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3 states ease lockdowns as U.S. COVID-19 death toll passes 50,000


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They should be allowed to go about their regular lives.

And risk not only their health and lives, but the health and lives of any they come in contact with.

Curious why anyone would downplay and even cheer on greater calamities than what the world is currently seeing. But then remember some are so ultra-nationalistic they even cheer on wars.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

They should be allowed to go about their regular lives.

Again, you’re rights end where’d they begin to infringe upon my rights. PTown explained in painfully obvious terms how your suggestion would create a situation in which it is infringing on my rights.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

What did NY Gov. Cuomo say earlier?

If the virus is anywhere it's everywhere.

Best to wait till the fight is over, then you can relax.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Well that poor about Walmart was interesting. I mean most of us know they don’t give a damn about people in general, but for it to be this bad, that’s surprising. I’m really glad they shut that Walmart down.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Yup, all they got to do is get their daily injection of disinfectant and light, then they are good to go! Yeee-haw.

Yes, because now you are starting to see people in Wisconsin are starting to revolt and that will continue with each passing day. These governors need to rethink this shutdown, just concentrate on the hotspots, those areas need to stay on lockdown, areas with little or no infected cases should be allowed under the safety guidelines be allowed to make a living. We’re not designed to just spoon off the government.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

Yes, because now you are starting to see people in Wisconsin are starting to revolt and that will continue with each passing day. These governors need to rethink this shutdown, just concentrate on the hotspots, those areas need to stay on lockdown, areas with little or no infected cases should be allowed under the safety guidelines be allowed to make a living. We’re not designed to just spoon off the government.

So the lockdowns should be lifted because some people in Wisconsin don’t like it and not because we know it is safe to do so? Gotcha.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

MAGA states are going to get everyone else infected. These clowns protesting with their guns and screaming about their rights should waive their rights to medical care. Tell 'em to put up or shut up and get their asses back in the house. If they sign the waiver, then go for it, but it also applies to your family and friends if they contract it from you. Read the fine print if you know how to read covidiots.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

People are jumping the gun. It's all well and good for young people to work, but Korea, China, Australia and Germany (to some degree) have turned around the country within 2 or so months and get hardly any cases of the virus. Inaction, in my personal opinion, will make this virus into a never ending endemic. That'll be totally sucks. Let's just test everyone, everyone wears mask, big events and gathers shut and smaller businesses stay open. Get the reproduction number down to about 1.0 and then reopen the economy. No point just opening the economy hoping for the best.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Time to open up.

Of all fatal cases in New York state, two-thirds were in patients over 70 years of age; more than 95 percent were over 50 years of age; and about 90 percent of all fatal cases had an underlying illness. Of 6,570 confirmed COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions to date, 6,520, or 99.2 percent, had an underlying illness

. If you do not already have an underlying chronic condition, your chances of dying are small, regardless of age. And young adults and children in normal health have almost no risk of any serious illness from COVID-19.


-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Thought Dens said it’s up to the states. What they meant is they just want to control it- not the President. why do states need their approval now in their new plan. Also it’s not a “reopening plan” if your recommendation is to stay closed.

”Once reopening plans by states or regions are approved by the federal panel, states would receive billions of dollars in funding to implement those strategies, though the bill doesn't yet have a price tag.”


-13 ( +1 / -14 )

The man is obviously tired by now. He and the team working 24x7 for couple months now while others sitting home eating ice cream or doing Instagram. Now they complaining he shortened the “gotcha” briefings.

even if he had given us wrong advice, he said do it with a doctor- who would tell us not to. anyone who isn’t being obtuse already knows not to drink bleach.

no one who would consider voting for him anyway would agree that is what he told anyone to do. He didn’t explain something complicated well enough for you to understand, that’s too bad. But we knew what he meant (and didn’t mean)

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

By now we have no way to know because "presumed" deaths from months ago are being added even today. One state had to decrease by 200 after changing their numbers multiple times this week. What they are doing muddies the water about our current situation, which is what is important right now.

If you say 276 people died "today" then I find they were all from weeks ago and only 12 yesterday, that impedes my ability to make decisions based on today. Which is likely the point of doing this, as well as to get the death count over 60,000.

"Earlier this week, Pennsylvania started to include “probable deaths” in its fatalities. As a result, the total number of coronavirus deaths grew by 276, then 360, in successive nights, almost doubling the number of deaths in the state in two days. The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) subsequently removed 200 deaths from its count after facing mounting questions about the accuracy of the count."

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Kemp thought he was going to receive a gold star from Trump for brazenly opening Georgia first. Instead Trump threw him under the bus.

Trump expects absolute loyalty from his minions but he is loyal only to himself. When Kemp received backlash for his opening non-essential businesses plan Trump quickly changed his opinion on the issue.

Kemp was the fool who allowed himself to be incited by Trump only to be tossed aside like a coffee boy.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@black--what the... you are calling out people for sitting at home eating ice cream and using the smartphone during a nationwide lockdown, but Twitter addict Donnie gets a pass! He can survive with no food intake for months is another one of your science-free claims?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The Legacy of Donald J. Trump just keeps growing every day....

More deaths - now at 50K and soon to surpass all the US deaths in 8 years of the war in Vietnam...

The largest US budget deficit in history...

The highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression...

The biggest point drop in the US stock market ever...

These are facts that can't be argued, disputed, or explained away...they're real...

And every American will be thinking of them when they vote in Nov...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

 couldn’t agree more, time to end the madness and re-open the country. People younger, healthier and with no pre-existing conditions shouldn’t have to suffer or not be allowed to work.

You have no idea how viruses work. A younger person could harbor the virus and be asymptomatic but still pass it on to others.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Yes, it seems they could. So at risk people and people with underlying conditions need to stay home. or take precautions when they are out.

If not, then when do we ever go back outside? no one ever agreed to stay home for the 18 months- 5 years that it will take to vaccinate every single person in the world.

A younger person could harbor the virus and be asymptomatic but still pass it on to others.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Personally I don't care what the US does, BUT IF they behave that irresponsibly they should be treated as a risk country and not allowed free travel. Anyone flying out of the US MUST BE Quartantined. If they want to get sick by all means have at it. Just don't leave your country and infect others.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

actually they are secretly working together. The media attacking Trump gives Kemp the cover he needs to reopen and show that reopening is safe. Trump told him not to, so liberals have taken the position of anti-Trump instinctively.

which means you now support Kemps decision to reopen without even knowing it. Now you are just hoping that something bad happens when he does reopen so that you can blame him and Trump both at the same time for opposite decisions.

They planned this out, thats why the talked on the phone twice before doing it. House Dems will be demanding a transcript of the call by end of the week.

Kemp thought he was going to receive a gold star from Trump for brazenly opening Georgia first. Instead Trump threw him under the bus.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

You have no idea how viruses work.

my basic knowledge about viruses are pretty much like everyone else’s on this planet that didn’t go to med school

A younger person could harbor the virus and be asymptomatic but still pass it on to others.

Yes, but the mortality rate for this virus is mostly with older people predominately. That would mean younger people would have less to worry about generally speaking.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

The largest US budget deficit in history...

The highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression...

And thank God he’s advocating for trying to re-open the country, but these lame Democrats just won’t let him, they need to do something because otherwise they won’t have any ways to tap into money to fund their socialist programs

The biggest point drop in the US stock market ever...

when Trump talks about re-opening the country stock market goes up do you know the potential of this man and making the country wealthy

These are facts that can't be argued, disputed, or explained away...they're real...

And every American will be thinking of them when they vote in Nov...

if Trump continues to let these liberals bark him down and keep the economy closed it doesn’t push to reopen it, then it will reflect badly on him and as long as he pushes on it makes the effort to try to re-open the country, even Joe Biden can’t defeat Trump, that’s also an indisputable fact.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

blacklabel: Now you are just hoping that something bad happens when he does reopen so that you can blame him and Trump both at the same time for opposite decisions.

You just want states to open up so California will open up and Californians (Democrats) will die.

And I have just as much evidence as you do.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

They should be allowed to go about their regular lives.

And risk not only their health and lives, but the health and lives of any they come in contact with.

Practicing basic precautions such as washing hands and wearing masks and social distancing is still necessary.

On the other hand, the longer the economy is shut down, the worse the depression will be and the more deaths from depression, suicide, addiction and domestic abuse.

Trump is right when he says it's too early to open the barbershops, hair salons and tattoo parlors. But in many other businesses people can go back to work safely if they follow the guidelines.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

People act like they are being forced to go out. If you want lockdown to continue, please continue to stay home and enjoy your own personal lockdown.

Any business that doesnt want to reopen doesnt have to, and any person can refuse to go to any business for any reason. a wonderful thing called freedom of choice.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Here are the words of the President...

"It's only one guy from China."

"We have it under control."

"There are only 15 cases and the number will soon be zero."

"It's just a cold." "It's just the flu." "It will magically disappear."

"The vaccine is only a couple of months away." "I have absolute control."

"I'm not responsible."

"I alone can fix it."

"It's up to the individual governors to find their supplies...we're not shipping clerks."

and now he want to inject us with disinfectant...

Please explain to me why anyone would vote for him in November...

9 ( +9 / -0 )

The largest US budget deficit in history...

The highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression...

And thank God he’s advocating for trying to re-open the country, but these lame Democrats just won’t let him, they need to do something because otherwise they won’t have any ways to tap into money to fund their socialist programs

See - facts can't be disputed, just pitifully deflected. And Socialist programs like subsidies? Bailouts? Price controls? Just more Trump Legacies...

Bernie and Elizabeth would be proud of him...

The biggest point drop in the US stock market ever...

when Trump talks about re-opening the country stock market goes up do you know the potential of this man and making the country wealthy

I hope it's wealthy enough for some of his supporters to take a basic English class so they can make a clear, understandable sentence.

These are facts that can't be argued, disputed, or explained away...they're real...

And every American will be thinking of them when they vote in Nov...

if Trump continues to let these liberals bark him down and keep the economy closed it doesn’t push to reopen it, then it will reflect badly on him and as long as he pushes on it makes the effort to try to re-open the country, even Joe Biden can’t defeat Trump, that’s also an indisputable fact.

"Joe Biden can't defeat Trump and that's an indisuptable fact". Just read that statement and it tells you everything you need to know about Trump-word - they have no idea of the difference between a fact and an opinion. Note this poster also said that "32% was more than half"...

Just like Trump displayed today with his injecting disinfectant nonsense, Trump-world is in meltdown and his supporters are beyond desperate...

9 ( +9 / -0 )

See - facts can't be disputed, just pitifully deflected.

That the country can’t sustain with being on this continuous lockdown forever, I think so. Democrats, open up the country NOW!

I hope it's wealthy enough for some of his supporters to take a basic English class so they can make a clear, understandable sentence.

That message should go to CNN and all the other liberal msm

Just like Trump displayed today with his injecting disinfectant nonsense, Trump-world is in meltdown and his supporters are beyond desperate...

47% approval polling meltdown?? Impossible!

Michigan Democratic state Rep. Karen Whitsett, publicly expressed her gratitude toward President Trump for her coronavirus recovery, and now she is facing possible censure from her fellow Democrats. 

Whitsett has indicated that the president may have helped save her life by publicly discussing the drug hydroxychloroquine, which she says helped her to recover. The Detroit Free Press reported that when questioned about "whether she thinks Trump may have saved her life, Whitsett said: 'Yes, I do,' and 'I do thank him for that.'" 

Whitsett earlier this month met with the president at a meeting of coronavirus survivors and expressed her gratitude.

Changing Dems one mind at a time.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

This coronavirus epidemic has really brought out the stupidity in some politicians. Kemp only 'just' found out about infection from asymptotic patients some two months after the rest of the world were told that. And did anybody to see that car wreck interview with the mayor of Las Vegas who wasn't sure whether anyone in LV had Ebola, or that casinos should open and practise social distancing, but she had no idea how and it didn't concern her - not her job, and she offered LV to be a control, placebo - ie guinea pig.

Where does America get these politicians. And you get an idiot who suggested injecting yourself with disinfectant. Sweet mother of Jesus.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

See - facts can't be disputed, just pitifully deflected.

That the country can’t sustain with being on this continuous lockdown forever, I think so. Democrats, open up the country NOW!

If Trump is a "Wartime President" and has "total authority" like he said he has, why hasn't he done it?

I hope it's wealthy enough for some of his supporters to take a basic English class so they can make a clear, understandable sentence.

That message should go to CNN and all the other liberal msm

You need to re-read your sentence...it will be difficult, but try...

Just like Trump displayed today with his injecting disinfectant nonsense, Trump-world is in meltdown and his supporters are beyond desperate...

47% approval polling meltdown?? Impossible!

Thank you - no better evidence of the meltdown than when Trump supports boast that less than half the country supports him - but as they think "32% is more than half", they must believe that's good...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Set aside all of the finger pointing and Monday morning quarterbacking and give respect to the more than 40 employees of Braskem America in Pennsylvania who made the collective decision in March to leave their families and live at the factory for 28 days, where they would eat, sleep, and take turns working 12-hour shifts to produce protective equipment for healthcare workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. They clocked out yesterday after their month-long shift. These are the kind of Americans who will see the country through this crisis and beyond.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

If Trump is a "Wartime President" and has "total authority" like he said he has, why hasn't he done it?

We’re not in an overseas war. Let’s not get it twisted, but I do think, Trump should push these governors, and if the Democrat governors want to defy the will of the people, it just helps Trump.

Thank you - no better evidence of the meltdown than when Trump supports boast that less than half the country supports him -

Ahh, liberals and their failed befuddled short memories, 2016 they said the exact same thing. 47% for an incumbent with a shattered economy and thousands dead is nothing but remarkable.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

If Trump is a "Wartime President" and has "total authority" like he said he has, why hasn't he done it?

We’re not in an overseas war. Let’s not get it twisted, but I do think, Trump should push these governors, and if the Democrat governors want to defy the will of the people, it just helps Trump.

Hmmmm.... Wartime President.... "Total" authority.... Sounds like he could open things up to me if he wanted to... What's the wait?

Thank you - no better evidence of the meltdown than when Trump supports boast that less than half the country supports him -

Ahh, liberals and their failed befuddled short memories, 2016 they said the exact same thing. 47% for an incumbent with a shattered economy and thousands dead is nothing but remarkable.

And 32% is more than half, right?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Hmmmm.... Wartime President.... "Total" authority.... Sounds like he could open things up to me if he wanted to... What's the wait?

If only the Democrat governors wouldn’t be filled with so much hate.

And 32% is more than half, right?

47% approval is a bigger number.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Hmmmm.... Wartime President.... "Total" authority.... Sounds like he could open things up to me if he wanted to... What's the wait?

If only the Democrat governors wouldn’t be filled with so much hate.

The question was; "Total" authority.... Sounds like he could open things up to me if he wanted to... What's the wait? So what's the wait?

And 32% is more than half, right?

47% approval is a bigger number.

Once again - thanks. Admitting you think 32% is more than half really says it all...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Liberal state: no one cares. Do whatcha like.



Georgia: reopening our state is killing people of color.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Are Trump supporters so blind that they are willing to believe everything he says??

If so, that's exactly the same mind set as citizens that are ruled under a dictatorship!

You don't think, don't question, just follow... Maybe you would do good living in North Korea!

You could be a high ranking official!!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Beach in Southern states: bad. Florida Morons! Must be stopped immediately

Beach in Cali: good. Enjoy yourself we can’t stop you.


this bias will continue indefinitely. Or at least until November.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

The question was; "Total" authority.... Sounds like he could open things up to me if he wanted to... What's the wait?  So what's the wait?

Democrats like in Michigan don’t even want people to buy seeds at the time of year for planting, nice. Her VP aspersions are shot now.

Once again - thanks. Admitting you think 32% is more than half really says it all...

No, I said specifically 47% is a fantastic number for any presidential Incumbent going into an election year and with all the disaster that’s going on right now, it’s very good.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

47% is a fantastic number

Embrace the humiliation.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


And every American will be thinking of them when they vote in Nov...

I wish, but I think you are giving the US electorate way too much credit!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Democrats like in Michigan don’t even want people to buy seeds at the time of year for planting, nice. 

Inaccurate. The governor of Michigan, not all democrats, doesn’t want people going to stores to buy seeds for home gardens because seeds are not an essential item.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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