Japan Today

Tokyo Game Show focuses on social media, smartphones

By Yuri Kageyama

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Title should read "Tokyo Game Show focuses on cattle herding".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well said Dave. There's no innovation, only remake upon remake. Its like the Hollywood of games. Final Fantasy 14, Final fantasy 43 im not even keeping track anymore. Resident evil 5? 6? Nintendo has their Mario games. All cr*p.

If I go to Yodobashi to search for interesting games, there is nothing, absolutely nothing.

Also with the recent hack problems Sony had I doubt they will have money to release a PS4 anytime soon.

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The personal 3D viewer makes him look a bit like Robocop. Can't say I'd want to wear one of these outside the house.

You can wear it on halloween and say you're one of the X-men.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@JonathanJo if you are wearing it outside the house , you are doing it wrong! But it would be cool to hack it , to use it as heads up display, to add terminator- or robocop vision

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Japan failed at traditional console this generation because of outdated practices, management, mentality that promotes brute force over efficiency.

As for the headset, tried it for 10 minutes, and it left a mark on the forehead. With hikikomori on the rise, you may get a permanent mark if you use it for a long period of time.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The personal 3D viewer makes him look a bit like Robocop. Can't say I'd want to wear one of these outside the house.

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