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© 2021 AFP'Put me in jail': Fierce COVID vaccine resistance for Republicans
By Joshua MELVIN MARTINSBURG, West Virginia©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Toasted Heretic
The right to be selfish, irresponsible and infect others.
Must kinda suck to be paralyzed by a fear of science. It might end up costing them their lives.
West Virginia is an example of a state where populist plutocracy has taken hold. The plutocrat caste has convinced many at the poorest end of the economic spectrum that if they vote for the plutocrat's politicians (usually Republican) they'll get trickled down on. Continuing to believe the 1% care even the slightest about them is one of many reasons West Virginia, like many states farther south, remains one of the poorest places in the US.
I can only guess who is filling these people's minds with the idea that they would be put in jail or be held down in order for the vaccine to be forced on them.
I thought the number of Pubs would be higher.
Happy Day
Shock- another slanted news piece. Like with the COVID response in the U.S., backed not by science or data, only politics.
Who is responsible for Operation Warp Speed?
Which states fared best overall- battling COVID, keeping the economy strong, and facilitating child development?
Which states fared worst in these areas and, as a result, will have their governors impeached or recalled?
"If they try to make me get it, they're just going to (have to) put me in jail,"
This is a tough stance!
The question is, will the vaccine be mandotory or volunteer?
I mean will the people get forced to take it or will it be volunteer?
If it will be volunteer, many many people will refuse.
Will it be forced, Riots and Violence will occure.
So, both situations will be bad!
Michael Machida
" But in towns across the United States, skeptics are numerous."
In Japan as well. And across the globe.
Be vaccinated or not, the end result is that populations will begin to acquire natural immunity to the virus.
'Put me in jail‘
Okay. Talked me into it.
Been through WVA several times and it’s almost a meme of itself. If you ever wondered what a 3rd world country with a stable currency looks like, it’s WVA.
Right wing media like Fox through its multi-millionaire (and getting richer each day) entertainers like TuckerCarlson, Hannity, Ingraham etal along with other anti-democracy media outlets around the globe like those sponsored by the Kremlin continue to prey on the intellectually vulnerable, telling them that governments and their scientists cannot be trusted.
At the same time right wing media are telling their gullible and ever-fearful base government and science are bad they're pushing authoritarianism, claiming a single male political messiah along with his disciples can save them from government, science and the 'others'.
Poor Republicans, Little they know that Trump his wife and his son got vaccinated but he is not gonna go out and say it out loud.
52% of the population.
Read there are a lot in the US military that refuse, well make it an order and punish them under Article 91 of the UCMJ if they continue to refuse. As for these republicans, do nothing. Make them the new "unclean" like in the bible forbidden to do do must things in public.
Haaa Nemui
11% of a hundred + 41% of a different hundred is 52 out of 200.
What hope has the kid in the photo got, being brought up by a dumb and anti social dropkick? The bearded old dummy looks obese and very unhealthy, and at serious risk when he inevitably catches the virus.
Just get the shot, cry baby loser.
With the tiny difference that vaccination would reduce the number of people that need to die so the population becomes immune.
When people end up making everything political these kind of problems are unavoidable. It is not logical, nor smart, and a lot of people that would like to be vaccinated if they had the chance are going to get infected because of it.
They also believe that Bill Gates is the man behind the vaccines, and that they really contain microscopic chips that will lodge in you brain and control your thinking. There really is no pandemic. So I have read.
Thanks for the correction.
Yes, around 26% assuming equal population both sides
Love the look on that little boy face, and i real hate to see him getting infected due to his dads choice.
So the choices are: get herd immunity safely with the vaccine or have millions die by getting herd immunity by getting sick. Easy choice. Get vaccinated.
Mr Kipling
They got their guns and Jesus and in the photo, homemade tattoos..... Fine, don't get the vaccine. If you get covid just die quietly at home hugging your guns and bibles. You won't be missed.
Free will. People have the right to choose. Also, It is wise to see what the different vaccines do and what side effects they have before you make a rash decision. In America FDA approved the vaccines under an emergency clause and by law can not force people to take it even military folks. This is because the side effects are not fully understood and thus opens up the FDA, GOV and anyone forcing the issue up for monumental law suits and criminal negligence. I support people getting the vaccine and those that wish to wait. Remember tyranny always starts out in the best interest of the people.
'Put me in jail'
The vast herd of hard-necked unbelievers should have no problem finding accommodation in jails, but America's cemeteries might have a problem with them all.
LOL, "...I dont wanna make a rash decision... ". Just admit you are scared of the needle. Another cry baby like the bearded fat man!
Pure anti-trump propaganda. Most republicans are either old white privileged or rednecks is a stereotype. Most thinking people are apprehensive.
basically the WEF/Big Tech world agenda is to vaccinate everybody, choice or not. No vaccine = House arrest. No digital money system, linked to your vaccine certificate = house arrest.
Not a conspiracy theory as it is starting to happen already in Israel. EU is debating..,
These people also have to right to suffer any ill effects of covid should they wish to do so. Just stay away from others.
Big tech????!!!! I suppose there are microchips inside those syringes too. They'll get activated by 5G, people will start eating each other, and Hillary gets her pizza shop back. Sorry, but some people need more than a vaccine.
Thinking ability and the GOP seem to have parted ways.
True. Kamala Harris said she would not get the Trump vaccine during the campaign. Then promptly got it before 99.9% of Americans when she was VP elect. Everything is politicized these days - even rudimentary things such as border protection - a problem now because Biden is releasing illegal immigrants into the country without testing - let alone immunizing them. He doesn't even want to stop illegal immigration - just delay it until he can make it easier for them - most likely without testing. People can do what they want with their own lives. I will get the shot when it's available to me - even though we will not know for years what if any side effects it might carry with it. I don't begrudge those people who are afraid of the government pushing shots - remember the Progressives' Tuskegee experiments? They let black citizens syphillis remain untreated in order to study the disease. The CDC and the Public Health Service was involved in that. People will make the best decision for themselves. I'm getting the shot.
This is what happens when you live inside the far-right hate machine media bubble - where you are fed a constant stream of lies, exaggerations, and loony conspiracy theories...all so they can fleece the flock with books, premium memberships and contributions...
You can bet Hannity, Carlson, Pirro, and Watters and their families all got their vaccines - all the while pushing misinformation to their viewers on its effectiveness...
First Trump and his minions scam his supporters out of their money, then they convince them to forego the vaccine.
And it ends the way all cults do...
A lot of Americans have reservations about injecting bleach!!!
The rightwing are very often motivated by fear. Throw a conspiracy theory or two into the mix and you’ll get hysterics.
Here's what Harris actually said: "If the public-health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it — absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I'm not taking it."
Obviously she is saying she will put her trust in science and not Donald Trump, whose only goal is to say whatever it takes to get reelected.
It's kind of weird you've been quoting this so often but obviously have no clue about the actual statements and the context behind them. How does something like that happen?
the beginning comments base their opinion on one photo. The family seem like they love each other and parents care about their children.
If presumed that 57 million adults are like this, we have to stop believing that all Americans drink Starbucks, workout in yoga gyms, go jogging everyday before work and drive late model Tesla’s.
even if he is misguided, at least he/they believe in community values.
Time to think about sending all the no-vax Trump supporters all to Texas where they can mix and mingle with all their other like-minded geniuses without a mask or distancing... Texas can be our first SSS - Super Spreader State... Of course we'd need to move the wall from the southern border to the northern border of Texas. But hey, Trump supporters love walls so that won't be a problem.
Then later they can lie in an ICU room with no power or water...being cared for by illegal immigrant nurses...
Now that's freedom...
A leper colony for the unvaccinated, sounds like a plan.
Toasted Heretic
Infecting communities is a community value?
So this gentleman would take an injection of bleach or a round of hydroxychloroquine based on advice from a former reality TV host and failed businessman with 6 bankruptcies...
But doubts a vaccine made by a financially successful pharmaceutical company with years of experience and a history of effective products, tested and validated by world-class epidemiologists...
And Trump supporters follow the Neanderthals into history...
Discrimination at its very finest. My family and many friends voted Republican and have been vaccinated. I am sure there are people that voted for Biden too that didn't get vaccinated. When will people here and the media stop stereotyping people?
That's ok , he more then likely will never travel out of the country to infect others so all good.
Which states fared worst in these areas and, as a result, will have their governors impeached or recalled?
the top 10 counties for infections per capita, 7 of them are republican. Florida has just introduced new restrictions as cases skyrocket again
When will people here and the media stop stereotyping people?
because mulitple studies have shown that there is a much higher resistance to being vaccinated with Republicans compared to democrats
Raw Beer
Oh, so we can expect a greater proportion of autistic Democrats down the road...
What a surprise he is another of the gun nutters.
Big guns and small brains is what is left of the GOP!!!
Scientists had predicted that in the future society will be divided into the smart and the low intelligence ones.
Looks like its happening sooner than expected!!!
Let the people decide for themselves. I’m all for people to get vaccinated if they feel they need to and the people that don’t shouldn’t be forced and others don’t like it and the end of the day it’s still somewhat of a free world. People have the right to say no and again more reason why people are fleeing blue states. Freedom has now become a luxury item there.