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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.10,000 migrants flood into Germany
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The West doesn't need more angry Muslims who yearn for Islamic societies with Sharia law. Send money, food, water, tents, clothing, medical supplies, etc. They can live in their own regions. Why have the wealthy oil rich Persian Gulf states accepted ZERO refugees?
Hurrah for Germany, our (only?) conscience.
How many refugees / migrants will it take before the Germans become so saturated with them that they say enough is enough? It is strange that such an unfair burden is to be placed on the EU while other Arab countries slam their doors shut. Lots of people seem to be horrified by the Hungarians setting up their barb-wire fences and other barriers to try and prevent the migrant-refugees from trespassing across its border, but maybe they know something we don't.
Furthermore, most of these migrant-refugees look like frustrated young men, which raises the question of how to provide for them and keep them happy. It would be interesting to see an age/sex analysis of these human waves. The Brits have already said that they'll take 20,000, but that's it. The only thing I would change about that is to declare that this offer is only for accepting 20,000 women and children, but not men. However, special exceptions for husbands and fathers (of those women and children) to follow at a later date would be in order, but women & children first and foremost, please. I would even send the boats and planes to Turkey to pick up these women and children so they don't have to make the dangerous journey across the sea. The women and the children are the most vulnerable and needy, however, it looks like the vast majority of these migrant-refugees are young, frustrated men. It's like watching groups of men shoving their way to the front of the line to jump on lifeboats ahead of the women and children while the Titanic is sinking. Disgraceful.
The Germans and Swedes are giving themselves a warm and fuzzy feeling for actiing like humanitarians. But it seems no one in the government has bothered to think about the long-term implications of that they are doing.
Many have even act offended when even asked about it. This is not how good policy is made.
If they are coming from Turkey, Lebanon, etc, then they are safe. They should not be considered refugees, but migrants looking for better life.
Bob Thompson
So what? japan isn't going to take any refugees anyway. We should in some ways,just leave them too it,stay out of the middle east.let them sell their oil or whatever they wish .But we should let them sort out out their own mess. let them have their dictators,as removing the last three,Hussain,Mubarak and Assad has caused nothing but more pain and suffering way more people than they did before this mess. To be frank I've kinda had enough of watching it over the decades.
This is just the start.
Now people in the Middle East and Africa know that if they come in huge tsunami of humanity, Europe will simply surrender and let them all in.
It's set a very dangerous precedent.
The article quotes aSaudi official saying that Saudi Arabia has taken millions of refugees and granted residency to hundreds of thousands. Look at the Wiipedia page for Syrian refugees and there is a list of how many Syrian refugees are estimated to be in each country - the largest groups are in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Turkey. (the burden on Lebanon is enormous; that is a tiny country without oil wealth). So why are you asking why they've accepted ZERO?
@Bob Thompson
With you on Hussain. But Mubarak - are you implying that he was removed by 'us'? Mubarak was pro-US, and the US was pro-Mubarak - his removal, by his own people, wasn't of any benefit to US foreign policy. The removal of Mubarak was, in fact, Egyptians trying to sort out their own mess - as you say we should let them do. (though, of course, the government that replaced Mubarak's has since been replaced by a military government - with 'our' approval). As for Assad - he's still there.
Yoshitsune: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Turkey
Out of your list only Saudia Arabia is on the Persian Gulf.
I think Kuwait might pay the most per capita in refugee funds but doesn't accept refugees.
You can see why the little states wouldn't want refugees, if they took in as many as Germany wants to, they might go under.
So true choiwaruoyaji. Who would have thunk that all it took to get into Europe was to destabilize your country with a civil war that kills thousands, destroys the infrastructure and where chemical weapons get used against civilians. Then all you have to do is spend weeks or months in a refugee camp where the UN has had to cut back rations by half because they don't have the funding for more, where there's little clean water, where there's no sanitation, and where there's no guarantee of law enforcement in case your neighbor decides to take your stuff or you know, rape you. Then you give all your life savings to some dubious smuggler who will sneak you into the EU with maybe even a 50% your family will survive the crossing. And then, finally, because those EU politicians are so weak-willed, you're finally on easy street, in a country where you know no one, likely can't speak the language, and a rising right-wing political atmosphere is liable to denigrate you and dehumanize you simply because of your religion.
I mean, man, when it's that easy to get in, one wonders why everyone isn't doing it. I'm tempted to try myownself.
Maybe if the West didn't think bombing solved everything
katsu78 SEP. 13, 2015 - 04:40PM JST and where there's no guarantee of law enforcement in case your neighbor decides to take your stuff or you know, rape you.
Experience has shown how refugees have never been a burden or a threat to the host countries. In fact refugees have shown extraordinary resilience and creativity in inventing sustainable livelihoods for themselves.
Ali Khan
The people were living in the middle east in Iraq,syria and libya, the American and the European first started war in Iraq and then in libya and destroyed these countries, it was not enough for them, they again gathered the tugs/terrorist the so called rebels throughout the world weaponized them and sent them Syria to destroy the country and they did. why you these destroyed countries at the first place, you make a hell over there and now asking the people to stay there.
Joshua Degreiff
I don't want rain on your parade, or be heartless and inhuman but European Union can't see the big picture long term those who are refugees just want live for free to the benefits of government? And each child head is around $300 euros plus food stamps (if it's any in Europe) plus government housing plus free colleges plus monthly refugees maintain economic plus 25 years living like this and more if they don't have more children, and in the mean time they will work under table sending money to Syria or their respective countries building houses, business and bank accounts. Why they don't go to Qatar or Dubai or any rich country of Saudi Arab? Because they know they can't fool the government.
When the Soviet Union collapsed and followed by the Berlin Wall, history was witnessed. History will be witnessed once again in the very near future when Europe becomes the new Muslim Enclave within the Western World. They will have achieved modern day first world status without lifting a finger. This will be a bomb-less victory. Congratulations on taking over a continent without causing a war.
Joshua Degreiff
@Strangerland Do you know what a refugee is? Do you know what it means to be a refugee? a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. Did you know many of the Syrians who fled their country were middle-class professionals who supported themselves before having to flee? So many people I knew in Canada were refugees living an expenses of government came from South America, Asia, Africa and Middles East. Also here in America they do the same when they see how generous is the government when you can foolish them and take advantage of the system, for the benefits they talk their kind and suggest them "don't be stupid work under table like everybody else is doing, you know is America, Canada, Europe, UK fault our country is like that' My post isn't like a bunch of right-wing crap, sadly is the reality, hope you can seat next to refugees or immigrant in the bus, subway, co workers or any place and put attention of their conversation about "how to get more money working under table, pretend be separated to have welfare for any child is around $200 to 300 in the mean time husband is working under table, living with housing benefits and renting the rooms illegally in section 8, living with food stamp for 25 years and more. Like I say I don't want be inhuman or heartless but those who are refugees don't pretend to be. Also who know who are really are and what kind of believes they have for their religion, who knows if they are infiltrates of terrorist, that's why even military sections of Poland are saying to their government don't let them in, you don't know what they're really! If I knew they just a citizen who are willing to pay taxes, living an honest way, not make riots, terrorist attacks, living expenses of the governments. I won't say absolutely nothing, even I will totally agreed Europen Union accept them and help them.
Stranger: Remember the Soviet Union? Most of the people wanted to live off of the state as they were told they could and should. Everyone was equal and deserved equal. But what happened was that most people thought they were working harder than the next and the downhill spiral started. None did squat. System collapsed. Get enough free riders anywhere and watch what happens.
This argument requires you to take either of two positions: Either this laziness and willingness to be a burden on society is a human trait, which would require you to argue that all Europeans currently abuse their countries' social safety nets in the same way you claim the refugees would, or...
There is something inherently less hard-working about Muslims compared to other people.
Personally, neither argument is one which I would be comfortable making if there was any expectation I back myself up with facts.
No, they don't go to these countries because these countries don't necessarily let them in. Also under Assad, Syria used to be fairly secular. Europe is also fairly secular. The countries you list aren't fairly secular, at least not to their Muslim citizens. Now, I'd agree with you that particularly Saudi Arabia should be taking in a large portion of the refugees because they have been one of the biggest participants in destabilizing the region. But if they're not going to do that (or if they're going to say they've been doing it while not showing any evidence that they actually are doing it) then there's nothing we can do to force them. Besides, I'd personally rather western nations work to create a thriving community of Muslims in a secular society as a counter-voice to the extremists than just throw them all into a state that sponsors Wahabism just because a few Europeans feel a bit oogie about Islam.
Why I do sympathise with the plight of the genuine refugee, they should not be a position to demand where they should be allowed to go and certainly not behaved in the ways that they did.
During the late 1970s and early 1980s many people left Vietnam on boats and landed in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. and were immediately rounded up and taken to various refugee camps in the region. They were processed and resettled mainly in the USA, Canada, Western Europe and Australia. They did not have a choice of country unless they could demonstrate that they already have family living in the country already.
This process went on for about 10 years or so and in the end those that remained in the camp (for whatever reasons) were returned back to Vietnam when the opened up and the Vietnamese government guarateed their safety.
I am not sure why the same process can not be applied here. The refugee should be placed in the refugee camps in the first safe country that they arrived and there should be a similar resettlement process. The behaviour and the make up of these people (mainly men) tells me that the majority are opportunists just looking for a better life. The priority should be given to those that are in the camps in Turkey etc. and those that arrived in Europe should be sent back to the camps in Turkey and join the queue.
Quite frankly, the muslim world seems broken... and they would rather put their head in the sand saying everything is okay without seeing the reality and solve the problem from within, esp. from within the faith community that is ruling across the peninsula.
10000 in one day. At that rate Merkel will be able to welcome another 1 million by Christmas and 3 million more next year. I do hope she has set aside sufficient resources to house, feed and clothe them all. Since Merkel is the one who invited them she should not try to fob them off on other countries. I suspect she will quietly welcome Hungary's new border fence, despite her posturing to the contrary.
Meanwhile, the Saudi Arabian figure of 2.5 million Syrians "taken in" cannot be the number actually remaining in the country. Nothing but lies, deceit and terrorist funding comes from that country.
Bob Thompson
@ yoshitsune. Absolutely not suggesting that Mubarak was removed by the U.S.. Sorry if it seemed that way. I would also add had Gaddaffi to that list though. Sometimes it's better the devil you know than total chaos and dealing with ISIS. Frankly I think all this crap started from GW Bushs little escapade.
The "Islamic State" would be idiots to pass up this golden opportunity to spread their terrorism on a global scale (one of their stated goals), and anybody who thinks they're not taking advantage of this manufactured refugee "crisis" is a flaming idiot of the most dangerous magnitude.
Spare the world your deflective accusations of paranoia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, etc. If you think 100% of the refugees are perfectly safe, take a random sample of them into your own home. And by that I don't mean making other people in your country pay to house them well outside of your neighborhood, I mean open your door and put them up in the actual house you live in.
The refugees don't even have to be trained ISIS sleeper agents to be a problem. Just ask Elin Krantz.
Thanks for clarifying re Mubarak. And agree with you re GWB, who's probably sat on his arse munching a pretzel and thinking he did a great job while countries collapse and burn as a result of his (or really his dad's friends') decisions
You must have missed that the Obama government dropped Mubarak like a hot potato and threw their whole weight behind Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood thug. Indeed, the installation of the Morsi regime was large the work of the US.
Likewise in Syria; without the ongoing and misguided US support for the "vetted rebels" aka ISIS and Al Nusra, we would not have the mess that we are seeing now.
GWB mishandled the Iraq invasion. But the current ISIS mess in Libya and Syria is solidly the result of the good work of the Obama administration on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood. You need very big blinkers to ignore that.
The U.S. installed Morsi? And then had him thrown back out? It seems to me that you just want to blame it, whatever it was, on the US. Fact is that Morsi won a free election - and that was pretty much the last outcome that the U.S. wanted in that election.
As for the mess in Syria only continuing because of the U.S; the mess in Syria is extremely complex - a mess with which Russia and Iran are far more closely involved than the U.S., a mess with a huge number of players of which the U.S. is only one - and again I think that shows that you just want to blame the U.S. for it, whatever it is.
As for GWB, you say he mishandled the Iraq invasion. I don't think mishandled covers it. He concocted it; prosecuted it on false pretenses; and then utterly mishandled the aftermath of his own illegal invasion - the genesis of ISIS being one of the results. ISIS started in Iraq; Bush created the circumstances in Iraq which led to that happening. Whatever one may think about the morality and legality of the invasion of Iraq, in purely strategic terms it was the most monumental f*** up in decades.