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Nearly 70% call for regulating development of AI bots: poll


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Sounds good, but there’s no harm in hiring people so they can live and spend money at local businesses.

If a company isn’t losing money, but contributes to society with jobs, I’ll call that a win.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The result comes as countries have been discussing the need for international standards to prevent the misuse of emerging technologies such as ChatGPT, which have sparked fear of unauthorized collection of personal data.

This has already been going on for at least since the War on Terror with the NSA and programs like Total Information Awareness, ECHELON and PRISM.

These governments themselves must have massive storage of private data to train their own LLM.

Eliezer Yudkowsky is one rigorous thinker that seems alarmist but makes some points about an existential threat.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I think the train has left the station. We are in a post-GPT world and might as well get used to it.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

So the carry out a poll via telephone (landline only of course) about if people think AI should be regulated or not and That there tells you all you need to know:

Pollster: Its me. We are doing a survey about if you think ChatGBT should be regulated or not.

Woman of 90: Oh hi Ken, how are you recently? What is ChatGBT?

Pollster: Reads prepared explanation, explaining that jobs could disappear, how AI could become sentinel, and that could have big impact on Japanese society (emphasising negative things).

Woman of 90: oh, yes Ken, of it should be regulated.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I will bet that 100% of the 70% who responded have limited to zero actual experience with using ChatGPT. It's probably more about fear of the unknown, and how it is presented to them.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

My question is, how do you regulate it?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Most of the negative views come from moral panic stirred up by the media. However, chatbots are a third rate alternative to real people in customer service. I'd like to see people given the choice to speak to a human there when chatbots fail to resolve problems. I'd also like to see a legal requirement for chatbots to announce that they are chatbots in any initial interaction. Those are examples of the use of tech. Thankfully governments can't 'regulate' the actual development of tech, or we wouldn't have an internet.

With regard to post-pandemic travel, JR have knocked out a rather good commercial to UA singing 'Let's Meet'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyhzrc6cTtU

0 ( +1 / -1 )

New developments in AI already are replacing jobs. Website design, concept art, boilerplate programming, translation, Its everywhere, and its only going to get better. Just look at layoffs in big tech, this isnt a coincidence.

AI is a revolution that will completely reshape the way out society functions. Of course it would be easier to just ban it, and bury our heads in the sand, but if you consider the potential of AI, it could also free us from our meaningless jobs.

OFC this deflationary tech is at loggerheads with the current capitalist system we live in, so I expect some serious disruption over the coming years. A universal basic income may be one of the only possible solutions at this point.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The truth is that most of office jobs should be gone long time ago, clerks at city offices, call centers, cash clerks at superstores, office work...

And Japan has defended these pointless jobs to the bitter end. This will hurt a lot.

Well let me tell you it's too late and time to learn new skills.

What do you learn? Programming? Bit late for that. I guess psychiatrist is probably a good shout, they are going to be working their asses off in the coming years.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

My question is, how do you regulate it?

Another article on here mentions some copyright restrictions/regulations. All of the data that was used to feed these AI must have come from somewhere, and there are probably a lot of people, who didnt agree for their data/work to be used in this way.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Meh regulation just means government wants a cut in on the action... how much will they charge for regulation.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Great. Throw everyone in offices on the street. That’ll help the economy and increase efficiency. The blue tarp industry will be booming.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Another article on here mentions some copyright restrictions/regulations

I think they were talking about Images, AI can imitate the style of an artist an create an original image using the same techniques of that artist. but really bit hard to copywrite a technique or patent a technique.

Imagine a patent holding a brush in your hand holding one eye open and putting your tongue to the left and brushing down then upward in a single fluid motion... AI can't do that anyway... it just uses the stroke and since each time an artist uses that stroke it is ultimately slightly different so...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I guess psychiatrist is probably a good shout, they are going to be working their asses off in the coming years.

Psychiatriss will actually be one of the first to be outsourced to AI. Infact people already turning to AI for counseling and a lot quite happy with the results. Any industry that involves communication with others, or where people deal with people or those mundane office jobs is going to be deeply impacted by AI, with many of those jobs already being cut in favour or AI as we speak.

What will happen is the government will just expand its fingers into creating even more pointless construction/ manual labour jobs like concrete laying, brick laying, house building, road works, bridge making, etc that AI can't do (yet). And so Japan will be fine :)

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Larr Flint

Jobs like translation, English teaching, call centers should be gone long time ago.

Call centers? Like customer service and tech support? No. There are already too few humans in those jobs.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Haha, 70% know of nothing if they call for regulation. That would be exactly which makes the AI completely useless. If you want only wished and known results, then you don’t need an AI, but can write beforehand your intentions and the wished results on a sheet of paper or put it beforehand into laws and rules and constitutions. And btw as the AI are already regulated, they are also now still useless and can’t show their potential. Ai and regulations, that can’t and will never fit.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

What will happen is the government will just expand its fingers into creating even more pointless construction/ manual labour jobs like concrete laying, brick laying, house building, road works, bridge making, etc that AI can't do (yet). And so Japan will be fine :)

So instead of 10 ojiisans with orange batons surrounding a 10 meter square construction site have 50?

With the LDP handing out useless construction projects to crony affiliates, some connected to organized crime, and these companies reap the lion's share of the capital rewards while the majority subsist on sub-living wages for standing around for 8 hours?

Actually seems like an LDP solution to the automation issue.

The free market economy beyond convenience stores and wholesale supermarkets will suffer though as the majority will not have enough disposable income for anything other than the bare necessities like a smartphone, food and shelter.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What will happen is the government will just expand its fingers into creating even more pointless construction/ manual labour jobs like concrete laying, brick laying, house building, road works, bridge making, etc that AI can't do (yet). 

It’s a chance for women thrown out in the street by AI to be more equally represented across the workforce.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

When AI can understand innuendo, sarcasm, subtle nuances, and be able to make compromises or bend the rules depending on the situation, then I’d say it’s a suitable replacement for humans in the service sector.

Even a simple “Thank you” can have multiple meanings depending on context and tone of voice.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This poll is just consequence that many domestic mainstream media quote same overseas opinion and spent many hours to report AI risk with keeping step.

On the other hand, they avoid political criticism on the excuse of political equality with keeping step, and support rate of cabinet revives.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Great. Throw everyone in offices on the street. That’ll help the economy and increase efficiency. The blue tarp industry will be booming.

May I was wrong before. Japan has propped up zombie companies for decades. Whats a few extra gonna hurt.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Everyone benefits from AI that stems from corporations using BIG Data and Machine Learning to improve their service, performance, value, cost, etc. E.g., Amazon!

But Consumer facing AI tools, RIPE with RISK, why?

Unknown data sets being used by owners of consumer facing AI tools. Business above, focused on THEIR markets, so relevant data.

With Consumer facing AI, what's 'relevant' DATA?!

UNDUE influence upon users, due to data selection. Bias? Agenda? Brain Washing? Depends on Ownership of such AI tools, what's THEIR TRUE INTENT?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

LMFAO, Be careful Japan AI may look at these concerns about the rapidly spreading use of Japans 69.4 percent calling for stricter regulation on artificial intelligence and go rogue!!!.

Japan's public harbors concerns about the rapidly spreading use of AI chatbots, with 69.4 percent calling for stricter regulation on the development of artificial intelligence, a Kyodo News poll showed Sunday.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Poll agrees with my point below and above.

Consider, when you 'search' you have NO IDEA why the results are what they are, right? You just accept it. (Unless you're Geek SEO guy!)

Consumer facing AI, like Search ON STEROIDS!!

Japan's public harbors concerns about rapidly spreading use of AI chatbots, with 69.4 percent calling for stricter regulation on development of artificial intelligence, Kyodo News poll showed Sunday.

> But Consumer facing AI tools, RIPE with RISK, why?

> Unknown data sets being used by owners of consumer facing AI tools.  With Consumer facing AI, what's 'relevant' DATA?!

> UNDUE influence upon users, due to data selection. Bias? Agenda? Brain Washing? Depends on Ownership of such AI tools, what's THEIR TRUE INTENT?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Jobs like translation, English teaching, call centers should be gone long time ago.

Will people need to learn foreign languages if there's AI translation?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Will people need to learn foreign languages if there's AI translation?

Great point, CONVERGENCE of EVERYTHING happening so fast, Global Standards and Values, every serious Corp. knows it. After all, Corps. the TRUE success stories, creating ALL TECH based SOLUTIONS!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'd rather be replaced by an AI than an immigrant. At least the former, if repeated at large enough scale, will lead to a political movement that forces universal basic income. Oh and you know, maintain the high trust society that is reliant on having a relatively homogeneous society.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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