mic. I could care less if you want to tell others I’m not. They’re not going to hear your opinion on the matter. This is essentially how the left operate.

free speech doesnt mean free to spread dangerous misinformation,

But if the left do it, the right is not allowed to challenge them because the left say so? Why? Who made them the other overseers of political speech

you know youve gone far right wackjob when you defend MTG,

We feel the same about AOC

show us a tweet from AOC that has proven to be a lie or falsehood

That the Pentagon misspent $21 trillion over 17 years (the total budget for the Pentagon during that time period was about $8.5 trillion), that unemployment is low because “everyone is working two jobs.

That’s one lie, a lot more where that came from. The bottom line is the liberals go rounds and conservatives lie, conservatives can point out the same but liberals and both side should be able to talk about it without once I tried to block the other, it’s not that hard

2 ( +3 / -1 )

In the rightist mind, AOC talking about free education,

And who’s going to pay for that?

health care and social safety net

Again, who’s going to pay for that and where is the money coming from?

That said , sunlight is the best disinfectant so let them compete in a marketplace of ideas on Twitter.

then if these guys have nothing to be afraid of, then allow everyone to have free speech, and if you don’t like it go somewhere else, but every single person regardless of religion or race or color should be allowed to say his or her opinion.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Half the members see Musk as a deep cover SC agent playing the long game. The other half considers him a poseur and mostly resembling Joiler Veppers.

Thanks. That made me smile.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There is no govt law that says you have the right to come to my house and say whatever you like. Using someone else's internet servers is like entering their home. There is no right to say whatever you like. That's been determined by the courts for hundreds of years.

No individual or company on the web has any mandate to allow anyone to say whatever they like. Period. There's no law. It is NOT in the US Constitution.

Can the much hated, Nancy show up to your house, knock on your door and start telling lies that you have to hear? No. She doesn't have freedom of speech on your property. But she can stand on the public sidewalk or in the street and yell whatever she likes provided it doesn't disturb the neighborhood during hours where quite is required.

Similarly, you don't have any right to tell any website they must allow whatever truth you want to say.

If you want freedom of speech online, go for it. For less than $20, you can get a domain, hosting, setup some webpages and there you are ... in fact, it can be less than $10 a year, if you pick wisely. There's a hosting company - oddly named - https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ They are the cheapest, place to host a static website. We're talking $0.25/month. The domain registration is most of the cost - usually $8/yr, depending on the TLD price.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This is your example of AOCs "lies'?

One of many.

Compared to QAnon MTG?

The fact that this woman was thinking that Ted Cruz wanted to sleep with her. Does she really think THAT highly of herself? Lol

Get serious.

I am.

Up your game



2 ( +3 / -1 )

Digital World Acquisition Corp., the special-purpose acquisition company merging with Trump Media & Technology Group, has shed 31% of its value since shares soared late in February when the Truth Social app launched on the Apple App Store.

Shares of the blank-check firm bringing Donald Trump’s media venture public are sinking with daily downloads for the former president’s social media app declining 95% since launching last month.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

When's he going to blast off and go live on Mars forever?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I mean Musk owning Twitter is bad news.
1 ( +1 / -0 )

Truth Social is only available in America and not on iPhones.

No, it’s available on iPhones and you can access the app with a VPN or if you have a US account.


The majority of Twitter accounts are not in America.

But the majority of conservatives that are blocked by Twitter are in America.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I have never found any useful information on Twitter (and any othyer social media to be honest).

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why is it that AOC can say nutty things and keep her Twitter account and MTG can't keep her account

because she says nutty things?

because MTG continues to sprout proven lies and misinformation AOC doesnt, free speech doesnt mean free to spread dangerous misinformation, you know youve gone far right wackjob when you defend MTG,

show us a tweet from AOC that has proven to be a lie or falsehood

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Another stockholder, a Saudi Prince will not sell his shares and is also interested in buying the company.

And the Saudi sheiks will reinstate Trump and be hailed as champions of the 1st Amendment.

Just ask Jamal Khashoggi.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You watch, there will be no sale but they will come out with a new conscience that will please the major sock holder. If Musk ends up buying He will be their boss and all of them will be looking for a new position.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The speech police at Twitter are having a meltdown session.

Making the platform free speech would trim a lot of the communist fat within the organization.

Leave it to Elon Musk to shake things up. Sounds good

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Unless he can raise other money Musk would have to sell Tesla shares and pay capital gains on those.

Your kidding right?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

not strange at all, right?

“Well this is awkward: TWTR board hired Goldman to "advise" it that the @elonmusk $54.20 offer is too low. Only problem: Goldman has a SELL rating with a $30 price target. Oops.”

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You are still using Twitter regularly. You are not using Truth Social.

You would have no way of knowing that, I use both.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Truth Social is only available in America and not on iPhones.

I believe that it's only available on ios, not Android. Zichi can soon confirm this I'm sure. Not accessible on web browser either, nor outside 'merica.

An almost flawless release.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

how many blocked accounts are on Twitter?

How many prominent conservatives are blocked?

How many liberals are blocked?

Why is it that the Ayatollah can have a Twitter account, but Alex Jones can't?

Why is it that AOC can say nutty things and keep her Twitter account and MTG can't keep her account because she says nutty things?

Why is it that Farrakhan can have an account?

Yeah, it's a private company we know, but the hypocrisy of the left claiming they allow free speech is the biggest lump of steaming BS they don't and they know they don't. Dissent is ONLY allowed for pretty much mostly liberals and conservatives have to walk always on eggshells. Seems like that will change God willing very soon.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Republicans invented cancel culture, then pretend they support free speech.

Utter nonsense, they don't and never had to power on the internet and in the media in general power to cancel anyone, conservatives strength is in print and radio, but needless to say, Musk (who is not a conservative) wants to level that playing field, all sides and viewpoints should be heard.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

That the Pentagon misspent $21 trillion over 17 years (the total budget for the Pentagon during that time period was about $8.5 trillion), that unemployment is low because “everyone is working two jobs.

This is your example of AOCs "lies'?

Compared to QAnon MTG?

Get serious.


Here is one admission by the DoD chief.

And have you heard of the gig economy many are working in?

Up your game

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There are, that’s why there’s a wait list. I got lucky but there are a lot of people that still can’t get on, but if you can, it’s great.

TrumpBook doesn't even work. It's another failure of Trump just like his wall. There is nothing wrong with 1A. Just use other sites like Facebook, YouTube, Ticktock, or make your own platform like Trump did with TrumpBook

0 ( +2 / -2 )

American oligarch offers to buy state-affiliated social media platform - anti-free speech neocons lose their minds.

After learning that Musk is also a great admirer of the Culture series of science fiction novels by Scottish socialist Iain M Banks I'm really starting to revise my opinion of him. If only he'd let his workers unionize, that would be another step forward.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

First amendment doesn't apply to a private company. It only applies to laws made by congress. The words verbatim from https://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm

Amendment I (1791)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

For example, say Donald Trump didn't win the election, and see how fast you get banned from Truth Social (speaking from first-hand experience).

I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $400, Alex.

I can’t believe it either. There isn’t anybody posting on Truth Social.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I can’t believe it either. There isn’t anybody posting on Truth Social.

There are, that’s why there’s a wait list. I got lucky but there are a lot of people that still can’t get on, but if you can, it’s great.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

You watch, there will be no sale but they will come out with a new conscience that will please the major sock holder. If Musk ends up buying He will be their boss and all of them will be looking for a new position.

Lets hope so.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

There are, that’s why there’s a wait list. I got lucky but there are a lot of people that still can’t get on, but if you can, it’s great.

You are still using Twitter regularly. You are not using Truth Social.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Usl owning Twitter is bad news. It will turn the platform into a right-wing conspiracy theories, racist, any nonsense goes platform. Twitter will lose its relevance

Ok, so you are basically saying that Twitter should have the monopoly on regulating free speech? According to whom? And you are also saying that leftist propaganda and nonsense are acceptable, but right propaganda nonsense is not? Why is that? Why can't both sides have equal rights to free speech? There is a lot of liberal speech I vehemently dislike, but I don't silence liberals, if people want to listen to their junk then that's their choice and they should have that and we conservatives should have that right as well. The first amendment should apply to anyone and all Americans, not just to those we disagree with and Musk wants to fix that because one side has had a total monopoly on this for too long of a time. Level the playing field. The competition is good as well as freedom of speech. Him owning Twitter is exactly what is needed.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Utter nonsense, they don't and never had to power on the internet and in the media in general power to cancel anyone

Oh yeah? They used congress to censure senators for daring to say Trump lost the election. That's not just a bunch of right-wingers whining, that's right-wingers using the law as the club to enforce their cancel culture.

The left-winger loser cancel culture is entirely weak and ineffectual in comparison. All they do is whine. You right-wing extremists use your cancel culture to throw coups and try to overthrow the government.

Even now you can't admit Trump lost, and lost by a HUGE margin to the superior man.

Republicans invented and mastered cancel culture, and now use the law to cancel whoever they can.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Why are conservatives so obsessed with controlling the woman's body. It's becoming so bad it will make Texas blue because they are tired of the evangelical Christians

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Right wingers love freedom of speech as long as they agree with what you say.

For example, say Donald Trump didn't win the election, and see how fast you get banned from Truth Social (speaking from first-hand experience).

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

Now let's see I first said his little Twitter post was to drive down share price so he could, come along and save Twitter, then he gets stopped from taking a seat on the board. Then an investigation into his share buying.

And now we have true nature of it all revealed.

He wants Twitter! Just his little backwards, save money while acquiring it failed, so now just resort to outright buying it.

I said he was trying to drive share prices down so he could buy it.

Seems obvious now I was right.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If you want freedom of speech online, go for it. For less than $20, you can get a domain, hosting, setup some webpages and there you are ... in fact, it can be less than $10 a year, if you pick wisely. There's a hosting company - oddly named - https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ They are the cheapest, place to host a static website. We're talking $0.25/month. The domain registration is most of the cost - usually $8/yr, depending on the TLD price.

Our extremists aren't going to like TheFu's truth bomb here.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The rich already pay more than their fair share and by the way, the days of the Dems overtaxing people and the rich will come to an end later this year.

This line only works on people who still believe in trickle down economics.


Every statement about the class system in America can be countered by a little info search.

But keep believing Musk is an idealistic 1st Amendment warrior come to rescue you...

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

After learning that Musk is also a great admirer of the Culture series of science fiction novels by Scottish socialist Iain M Banks I'm really starting to revise my opinion of him. If only he'd let his workers unionize, that would be another step forward.

This take here s a balanced one.

But there are too many who are just too excited that Musk will get their favorite icon back on Twitter.

Which I have nothing against.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Musk will purchase Twitter just to silence them.

Very amusing.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

“I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy,” Musk said in the filing. "I now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company.”

Musk has an eye from drama and will likely allow extremes all over the political spectrum to get clicks.

Probably exacerbating the already polarized political divide but it may make money.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

He is doing this for one of two reasons, both are related

Hostile takeover because Twitter won't let him say whatever he wants to manipulate the stock prices of his companies and it's too hard to start your own social media platform for billionaires and their out of touch fans.

It's one of Musky boys pump-and-dump schemes. By becoming the majority shareholder in the company and then spreading rumors of his hostile takeover he drives up the value of his newly purchased share in Twitter and will dump it all to make a quick buck.

Either way, ol'Musky is a spoiled billionaire man-child with a cult of personality of very strange worshipers.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

And the right keeps on cutting capital gains and corporate taxes and he will get back more.


And Tesla makes most profit off of green tax, EV credits, yes from the Dems. So he is profiteering from both sides.

Well, enough rich will be able to afford them.

See how it works?

From your train of reasoning, no.

If I were to unpack it cutting taxes on the wealthy and corporations by the Republican congressmen in their pocket is a good thing in your estimation.

And Democrats giving corporate subsidies from the taxpayers to fund the development of expensive electric vehicles that only the wealthy can afford is also...good?

Sounds like a wonderful system for the impoverishment of the 99.95 percent who are not in Musk's class.

But, hey at least you can own the libs on Twitter right?

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

As long as he restores Twitter and makes it better as a platform for all is more than anyone can ask and hope for.

Twitter is still incredibly popular. Even those who claim to hate it still use it. I guess the ‘alternatives’ didn’t pan out.

What’s your waiting list number at now?

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

No, he just believes deeply in the 1st amendment for all.

Probably exacerbating the already polarized political divide but it may make money.

He could care less, he has more, more than enough money. It’s a principle thing for him.

Not about the money, its the principle for Musk. . No, it's the money.

Yes and he was reported saying he would gladly do it, knowing he would make the money back especially since the left is pushing for greener EVs, he would be fine.

And the right keeps on cutting capital gains and corporate taxes and he will get back more. And Tesla makes most profit off of green tax, EV credits, yes from the Dems. So he is profiteering from both sides.

See how it works?

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

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