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Islamic State claims responsibility for Tunisia beach resort massacre


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Don't you just love radical Islam?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

So, what the world can do to stop these miserable rats???

8 ( +8 / -0 )

You'd think after March people would reconsider their travel plans.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The only real solution is to fix their minds. Tighter security is just like applying band aid to treat cancer. Replace this religion of hate and murder with the religion of life and love.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

'The only real solution is to fix their minds. Tighter security is just like applying band aid to treat cancer. Replace this religion of hate and murder with the religion of life and love'

Sadly, I think tighter security is the more practical. People have been slaughtering each other for centuries because of religion. I can't see things changing in our lifetimes. 'Love and life'? Many of these crackpots love historical characters more than their own families and regard life as nothing compared to the big theme park in the sky coming later.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Strike that place off my list. Pretty soon, Japan will be the only safe and sane country in the world.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Maybe we should stop being hypocrites. Condemning the religion and these crackpots, but loving the cheap oil. At the same time, we are doing our best at starting a new Cold War with Russia. Last time I checked, I don't remember any Russians going around blasting innocent vacationers. Saudi Arabia should be treated just like North Korea.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

@FizzBit"Maybe we should stop being hypocrites"

Nice idea but many people are totally duped by misinformation of media. They believe that Saudy Arabia is reliable ally and human rights paradise while Russia is a kind of Mordor.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

So, what the world can do to stop these miserable rats???

Maybe the "free world" should stop funding and helping them in the Middle East (the rebels in Syria, or even the royal family of Saudi Arabia).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I cannot understand why so many of the kids in the west that decide to join ISIS cannot see that the cowardly ISIS leaders only want them as free cannon fodder, because they are too frightened and scared to die for their own cause. How can these kids be so naieve and stupid?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Makes total sense - let's celebrate the holy month dedicated to prayer and peaceful reflection by blowing people up.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

'Nice idea but many people are totally duped by misinformation of media. They believe that Saudy Arabia is reliable ally and human rights paradise while Russia is a kind of Mordor.'

I don't think theocratic, undemocratic, hand-chopping, public-beheading, women-hating, terrorist-sponsoring Saudi Arabia is regarded by anyone with half a brain as anything other than a menace to decent societies. They stay off the west's shitlist for obvious reasons despite the usual platitudes and babble about freedom and past comical statements like not drawing distinctions between those who perpetrate terrorism and those who harbor terrorists. Unfortunately, given the stranglehold religion in its most psychopathic form has in this part of the world, there is every chance that an even more dangerous and poisonous regime would take over in Saudi Arabia if this regime was removed.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

These brainwashed barbarians ISIS want to rule the world, and some liberal folks still having compassion, hope, and change with them? ISIS commit the most despicable war crimes all over places, for the world must wake up to butt them out from the face of this earth and human civilization.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Don't you just love radical Islam?

I don't think there is anything Islamic about the group, except the name. If a group decides to call themselves Islamic State, Buddhist State, Jewish State, Christian State ... that does not make them a representative of that religion.

I see IS as simply a group of mercenaries, and I bet even their backers are not "Islamic".

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

'I don't think there is anything Islamic about the group, except the name. If a group decides to call themselves Islamic State, Buddhist State, Jewish State, Christian State ... that does not make them a representative of that religion.'

So, a group that calls itself Islamic State, continually quote the Koran, state their belief in Allah and his messenger Mohammed, murder people they regard as 'infidels' and want to establish a caliphate based on Islamic law are actually just mercenaries with no particular religious beliefs?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

They are Muslim, just an extreme form that most Muslims don't follow. But they are Muslim.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Last time I checked, I don't remember any Russians going around blasting innocent vacationers.

Obviously you weren't on Malaysia Airlines flight 17.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

You'd think after March people would reconsider their travel plans.

Thank you, I thought I was the only one who thought this. There's a pretty good reason a vacation in countries like Egypt and Tunisia is cheap at the moment and that's running the risk of having your beloved ones slaughtered while playiing on the beach of visiting museums. I can't believe people don't simply boycot these countries.

And I can already hear the 'wawawaaaa but these countries make a substantial income from tourism and without it the poverty level would grow and people would radicalize even further' whining but seriously... whether rich or poor, these people will radicalize even further anyways so stop shoving money down their throats.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

They are Muslim, just an extreme form that most Muslims don't follow. But they are Muslim.

They do manage to recruit a number of Muslims, but I'm not so sure about their leaders and backers.

So, a group that calls itself Islamic State, continually quote the Koran, state their belief in Allah and his messenger Mohammed...

I think any group that wants to be seen as Islamic would do that.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

'Just go - tell our children that their daddy loves them' that was the last words a father shielding mother of his children's as he was mercilessly cut down......

This brutality demands a response, we must be prepared to engage giving no quarter. It will mean enforced repatriation, internment, a declaration of war and full military engagement ground forces, air support, sea and land, segregation and permanent occupation whatever it takes.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

This is a direct result of Obama et all supporting the islamists in the "Arab spring" and allowing the stable regimes in Libya and Tunesia to be overthrown and the area handed to the islamists.

Western government created this, with their stupid, stupid policies. Are we proud yet?

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

This atrocity is just one of many committed on a daily occurrence.....It is time to engage the enemy, and we have to have the fortitude to face cowardice of the appeasers.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Many terrorist attacks are carried out by troubled individuals who have lost all hope and see no future for themselves. Some may have no family ties, others may have loved ones but are driven to die, blinded by an abstract idea, ideology or religion. Sacrificing oneself is not hard for those whose mental state has been radically altered by tragic misfortune that has deprived them of or rendered them immune to the comforts and delights of earthly existence. But aren't there broader and deeper forces of History ( the constantly evolving conditions of the world) at work that could explain the ever growing surge in violence emanating from the Middle East since the foundation of the state of Israel ( an aftershock from the earthquake of Europe's bloody internecine conflict) which has destroyed the lives of MILLIONS. Perhaps the key to a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of terrorism may be found in Karl Marx's dictum on religion: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions." This is the real challenge we face in our era of globalization characterized by the unprecedented growth of corporate power and tyrannical governments whose jackboots are ever ready to stamp on the lives of the poor and disenfranchised who get in their way to more profit and power.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The IS just made some more enemies.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

'They do manage to recruit a number of Muslims, but I'm not so sure about their leaders and backers.'

A 'number of Muslims'? Are you aware of a significant number of Jews, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists or who have joined IS? Who are the others? Atheists fighting for Shariah and theocracy?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Are you aware of a significant number of Jews, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists or who have joined IS?

Significant number? No.

People have many different reasons for joining the military or militant groups. What I am saying is that we should focus on their leaders and backers. In this case, the leaders and backers do not represent Islam, and most are probably not even Muslim.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

With a genuine heavy heart, the day is approaching that Muslim western communities will have to make a conscious decision whether to reside and integrate, accepting unequivocally the culture they have chosen to live within or face the inevitable reality of permanent enforced repatriation, irrespective of populous sub-group.

ISIL is within our communities and is prepared to commit unspeakable atrocities, it is as simple as that.

The alternative will be a war that will bring annihilation to the whole middle east, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Saudi Kingdom, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey. This will become inevitable in the drive to snuff out ISIL.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This unspeakable evil called is is spreading like a cancer only a united front can face and control. But that front is yet to materialize and the senseless, cowardly destruction is bound to continue. Targeting human life and cultural heritage.For what? Is what is happening now really comparable to what happened in the middle ages?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Obviously a vast majority of Muslims are not radical and it's unfair to define the entire religion by its most radical elements. But saying the radicals aren't Islamic just prevents honest dialogue about the problem.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

'People have many different reasons for joining the military or militant groups. What I am saying is that we should focus on their leaders and backers. In this case, the leaders and backers do not represent Islam, and most are probably not even Muslim.'

Your statement that the leaders and backers of IS are not adherents of Islam is speculation. Do you have any evidence? Also, do you have any evidence that the foot soldiers who carry out these disgusting acts aren't people who profess a belief in Islam? As far as I can see, these butchers talk about religion non-stop. It must take a lot for people to sink to such levels and religion is as good a motivation as I can see.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The IS just made some more enemies.

Easy to say, but it's possible they also gained more recruits. I'm absolutely sure I don't know what it's like to be young and raised in a Muslim society. However wrong or misguided, the hatred is real. We have some learning to do yet.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I will always condemn the murder of innocent people irrespective of there race, colour, creed.

As for ISIL there will be no hiding place Islamic fundamentalism that murders indiscriminately . It is ISIL that have brought shame and dishonor to Islam. It is ISIL that are solely responsible for the deaths of countless Innocent Muslims. And it will be ISIL that will ultimately be accountable.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"It is ISIL that have brought shame and dishonor to Islam."

And al-Queada. And the Taliban. And al-Shabob, and Abu Saiff, and the Sunni/Shite militant factions. And Europe's hate preaching Imams.

And, for that matter Saudi Arabia (home of Mecca and Medina.) and its Wahhist fundamentalist ideology that rouintely beheads and flogs its own citizens for transgressions like blogging. AND, the list goes on and on and on. But of course, Islam has nothing to do with it, right?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Your statement that the leaders and backers of IS are not adherents of Islam is speculation. Do you have any evidence?

A few months ago, Iraqi forces arrested ISIL foreign advisers with American and Israeli passports. I think I have seen similar claims from the Syrian military. Last year, Alexander Prokhanov, a senior Putin aide, accused Mossad of training ISIL and Israel’s military advisors could be assisting ISIL.

And I amd very suspicious at how ISIL quickly got so many weapons. Claiming that IS represents Islam is in my opinion speculation.

Also, do you have any evidence that the foot soldiers who carry out these disgusting acts aren't people who profess a belief in Islam?

No, I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are Muslim. But that is not relevant, just like most soldiers in the US military are probably Christian, but I don't consider the US military a "Christian force" that represents Christianity.

As far as I can see, these butchers talk about religion non-stop.

Yeah, funny that; it’s almost too obvious, isn’t it? Anyway, as far as I remember, Obama and Bush occasionally quote scripture. And before anyone has a fit, my point is not to compare the actions of ISIL with those of the US military, but to suggest that in both cases their apparent or actual religions are not relevant.

So the last thing the west should do is to respond by attacking Muslim countries, that is exactly what "ISIL" wants.

I'm absolutely sure I don't know what it's like to be young and raised in a Muslim society. However wrong or misguided, the hatred is real.

The strange thing is that the Muslim people I have personally known are all wonderful loving tolerant people, which contrasts drastically with the opinions expressed by almost all posters here.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

@Ramzee Can I ask if you regard Boko Haram and Al Qaida ( once headed by Osama bin Laden ) as having a connection to Islam or are they also similar to IS?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Hi Ramzee Of course with hindsight had Bush/Blair resisted the catastrophic effects of shock n awe ISIL would not have had such a ready supply of radicalized UK recruits.

Saturdays for a couple of hours I have been taking Japanese/English classes for a small group of Iranian students in Kochi, it would be gross offense to insinuate Muslims are to blame for these atrocities. A large proportion of the US heavy weapons in ISIL procession appear to have been abandoned by fleeing the Kurdish army.

I regret pressurizing you, into condemning Islamic State, no excuses, it was unwarranted.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Obviously you weren't on Malaysia Airlines flight 17

So, you have concrete evidence that the Russians did it? Please do tell. You must be a clairvoyant. If the MSM, like you, had evidence that the Russians DID do it, don't you think the propaganda machine would jump at the chance to demonize Putin again?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Well the separatists did claim responsibility for it. At the time they thought they had shot down a transport plane and they bragged about the shoot down on social media.

The investigation will be done in August either way. The Dutch lost a lot of people so I can't imagine they will pull any punches with the evidence regardless of who it points to.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Well the separatists did claim responsibility for it. At the time they thought they had shot down a transport plane and they bragged about the shoot down on social media.

Yeah, and who rerouted the flight over war zone?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Well, the separatists did claim responsibility for it. At the time they thought they had shot down a transport plane and they bragged about the shoot down on social media.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I thought it was clear many months ago that the "separatists" didn't have the Buk missile system. Depending on social media? The easiest thing to fake. You might be right, however, and again I'LL ask, who rerouted the passenger jet over a war zone. Please answer that.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Can you show me evidence that the account was hacked? I'd like to take a look at it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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