Toyota Motor Corp has released the C+walk T, a standing-type model in the new C+walk walking-area1 mobility series. The C+walk T2 is on sale at Toyota automobile dealers and offered at rental and leasing stores*3.
The C+walk T is an easy to operate, three-wheeled standing-type BEV. It features a low, flat base just 150 mm high for easy boarding and alighting. It is designed so that it is comfortable to use in walking areas, facilitating side-by-side travel and communication with fellow pedestrians. Indeed, in addition to being environmentally friendly, the vehicle takes up a similar amount of space as a single person, and travels at typical human walking speeds*4. The C+walk T is also equipped with obstacle detection functions that help avoid collisions with obstacles or pedestrians ahead.
In terms of potential corporate usage scenarios, the C+walk T can be used to travel across large-scale facilities or to ease the burden of walking on elderly users engaged in security work, and can also be used on activity tours that take place inside parks and other facilities. In addition, with growing numbers of amendments being made to applicable laws and regulations, the C+walk T can also be expected to be cleared for use on public roads in the future; in this case, the vehicle will be able to provide support to people who find it hard to walk long distances, and contribute to expanding their spheres of activity.
Toyota offers wide-ranging mobility choices with the twin goals of providing freedom of movement to all and realizing an even better mobility society. The C+pod*5 and C+walk series are designed to expand the spheres of activity of their users, bring them joy, support them at different stages in their lives, and propose unprecedented new forms of mobility value.
By continuing to deliver modes of mobility that are easy to use and inspire a desire to travel, Toyota intends to bring happiness to as many people as possible.
Toyota is currently developing seated-type and wheelchair-linked-type models in the C+walk series, with a view to their future commercialization.
- In urban environments, "pedestrian zones" are contrasted with "traffic zones." Pedestrian zone is a blanket term for routes and areas designed with the health and safety of pedestrians in mind.
- Under existing laws, the C+walk T is not permitted to be ridden on public roads or sidewalks. For further information on where the C+walk T can be ridden, please contact a local Toyota automobile dealer or Toyota rental or leasing stores.
- The C+walk T will not be carried at select stores.
- Users can set the C+walk T's maximum traveling speed via a speed adjustment switch. The C+walk T features five different speed settings, ranging from 2 to 6 km/h, with an additional 10 km/h setting for experienced users.
- The C+pod is an ultra-compact two-seater BEV that launched in December 2020.
Source: Toyota Motor Corp
© Japan Today
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The "Wall-E" generation is coming
-elderly users engaged in security work.
I'd prefer security staff who are built like rugby players and arrive with their own Doberman.
It looks nice, but they may have issues. The rapid pace of ad hoc development has left pavements in Japan (where they are not just painted bits of road) with multiple levels. Not sure this would cope any better than mature pedestrians. Also, elderly people often find it hard to stand for long periods, and certainly to balance. The low levels of obesity in Japan will help, but it may be more use operating more quickly in large facilities like airports, stations and warehouses, for younger staff who cover a lot of ground each day. That may be quite a lucrative market.
@editor: Serious question. Did Toyota write this and then send it to the news agencies for publication as-is? I know there is a "Source" reference at the bottom, but does that refer to the whole story being sourced from TMC or TMC having provided only the numerical quantitative data for the story?
It's written in such a way that only a marketing person from Toyota would understand all the groovy jargon.
e.g. "three-wheeled standing-type BEV". What is a BEV?
"Toyota Motor Corp has released the C+walk T" and then the next sentence - *The C+walk T*2 is on sale at Toyota automobile dealers.We go from "side-by-side travel and communication" immediately into "Indeed, in addition to being environmentally friendly," how are these sentences connected?
I shall not continue... I think you get the idea.