Japan Today

TikTok banned on all Canadian government mobile devices


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Trudeau is desperately trying to deflect from the election scandal: has was told directly by the national security folks that a candidate for his party was a Chinese Communist Party agent but Trudeau accepted him as a candidate regardless. The agent won and is now a sitting member of Parliament. As many as 11 Liberal MP's won because of Chinese influencing the last Canadian election.

Trudeau know, because it was to his advantage, but national security agents are furious that he has accepted Chinese influence and are not leaking facts out to the press.

Thus Trudeau is desperate to "look tough" on China with a meaningless gesture.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

TikTok should be ran out of town fully, but for its Wall St investors. Tge way tgey see it is, if they can't get their snout into the Chinese market trough via google etc., they'll eat off of CCP controlled trough. USA time for reciprocity with the CCP.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Racism or proxy war? Your choice.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

He " just aint True though " = justin trudeau !!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

The whole privacy stuff is a joke, when twitter was being censored to the satisfaction of Trudeau, Biden, the EU privacy and freedom of speech were irrelevant.

Now Musk and freedom they are going after it

Same if TikTok towed the line like twitter pre Musk no problem.

But honestly the crazy useless drivel posted on TikTok and Twitter general IQ you benefit by 20 points if both were gone.

The stupidity on TikTok is beyond paper.

Took a walk last night in Asakusa must have been 20 groups out making tiktok junk no care they are blocking the road or sidewalk, no care about others privacy as we walk by

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

The US gov't and the EU have done the same but when Canada does it, Trudeau is blamed. Hilarious.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@MilesTeg, the reaction to Trudeau is understandable; he's a follower, not a leader, and his position is entirely due to his father's place in Canadian history. I met and corresponded with his father, and Justin just isn't of the same calibre.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

TrevorPeaceToday  06:01 pm JST

@MilesTeg, the reaction to Trudeau is understandable; he's a follower, not a leader, and his position is entirely due to his father's place in Canadian history. I met and corresponded with his father, and Justin just isn't of the same calibre.

I'm from Town of Mount Royal (TMR) in Montreal where he started his political career. He was first elected in TMR so it's his home riding and I met him several times after he retired when walking through Connaught Park where his official rose garden was. He was always gracious and spent time talking to people. I think it unfair to compare Justin to his father who was a political giant but I digress.

This article isn't about Justin Trudeau. It's about the Canadian government's decision to block the use of TikTok on gov't smartphones which both the US gov't and the EU has done. That's the crux of the matter.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Today 08:11 pm JST

JT is the pretender not the heir that was going to be Michel who tragically died.

Justin was mommy's boy not daddy's he is an art teacher and has no business being PM, he spends 90% of his time apologising.

His father I knew since I was a child, PET parents and my father's parents were close friends.

This is just another JT liberal "look look over there" move, to try and take away focus on the failing economy.

Who many interest rates increases in 12 months 7 soon 8 even CBC can no longer pretend everything is ok.

People going from $1,500 a month mortgage payment to over $4000.

You live in TMR how is that 40% property tax going down with the residents?

Instead of the economy he worries about TikTok

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Any politican that ban tik tok are asking for political hell,I do not use it ,do not care about it,and how people use it

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

TikTok was siphoning advertising revenue from Twitter, IG, Facebook, all of whom track and collect the same data. but we’re hemorrhaging cash.

The best defense was to create fear and lobby politicians, then copy TikTok. The respective governments all want and get the same tracking data of their “free” citizens.

Google and its Chrome browser are the world leader in spying, tracking, selling data and capturing personal information for governments. Former CEO Schmidt is hand and glove deep in consulting and advising all of the three letter agencies.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

AntiquesavingToday  09:16 pm JST


Today 08:11 pm JST

JT is the pretender not the heir that was going to be Michel who tragically died.

Justin was mommy's boy not daddy's he is an art teacher and has no business being PM, he spends 90% of his time apologising.

His father I knew since I was a child, PET parents and my father's parents were close friends.

This is just another JT liberal "look look over there" move, to try and take away focus on the failing economy.

Who many interest rates increases in 12 months 7 soon 8 even CBC can no longer pretend everything is ok.

People going from $1,500 a month mortgage payment to over $4000.

You live in TMR how is that 40% property tax going down with the residents?

Instead of the economy he worries about TikTok

I didn't say that I still live there. I live in Japan. If I did live in Canada, I sure wouldn't come to a Japan Today site where the majority live in Japan presuming to be in touch with what's currently happening in the country. It would make no sense to comment on international coverage on a Japanese site if I'm in Canada as they merely cut & past with permission from international media sources. I'd be reading and commenting on local news sources which would have more in depth analysis.

The BOC raised interest rates to 4.5% in Dec 2022 and 75% of mortgages are fixed. I never take what you write at face value for good reason.

The notion that this decision to ban TikTok from gov't smartphones somehow distracts from other activities is ridiculous. It takes less than a minute to delete an app and there was no parliamentary debate needed to make the decision. In fact the conservative party opposition recommended extending the ban.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Smart move by a great leader, who is extremely well respected in both Canada and abroad. Well done to Canada's beloved Trudeau!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

would make no sense to comment on international coverage on a Japanese site if I'm in Canada

Well tell that to the guy that loves Justin Sinclair!

The only real Trudeau was PET and Michel was the real heir.

Leader! Hahaha only if teaching you how to fall down stairs in a theatre class.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

quote: many Canadians from business to private individuals will reflect on the security of their own data and perhaps make choices.

No they won't. You don't soften people up like that today. Maybe in the 1930s and 50s, but not now. Take their social media away and they will hate you. And at the next election they will bury you.

What my Canadian friends think of Trudeau is not printable as it is. He doesn't count as an 'influencer'.

If your government turns your internet services off, turn your government off.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Take their social media away and they will hate you.

No one is taking their social media away. Tik Tok is still there for anyone to use.

If your government turns your internet services off, turn your government off.

The government isn't turning anyone's internet services off.

Did you even read the headline, much less the article?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

What my Canadian friends think of Trudeau is not printable as it is. He doesn't count as an 'influencer'.

I talk to a lot more Canadians than you. He is generally liked, but Canadians are centrist, and they often have problems with the policies as well.

But rarely do you hear anyone other than the convoy extremists going on about Trudeau specifically. And they're the Canadian MAGA - useless, and with way less a foothold in Canada than the MAGA have in the US.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Oops, I quoted the wrong comment. Should have been:

If your government turns your internet services off, turn your government off.

The government isn't turning anyone's internet services off. Did you even read the headline, much less the article?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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