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© KYODOApple launches iPhone 11 series in Japan
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Bunch of stupids waiting in line.. Serious waste of money..
A bit harsh. Is there nothing that you desire that you wouldn't stand in line for?
Not me. It'll still be there tomorrow, or the day after. Or, better yet, I'll just order online, and have it delivered like I've done with every phone.
If I see a line at a restaurant, I turn right around and go to a different restaurant. At a store? I'll go to another store. At a kiosk in a depachika? I'll bring home some other food.
There are too many choices, and time is too important to waste it waiting in line for stuff that is easily gotten elsewhere or at a later date or for which there is a viable alternative.
Aly Rustom
A few months ago, my wife and I bought the XS Max, so we won't be upgrading anytime soon. But we are happy with our devices.
ClippetyClop: "A bit harsh. Is there nothing that you desire that you wouldn't stand in line for?"
No kidding. The people usually crying the most are just upset because people are excited for Apple products and not any of the myriad of crap products that use Android. What's more, they are probably the same people that see a line and then get in it, then ask, "What are we lined up for? Oh, the newest brand of Pokky? ¥1000/box because it's 'men's gourmet' brand? I'M IN! Who cares if it's a two-hour wait!" or for nama-caramel or the latest Kobe roll-cake.
If people want to line up and buy the newest thing, leave them to it. I just got the XS when it came out a year or so ago, so I'll be waiting at least another year.
Japan's probably the most unique Asian market out of the big 3 (SK, J, CH). Whereas China and South Korea support their brands first and foremost when it comes to smartphones (Oppo and Samsung are first sales-wise in those countries respectively), Japan is the only market to practically only buy iPhone, with Sharp and Sony being 2nd and 3rd but pretty far back in market share.
Waiting in line like this is just an example of consumers being brainwashed and trained like lemmings. I have heard people criticize the Louis Vuitton (etc) brand-name obsessed women in Japan, while they themselves will go and wait for hours to buy a new Apple product. No sense of irony.
Good lord, what nonsense. Who is training these lemmings? What is it about being 'brainwashed' on this forum these days? Anybody with a strong opinion or desire is 'brainwashed'. I see it in almost every thread.
Perhaps these people just need a new phone. Maybe they like apple products. The article states that there were 'More than a hundred customers', which in a city of millions doesn't seem that many to me. And why do folks get so angry with smartphone choices?
NCIS Reruns
I just got a Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 for $193 from Amazon US. It takes great photos and has everything else I need except the prestige of owning an iPhone, which I certainly do not need.
Why the lemming masters themselves... marketers, advertising agencies, social media (where the lemmings train lemmings)....
Emotionally driven consumerism is a plague on society and the environment. Nothing to defend about it, Mr. Clop.
A side effect of emotionally driven consumerism. The consumers identify with the products they buy, as though they have a personal stake in them. Steve Jobs was especially good at this - he almost had his own religion going. I had a friend who I could challenge in politics, religion, whatever. But he would lose it when I told him my Apple product was less than stellar.
It's not just Apple that creates this nonsense. Most brands strive for it - but Apple was very successful at it,
Japan is one of the most important markets for Apple. Its iPhone models were the best-selling handsets in the country with a 49.6 percent share in fiscal 2018, according to the MM Research Institute.
The figure is well above iPhone models' roughly 10 percent share of the global market in the second quarter of 2019, according to data provider Statista.
Shows how behind the rest of the world Japan is when it comes to phones.
The only time I'll ever stand in line to buy something is when my wife makes me.
I have the I phone 10 but to me I should have bought the Android 10 instead. Now the iPhone is a paper weight at the hefty price of 800.00 dollars. What a waste.
A plague? Still sounds a bit extreme to me fella. Isn’t all consumerism driven by emotion to a high degree? Every time you choose a new car, a pack of bog roll or a phone your emotions are in play.
The emotional hatred of apple by many people drives them to buy a different phone. I’ve had an iCock for years just because it works well for me.
And because the adverts are cool and it makes me better than you Android n00bs (just joking)
The only time I'll ever stand in line to buy something is when my wife makes me.
Dang, Laguna, are you totally pussy-whipped or what? Hee hee! Sorry, couldn't resist!
Galaxy fan forever.
Huge market share in the US.
There always are hard-core fans for many things that might be considered worthless to others, so just leave them alone and let them be what they want.
People will queue for a phone as if their life depended on it tell them to go out and petition against laws that infringe on the rights or curbs their freedom and they will bury their heads in their phones and show no interest at all.
I fear for the future of Japan with the present youths of Japan.
@NCIS Reruns
I just got a Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 for $193 from Amazon US. It takes great photos and has everything else I need except the prestige of owning an iPhone, which I certainly do not need.
Yes, it is. As are most of our opinions.
Yes, well... as long as it still recharges, and provides sufficient battery life to get you through the night.
Of course. You'd die if you don't mention Japan being backwards in ANYTHING at least once a day, eh?
The US of A also buy Apple's devices. Does that mean they're backwards too? Or do they get a pass because it's the US of A?
For the record I'm not an Apple fan or anything.
Japan is the only market to practically only buy iPhone, with Sharp and Sony being 2nd and 3rd but pretty far back in market share
Well Sharp and Sony mobiles are now basically in the retro category, wonder why are they still in this business.
Say what you will but Apple makes a far better product than any other manufacturer of electronic goods, for smartphones and tablets. Aesthetically speaking, Apple products are much more pleasing to the eye.
But if you prefer other manufacturers then...great! One less person in line in front of me.
Retro category? Xperia 1 says hi. Oh and that dope latest Sharp model too.
I get it, y'all love Apple. But it isn't:
the only company that makes good stuff
the only company that makes this kind of stuff period.@nakanoguy01
The new iPhone looks hideous except the color choices. I'm sorry, it's the truth.
Ever since Steve passed away and with Jony not in the company expect this to continue. There are companies out there that make far more beautiful products lol. Sony, Samsung, LG, etc. Hell, China's Huawei and Xiaomi make better looking stuff.
But hey what do I know?
Say what you will but Apple makes a far better product than any other manufacturer of electronic goods, for smartphones and tablets
Well the LCD/OLED on the iPhone is made by Samsung and is one generation behind the latest Samsung mobile, further Apple could not make AirPower work and went back the standard Qi contact pad charging, AirPower itself was bought from Power by Proxi (PbP) and re-branded by Apple as AirPower.
Aesthetically speaking, Apple products are much more pleasing to the eye.
Yep, that's what Apple has been selling since the 80's, a pleasing looking product, there core focus area always had been design and packaging, that's what the consumer sees and that is what they buy.
The iPhone is an expensive item to upgrade every 1-2 years. Apple does their best to slow the iPhone/iPad down (and tries to trick you into buying a new model in order to fix the slowness issue... we all know this as they've been caught out doing so).
If people wish to queue up and waste money on buying the latest version in order to catch up with the Jones's then that's their issue - what I have a problem with, is when Apple purposely goes out of its way to nobble your current phone's operation. That is down right scandalous.
I still have PCs that work very well (for current Gaming) and which are over 10 years old... I don't have things enabled upon them that aren't needed, and I have control over what runs on them... I don't have such an ability with the iPhone/iPad products.... which is very annoying.
Finally, Apple's Security stance has been a falsehood as recent Google revelations about the Safari Browser security bug reports reveal... apart from that, when you go to China/US you have to hand over your phone to the Authorities there and let them access your phone on demand.... so doesn't really matter how much security you have.
And as for Apple's iCloud services.... we've recently found out that its basically Amazons Web Services rebranded...
Apple may wish target the more upmarket customer base, though that in turn will reduce the Application developer interest in producing applications... we will first start seeing this with a drop in the number of "free" applications being produced for the devices. This may be reinforced by recent admissions that Apple doesn't make much money from the sale of hardware anymore... but it's Services, however contradicting this, is a recent Analyst's report about Apple's accounting practices particularly for new Services such as Apple TV.
Apple can afford to mess around for a couple of years, and try to find its way towards it's next big thing, they have the cash pile - though keep an eye upon that, and watch for any layoffs.
Sounds legitimate. Let's wait in line for hours for technology that has been out for 2 or more years. Let's wait in line for out dated features and over priced repairs. There hasn't been an iPhone that can out perform Android. If you like simplicity, limited features, and design buy an iPhone. If you like the latest features and designs you won't find it in an apple store.
IOS is a simple OS for simple minded people.
Ahhh. The old Apple fanboy response to comments that originally had nothing to do with the brand, only the stupidity of waiting in line for a product that can easily be ordered online or purchased in-store without a line a day later.
BTW, Google's Pixel line, and the Nexus line before it have always been considered to be non-crap. Pixels are considered by some to have better cameras and camera SW than iPhones.
I prefer Android OS, myself. And, have found that even the "crap" Android products to have a much higher cospa than any of the iPhones.
I also prefer Windows to MacOS, and run Windows on my backup PC, which is a MacBook Pro, BTW. (They do have some nice shiny HW.) But, my wife prefers MacOS, which is fine by me. But, she's not stupid enough to wait in line for the new MacBook, or whatever.
Yeah no. That's the kind of nonsense the negative commenters are specifically criticizing in this thread. It's not just the stupidity of waiting in line to spend 13man on a phone, it's the stupidity of waiting in line for any trendy BS that can easily be purchased a different way or at a different time.
I get brand loyalty. I'm a huge fan of Sony, LG, Pioneer, Panasonic, among others. What I don't understand is blind loyalty. If a company I support/love makes a dumb move or choice, releases an incomplete or incompetent product, I'll be the first to say it. What kind of wizardry and spells has Apple cast upon y'all for y'all to blindly buy anything and everything with a bitten fruit logo on it? ...
Smart people don't need smartphones.
It's got nothing to do with a logo; it just works for me. I do a lot of photography, video editing, publishing. The bitten fruit has never failed me. People in my profession also use Windows, Linux & Android. People use what works for them. If apple products stop working I'll go somewhere else. Why does it bother you so much?
My posts clearly weren't directed at people like you. I'm talking about blind loyalty and this weird mindset that only Apple makes the best products. You're clearly not like that, if you read your own comment. It doesn't bother me at all despite what it looks like, I'm a technophile and just loves talking about this stuff haha
I have the I phone 10 but to me I should have bought the Android 10 instead.
Im own the Galaxy S10+ from AU my wife was looking at the Iphone, after talking to the staff for a while
about the pros and cons, she asked what do the AU staff own,4 of the 5 staff in the shop all said Galaxy, why because it the best value for money for the hardware and performance you get, now she owns the Galaxy as well says it the best phone shes owned by far, camera screen speed
Peter Neil
I thought these people lining up at the Apple store in Ginza were "sakura" and were not real customers.
Who cares, All phones are good now. Personal preference.
Exactly. People are so weird about their brand loyalties.
I have an iphone, cause they are awesome, and fit in with the Apple ecosystem.
If I wasn't on that system, I'd get one of the awesome Android phones out there.
It seems many products and services that has long lost they luster in their home countries or around the world are doing pretty well in Japan. They tend to be really loyal to things.
I got the new iPhone 11. The camera is amazing and if you want the best video camera on a phone you have no choice but to go Apple. No other smartphone can compete in this area.
Previously, the Pixel 3 was a better camera (for stills); now I think iPhone have caught up.
But mostly I buy Apple because it is much better to develop apps for iOS than Android.
No! Not true in Japan, if you have already have a phone and use the 2 year contracts.
I have an iPhone and I went to my provider and asked about trading it in for a new iPhone 11. Found out I will be paying less than before, so ... I no brainer! (I am talking about a package with wife and home phone and internet)
It just doesn't make sense to keep the same phone on the same contract when I can get a new one and pay less (same 4G amount etc etc ... no changes to the contract at all, just swap phones)