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© Thomson Reuters 2024.'Dictator douchebag': Estranged Trump lawyer Cohen grilled over public insults
By Jack Queen, Jody Godoy and Joseph Ax NEW YORK©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
All fair and valid. (I had to edit the quote due to JT screening.)
Lying for Trump.
Overall, he appears to have been quite an effective witness from the prosecution. The defence can attack Cohen all they want, but his story is pretty convincing. The fact that he lied and sent to prison for Trump for exactly the same offence as the inner being tried here died not make him a bad witness.
The defence world be far better off focusing on the weaker parts of the case - whether Trump knew that the entries across accounts were done to illegally conceal the nature of the payments and whether the purpose was principally to save his election campaign
With MAGA it is grifting all the down.
From the God Emperor to legislators like MTG, to the alt-right influencers all the way to the apostates like Cohen.
Sounds like real penitence; the evangelicals like that right?
I watched some coverage of the trial from Fox News on YouTube yesterday. The coverage was very different to the balanced reporting on JT
What struck me was how they clearly deliberately misrepresented factual matters about the case to leave their audience sure that this is political persecution, but also wrong about key facts related to the charges and other factual matters.
It struck me that the hard right who only follows such channels will end up repeating these falsehoods in other venues, like this one.
Peter Neil
the state appeals court just denied trumps appeal on the gag order, so more opportunities abound for drama. so much of cohen’s testimony is corroboration of other witnesses, so he’s coming across more credible than trump.
witnesses cannot see previous testimony, so it is not coordinated beforehand.
Trump will be a felon as early as next week
Michael Cohen credibility as the prosecution star witness could well hinge on whether the jury is able to hold there nose at the sleaze, and stench of betrayal, deception, outright falsehoods.
Whether such behaviour constitutes or more appropriately reflects on Trumps alleged attempt to overturn his 2020 presidential defeat is another matter altogether.
Right here.....
Cohen testified that Trump was solely concerned about the impact Daniels' story could have on his White House bid - and not, as Trump's lawyers have suggested, about the effect on his wife and family. That distinction is crucial to the prosecution's case.
Either way this trial is a gift to Trumps campaign, his PR teams ruthless relentless ability to portray such a spectacle, as a political show trail, with a willing media to turn such an event into a circus.
Bob Fosse
The defense lawyers have very stupidly insisted (on 45’s direction obviously) that the sexual encounter with Daniels never occurred and insisted so in their opening statements.
I almost feel sorry for them and hope they still get paid after the humiliation of not being able to do their jobs properly because of 45’s thin skinned ego.
Not really.
Attack they have, and the bad thing for Cohen is, there are video and audio tapes of him lying from his previous trials, he already lied to Congress which he could have been prosecuted for. Having the prosecution paint him as a victim is something almost impossible to do.
In the end, it looks bad on Cohen, the prosecution already blew it with Stormy, they decided to cancel McDougal, it’s pretty much up to the jury now if they want to believe the porn star, or the convicted perjurer.
Bob Fosse
Why wouldn’t they. She was just doing what she’s supposed to; getting paid for sex. It’s the actual job description.
The ‘christian family man’ who paid her is the one they’ll be dubious of.
The legal analysts who unlike you, both know the law and trails AND were in the room almost unanimously disagree with you.
Trump’s Z-list lawyer tried and failed to rattle Cohen.
Unlikely. If a guilty verdict comes out, Trump is toast politically. Sure his base will lap up the portrayals of victimhood, but independents will be put off.
Now I know you are joking, right?? Lol
What? This is the left in a nutshell. The left: if we could just put Trump in jail, get rid of the electoral college, ban voter id and censor free speech we'd be able to save democracy!
The star witness as a serial perjurer? Consider the possibility that the gag order saved Trump from providing material which would be used by the MSM who would spin everything he said to their narrative. Trump is angry, as he should be, about being persecuted and tied up in court so he cannot campaign. A mistrial should have been declared by the judge, but if Trump is convicted the verdict will be reversed on appeal. Lol, love it!
Bass4,name a case Trump has won lately
Cards fan
Or the fraudster who committed fraud to the tune of nearly $500 million dollars.
Considering that "porn star," the one Trump had the affair with and Michael Cohen, who went to jail for the crimes he commited for Trump, have receipts, I know who I'd believe. And it wouldn't be the fraudster.
The defence can attack Cohen all they want, but his story is pretty convincing. The fact that he lied and sent to prison for Trump for exactly the same offence as the inner being tried here died not make him a bad witness.
Sure. But it's difficult for the defence to turn the jury when they know that these lies were for the very crimes that Trump is being prosecuted for.
Quite easy, in fact. If he didn't work for Trump, he wouldn't have gone to prison. Simple.
I am going by legal analysts that know more than you or me, so I’m not sure what you’re ranting about.
And there were some that disagreed with you and some of these jokers were former students of the the law professors that call foul on this.
I disagree, not to mention Cohen being the last witness, guy is all angry because Trump wouldn’t give him a position in his cabinet and remember: he’s already convicted as being a habitual perjurer.
Not sure what you’re talking about as usual, but anyway, what I can say is, Cohen has a record, there were no falsification of business records, no crime was committed, not sure how they do it where you’re from, but this is going to go by the jury and they’re probably in a loop as to determine what will they be judging this case on.
I don’t do hypotheticals, sorry.
Cards fan
They also disagree with you. Hey, here's what the article you posted says. Direct quote,
What crimes? reeee
Bass4,why Trump insecure to testify
Bob Fosse
Yeah, you don’t do hypotheticals.
Trump engage in money Laundering, Racketeering,these charges and he should of been charged with running Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organization
Sure. But it's difficult for the defence to turn the jury when they know that these lies were for the very crimes that Trump is being prosecuted for.
Try to keep up. The lies were to protect Trump.
There was.
There was.
Don't worry, they will get clear instructions from the judge.
Quite easy, in fact. If he didn't work for Trump, he wouldn't have gone to prison. Simple.
It's not a hypothetical. It's a fact, because he went to prison for the work he did for Trump.
2020hindsights depends how much credibility the media, some would contend have a rather obsessive insistence that polls/surveys influence voting intentions.
Polling sets off fresh alarm bells for Biden
These "Trump show trials" provide a unprecedented media campaign platform 24/7.
All for free...
Had these "Trials" taken place soon after the event, Donald Trump political career could have been in question.
In an election year, many "floating voters" could be convinced that Joe Bidens democrats political agenda is to abuse hawk the US judicial system.
Haaa Nemui
It’s clear that nobody is going to convince Trump’s hardest supporters of his guilt. I’m just waiting for the end of the trial.
You can thank Bill Barr for this one not happening sooner. He quashed the investigation in a clear act of DOJ overreach.
I doubt it. It's obvious that they have nothing to do with Biden and most people can clearly see that.
Sounds to me like Cohen hoped he could extort Donald Trump's friends and associates out of money as well as Trump. Seems odd to me the guy that anointed himself as a Fixer is the only guy that defrauded caused and created the most damage from the get go for everyone.
What lies, not sure what you’re reading over there.
There wasn’t.
But never outlined, which indicates and means, there was no crime.
Believe me, I’m not worried one bit.
It is.
It ,you do not anything,courts pre come hell or high water,on 12 people in the jury pool matter,that will seal Trump fate
Trump never anointed himself as a Fixer, but the rest is correct.
Or the lies that you are reading over there?
Don't worry, they will get clear instructions from the judge.
You should be...
It's not a hypothetical.
Ok, so where is the crime???
Yes, what crime?
He also admitted that he was unaware that the publisher of the National Enquirer, David Pecker, had killed negative stories about Trump and other celebrities for decades.
Cohen has yet to fix the problem for Bragg.
More importantly, he has added to the problem for Judge Juan Merchan. Many of us have ridiculed this case as devoid of any criminal act.
Indeed, Merchan has allowed the prosecutors to proceed without clearly stating what crime was being concealed.
It is not even clear why paying one’s lawyer a lump sum for his services and costs (including the NDA payment) was not a “legal expense” or how it was supposed to be entered on a business ledger.
Oh, but they try so hard the left…
What lies?
No reason to.
It is.
Cards fan
Hur, I dunno know, maybe in the paragraph you just quoted from the article you linked.
Bob Fosse
I think 45 should testify, he repeatedly stated he would. Why the cold feet now, I thought he had something to say?
First question from the prosecution: “Did you have sex with Stormy Daniels?”
Hypothetical answer “We're a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will re-feh-ur aah”
Just listen and take in the rhetoric, political significance of House speaker Johnson
“I wanted to be here myself and call out what is a travesty of justice,” Johnson told reporters after calling a press conference outside the courthouse, while jurors inside heard testimony from Michael Cohen
Mike Johnson comes to Trump’s defense
The timing of these "trials" are stepping stones gifted foolishly to Trumps campaign to reach the Whitehouse.
Historian's could well be salivating over these trials contribution to US elections 2024 for decades to come.
Cards fan
lol yes. Totally.
We can totally see that in the polling numbers.
It's hilarious that anyone thinks wall to wall coverage of Trump's trial, in which he often falls asleep, or is otherwise preoccupied looking at the positive articles his handler printed to make him feel good about himself, is somehow a good look.
Don’t forget adjudicated rapist!
Express sister
Trump anointed him as his fixer. You have said multiple times that fixers are normal among the very wealthy (who is yours, by the way? You must need someone to maintain your private jet in a private Fukuoka airport that doesn’t exist)
Your lolita express pedo pal Dershowitz? Lmao, okay buddy
You’re still not showing a crime.
Thus far, however, Cohen has offered nothing new and, more importantly, nothing to make the case for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.
Sounds about right.
Let’s see….
A grand jury returned indictments. The judge scheduled a trial. A jury has been empaneled.
That’s evidence that there could be a crime. Of course as of this moment, the verdict is unknown.
But the weak sauce argument of “where’s the crime” is the new “I got nothing” white flag of surrender.
Sounds like three-fourths of his last cabinet...
Hmmm...I thought he was angry because his VP pick Noem shot her puppy and Hannibal Lecter isn't around anymore...
More than you, that’s for certain. Granted, it’s a low bar to clear.
Cards fan
It's right there. Keep reading:
Well if Trump's former attorney says so, it must be true. :)
Who cares? Cold feet or not. Cohen Torpedoed the case, it’s probably going to wrap up by next week.
He said, no. Personally, I could care less, he did or didn’t, who cares?
Cards fan
lol This is about as true as a claim that Cohen "illegally wiretapped" Trump.
He says a lot of stuff, but he won't take the stand and say it. We know why. He's a liar.
Bob Fosse
The jury. You really should be following the case more closely.
Just another rant and promise that he lied about and will break. And it's not his feet that Prosecutors want him to testify about...
Trump off the stand: "I'm being denied my right to speak!"
Trump on the stand: "I refuse to answer as it may incriminate me"....
He already has that down as he said it 450 times in his other NY trial...
Melania...and her lawyers...
And I imagine Ivanka might be interested in that "you remind me of my daughter" line....
Yeah, I’ll take a liberal Hillary supporting law professor, one of the smartest in the profession over any lib pundit.
Exactly, we all do! That’s right.
We can’t say or prove that. Not taking a stand doesn’t mean you’re a liar or truth teller.
What? Most likely..
Who else will they call on
I do, very much so.
Cards fan
Amen brother, I'll take the word of any credentialed person who agrees with my position.
It's a pretty good indication he's lying. I believe Cohen's testimony under oath, more than Trump's in front of the court house.
Incorrectly in fact.
That's not up to Merchan, it's up to the prosecution.
They weren't services or costs. Imagine that Cohen wasn't a lawyer and he paid the hush money and wants to be reimbursed. You could put it down as a legal expense, but that would be stupid, because he isn't a lawyer. What you are doing is paying back an expense, and that expense was campaign money.
That's easy. It comes under campaign expense.
Bob Fosse
It does when you repeatedly said you would testify and tell the truth and now won’t. He knows he’d be caught in a lie.
Why did he say he would testify, then instead just whine about being not being allowed to speak?
Trump won’t testify because even he knows he’s guilty AF and too stupid to avoid perjuring himself.
Cohen may have lied in the past (in service to his Don, BYW), but he definitely doesn’t want to go to prison again. And he’s got corroborating evidence on his side in this case.
If there were no crime, Trump wouldn't have been indicted and in court for trial. Trump said he would take the stand to defend himself, but not now.
The desperation: Trump showing up with a gaggle of sycophants like JD Vance (“I wanna be Vice Pwesident!”), Vivek Ramaswamy, and Mike Johnson. All of them know Trump is a farce. Disingenuous opportunists. Sickening.
The free publicity for Trump is incredible.
Who'd vote for a Democrat after this witchhunt?
Then stop guessing about things.
Indeed, Merchan has allowed the prosecutors to proceed without clearly stating what crime was being concealed.
So you’re saying that this political hack doesn’t have power over his own court room, we know all the parties and the deepest Biden supporters and donors, not sure you heard that news part.
They weren't services or costs.
We know, we know, but again, I’ll take Turley’s word over someone guessing from afar.
With the prosecution’s case almost over, Bragg needed Cohen to clearly state that Trump intentionally committed fraud to conceal some still poorly defined crime.
The problem is that Cohen only confirmed that Trump knew he was going to pay for the nondisclosure agreement and that it would be buried before the election. None of that is unlawful.
So it’s not a crime, even if Bragg is trying to make it one.
Just a taste of what's to come, a political hornets nest, poked incessantly by a insatiable media circus.
Trump has yet to be judged, the proof of the pudding could be the insight provided by current polls surveys.
These so called "trials" should have been left for the voter public to put that cross on the ballot.
To have the confidence to debate the policies, win persuade by reasoned argument, not be accused of using the justice system to bar silence one opponents.
BS! It’s kind of funny with everything the left has thrown at this guy, they waited 4 years and right during the election campaign to bring this to trial, you have to be a complete moron to think that this is not by chance.
Well, maybe his lawyers told him not to, not sure why the left never added that to the equation. Geez….
Cards fan
They did not wait four years. This statement is as acurate as the claims that cohen "illegally wiretapped" Trump.
Bob Fosse
Barr delayed the investigation. It’s established fact and you’ve been told this several times.
He’s a lib and a Hillary supporter, but the guy is fair and his resume is longer than most Dems in Congress not to mention he’s a constitutionalist, so yes, he’s got my attention.
Yeah, I really don’t care what the left thinks, I care about can you prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt?
I don’t, once he got convicted and became a certified perjurer that’s it. Even Anderson Cooper and all the other big pundits on CNN were laughing at Cohen.
And still when Biden became President, the ego bruised Garland could have brought charges as well as the district of NYC, they didn’t. You were told this server times.
The jurors need to be experts in distinguishing lies, BS and facts.
Cards fan
So you believe a fraudster not under oath more than a convicted perjurer under oath. Got it.
Bob Fosse
No. No, you don’t. You have already dismissed the trial and if 45 is found guilty by the jury you will not accept it.
I will accept the jury’s decision either way. Can you do the same? No.
Prove it. Be waiting….
May have???? No, it’s fait accompli! So he pretty much disqualified himself as someone serious or credible.
The desperation: Trump showing up with a gaggle of sycophants like JD Vance (“I wanna be Vice Pwesident!”), Vivek Ramaswamy, and Mike Johnson.
They don’t think that. If they did, they would have denounced others have before.
Naw, Only because the left can’t gag them, so they could speak on his behalf, brilliant move, and checkmated. ROFL!
Cards fan
lol Yes, he's only fair if he agrees with you. I don't believe Trump's own impeachment lawyer is who anyone would consider impartial.
Yes, yes, I do.
This sham trial, of course not.
I don’t believe that, not for a second. Now if Trump committed an actual crime, a crime that both sides can agree upon and be united on it and the facts show beyond a shadow of a doubt, then I would. But this kangaroo, banana court farce, no.
Three years is a short time with complicated trials. Grand Jury.
No, been following the guy for 16 years, he is just straight down the middle when it comes to the law, so much so, for years I couldn’t figure out what he was until he admitted to supporting Hillary, he doesn’t wear his political allegiance on a sleeve and he’s always been straight about the law.
You can mark it up on your list along with the election fraud.
MAGA-world when Cohen goes under oath and lies to protect Trump: "He a patriotic hero, absolutely credible, and great family man who always tells the truth!".....
MAGA-world when Cohen says he lied under oath to protect Trump: "Scum!...Liar!....Dog!"....
And the MAGA-hypocrisy meter goes off the scale once again...
Just a bit of advice Mike, if Christy Noem invites you to see her gravel!
Anyone in the GOP who denounces Trump ends up getting primaried by someone who is spineless enough to join the cult.
When you can't win in the courtroom, badmouth the witnesses and court officials. And when you can't do that, get Mikey Johnson to do it for you.
You've already demonstrated this to be false. You'll defend Trump no matter what he does.
What's a banana court farce?
Bob Fosse
Then you show yourself to have zero credibility and zero understanding of how courts work. Both ‘sides’ have to agree. What are you on about?
The jury will decide, not political sides.
Come on, bottom line, Donald Trump represents every nightmare Joe Bidens democrats fear.
Trump is relentless, his polling unfathomable, he is Beelzebub, the tempter deceiver of US electorate.
Gene Hennigh
If there were no crime, Trump wouldn't have been indicted and in court for trial. I doubt he testifies.
If you wanna see how a real serial liar has no shame in lying in public, witness what Trump said recently in Wildwood, NJ:
"Frank Sinatra told me a long time ago, 'never eat before you perform.' I said, 'I'm not performing, I'm a politician if you can believe it, I hate to be called a politician.'"
Sinatra died in 1998, more than 15 years before Trump became a politician.
Trump is a serial liar and con man. Can't believe how some people can't accept that.
The crime Donald Trump committed was to stand for office for a second time.
And heaven forbid actually be polling for office
Why not be honest here.
Bob Fosse
A man with a pattern of cheating his customers, vendors, and business partners is going to cheat you. A man who's casually betrayed his wives, again and again, will casually betray you. A man who lies all the time, is lying to you. man who has spent his entire life screwing people over is going to do the exact same thing to you.
But you do you.
I'm glad cheeto had to hear these things for once.
Donald Trump is not a politician, or a diplomat, I have made the tea and laid out the biscuits for "The real McCoy"
Donald Trump is a speculator, that has managed to spark the curiosity a generation that is fed up of a failed political establishment
Trump's lawyers using Cohen's insulting and offensive social media posts to undermine their character.....LOL. Have they taken a good look at their client?
So would I, but I don’t do hypotheticals. :-)
The Dems did that with Sanders.
Yes, if you’re politically prosecuted, I would.
Yup! The Dems have their dogs as well.
Sounds like the average human, fallible and imperfect, at least he doesn’t sniff the ladies hair.
Bob Fosse
Do you really believe this? Both sides have to agree in a court case? Can you give examples?
Its fact. That is literally how a criminal trial works.
If there is enough evidence where both the left and more importantly, the right could agree upon, and feel he is guilty of serious charges and then I would be more open-minded to listen to the evidence and if he should stand trial based on that evidence, so be it, but that never materialized.
In a blue state where the people accusing him of a crime and going after him are heavy Biden donors….yeah, ok. ROFL!
Incorrectly in fact.
I'm not.
Your loss. Turley is a partisan hack.
The voters will decide who they want for president. The courts will decide the law.
These trials have nothing to do with politics.
As Dem, that’s what you read over there?
You must have some family...
Indeed.....he has flings with porn stars while his wife is home with their 10 month old son....a porn star he said "reminded him of his daughter"....
Bob Fosse
Nor should it. That would be political interference. “More importantly the right?”
Is that how a ‘banana court’ works? Since you made up a new word you might as well make up a whole new legal system too.
Human, I said, human.
Yes and he’s not the first to have an affair. Definitely won’t be the last.
The left, they’re the ones obsessed with this guy.
Seems so, sadly.
Naw, the Dems already did that.
Bob Fosse
I don’t know anybody like that, certainly would not do business with them or allow them anywhere near my family.
But as I said, you do you.
Evidently, not thoroughly enough though.
Human, I meant “humans” we are all fallible, you, me, all of us.
I never said, nor implied that.
Ad hominem attacks on key witness Cohen is an egregious bottom-of-the barrel-scraping strategy of a defense with no legs to stand on, all because their client orange elephant in the room refuses to speak up in his own defense, a course of action any blameless man would eagerly want a chance to use in order to appeal his innocence to a jury of his peers.
The prosecution felt their case was strong enough, that they dropped the last witness they were intending to call.
No color selection
Never mentioned myself. Not sure what you’re on, we are all humans, none of us are perfect..
Meaning: if he actually DID have an affair, but I don’t know, I wasn’t there.
I don’t know one way or another, this trial, definitely.
To even suggest that these "trials" have, to use your own words.
These trials have nothing to do with politics.
Is frankly remarkable.