Japan Today

Twitter chaos too much? There are plenty of other options


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He has actually replied to me before. and more importantly his company has made me nearly a million dollars over time. Total genius and one of the best minds of our lifetimes.

I don’t believe a single word of this. You’ve admitted (accidentally) before that you are someone else’s employee. You’re no millionaire.

Elon Musk is also one of the dumbest people alive. He is extremely talented at one thing: marketing. But that’s it. He thinks that Carl Sagan, one of the world’s most celebrated astronomers, didn’t know that Mars exists. He’s a joke.

this new Trump level of hate and violence from the “tolerant” Left towards Elon and his family is concerning. Someone is going to get hurt.

Booing someone and reporting on their actions isn’t violence.

This is evidence of what Conservatives mean when they say they support “free speech”. They mean they want the freedom to say and do whatever they want, while their opponents should be silenced, and criticism of the far right should be criminalized. You think that school shootings are just the cost of doing business, but booing Musk at a stand up show is violence.

It’s a total dislocation from reality.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

because they think that senpai will notice them. Spoilers: he won’t.

He has actually replied to me before. and more importantly his company has made me nearly a million dollars over time. Total genius and one of the best minds of our lifetimes.

this new Trump level of hate and violence from the “tolerant” Left towards Elon and his family is concerning. Someone is going to get hurt.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

This is nothing new - this is how the Left operates. They always lash out with violence when they don't get their way.”

I wouldn’t get on my high horse about “leftists using violence when they don’t get their way” when you’re a stan for liars and January 6 insurrectionists.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

So it all basically comes down to I don’t care, Musk is a liar because he used to be a far leftist and I’m angry that he is only center leftist now. 

No. He was never a leftist in any sense of the word. He’s a liar because he continually tells lies. He libelled some dude as a “pedo guy” because he disagreed with Musk’s dumb submarine “plan”, he slurs his former employee as a groomer because Roth’s paper said that children online should be protected, he says that eliminating child pornography on Twitter is his priority, then fired the team that can actually do that (also, Twitter’s algorithm recommends stuff based on your likes. I’ve never seen child porn on Twitter, so if you have… that says more about you).

He’s a thin-skinned baby whose ego is so fragile that even the most mild of criticisms make him throw a tantrum. But lucky for him, there’s a bunch of weirdo geeks who will throw themselves under the bus for him because they think that senpai will notice them. Spoilers: he won’t.

“we” had Twitter but now “we” don’t so damn him and his family. No peace, right?

What are you talking about? Twitter has always been a hellsite.

Elon’s real time location would indicate the starting point where the car he was expected to be in was first followed from, yes. 


lol, so now you’re saying “guesswork based on a plane that arrived yesterday and for which there is no proof that this even happened” is the same as “real time location”.

You’re delusional.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

“The only reason these so-called journalists would want to dox @elonmusk real time location - is because they want him and his family harassed or harmed.

This is nothing new - this is how the Left operates. They always lash out with violence when they don't get their way.”


“Indeed, there is no other reason”

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Elon trying to wrest world's biggest liar and hypocrite from his BFF Trump...

Remember when Elon said;  "I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means."


Free speech? Kind'a backtracked on that one huh Elon...

If Elon wants to turn Twitter from a profitable company into a far-right fringe site catering to the fever swamp, it's his money...

But just be honest instead of giving us more utter hypocrisy and lies from MAGA-world....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Elon’s real time location would indicate the starting point where the car he was expected to be in was first followed from, yes.


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Musk didn’t become a millionaire by making monumental mistakes

No, he got there from his father’s wealth from his apartheid emerald mine.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

So it all basically comes down to I don’t care, Musk is a liar because he used to be a far leftist and I’m angry that he is only center leftist now.

“we” had Twitter but now “we” don’t so damn him and his family. No peace, right?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Why is Musk rich? -- Because the government subsidised electric cars.

Musk got rich thanks to ebay and paypal. He left those companies with lots of money and made some good decisions, filling a market need that nobody else was doing very well. There was some genus in that.

Lots of businesses take advantage of govt subsidies, so I won't fault him for that. Intel and other chip makers are getting part of $5B in subsidies ... to do something the USgovt wants. Part of my family grows corn to be used, not as feed or for human food, but to be converted into ethanol. They also get paid NOT to plant some of their fields every year.

Tesla won't get any more subsidies. They've long sold more vehicles than the law to provide subsidies allowed. They will be looking for others, I'm sure.

SpaceX wasn't very profitable for a long time. As a private company, they don't need to reveal earnings or profits. When they don't fly, they don't make money.

What we know about Musk is that he has a track record of actually leading companies that build real products to profits, and he negotiates well for his own compensation. With Twitter, he may have taken on a larger problem than he can handle.

He certainly is helping people find alternatives with his anti-free speech decisions. Still, it is a private company and he doesn't have to follow the rules of any public company if he doesn't want to. He can kick all journalists off the platform if he likes and he doesn't need to be consistent. It is a private company. If he does that, there will be some European govts who will be very unhappy with him and likely fine or kick twitter out of their countries for such actions.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Funny how the media has been attacking Musk and Twitter ever since he went against the one-sided censorship. We can't have free speech, now can we

Twitter didn’t have free speech before Musk and doesn’t have it now.

Unusually, you could be right.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

many times “my driver” can drive a my car without me in it. 

But Musk said that HIS GPS details were broadcast (spoiler: they weren’t). Not his driver’s. Not his son’s. His.

He is feeding you BS and telling you it’s Hershey’s. And you’re saying, “thank you for the chocolate, epic meme lord sir”.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He’s literally transferring money from Tesla and Space X to Twitter. It’s a pathetic and doomed money movement game that has seen Tesla’s share price collapse.

Musk didn’t become a millionaire by making monumental mistakes, he knows what’s going on, and I think he definitely has a fall back plan, but I don’t blame him for silencing anyone that threatens to family, that’s what you’re supposed to do, and given the fact that the media is making more out of this than the actual files and the involvement the FBI had with Twitter, just shows you how warped this entire thing is, whether he read the state these people, or not, that is up to him, but I understand as a family man, I would do whatever I would make sure any threat is neutralized, if it comes to that. He can endure the name-calling, he should hold out until the media wants to talk about these files that he has been releasing, which is way more important than the people getting silenced, even though I don’t entirely agree with that only for the fact that when you start doxxing people, all bets are off.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Read this again, slowly.

yeah rich people have drivers.

many times “my driver” can drive a my car without me in it.

such as when I stay behind and ask my driver to use my car to take my family home first. Because they have something else to do and I’m staying longer.

its the actual point of having a driver. They can go and I can stay more with my driver coming back to get me later.

simple. Have you never heard of this idea of having a driver?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Ouch. Is this a common thing?

For sure it’s not uncommon. Remember when he said, “if I become President, Republicans will become rational again”? Swing and a miss that everyone knew was naive to the point of lunacy.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Article says it is. 

“Elon releases clip of balaclava-clad 'crazy stalker”

I’ll believe my eyes before I believe the Daily Mail, a newspaper notorious for supporting the Nazis in WW2.

yeah everyone wears these in LA? and Elon just felt like tweeting a video of some rando in a car for no reason at all?

Yes. Again, he is a fundamentally dishonest person.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

He was. His driver was driving the car. 

He just wasn’t in the car 

Read this again, slowly.

He was… he just wasn’t

Come on. This is feeble even by your standards.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Biden is wrong.

Ouch. Is this a common thing?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

We can't have free speech, now can we!

No, obviously not. Though some people were fooled into believing they could and now have a lot of backpedaling to do.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


The only thing we can take from this is Musk’s word. And he’s a proven liar. Again, please stop your bootlicking for twenty seconds and think.

bacalava isn’t a COVID mask.

He’s not wearing a balaclava. You can see in the picture that the mask, which looks like a regular Covid mask to me, is a different color to his hood. He’s wearing a mask and a hoodie. I do that all the time.

and pandemic is over. Biden said so.

It isn’t. Biden is wrong.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

why was Musk not there?

He was. His driver was driving the car.

He just wasn’t in the car when the attacker followed it away from where Musk was, thinking that Musk himself was inside. He thought so because he knew musk was there to begin with, he just didn’t leave in the car.

kinda like in Russia when Ukraine blew up the car thinking the guy was in it. but it was his daughter instead. Sometimes your family is in the car and you stay behind.

so can I make a site to track in real time where all of you are? Cool with that?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Funny how the media has been attacking Musk and Twitter ever since he went against the one-sided censorship. We can't have free speech, now can we!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Nope. Try again. Wrong color outfit. Black bloc owns the black ninja pajamas style with the face hiding masks.

Oath Keepers and Three Percenters also wear black and cover their faces with masks.

Also, black is a cool color. I wear black all the time. And there’s a global pandemic, so wearing a mask is actually the responsible thing to do.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

His child was in the car that the black clad Antifa jumped on. 

[Citation needed]

How did he know the real time location and also have time to put that ridiculous Black bloc costume on?

Think this through.

If this person had Musk’s real time GPS coordinates, why was Musk not there?

Ignoring the fact that Musk’s video doxxing someone with no evidence he did anything Musk claims, which was recorded miles away from an airport and a day AFTER Musk’s plane landed in California, why would someone that Musk says was trying to go after him… go somewhere else?

Nothing Musk says makes sense. He’s lying and you’re eating it up completely uncritically.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

His child was in the car that the black clad Antifa jumped on. 

You know the black clad person’s name?

Who was it?

Or are you just imagining that person was Antifa?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Also, you’re saying that Musk’s exact GPS info was posted

His child was in the car that the black clad Antifa jumped on.

How did he know the real time location and also have time to put that ridiculous Black bloc costume on?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

As someone with a follower count nearly at 400 (yes, the shadow-banning has ended) 

This gets me chuckling every time. Thanks again.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I hear that profits at Twitter are better than they've ever been. Of course, that's because Musk redefined profit to support from angry right-wingers and lots of retweets, but I'm sure his new profit system will pay the bills the same way they got paid when profit meant money left after expenditures, right?

He’s literally transferring money from Tesla and Space X to Twitter. It’s a pathetic and doomed money movement game that has seen Tesla’s share price collapse.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Also, you’re saying that Musk’s exact GPS info was posted… but Musk himself says that he wasn’t there. So how does that work? Does GPS suddenly not work any more?

Once more, you are uncritically slurping up the obvious lies of a total charlatan. To “own the libs”.

You need to develop a personality.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

But you can on Twitter. Well could until Elon suspended the people doing it.

You literally can’t. That’s not possible. Are you under the impression that everyone is microchipped and that Twitter, of all things, has access to real time location of your microchip?

Actually, don’t answer that, because I’m afraid you will say “yes”.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I hear that profits at Twitter are better than they've ever been. Of course, that's because Musk redefined profit to support from angry right-wingers and lots of retweets, but I'm sure his new profit system will pay the bills the same way they got paid when profit meant money left after expenditures, right?



4 ( +4 / -0 )

Twitter no longer has a communications team or other spokespeople for Axios to contact for comment.

clever way to tell the lamestream media and those “gotcha” style reporting to simply go away.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Private company. Don’t like it build your own.

None of which anyone wants to use, based on this article it seems.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Rupar: I didn’t post anything about Musk’s location! I’m being victimized!

Rupar after he gets off CNN television-

UPDATE: It occurred to me just after I published this that I did post a tweet yesterday noting that the ElonJet account that was suspended from Twitter was still active on Facebook, with a link to the Facebook page.

so it “occurred to you” that you did exactly what you just said you didn’t do. I see.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

But you can on Twitter. Well could until Elon suspended the people doing it.

Watch Rupar grin with delight when the conversation turns towards Musk saying his family was threatened because of accounts publishing his real-time location data.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

you just don’t give someone’s real time location, that will get you suspended. 

Something that never happened.

so hey dude where are you right now in GPS coordinates? You ok for me to know that 24/7 by accessing a public website? Nah, right?

You can’t find someone’s GPS coordinates on a public website. You’re making things up. Again.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

you just don’t give someone’s real time location, that will get you suspended

Kanye West didn’t do that and he got suspended.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Libs heads are exploding that they don't control Twitter anymore. But its even worse for them;

Twitter2.0 is working better than ever.

As someone with a follower count nearly at 400 (yes, the shadow-banning has ended) I can tell you the experience is much more smooth and honest. The bots are almost extinct and my followers have never been happier.

My latest poll had user satisfaction at close to 97%

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I took my Twitter option more than ten years ago and deleted it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

On Twitter, if you criticize the owner, the world’s most relentlessly divorced man, you get suspended.

Ex head of CIA did. He’s still there. and many many others.

you just don’t give someone’s real time location, that will get you suspended.

so hey dude where are you right now in GPS coordinates? You ok for me to know that 24/7 by accessing a public website? Nah, right?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Mastodon had freedom of speech, though. Twitter and Truth Social do not.

Don't believe me? Go on Truth Social and advocate for communism, see how long your account is still active. On Twitter, if you criticize the owner, the world’s most relentlessly divorced man, you get suspended. Hell, you can get suspended for reporting that he suspended someone. Even one of his hand-picked puppets, Bari Weiss, did an insanely milquetoast “well, maybe Elon shouldn’t just ban any journalist who doesn’t worship him” and he flipped out at her and called her a virtue signaller.

Conservatives don’t like or want free speech. They hate it, actually. They want endless right wing propaganda, and for those damn women, gays, and minorities to just shut up.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Even Truth Social is more successful than most of those recommendations.

Lol. That’s the bottom of the barrel.

You won’t find any ‘free speech’ there.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Even Truth Social is more successful than most of those recommendations.

but the site is clearly not yet functioning.

they recommending stuff that hasn’t even been built yet.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Mastodon. Haha

leftists are desperate.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Elon Musk is simply a liar. No-one doxxed his location in real time. The video he posted (which, incidentally, is an example of Musk doxxing someone) was geolocated to be nowhere near an airport, and taken a day after Musk’s plane had landed.

He is a liar and the weirdo right wing losers who sing his praises are only revealing how pathetic and venal they truly are.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The first generation of Web 2.0 services had a basic flaw in their design, using a centralised 'star topology'. It allowed them to scan/monetise all data, but also led to state/activist pressure for them to act as censors and monitor all posts, which breaks the Web 2.0 model. That's too many vulnerabilities for them to survive. Distributed alternatives with the opportunity for those who wish to, to block whatever they want, will make someone rich soon. Social media could have begun in a more distributed manner, by extending e-mail clients and using the e-mail protocol to move rich content between users. It still can, if you want to build your own next gen social media network. The door is still open for new entrants who want to be part of GAFA 2.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Elonald keeps ruining twitter..

Now he closes the account to journalists..

Where is the freedom of speech that he brayed so much??

Twitter is a private company. He can kick people off or refuse to let people on.

As it was before Musk got involved.

That said, the idea that Musk is restoring freedom of speech on the platform is laughable and anyone claiming that deserves derision.

Leftist socialist policies

Eh? A bit too much coffee there.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Leftist socialist policies created Musk and made him rich...

Nah, your ideological blinders are on full display.

His family blood emerald mine in Africa came long before anything else.

Shows the importance of news sites with relevant information.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Why does Musk own Twitter? -- Because he is rich.

...but getting poorer each day, though I believe Musk when he says it's to save democracy and humanity.

Google Matt Ridley and covid gain of function. Fauci is neck deep in it. Main stream media protecting him is akin to promotion of bad science and genocide. This ought to scare everyone, not just rich people.

Why did the government subsidise electric cars? -- Because the left always thinks that government spending has good outcomes.

Government spending gave you electricity and roads, are you complaining? Now the government want to switch to renewables, what's wrong with that?

conservatives who warned that the government should never intervene in free markets.

Not a certainty that this is the case, conservatives love government spending if it adds to their bottom line.

Also, I'm pretty sure Musk created Musk, AND he's always been vocal on everything that matters.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Elonald keeps ruining twitter..

Now he closes the account to journalists..

Where is the freedom of speech that he brayed so much??..

0 ( +4 / -4 )

While there is no perfect replacement for Twitter, staying up to date with local, national and international news is easier than ever.

Chaos is also opportunity. Twitter chaos is opportunity for news sites?

So how about it Japan Today?

Like Twitter, the kind of moderation has been a topic of concern but this seems cromulent.

But there are opportunities in introducing more functionality; ie an edit button, saving post history, etc.

Monetization and featured content?

Maybe there is a niche market for the boots on the ground perspective of foreigners living in Japan or with significant Japanese experience.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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