Japan Today

19 children, 2 adults killed in Texas school shooting; Biden says 'we have to act'


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How long before parents will need check there kids body armour before boarding the school bus?

A good guy with a gun? It is school for heavens sake.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I think both sides need to come out and find a lasting solution to this re-occurring problem.

That's tough when one side is heavily funded by a gun lobby. As you said, it 'clouds the judgement' somewhat.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Full across the board background checks for weapons purchased through unlicensed dealers would be a step in the right direction how that would be enforced/politically endorsed is another challenge.

The victims’ families deserve more but the size of the industry and its powerful lobby will fight tooth and nail.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Maybe you folk aren't responsible enough to carry guns. But then again, you'd need to be responsible to be able to recognize that fact.

kind of painting a broad brush there, some people may not be responsible, but the vast majority are when you think about all the guns that we have in America

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Saying the deaths are sad is not "being overly emotional" 

I think that blaming a political over blaming the individual that caused this mayhem is not only emotional but irrational.

Of course not, that is a responsibility of the nation suffering the problem, that does not mean that people everywhere else look at the examples of countries that had that problem and solved it by having very different priorities than the US.

What works in one country doesn’t necessarily work in another.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

The "NRA" didn't kill these kids, a psychotic person with a gun did.

Figure that out.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

You can be rational without being overly emotional, clouds the judgment.

Saying the deaths are sad is not "being overly emotional"

Understandbly so, but that doesn’t help the situation in the end.

Of course not, that is a responsibility of the nation suffering the problem, that does not mean that people everywhere else look at the examples of countries that had that problem and solved it by having very different priorities than the US.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

no social security for working/lower class

no national health care

basically free guns for everyone

no paid holidays, no paid sick leaves at work

major social inequality


"but America is great!"

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Rational people get sad when innocents are killed because of the ease of access to weapons,

You can be rational without being overly emotional, clouds the judgment.

this is something that many people around the world think when reading these news.

Understandbly so, but that doesn’t help the situation in the end. I think both sides need to come out and find a lasting solution to this re-occurring problem.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Not me, I’m a law-abiding gun owner. So this has nothing to do with me.

I'd say it has a lot to do with you. In order to be a law-abiding gun owner, you need to be able to buy guns. There's no way to distinguish between the law-abiding and law-breaking at the time of purchase. We only discover who the law-breaking gun owners are when we read articles like this one. Your ability to buy guns is giving the nutters the ability to buy guns. So yes, you're partly to blame.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Liberals get emotional when they don't get their way.

Rational people get sad when innocents are killed because of the ease of access to weapons, this is something that many people around the world think when reading these news.

Frequent tragedies? Car crashes; which kill more people than guns in the US each year?

Fire weapons are restricted in most countries of the world without causing any problem, so it can be done. There is no country that can function properly without motorized vehicles, this means one of these two things can be much more easily solved than the other.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Thank goodness there was a good guy with a gun to stop the gunman. So many lives would be saved if good guys were able to carry guns. So many times the gunman has already managed to kill a bunch of people before they're gunned down by a good guy.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Ironically, guns are life necessities in the US and the high time as of now. People are armed and crazy.

If you don't own a gun I definitely don't recommend live there, go to Canada or somewhere.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

There is a flaw in USA constitution.

If the second amendment gives you right to keep and bear arms (which by the way does not mention what type, so you could argue keep nuclear weapons if you wanted to...), the first amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

You see it does not protect your right to live in a safe environment. So life is cheap. Problem is you cannot ever buy it, even with a strong dollar...

3 ( +7 / -4 )

At this point is is just sad that no argument can ever change the minds of those that consider having free access to weapons a higher right than the safety of innocent victims.

Liberals get emotional when they don't get their way.

And a basic understanding of US law, or being a US citizen, would be enough to know there is no such thing as free access to weapons(well, what kind of weapons? Nuclear? Slingshots? Knives?).

If this is in reference to the firearms issue, one needs to be specific.

The difference in power and money is too big for just activism and frequent tragedies to change anything.

Frequent tragedies? Car crashes; which kill more people than guns in the US each year?

Yes, those are frequent tragedies and hopefully something can be done to change that.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

I do think we should have some sort of security,

A brave, bold statement.

at least a peace officer should be assigned to the most volatile schools where violence like this is a high possibility.

Uvalde wasn't a high volatile school. What does that even mean? Also, having "peace officers" on site doesn't guarantee anything, take Parkland for example.

The amount of hoops gun fans will jump through, to avoid the glaringly obvious problem is astounding.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

At this point is is just sad that no argument can ever change the minds of those that consider having free access to weapons a higher right than the safety of innocent victims. The difference in power and money is too big for just activism and frequent tragedies to change anything.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Congrats, gun nutters! The blood of these children is 100% on your hands.

Nope! Absolutely not! The blood is on the hands of the person that methodically put all of this together and made the conscious decision to go out and kill people. He had a choice, we all do and he chose to kill people, the rests with him and him alone.

You support guns, you were there, pulling the trigger yourselves.

This is why the right refuses to talk to the left about gun issues because of ludicrous emotional statements like that.

So what are the politicians who helped murder these kids saying?

No politicians killed anyone.

“We need to arm teachers!” “Watch Democrats bring up GUNS as the problem!”

I do think we should have some sort of security, at least a peace officer should be assigned to the most volatile schools where violence like this is a high possibility.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Hello Kitty 321Today  11:51 am JST

Where did you find your statistics? When I looked, (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country) the U.S. was #2

This ranking includes suicide by guns.

Congrats, gun nutters! The blood of these children is 100% on your hands. You support guns, you were there, pulling the trigger yourselves. So what are the politicians who helped murder these kids saying? “We need to arm teachers!” “Watch Democrats bring up GUNS as the problem!”

No, the blood is on the hands of the mentally disturbed criminal.

And neither is blood on Julia Child's hands whenever someone who used a knife to cook later stabs someone to death.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Unless your chosen profession is hunting or to kill other humans, what kind of weak, scared, inadequate coward even needs a gun ?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Congrats, gun nutters! The blood of these children is 100% on your hands. You support guns, you were there, pulling the trigger yourselves. So what are the politicians who helped murder these kids saying? “We need to arm teachers!” “Watch Democrats bring up GUNS as the problem!”

8 ( +15 / -7 )

The USA has an archaïque constitution that allows to violate the Human Rights.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

ianToday  10:10 am JST

The problem is not just the people with mental illnesses.

The primary problem is the easy access to guns.

Nobody can be a shooter without a gun.

There are more guns than people in the US; meaning millions of people have access to guns.

There are more guns than bathtubs in the US, but more people die in bathtubs than in mass shootings in the US each year.

There is no way to get rid of all the guns in the US, even if instantaneously all guns were made illegal and were required to be turned in.

HonestDictatorToday  12:26 pm JST

America still has the highest rate of gun violence in the world.

Not true; Brazil has the highest rate of gun violence in the world.

The US is 30th in firearm murders in the worldwide.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

The same people who come here to Japan to preach us all how to be a society.

You got that right!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

America is not a country but a bunch of people living together who hate each other.

The same people who come here to Japan to preach us all how to be a society.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

America still has the highest rate of gun violence in the world. I was recently looking into the requirements for getting a firearm for my home in my state and conceal carry laws. As a person that does not like firearms except for hunting wild game, I was shocked at how FEW requirements are needed to own a handgun. No required safety classes, no requirement to register a gun purchase with local law enforcement, no requirement for gun safety classes unless going for a conceal carry permit. Just a criminal background check to buy a gun. No psychiatric evaluation needed to buy a handgun.

And some people here say we have enough gun control laws.... Like hell we do.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

We need to start taking security seriously in our schools, businesses, etc. We have the technology to build badge entry systems, fences that will slow down and/or deter criminals, and responsive armed guards watching CCTV during school hours. Japan, with the strictest gun control laws on this planet, still has intruders invade school grounds with knives; you can't stop the criminal by taking away his/her weapons, they will find a way. Invest in security.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

At least 30 shootings in schools this year!

Do Americans have courage to question wisdom of their founding fathers?

9 ( +14 / -5 )


now compare the social economic, education, health, average income, standard of living, economy power, GDP, and federal budget of these 8 countries. Only one country stands out as different to the others.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

@ finally rich

"!'m not a fan of guns but statistics dont lie.

Number of civilian guns per capita by country:

1 - United States (120 per 100 civilians)

List of countries by guns and homicide

85 - United States (from 171 countries)"

Where did you find your statistics? When I looked, (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country) the U.S. was #2

Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019

Brazil (49436)

United States (37038)

Venezuela (28515)

Mexico (22116)

India (14710)

Colombia (13169)

Philippines (9267)

Guatemala (5980)

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Border patrol

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Thank God the boarder patrol killed that psycho!

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Just your average in the 'greatest country on earth', move along nothing to see here.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Something has gone very, very wrong when parents have to fear for their kids' lives when they're going to school - school where it should be a safe haven of learning opportunities and social interaction. Not a place where kids can get gunned down at any random day. Gun violence has been escalating in the States and yet none of these incidents have prompted change in gun laws. At this point, I fear that an entire town or city could be eradicated by a mad gunman and still nothing will change.

RIP to the victims and deepest condolences to the families. None of you deserved this.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Social crisis of a society in deep, intractable decline. The inexorable tendency of capitalist economy.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

the right is willing to sit down and discuss the issue and try to find possible solutions as to how best to deal with this serious problem

Doutful the right and the guns industry will sit down to discuss anything, historically they've blocked attempts to do so. How can anyone reason with individuals who have threatened another civil war if they cannot keep things as they are (i.e easy to get most weapons and carry them) and who say things like "you can take my guns from my cold dead hands", and who tactually think it's OK for people on a terrorist watch list to purchase guns and ammo, I know the gun's extremists hate the US and want to see it brought down, but most other Americans just want to live in peace.. Honest up, the extremists in the gun's community are not willing to change anything. And please save the whataboutery, and liberals are worse for some far site.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

That’s very sad.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

America, best country in the world

Sincere condolences to the families.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Every massacre must be another stab in the heart of the families who lost their kids in some random massacre 10, 20, 30 years ago. As a father of a toddler, can't even imagine the pain. Sorry but I guess I’d prefer to live in a society without easy access to guns. You anywhere in the US, not even while attending a sunday mass in your little town.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

I stand with President Biden and against the gun business and their gun lobbies that are ultimately responsible for this latest horror.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

"In 2022, more children have been killed in school shootings than police officers have been shot in the line of duty.

At least 33 children have been killed in school shootings in 2022 so far.

20 cops have been shot and killed in the line of duty.

It is more dangerous to be a student than a police officer in America in 2022.

(Sources: https://edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2022/01…


The death toll just rose: At least 37 children have been killed in school shootings in 2022 so far.

It is nearly twice as dangerous to be a student than a police officer in America in 2022.In 2022, more children have been killed in school shootings than police officers have been shot in the line of duty."

Third world..

14 ( +19 / -5 )

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein

11 ( +14 / -3 )

but the school district for Robb Elementary has its own police department with 5 cops and a security guard.

Not any assigned on the school grounds, makes a huge difference.

It will, however, as it always does, increase calls for even more funding for the police and any restraints on police power lifted. 


-24 ( +2 / -26 )

The problem is not just the people with mental illnesses.

The primary problem is the easy access to guns.

Nobody can be a shooter without a gun.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

peterlToday  09:51 am JST

Bass4Funk: So by your logic, it means that the U.S. has the single highest amount of mentally disturbed people on the planet, as no other nation has this scale of problem on their hands. Makes sense.

No other nation on the planet has a socioeconomic makeup like the US; the US probably has a higher than average amount of mentally disturbed people, and as a result, they commit criminal acts using legal devices, of which guns are one of those.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

bass4funk said - When you defund the police, limit their power, presence and arresting powers, naturally people are forced to defend themselves.

but the school district for Robb Elementary has its own police department with 5 cops and a security guard. The city of Uvalde's police dept got 40% of the entire city's budget for the year and got a $500,000 grant from Texas.

More police and more funding for them didn't stop this massacre.

It will, however, as it always does, increase calls for even more funding for the police and any restraints on police power lifted.

Makes you wonder.


a policy wherein violent struggle is encouraged rather than suppressed. The purpose is to create a general feeling of insecurity in the population and make people seek security in a strong government. This is supposed to pave the way for a more authoritarian, or even neofascist, government

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I'm not a fan of guns but statistics dont lie.

Number of civilian guns per capita by country:

#1 - United States (120 per 100 civilians)

List of countries by guns and homicide

#85 - United States (from 171 countries)

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

as I always say, the right is willing to sit down and discuss the issue and try to find possible solutions as to how best to deal with this serious problem effectively, but there cannot be any dialogue or discussion about guns if Liberals are willing to listen to the other side.

Right, so long as the one obvious solution to the problem - getting rid of guns - is not part of the discussion, you are willing to sit down and discuss the issue. Got it.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

The shooter and shooter alone is responsible for this, but obviously, their is a problem with mental illness as well as lack of security presence at these schools, especially the more problematic ones.

Bass4Funk: So by your logic, it means that the U.S. has the single highest amount of mentally disturbed people on the planet, as no other nation has this scale of problem on their hands. Makes sense.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

18 children, 3 adults killed in Texas school shooting; young gunman dead:

Yet another despicable/unspeakable tragedy from the mad mass shooting in this 'free' country, free from gun's restriction.

Such killing is getting more rampant, can't people do anything to stop the evil?

How long must Americans continue to dream of the Great America that is already sick to the core..?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

USA the great land of Demons where innocent school children are slaughtered regularly.

Its so sad and infuriating !

What a sick twisted country.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

AMERICA, the land of the great... the police of the world... the emblem of freedom! The leader that Japan wants to emulate and serve.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Mass shootings have doubled in the past five years.

The death toll is now 20.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Bass: I did earlier.

Was that the 46 beds in Iowa? I figured you'd have more. Guess I was wrong.

and not the flags about what people seem to have known

Awesome. What red flags should we add to the list? What ways can we follow up on red flags? And the most important question: Are you willing to waive second amendment rights for these people who fail?

the kid was going through a lot of mental challenge

We would be more than happy to extend mental health services, which I believe you typically characterize as "cradle to grave entitlements". You seem to be proposing something where Democrats are against expanded medical care and Repubs are for it? Must be another school shooting.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Welcome to the land of the free.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

When atrocities occur:

Democrat president, GOP State: Blame the State

Republican president, Democrat State: Blame the president

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Bass: They do and they want that and most gun owners are for it

For it? Really? Can you name any national GOP action on mental care due to mass shootings? How about the whole, "enforce existing laws" angle. Lots of GOP legislation to point to?

The GOP can and always do vote down any Drm changes to guns, and they don't present any of their own solutions.

Nothing changes, which is just what the GOP wants. They love their guns and they'll tolerate daily school shootings if it means they get to keep their best friend.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

StrangerlandToday  09:11 am JST

All guns are legal until they're not. If there are no legal guns, there cannot be illegal guns. When you sell legal guns to the population, you also create an illegal gun market, and people get shot with those illegal guns. Direct correlation mate.

Oh dear, here I go mic dropping with all these facts. How rude of me. But not as rude as shooting a kid in the face at school.

What is dropping from the mic are opinions, not facts.

Isn't it possible if there are no legal guns that there can be illegal guns? Like, if someone illegally transports guns into the country?

Regardless of gun laws, aren't there already laws in the US that make shooting a kid in the face at school illegal?

I went way off base; sorry, as this is a mental issue problem and a criminal acts issue, and not an inanimate object problem.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Americans have fundamental rights. The fundamental right to what? Rights to kill. If you need a gun for your safety, then you are not in a civilized place. Still, you are talking about the right to bear firearms. Then you are living in a fool's world. It seems Iraq (ironically) is safer than America.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I trust the usual gun ownership apologists are grateful to all these people who are dying so that they can continue to have fun with their guns.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Read anything about the Buffalo shooter on JT this morning?

Yes I did. In this very article.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

I wonder how long this will stay in the news cycles since he isn’t a white male? 

This same argument comes our every time. Read anything about the Buffalo shooter on JT this morning? Yesterday?

You know why it’s called ‘news’ right?

6 ( +11 / -5 )

17 children and one teacher are now reported as dead.

Turning every topic into a left/lib blame game does nothing to advance any solutions. It only spins up emotions to deflect from the problem.

If you don’t think decades of mass gun murders are a problem then I suggest you don’t understand the problem.

Americans haven’t changed, so the only solution has to be guns.

More people are murdered by guns in any US major city in one day than all of the people murdered by guns in Japan in 5 years.

Has gun control worked in Japan? Yes. Tens of thousands of Japanese have hunting rifles and shotguns. Handguns and assault weapons have a single purpose - to kill people.

Don’t the victims and families of Americans killed by guns have rights?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

I could not name one country where adults would care more about weapons that their children.

Have a look around you. You are in that very country.

Glad Japan has not been and never will be degraded by the pro-gun cancer.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

The last shooter shouldn’t have had a gun period ,but once again it’s not the gun laws that are failing it’s the law enforcement that’s failing.

All guns are legal until they're not. If there are no legal guns, there cannot be illegal guns. When you sell legal guns to the population, you also create an illegal gun market, and people get shot with those illegal guns. Direct correlation mate.

Oh dear, here I go mic dropping with all these facts. How rude of me. But not as rude as shooting a kid in the face at school.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

You haven’t mad any solid point yet. What does owning guns for hunting or home protection have to do with this incident or any of the incidents?

American gun laws directly lead to shooting deaths of children in school. That's exactly what it has to do with this incident and others, and is exactly why I never worry about my children going to school in Japan and getting shot, because it's not even in the realm of reality.

You constantly blame the NRA but not a single shooter is a ln NRA member.

I haven't mentioned the NRA at all mate. Oh dear, seems you aren't even able to structure a proper argument with facts and data.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

StrangerlandToday  09:03 am JST

Oh dear, you didn't do your research on what happened to shooting numbers in Australia after they banned guns.

Was the proportion of household gun ownership in Australia the same as that in the US before Australia banned guns, and were the demographics of Australia the same as the US?

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

A dialogue that begins and ends with "more guns," never any comprehensive reform or mental health legislation. No support for closing background check loopholes, no support to "enforce the current laws." All just lip service until the headlines go away.

They do and they want that and most gun owners are for it, they just don’t want to hear the left making this a gun only issue. Likewise, the left need to understand, acknowledge and deal with the fact that we have a problem with serious mental illness and the left need to talk and address it. Biden will speak soon and this is his moment if he wants to bring the country together or to just further divide the country. Ball is in his court.

Meanwhile your Party of Safety tried ro get potential terrorists on the no fly list access to guns.


If you want police officers in every school in order to have your beloved guns, then tax the crap out of guns and ammo to pay for it.

That’s not a solution

Your problem, not mine

Not mine either. When I’m in the States. I’m good.

-22 ( +2 / -24 )

Your first reaction, make it political. 

No, I said, the left always make this political.

Far beyond anything resembling logic, reason or sense.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

You haven’t mad any solid point yet. What does owning guns for hunting or home protection have to do with this incident or any of the incidents? You constantly blame the NRA but not a single shooter is a ln NRA member.

The last shooter shouldn’t have had a gun period ,but once again it’s not the gun laws that are failing it’s the law enforcement that’s failing.

Unlike you and your leftist pals who always jump to conclusions I’ll wait to hear more about this individual and again what the law enforcement knew it didn’t know about him prior to this.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

Unlike the other shooting, I see little to no discussion of the shooter

Why not??

Because we don’t know anything about him yet other than his name. Why don’t you wait a while?

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Bass: No, I’m trying to have a dialogue with the left

A dialogue that begins and ends with "more guns," never any comprehensive reform or mental health legislation. No support for closing background check loopholes, no support to "enforce the current laws." All just lip service until the headlines go away.

Meanwhile your Party of Safety tried ro get potential terrorists on the no fly list access to guns.

If you want police officers in every school in order to have your beloved guns, then tax the crap out of guns and ammo to pay for it. Your problem, not mine.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

And that is the lame hateful excuse for all those terroristic unamerican antisemite racist hate militias that have plagued America for so long.Excuses! What? I’m sorry, what are you talking about?

Those scum always blame other races, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, homosexuals, etc. for all the problems. And on Jan. 6, 2021 we all saw plain and clear just what 'true blue' patriots they really are. Again, what are you talking about. The shooter? Any comments on the shooter?

There is nothing 'good' about those loudmouths. The NRA is a terrorist organizer No, it’s not. Without the NRA a lot of innocent people would be dead, past and present. If anything they are the only thing that is still keeping the wolves of the government at an arms length that would love nothing more than to strip more Americans of their civil liberties. The 2nd amendment keeps our distrustful government away

run by a Robiespeare who stirs up shrieking hysteria to gain money to buy a yacht and cheat on his taxes, and he won't shut up. Again, you’re going off on a tangent and the guy has nothing to do with this shooter. Please stop making excuses to what this guy did.

we all know that trump is a fascist quisling who also doesn't know how to shut up. This situation has nothing do with Trump, none whatsoever! Give it a rest.

And Abbot is a sorry racist trumpanzee excuse of a governor who is just a troublemaker and he won't shut up and do his JOB. He is and trying to, but libs like O’Rourke is not helping calm fears, in fact, he’s pushing more people to buy guns.

i am violently sick and tired of all this bullcrap. it's time for some legal action to prevent and stop this madness now! I agree, now what solutions do you suggest instead of the usual ban guns and Trump tirade? What is a better way to deal with this problem?

-21 ( +3 / -24 )

Australia banned guns but yet the bad guys still have them,

Oh dear, you didn't do your research on what happened to shooting numbers in Australia after they banned guns.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

I could not name one country where adults would care more about weapons that their children.

I can: America. The fact that guns are still legal after Sandy Hook proved that beyond any possible doubt.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

Your first reaction, make it political. Liberal vs Republican. Left vs Right. You are the problem, not the solution.


9 ( +13 / -4 )

How would this incident stop gun violence in the inner cities? Please do tell? Australia banned guns but yet the bad guys still have them, Japan bans guns but yet the bad guys still have them and use them. So how would you stop people from getting illegal guns and using them?

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

Okay Fighto! This is the hatred that I speak of. I am not sure what country you are from, but obviously uneducated in these areas that you speak about. I could not name one country where adults would care more about weapons that their children. Meaningful discussion Fighto!, meaningful discussion please. We all need to be respectful of others and not attack one another. I'll leave you with that.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Sorry for the loss of all these children so young. Rest in Peace kids and my condolences to all the Families. Same to the Teacher and her Family.

Why doesn't every school have solid lock doors where a visitor has to get permission to enter via speaker and camera, and either have an appointment or some other official business?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Prayers up to all the victims and their families. May this tragic incident bring change or END to the vicious cycle of gun violence in America.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

So for those of us living in Japan should we ban knives?

What a ridiculous attempt at an analogy. You had to cherry pick a couple of incidents in Japan over several years (and even those you had to look up).

It is far, far harder to massacre multiple people with knives compared to guns. Multiple gun massacres happen in failed-state USA EVERY FEW DAYS.

Drop the desperate attempt at an analogy with Japan, or the civilised world.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

An 18-year-old gunman opened fire Tuesday at a Texas elementary school, killing 14 children and a teacher and wounding others, Gov. Greg Abbott said, and the gunman was dead.

Obviously another tragedy involving a disturbed individual. Mental illness is a huge problem and the states need to focus on treating these people in efforts to prevent similar incidents.

Thankfully, cases like this are extremely rare in the US; more people die in bathtub accidents than in mass shootings each year for example.

Some might try to blame inanimate objects such as guns, but then porcelain tubs would need to be blamed.

At the federal level, hopefully this administration can do something about increasing funding for programs that treat the mentally ill.

-19 ( +4 / -23 )


No I don’t own a gun in Japan. It does that stop people from committing acts of violence here in Japan?

If you are from Japan then You know about the crazy guy who killed several children in Kawasaki a few years ago. They were waiting on the bus and he started stabbing them. One man tried to stop him but unfortunately he was also killed. The psycho ended up killing himself.

How about the man who used his car and ran through an intersection, hit people, then got out of his car and began stabbing them. Where is the outcry from people like you against knives?

I’ll wait to find out more about this individual and what the law enforcement knew about him Pryor to this event.

-17 ( +6 / -23 )

Because they're libs!

The left should stop screaming emotional rants about guns and send troubled kids like this to the 46 new psychiatric beds in Iowa. Libs and dems want to take away everyone's gun, but they don't understand that most Americans belong to a well-regulated militia and have a 2nd Amendment right to carry any kind of gun with unlimited ammo anywhere they want.

Ok and that was what? More emotional outbursts of frustration and internal anger tantrum of not being able to rip up the 2nd amendment?

-19 ( +4 / -23 )

According to CNN just now, we can update the fatalities to 18 children, 2 adults.

I remember years ago in the Atlantic magazine, a writer used the word "homicidal fantasies" to describe the mindsets of some Americans, and not necessarily the mentally disturbed, who take up easily available guns and work off their anger on live human targets.

I wonder how many days it will be until we're back here to comment on the next mass shooting, and the next, ad infinitum.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

None of the libs are even talking about the shooter or the fact that this kid grew up in a single family home and was “mentally” abused. It’s as if the left are giving this kid a pass and then pivot to the evil inanimate object instead of the kid that killed his own grandmother. This is deeply disturbing and no one wants to touch that issue of the main perpetrator, why?

Because they're libs!

The left should stop screaming emotional rants about guns and send troubled kids like this to the 46 new psychiatric beds in Iowa. Libs and dems want to take away everyone's gun, but they don't understand that most Americans belong to a well-regulated militia and have a 2nd Amendment right to carry any kind of gun with unlimited ammo anywhere they want.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

There's been no national push for mental health, just more security guards.

Why the sudden change of tune on this angle:

This is why right wing terrorism is the biggest threat to the US.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Seems like there were early signs that this kid was mentally disturbed that he was posting crazy pics and messages on Instagram. Now the picture is coming together on the canvas that people around this kid knew he was coming apart and no one came forward with the apparent signs.

Guns are filthy devices.

To some people this is true.

The best argument for them is they are necessary in certain situations but to love and glorify these things is sick. 

That’s a subjective stance

-21 ( +4 / -25 )

As an American, I am angry. WTF?!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

What makes me sick is what kind of animal actually would target defenseless children? Can't they choose tougher targets if they feel that society has let them down?

15 ( +16 / -1 )

--Limit gun ownership to a “well-regulated militia” as the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution clearly states.

Ok, now let’s go back and deal with reality.

The reality is that you don't actually believe in what the 2nd Amendment states. You're just in love with guns.

You think that Bush, Biden and all the Hollywood and business moguls can have armed people to protect them, but I can’t?

There are no plausible threats against you. When there are you can hire a security detail.

BTW, what kind of gun do you have here in Japan?

6 ( +13 / -7 )

It’s not. Just like the most recent NYC subway shooting wasn’t mentioned here either. Wrong type of shooter and wrong type of victim

lol You literally downplayed the shooting committed by the white supremacist. Was he the wrong or right type? Your fixation on race, without any knowledge of motivation is telling.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Guns are filthy devices. The best argument for them is they are necessary in certain situations but to love and glorify these things is sick.

Does anyone disagree?

4 ( +13 / -9 )

What a dumb thing to say. Clearly you misunderstand and are making statements that are NOT fact (as you say) . Posts here should be meaningful in discussion and not emotional rants.

Voters in the failed state USA keep voting in people like disgusting Greg Abbot. YOU are wrong. Voters care more about guns than protecting kids. Fact.

Most of us are lucky (and smart) enough to choose to live in civilised nations where massacres in schools do NOT happen. We love our kids and protect them.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

I understand the shooter was 18, just like the Buffalo shooter. The US is a country where kids are trusted with guns but not a beer.

Madness. I hope the fourth amendment nuts are proud of themselves today.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Clearly you misunderstand and are making statements that are NOT fact (as you say) 

If voters care, why is literally nothing ever done? This isn't the first time little elementary school kids have been murdered in their schools.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Now i've heard it all, Bass4funk blaming the school.

I didn’t, nice try.

Beyond words.

I’ll say.

The very sad thing is that there are millions like him in the USA.

Yes, I’m a law-abiding gun owner and will never allow to feel bad or guilty by the emotional left that are trying not to have any dialogue except scream emotional rants that it’s all about the gun. None of the libs are even talking about the shooter or the fact that this kid grew up in a single family home and was “mentally” abused. It’s as if the left are giving this kid a pass and then pivot to the evil inanimate object instead of the kid that killed his own grandmother. This is deeply disturbing and no one wants to touch that issue of the main perpetrator, why?

-26 ( +4 / -30 )

Fighto! , "Voters in the US care more for guns than children. Fact." What a dumb thing to say. Clearly you misunderstand and are making statements that are NOT fact (as you say) . Posts here should be meaningful in discussion and not emotional rants.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

Of course it's the school's fault. They should have had armed guards at all the entrances to prevent this.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Thoughts and prayers. Too soon for knee-jerk gun anti-gun legislation. Lets find out all the facts first! (Is what the GOP members will say)

6 ( +11 / -5 )

The leftist blaming the NRA? You can’t name a single person from all these shootings who was a member of the NRA? The timing of all these shootings especially the last one l, the white racist that the left constantly claims is the real threat.

This shooter wasn’t white and I wonder how much the FBI knew about this one like they have known about the previous nut jobs! !

Rest In Peace to the children who a psycho murdered.

-21 ( +6 / -27 )

An article about the state of Iowa increasing their psychiatric beds by 46?

Small State and school shootings are not that prevalent in that State, even in Texas when you look at the most severe of mental cases, makes sense.

That will solve things in Texas.

That will help, a lot.

Look, the GOP position on guns is to expand access, expand guns on the streets, and keep the broken system we have in place.

When you defund the police, limit their power, presence and arresting powers, naturally people are forced to defend themselves.

There's been no national push for mental health,

Yes, their has been and the left outright refuses to take on the issue.

just more security guards.

Should be police, never security guards, but again, the left have a serious problem with law-enforcement and this is more of a result as to why we need our police.

You're trying to arm you way out

No, I’m trying to have a dialogue with the left and the usual emotional response is to just ban guns. You think that Bush, Biden and all the Hollywood and business moguls can have armed people to protect them, but I can’t? Why can these people be allowed to have protection, but I can’t? Why is it that these people can hire people to protect their kids, but I can’t. Super, save it please. What you’re saying will never resonate with law-abiding gun owners.

-26 ( +5 / -31 )

This is how sick our World is nowadays

Not "our" world, just American's. Those of us living in civilized nations don't have our children being shot at school.

15 ( +22 / -7 )

Now i've heard it all, Bass4funk blaming the school. Beyond words. The very sad thing is that there are millions like him in the USA. The country is broken.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

Disgusting? YES! It is extremely sad that these things happen as they never should! As an American that grew up in the 60's-70's, gun safety was a requirement to gain a hunting license, which many of us did then. Much like in Japan, we hunted wild game for food and the fellowship with family and friends. We never thought of going out and committing mass murder! I have never been an advocate of gun control, but something needs to happen to stop such mindless crimes. Obviously the parents are failing their children in teaching respect for one another. After an investigation, this family will most likely face criminal charges for allowing this twisted minded teen to gain access to the handgun. America is so full of hatred these days that I just don't understand it. The network news media's push so much distrust and hatred and I feel that is part of it. Even the politicians are full of hatred. No society is perfect, but the U.S. has got real problems that need to be dealt with.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Unlike the other shooting, I see little to no discussion of the shooter.

I don't know, because maybe it's an unfolding story? Why do you think?

12 ( +16 / -4 )

I'm no longer suprised by these headlines, this doesn't happen in other countries.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

The shooting in Texas came less than two weeks after a gunman opened fire at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York,

Unlike the other shooting, I see little to no discussion of the shooter.

Why not??

-16 ( +10 / -26 )

obviously, their is a problem with mental illness as well as lack of security presence at these schools

It's the school's fault?

The incidence of mental illness appears to be on a par with mot countries in Europe, and less than in Spain and Australia. Those countries do not have regular shoot-ups in schools (or anywhere else in the community).

Are you saying the US has a special kind of mental illness? (Yes, I agree with you; it's called the 2nd Amendment)

American exceptionalism gone mad.


19 ( +24 / -5 )


An article about the state of Iowa increasing their psychiatric beds by 46?

That will solve things in Texas.

Look, the GOP position on guns is to expand access, expand guns on the streets, and keep the broken system we have in place.

There's been no national push for mental health, just more security guards. You're trying to arm you way out of this issue but it will never happen if problems leak to other people.

6 ( +14 / -8 )

Limit gun ownership to a “well-regulated militia” as the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution clearly states.

Ok, now let’s go back and deal with reality.

-29 ( +5 / -34 )

Even if the country wasn't named, we would all know where this was.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

I’m a parent and....

How will your kids defend themselves against a mass shooter and no adult is around?

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Nothing will change until someone is willing to actually step up and change something.

Until then these incidents will continue to happen and we will just hear the usual ‘thoughts and prayers’ comments, alongside the dismissive ‘the 2nd amendment is clear’ comments.

Meanwhile, scores of prominent politicians continue to receive significant funding from the NRA to do their bidding and make sure change never happens.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Rest in Peace to the victims and prayers with the families. This is how sick our World is nowadays, instead of offering solutions and condolences to families, people immediately rush to point fingers at the political party they dislike. Utter and complete heartlessness.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

You just want to keep your guns and you simply do not care if dead children are an unintended consequence.

Sorry, I’m a parent and you don’t speak for me. Emotional outbursts like that are rants and not a solution to this serious problem.

Am I missing something? Did I miss the GOP bills trying to help with mental health?



-22 ( +6 / -28 )

find possible solutions as to how best to deal with this serious problem effectively

Limit gun ownership to a “well-regulated militia” as the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution clearly states.

15 ( +23 / -8 )

The GOP and the NRA will ride the storm out and send thoughts and prayers.

Yes and what else are they supposed to do. They have forwarded various ideas of what schools can do to stop the violence.

Nothing happened after Sandy Hook or Stoneman Douglas. Yeah, right to life...country is in sick mode.

Not the country. The shooter and shooter alone is responsible for this, but obviously, their is a problem with mental illness as well as lack of security presence at these schools, especially the more problematic ones.

Your first reaction, make it political.

No, I said, the left always make this political.

Liberal vs Republican. Left vs Right. You are the problem, not the solution.

Not me, I’m a law-abiding gun owner. So this has nothing to do with me. Nice try. This is why we can’t have a dialogue about the issue because you just made my point for me again.

-30 ( +7 / -37 )

Bass: The problem is deeper than guns and as I always say, the right is willing to sit down and discuss the issue and try to find possible solutions as to how best to deal with this serious problem effectively

No, you're not. You just want to keep your guns and you simply do not care if dead children are an unintended consequence.

Am I missing something? Did I miss the GOP bills trying to help with mental health? Name any legislation the GOP has offered to put forth for anything related to guns besides easier access.

11 ( +22 / -11 )

The GOP will now going into battle mode to defend the gun that killed these children.

Which party is in control of the Presidency and Congress and has yet to do anything? You promised SuperLib that after Democrats won control, things would change in the country for the better. Where is the change? Please jot down a list and share with us.

-13 ( +9 / -22 )

Texas has a disgusting governor by the name of Greg Abbot, who last year legislated to make it possible for people to obtain and carry handguns...WITHOUT A PERMIT.

While the failed state US keeps electing human trash like Abbot, countless more kids will be slaughtered.

Voters in the US care more for guns than children. Fact.

20 ( +28 / -8 )

the right is willing to sit down and discuss the issue and try to find possible solutions as to how best to deal with this serious problem effectively,

Sick humour so early in the day.

Like you, your precious right will be unwilling to do anything, simply because the left wants to. This is the political scheme you helped to create.

16 ( +24 / -8 )

“What are we doing?!”

Senator Murphy

Sadly, nothing short of a revolution will change anything. It just goes on and on and on . . .

5 ( +9 / -4 )

They do not do the basics, psychological screening on gun nuts,our Lt Gov in Texas ,has been bdeemed insane,by a court

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

The GOP and the NRA will ride the storm out and send thoughts and prayers. Nothing happened after Sandy Hook or Stoneman Douglas. Yeah, right to life...country is in sick mode.

19 ( +25 / -6 )


Or you could grow a pair and ban the steel phallus altogether.

Too obvious. I think it would be a great idea but sadly its already been suggested and rejected. Something about the slave owning founding fathers having an idea years ago that cannot be changed...

How about scrapping PE in schools and instead having firearms lessons? Then issue every student with a rifle to protect themselves?

Or more thoughts and prayers...But really mean them this time?

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

The GOP will now going into battle mode to defend the gun that killed these children.

Why would they not? The left are preparing for screaming to get rid of guns.

The problem is deeper than guns and as I always say, the right is willing to sit down and discuss the issue and try to find possible solutions as to how best to deal with this serious problem effectively, but there cannot be any dialogue or discussion about guns if Liberals are willing to listen to the other side.

-45 ( +9 / -54 )

I bet the argument “if the teacher was armed it could have been stopped” will pop up. Or if the children had their own guns never would have happened?

it’s a school not a war zone. What the hell happened to the American dream.?

20 ( +24 / -4 )

Just another violent day in a horrible, failed state.

These massacres will continue to happen on a regular basis. The US is finished.

Rest in Peace to the poor little kids. Unloved and failed by the moronic adults of America.

14 ( +23 / -9 )

Another combination of firearms and mental illness in the United States of America … this has to stop.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Once again, after so many of these shootings, one side will say the problem is guns and the other side will say the problem is people.

But nothing ever changes.

The text of the Second Amendment reads in full: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

James Madison proposed the Second Amendment as a way to empower state militias, not only federal militia.

The Supreme Court held to the full text, including the context of militia for over 100 years.

The 5-4 decision to arbitrarily ignore the militia caveat with the context that everyone has universal rights to arm for self defense (mentioned nowhere in the Constitution) and states cannot place any limits has made the US the number two highest gun homicide country in the world.

And nothing will change after this shooting, regardless of how many children are murdered. We will see this over and over.

20 ( +26 / -6 )

Or you could just take away the assault rifles from mentally unstable people.....

Why not chip everyone and monitor their absolute everything?

Or you could grow a pair and ban the steel phallus altogether.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

These kind of attacks are easily preventable. Just make all lessons online at home and issue all students a military grade flak jacket and helmet. With an armed police guard outside every home.

Or you could just take away the assault rifles from mentally unstable people..... Or just do nothing but wring hands, and give a few thoughts and prayers as usual.

15 ( +27 / -12 )

In smaller, individual measure this is happening almost everywhere in the U.S. at this time. In Portland, Oregon. EVERY MORNING there is a report in the news of a new shooting, often a death, somewhere in what is a small U.S. city with "motive unknown, no suspects found". In larger cities it is becoming pandemic. The angermongers who seek to stoke political hostility in Americans for their own benefit without understanding the effectiveness of their new social tools have unleashed a wave of insanity in the U.S. which may not have even begun to peak as young people act out emotions they do not understand coming at them from their milieu of mindless militarism and police immunity from murder and the ready availability of deadly tools used without thought or remorse by their heroes in the hostile media that their 'realities' are so thoroughly embedded in. This is not a good time in America... and given those who are being selected for us as our 'leaders', regardless of political religion, it's just going to get worse...

19 ( +23 / -4 )

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Texas takes a spin this time on the Merry-go-round of misery. R.I.P little kids and their teacher. You paid the price for "freedom".

22 ( +30 / -8 )

I’d prefer to live in a society without easy access to guns.

36 ( +46 / -10 )

What kind of "first world country" are they believing themselves to be???..

This is sick, too sick, when are they going to do something to stop so much blood and death??..

Just to please some morons who love firearms and so that a domestic criminal organization such as the NRA continues to enrich itself with the death and suffering of an entire country...

And naive people who love weapons still justify tragedies like this..

All this blood and death is in the hands of the republican politics and the NRA..

You can't go to school, you can't go to the mall, you can't go to church, you can't go to the supermarket, nowhere are you safe, you can get caught in a shooting anywhere in that country..

Is this the price of "freedom"????..

This is not freedom, this is UNDERDEVELOPMENT..

Third world !!..

Thank God I don't live there..

28 ( +45 / -17 )

The only G7 nation that has this issue....

For how much longer will Americans consider the 2nd Amendment to be more important than the lives of innocent children?

The UK banned the ownership of handguns in 1997, in response to public outcry after the Dunblane Massacre, and there hasn't been a school shooting in the UK since!

40 ( +49 / -9 )

This will always be a permanent side effect of guns in America. The GOP will now going into battle mode to defend the gun that killed these children.

37 ( +47 / -10 )

Well it's not really incomprehensible is it, when you get disturbed psychos with easy access to guns. It's a wonder it doesn't happen more often.

Well done America, protecting your citizens again. But yeah, you gotta wurrie about them furriners.

41 ( +50 / -9 )

Defend that one, NRA.

41 ( +56 / -15 )

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