Japan Today

'CALM DOWN,' Trump tells detractors in New Year's message

By Olivier Douliery

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21 ( +28 / -7 )

It is not clear exactly how a dog could be fired.

Any fantasy is possible in Trumpland .....

22 ( +24 / -2 )

This is so ironic :D

15 ( +16 / -1 )

President Trump sure doesn't behave like you would want your president to. You'd normally hope for someone who is statesman like. President Obama was far more dignified but unfortunately he had poor business sense, weak policies and a corrupt inner circle (Clinton, Holder, Wasserman Schultz etc).

Trump has great business sense and mostly better policies. Right now he is a needed wrecking ball to drag the country back on track despite the kicking and screaming of the swamp creatures and media.

His enemies might overcome him in the end but even if so he'll go down fighting. You gotta admire him for that. I wish him well.

-20 ( +5 / -25 )

Trump has great business sense

No he doesn't. If you took the money he received from his dad, and put it in a bank when he received it, he'd have more money from interest than he does now from his business dealings.

One of the first rules of business is you find ways to make things work in order to negotiate to 'yes'. His antagonistic style shows he does not understand this concept, which is why he is mired down right now and is a lame dog president - even though his party controlled all three houses for the past two years.

25 ( +28 / -3 )

On what planet is it okay for a leader to act this way? 

Impeachment. Now.

Nothing says stable genius like an all caps, incoherent rant.

No one will be running against Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's name will not be on the ballot in 2020.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Wow. That photo says everything. The man is clearly unwell.

14 ( +17 / -3 )


Starting out the new year attacking the free, for-profit press, continuing to further undermine the remaining bits of US democratic systems.

No doubt Trump's state-media Fox'news' (has anyone seen his latest tax info to know if he owns shares in any part of Murdoch's global media empire?) is parroting him again.

@concit President Trump sure doesn't behave like you would want your president to

True that.

Trump has great business sense

Bankrupted casinos, Trump U, bait and switch, stiffing small businesses, not paying taxes, involvement with criminal gangs in the US and around the 'globe', laundering money, etc. etc.

@cla68 LOL calm down TDS sufferers

Internet Research Agency, GRU backed, Bannon backed and other paid trolls must be happy seeing how effective their work, though low paid and deemed pond scum low by most, has been in keeping flames burning.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

CALM DOWN, orders rant prone dictator in yet another muddled and self-obssessed tweet.


11 ( +14 / -3 )

It is not clear exactly how a dog could be fired.

Ha ha ha! Excellent close!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Seeing how in the history of calming down that nobody has ever actually calmed down by being told to calm down, one can guess that Trump only said calm down in order to stir up his rivals and haters.

I'd guess he's succeeding.

1 ( +9 / -8 )



I never thought I'd see such juvenile hate filled rhetoric from a President of our country...

Such a disgrace and embarrassment...

19 ( +20 / -1 )

Concerned CitizenToday 07:20 am JST

His enemies might overcome him in the end but even if so he'll go down fighting. You gotta admire him for that.

No, I haven't got to admire him for anything.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Note: "CALM DOWN" in all caps tends to provoke the opposite effect.

21 ( +21 / -0 )

Bugle Boy of Company BToday  09:28 am JST

Seeing how in the history of calming down that nobody has ever actually calmed down by being told to calm down, one can guess that Trump only said calm down in order to stir up his rivals and haters.

Or like a lot of the nonsense that gets circulated on social media he just wrote it without any sort of clear or coherent purpose whatsoever, which seems a bit more likely.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

We already had a deal. Then Trump backed out because of something he saw on the television.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Trump has great business sense

Five bankruptices is NOT good business sense.

But you were kidding, right?

13 ( +15 / -2 )

@bas4 , but I’ll keep an open mind

What? ROFL

I believe in neuroplasticity, but also that leopards can't change spots, especially when the leopard's a terminally obsessed partisan extremist.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Calm down, everyone.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

His enemies might overcome him in the end but even if so he'll go down fighting. You gotta admire him for that.

A good leader wouldn't let themselves get in the position where they would need to go down fighting. They'd avoid the fights in the first place. I hardly admire Trump for being such a failure that he's in this position.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

To a great degree, a presidency shapes the public character of the nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow “our better angels.” A president should demonstrate the essential qualities of honesty and integrity, and elevate the national discourse with comity and mutual respect. As a nation, we have been blessed with presidents who have called on the greatness of the American spirit. With the nation so divided, resentful and angry, presidential leadership in qualities of character is indispensable. And it is in this province where the incumbent’s shortfall has been most glaring.

Mitt Romney, conservative and Republican. See, it can be done.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Have opposition leaders considered buying Twitter and deleting his account?

I don't think Twitter is for sale.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Trump fans aren't going anywhere. Trump should quit the wall and tell his base to keep their mouths shut.

What are they going to do, vote for someone else?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I wonder if these soldiers are feeling CALM?


This is the problem with the narcissistic ramblings of the maniac - the real stories are buried, the damage is being done to human beings, the environment and justice.

Hopefully this year will see him fired like a dog.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

ATTACK, RETRENCH, RETREAT, LIE. This is the daily process of trumps time in office.

Now comes CALM DOWN PEOPLE. A sure sign of panic AGAIN. The petulant prancing and child like rhetoric

of the class bully getting smacked over.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

We already had a deal. Then Trump backed out because of something he saw on the television

What deal?

Trump fans aren't going anywhere. Trump should quit the wall and tell his base to keep their mouths shut.

I think Trump should do what he does best, telling the Democrats to shut their mouths. Lol

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

He's never been right...

Then he would have never been a millionaire or even President if that were remotely close.

Want to see a perfect example of hypocrisy - see someone say "take a break from the hate" in one sentence then spew some hate in the next...

No, Democrats will never, ever take a break from hate, it’s too ingrained into their DNA.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

@bas4 I think Trump should do what he does best, telling the Democrats to shut their mouths. Lol

Indeed, trolling the libs/dems/left is what he does best.

As a president and a human being, he's an abject failure, except perhaps in the minds of his base, some of his fellow .01%ers and Russians. SMH

7 ( +8 / -1 )

If anyone needs to CALM DOWN it’s President TWITTLER!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I think Trump should do what he does best, telling the Democrats to shut their mouths. Lol

Uno duce, una voce?

Because that's what you're suggesting. Still, at least you've finally realised that's the extent of Trump's skills, telling others to shut up.


7 ( +8 / -1 )

As a president and a human being, he's an abject failure, except perhaps in the minds of his base, some of his fellow .01%ers and Russians. SMH

He’s a failure? How so?

Because that's what you're suggesting. Still, at least you've finally realised that's the extent of Trump's skills, telling others to shut up

That and making money, having more than 87 acommplishments, money, kicking the butts of literally every rival, not to mention having his own jet with his name on it might I add, properties all over the world, TV mega hit show, but yeah, I wish I had that little talent.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

He's never been right...

Then he would have never been a millionaire or even President if that were remotely close.

He became a millionaire by swindling poor people - that may be "right" politically but is isn't "right" morally...

Want to see a perfect example of hypocrisy - see someone say "take a break from the hate" in one sentence then spew some hate in the next...

No, Democrats will never, ever take a break from hate, it’s too ingrained into their DNA.

Says the guy that said "stop the hate" and in the same post used crude and degrading childish insults...

You can't make this stuff up...

13 ( +14 / -1 )

He was born with money. That's no accomplishment.

However, his various bankruptcies, Trump Uni, screwing small businesses, refusing to make payments, racist rentals, sexual assaults, harassing teen girls, doing business with some very shady people and selling his country out hardly come under the definition of talent.

As for kicking butt (whatever that entails) of his rivals, I fail to see Xi, Putin, Kim (and indeed, the rest of the world) benefit from the dubious bestowment of such a violent act.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Bones quote:

“If anyone needs to CALM DOWN it’s President TWITTLER!”

Excellent! Might have to borrow this!

Hail Twitter!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Do your best, President Trump! Ignore the left-wing chirping and personal attacks, and keep that economy booming! Keep standing up to bullies like PRC. You have a great friend in PM Abe and Japan.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

That and making money, having more than 87 acommplishments, money, kicking the butts of literally every rival, not to mention having his own jet with his name on it might I add, properties all over the world, TV mega hit show,

You described Trump - and Putin.... Two birds of a feather...

but yeah, I wish I had that little talent.

3 marriages (plus unknown amounts of porn star flings), 6 bankruptcies, 12 current criminal investigations, 5 of his previous campaign officials indicted or sentenced...

That's talented all right - he's talented at ruining our nation...

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Oops, haha, “Hail Twittler”...!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

You can't make this stuff up...

One can, apparently, and does on a daily basis. Such talent!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

He was born with money. That's no accomplishment. 

However, his various bankruptcies, Trump Uni, screwing small businesses, refusing to make payments, racist rentals, sexual assaults, harassing teen girls, doing business with some very shady people and selling his country out hardly come under the definition of talent.

Actually, when you are born with money you accomplished a lot by default. Why is it liberals hate money, but want to take it from others? Jealousy? And that advantage helps.

As for kicking butt (whatever that entails) of his rivals, I fail to see Xi, Putin, Kim (and indeed, the rest of the world) benefit from the dubious bestowment of such a violent act.

For the simple fact they need the US.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Actually, when you are born with money you accomplished a lot by default.

An 'accomplishment' requires having done some action by which a goal was accomplished. Being born requires no action by a person, it just happens to a person.

Why is it liberals hate money, but want to take it from others?

I don't hate money. I quite like it actually. I enjoy making a lot of it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just a head's up:

Dems aim to bring big-government programs to floor vote with 2019 House takeover


They've run this story a couple of times now. Look for bubble dwellers to start using the same terminology. Lots of focus on OCA and Sanders. I'm betting OCA will be the most covered politician not named Trump on Fox in the first half of 2019.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Calm down, everyone

You forgot to say it in all caps.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Stop shouting, Bugle Boy, or you'll have everyone joining the frenzy.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

An 'accomplishment' requires having done some action by which a goal was accomplished. Being born requires no action by a person, it just happens to a person.

Ahhh, I understand.


They've run this story a couple of times now. Look for bubble dwellers to start using the same terminology. Lots of focus on OCA and Sanders. I'm betting OCA will be the most covered politician not named Trump on Fox in the first half of 2019.

She most definitely will. Still hard to believe we now have a socialist...well, actually....Democrats have been trying NOT to have people believe what these people are, but Ocasio-Cortez changed all that.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )



I remember the head of Ryanair saying the Trump Presidency was never gonna be dull, but despite all the knockers, haters and underhanded games the Donald keeps going he's achieved a lot for everything that's been thrown at him.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

despite all the knockers, haters and underhanded games the Donald keeps going he's achieved a lot for everything that's been thrown at him.

In line with what we said before he was elected, he's shown himself to be an entirely useless and ineffectual leader, who now is crippled with an inability to get anything done.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Actually, when you are born with money you accomplished a lot by default.

No, you just receive a lot of money. There is literally no accomplishment in this.

Why is it liberals hate money, but want to take it from others? Jealousy? And that advantage helps.

You'd have to ask a liberal. The rest of your statement is a bit confused. Are you now saying that affirmative action helps? I thought you were against people getting a helping hand. Unless you're born with a silver spoon?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump shutdown and meltdown all at once.

With the Democrats taking the house and the Mueller investigation continuing, he's going to implode very soon.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee

Trump is on the lavatory

Tweeting trash, swindling cash

On the way to penitentiary

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I remember the head of Ryanair saying the Trump Presidency was never gonna be dull

You're talking about the dubious Michael O'Leary who himself is no stranger to bs, fake promises and stirring things up.


2 ( +2 / -0 )


How can being handed cash for doing nothing be seen as an accomplishment?

This makes zero sense. I can only assume you don’t know what the word ‘accomplishment’ means.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Readers, please stop bickering. Please post your views on the story and not at or about each other.

United States urgently needs to change the way a president is elected. It is totally insane to try to elect a president from 2 bad canditates, as everybody can see by now. The president should be elected by popular vote using two steps. First-people should elect the Senate and Congress. After, the president should be elected from hundreds of Senators and Congressmen. This way it is possible to minimize the chance that the country will suffer few years from a very low IQ president. The popular vote will make all people to rush to vote because everybody's vote will matter.

And, please attract your attention that millions of people did not vote FOR Trump, but they voted AGAINST old, lazy and useless establishment.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

having more than 87 acommplishments, 

More snake oil from a Trump propaganda outlet.

And Heinz has 57 varieties of sauce.

Trump himself has accomplished very little. Most of the "accomplishments" (if you want to call them such) are the work of the GOP-majority congress and of some of the departments and agencies, and these actions have been largely destructive.

Trump is an amoral, corrupt idiot whose only talent is in drawing attention through his obnoxious media stunts.

Just read Romney's piece in the WaPo. He's dead right, even though I don't subscribe to a lot of Romney's policy ideas. It'll be interesting to see what happens in 2019.

As a side note, even as a liberal I've sometimes wished that Romney would have won in 2012. We wouldn't have had a second term of Obama (which would have been too bad), but the U.S. and the world would have been saved the presidency of Trump.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Not Even the most self centered dictator in the world would have the guts to say something this egotistical and self serving

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I think Trump should do what he does best, telling the Democrats to shut their mouths. Lol

cant even do that properly, nobody is listening. lol

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Stop shouting, Bugle Boy, or you'll have everyone joining the frenzy.

too late many have already caught the "TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME" and voted for him. we just have to hope Mueller or the American public eventually find a cure.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The Trump tariffs and trade wars, the Trump humanitarian crisis of children taken from their parents and not yet re-united, the Trump government shut down over his petulance, the Trump attack on free speech and the media,.....welcome to 2019.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Trump is a failed businessman turned entertainer and I'm lovin it. Let the tweets flow. Yes. Calm down everyone and just accept that nobody knows what 2019 will bring. As he often says "We'll see" = he doesn't know

Vote for A: a war B. a wall C. market collapse D: impeachment or even E: Total Armageddon

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I can do caps, too. MAN-CHILD!

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Donald Trump Gets Busted Boasting About Positive News Coverage Written By Own Aides


Trump proudly declared a Washington Examiner list to be “True!” – but conveniently forgot to mention it was written by the White House.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"On what planet is it okay for a leader to act this way?"

Earth. What planet are you from, Crazy? Wait, that would imply a stable orbit - OK, what comet are you riding on?  

"Impeachment. Now."


"Stop shouting, Bugle Boy, or you'll have everyone joining the frenzy."

It's hilarious to see all the anti-Trumpers in a frenzy here! hahahahah

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

2018 was of course a MISERABLE year, with the economy TANKING and workers getting LAID OFF all over the country. Worst year for the stock market since the GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. 2019 will be more of the same. It is IMPERATIVE that Trump AND his administration be OUSTED as soon as possible, to enable America to recover from the DAMAGE they have cynically inflicted over the last 2 years.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

But this is the President put in by the American  people. This is the President with the finger on the RED button. This is the President that is trying to lead the world to war. When will the nations of the world stand up to the US?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"2018 was of course a MISERABLE year, with the economy TANKING and workers getting LAID OFF"


In 2018 -

Almost 4 million jobs created including over 400,000 manufacturing jobs

Unemployment claims at 49 year low

Median household income highest ever

Give it up, mukashi.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

rlperez: "This is the President that is trying to lead the world to war."

What do you base this statement on?  Just curious.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Trump is definitely a loose cannon and he acts unpresidential, but one thing he's GREAT at is getting people all worked up.

Look at the comments here, for example. This is a news website about Japan, and many of the people who comment here are English-speaking expatriates IN Japan. Yet consistently, the top comment feeds are Trump stories, not Japan stories. And most of those comments are just people competing to see who can get the most mad about Trump. I wonder what the total number of hours spent writing angry Trump comments is on this website alone... In the broader world it has to be in the hundreds of millions. Hundreds of millions of hours spent angrily pounding on computer keyboards, and yet Trump is still president.

Question (especially for those who've been living in Japan for quite some time):

How is your life any different than it was 2 years ago before Trump was the president of the US?

The people I know who are the most obsessed with and unhappy about Trump were pretty unhappy to begin with before he was president. They generally come across as unsatisfied with the direction of their lives, and rather than doing the work required to better their situations, they seem to see Trump as the perfect scapegoat. I noticed the same when George W. Bush was president.

So if you're a jaded, perpetually-hungover 35-year old ALT who makes $24,000/year to sing ' Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', and who observes from the shadows of Facebook as the people you grew up with are buying summer homes and planning for comfortable retirements back home while you scrounge the couch cushions for money to buy kerosene for your little apartment, I can understand why you're so mad at Trump for putting you in that position. It's not your fault. You just keep telling yourself that: "It's not my fault, it's Trump's fault."

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

SerranoToday  12:53 am JST

"2018 was of course a MISERABLE year, with the economy TANKING and workers getting LAID OFF"


In 2018 -

Almost 4 million jobs created including over 400,000 manufacturing jobs

Unemployment claims at 49 year low

Median household income highest ever

Give it up, mukashi.

Hmm I guess this only started when Trump took office... huh?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


How is your life any different than it was 2 years ago before Trump was the president of the US?

The people I know who are the most obsessed with and unhappy about Trump were pretty unhappy to begin with before he was president. They generally come across as unsatisfied with the direction of their lives, and rather than doing the work required to better their situations, they seem to see Trump as the perfect scapegoat. I noticed the same when George W. Bush was president.

I seem to remember when Obama was president the same Trump people were obsessed about him.

As a veteran of the cold war, retired military , the training we (all service men and women) received on how to identify someone who may be possibly compromised by a foreign government... He has me really concerned.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Almost 4 million jobs created including over 400,000 manufacturing jobs

and yet 2018 stockmarket was the worse performing since the GFC. and only Trumps second year. lol


2 ( +2 / -0 )

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