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5 Dallas police officers killed, 6 wounded at protest


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wow. Those Black Lives Matter snipers were armed like a Marine fire team. These guys aren't no joke!

CNN vid. It's Dallas, TX. But sounds like CHI, DET os south central LA on a Fri/Sat night.


-23 ( +4 / -27 )

I do not know anything about the four officers slain. Odds are, they were good men and good police officers, so this is very sad.

But if people have declared that it is open season on the police, the police themselves and the justice system have brought it to this point by failing to indict or convict them in clear cases of aggravated manslaughter by police over decades.

And the result of this will be very predictable. The police will go after everyone ten times harder with even more excessive force. But they will fail to clean up their act and just keep doing everything that brought it to this. Frankly, its the new American way; never look back, never admit doing wrong and never apologize. Keep going like you are God's gift to the world no matter what.

22 ( +31 / -9 )

But if people have declared that it is open season on the police, the police themselves and the justice system have brought it to this point by failing to indict or convict them in clear cases of aggravated manslaughter by police over decades.

Exactly. Indicitment should be automatic. Remember, indictment doesn't mean an officer is guilty; it just means the case HAS to go to court to determine the facts. By not even indicting, they send a message to the cops that they can take a life and the incident won't even be investigated, which means the cops can feel free to shoot first and ask questions later. Also, by not indicting, the facts of the case never come to light and everyone loses. If the cop was indeed just killed needlessly they must go to jail. If the cop was in the right then the indictment will exonerate them as the facts come to light.

And the result of this will be very predictable. The police will go after everyone ten times harder with even more excessive force. But they will fail to clean up their act and just keep doing everything that brought it to this. Frankly, its the new American way; never look back, never admit doing wrong and never apologize. Keep going like you are God's gift to the world no matter what.

If they do that there's going to be blood in the streets. Black Americans have had enough. There is no excuse for the cops' behavior. They're out of control.

Philando Castile: here's ALOT of info and the vid of him dying. Its pretty awful.


And CNN on Alton Sterling


15 ( +17 / -2 )

I stand with the BLUE!

-15 ( +12 / -27 )

@Joeintokyo. Damm!! That was a crazy vid. Those Black Lives Matter were really gunning. Burst after burst of automatic assault rifle fire.

But mark my words. . . the NRA will get all the BLAME and not BLM.

-19 ( +8 / -26 )

Wc626 demonstrates why this happened very well. Already he has decided who is guilty, and its the Black Lives Matter movement. This is the kind of narrow mindedness that has infected America's police force. Agents provacateurs is not even part of the vocabulary of these people. So they shoot will complete confidence that they know exactly what is happening, as only an ignorant person can. Evidence and facts even after the fact, even when hindsight is supposed to be 20/20 never shakes their faith or confidence in their decisions are those of the supposed "authorities". This could well explode into a class war such as we have not seen in a long time, and people like this will only accept reasons for it that match up with their politics rather than reality.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

What a sad circle of violence.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Are you kidding, Wc? The NRA is Teflon. Doesn't matter the race or cause of the shooting - might be mental health, a nursed grudge, religious-based resentment, suicidal impulses, terrorism, you name it - those always end up being the focus rather than the means that enables Americans to blow themselves away at rates far greater than any other country on the planet: the ridiculous ease with which Americans can access guns. You saw the photo of the suspect strolling down the street with his assault rifle; I'm sure the cops did, too, but there was nothing they could do about it until he (or someone like him) started shooting.

The NRA should get the blame for this, but they won't. Texas, with their idiotic gun laws (despite being the birthplace of modern mass shootings, the UT Tower massacre, where some former white Marine gunned down 49 people, killing 16 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Whitman ) should also get the blame, but they won't. "Squirrel!" - and people like you will still fall for it.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

More deaths by guns in the US, eh?

What a surprise.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Not too close, you might get shot.

It's less likely when you're white. You can point your gun at police and come away with your life if you're white.


Meanwhile, you can be twelve and shot within seconds for playing with a toy gun at a park in broad daylight if you're black. Pinned down by two officers, still shot. Walking around with a pack of Skittles, shot by the neighborhood watch. I could go on and on.

Violence doesn't solve anything, but violence is being pushed on black Americans time after time by the people who are supposed to protect and serve. There's bound to be a breaking point.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

This is awful. Truly, homo homini lupus est.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Don't frigging blame BLM for this.

Heh. Why not? You blame the NRA when Omar and Tashfeen went out on their killigs rush. Why didn't you blame religion?

Why were the police targeted? And not some gay bar. Because many black men in America are being killed by police officers. Of course the Black Lives Matter has something to do with this.

-20 ( +2 / -22 )

My heart goes out to the families of these law officials. Sad, very sad.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Wc626JUL. 08, 2016 - 03:21PM JST Because many black men in America are being killed by police officers. Of course the Black Lives Matter has something to do with this.

So in other words, because a random black person may be speculated to have a motive to kill police officers, you assume it to be evident that an organization to protect black people from police must be involved.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

But mark my words. . . the NRA will get all the BLAME and not BLM.

Not all. I'd start with the institutional racism that's been part of life in the Americas since Europeans first brought slaves to the continent (Canada gets a bit of a pass) and PERSISTS today. To the blame I'd add the individuals and groups in the majority culture (i.e. white people) who refuse to acknowledge that institutional racism continues and who blame race problems on those in minority communities. I'd blame those individuals and groups who perceive groups like La Raza and BLM as 'racists' groups, when their purpose is to fight institutional racism.

And among others, I'll blame the NRA that works to enrich the gun industries, allowing a violent society to be brutally violent. I'll blame the right wing reactionary militias and come and take it thugs, those individuals and groups holding private arsenals and who say they are willing to overthrow the government. In addition, I'll blame those in ethnic gangs who live violent lives and who also hold private arsenals. The NRA and those willing to allow a violent population to own so many weapons are deserving of a lot of the blame.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Because many black men in America are being killed by police officers. Of course the Black Lives Matter has something to do with this.

More black men are being killed by other black men. Black on black crime is a huge part of the issue and one that seems BLMs doesn't really want to talk about.

What happened here is a tragedy but the recent demands by BLMs to exclude cops is not the way to ensure that black communities get treated better and that racism gets dealt with.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Chances are that the officers killed and injured were blameless. The killers need to be mercilessly hunted and punished.

However.... it does seem to me that law enforcement in general in the US has been suffering from a serious bout of paranoia for the past 10 years or so. The shibboleth of terrorism, the constant persecution complex, and a lack of training have all contributed to the over aggressive and violent way that some officers behave. It's sad and it's unnecessary. Reality is that crime has been dropping for decades now. The police do not have as dangerous a job as before, yet so many act as if they were in a combat situation, treating every interaction with 'civilians' as a potentially life threatening encounter..

Too much militarization of the police force, from uniforms to weapons to (most importantly) mindset. They are not enforcers, they are supposed to serve and protect.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

What's with Dallas and snipers - a President died there

Another gun-toting anti-authority anarchists?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Mass shootings, cops shooting civilians, civilians shooting cops, kids shooting each other - enough is enough. A terrible state of affairs in the U.S.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

So in other words, because a random black person may be speculated to have a motive to kill police officers, you assume it to be evident that an organization to protect black people from police must be involved.

In its infancy, BLM thugs in ferguson assaulted police officers.

Gimme a break, Wc626. Ain't no way those guys are BLM. They are hard core militants who've been waiting for their justification. And they got it over the past couple days. Don't frigging blame BLM for this.

Yeah. They're Militants who just happen to be on the same page as BLM. Heh . . . They make the Bundy Ranch guys look like Choir Boys.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Aren't armed Texans supposed to have prevented this by being armed and prepared? Don't tell me they're actually cowards pretending to be tough? What a disappointment and a disgrace to their country

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I see that the aplogists for murderers of police on this site are applying the same "its wrong but you can understand why they did it" menality that they wheel out to excuse islamic terrorists.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Is this what the NRA meant when they said we would be safer if everyone was armed? It is possible to be against cop killers, and against dirty cops who kill civilians.

9 ( +14 / -5 )


More black men are being killed by other black men. Black on black crime is a huge part of the issue and one that seems BLMs doesn't really want to talk about.

Criminals killing people is an entirely different issue. Nobody seems to listen, but the effects of poverty, drug laws, and the prison system on poorer (i.e., minority) communities is talked about.

But when criminals kill people in your community, you ask the cops to help. What do you do when it's the cops that are killing you?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Shocking news. My cousin was a police officer and I have great respect for the police. This was a planned ambush, cold-blooded murder, and cannot be condoned no matter how many people have been killed by police.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Brainiac- 100 percent agreed.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

42 US police officers were shot and killed in 2015.

US police officers killed 1,186 people in 2015.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

5 dead police officers now, suspects arrested and one dead. We'll no doubt see in the hours to come who these people were, and what their motives may have been. I feel sorry for the cops and their families.

What's the pro-gun line again? If the marchers had been armed they could have prevented this?

It all has a air of inevitability about it...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The suspect is not cooperating and has told negotiators he intends to hurt more law enforcement officials, the chief said.

They should know by now that no snitching is the code of the streets.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Wc626JUL. 08, 2016 - 04:15PM JST So in other words, because a random black person may be speculated to have a motive to kill police officers, you assume it to be evident that an organization to protect black people from police must be involved. In its infancy, BLM thugs in ferguson assaulted police officers.

So? Even if we take your claim-absent-evidence as genuine despite the huge amount of misinformation white power groups have spread about BLM, the fact that some members of their group at one point assaulted police does not prove that all future attacks against police must come from the same organization, especially when they happen with an entirely different MO.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

IF the BLM protesters really wanted to address poverty, there really isn't a magic formula. It's basically the following fiver easy steps: finish high school; don't get pregnant or get someone pregnant; get and hold a job; don't become addicted to anything; don't commit any crimes. If you can manage to do these things, the chances of staying in poverty are remote.

As for the crime issue, TMarie made a good, if unpopular, point. The vast majority of murders are committed with handguns, not long guns like rifles. They are also committed by black men against black men in numbers that far outstrip their representation in the general populace.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Convicted and guilty by association then executed. And the 2 police shooting investigations only just started.

We are a polarized nation in recent years.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Atilla - you're talking abt black people taking responsibility for themselves - that is not gonna be popular on this site!

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

AttilathehungryJUL. 08, 2016 - 06:05PM JST As for the crime issue, TMarie made a good, if unpopular, point. The vast majority of murders are committed with handguns, not long guns like rifles. They are also committed by black men against black men in numbers that far outstrip their representation in the general populace.

...which would have a shred of relevance to the discussion if it were the job of "black men" to accept state funds and state authority to protect the safety of their community.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

IF the BLM protesters really wanted to address poverty

It's not about poverty, it's about black lives mattering... When a black criminal that kills a black person is caught, the criminal gets punished. When a cop kills a black person, nothing happens. When nothing happens time after time, it starts to seem like black lives don't matter. Hence the BLM movement.

Do you get on the LGBT movement's case about them ignoring gay on gay discrimination? You can discuss black on black crime and cop on black crime at the same time but separately, just like you can be against violence against cops and violence against blacks at the same time. The BLM movement is focusing on this one particular issue with good reason considering recent events. Or recent video evidence of these events, because let's face it, that's the probably the only thing that's new here.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Snipers opened fire on police officers in the heart of Dallas, killing five officers and injuring six others during protests over two recent fatal police shootings of black men, police said

So why aren't we calling these people terrorists?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

USA implodes. Thanks, NRA!

1 ( +6 / -5 )

One problem is that BLM is focusing on the smaller issue. The larger issue is why the US become such a police state, with the largest prison population in the world, the police getting involved in even minor school issues, and of course, the police killing innocent people.

Talking about discrimination ignores the elephant in the room, which is why we have to be afraid of the police in the first place. If a man walks into a building and slaughters 100 people, and black people disproportionately so, should we get more upset about the racism or about mass murder?

The problem is that Americans continually for the government to do more. Well, this is what it looks like when some governments do more.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It's reasonable to suspect that the shooters might belong to one of the traditional black extremist groups in the US (ie. The Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam). If so, there could be a whole different dimension to this story once the names are released to the public.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

...finish high school; don't get pregnant or get someone pregnant; get and hold a job; don't become addicted to anything; don't commit any crimes.

Gee, Attila, Philando Castile had done all of those - plus take responsibility for the four-year old daughter of his fiance - but none of that seemed to matter, did it? Police violence against blacks is disproportionate. At the same time, police are stuck with an impossible job: America has decided to abandon many aspects of social service, leaving the police responsible for issues they are not trained to handle in a nation awash with guns.

Black people can get all the education possible and they will still be targeted. Police over-react for a reason. It comes down to firepower.

By the way, if Philando Castile had been white - a concealed-permit holding, entirely innocent man shot four times in front of his fiance and soon-to-be stepdaughter - don't you think the NRA would have had some severe comments about this? Because at the moment - nada. The NRA is more about upholding white privilege than it is about gun rights.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The NRA is more about upholding white privilege than it is about gun rights.

Well it's more like the NRA won't be happy until 300 million Americans are armed to the teeth. It's working of the few pockets that aren't --- including the blind, the senile, the incarcerated and the yet to be weaned off their mother's milk.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Do I see parallels between this in Dallas & reactions in the Middle East? Is this not evidence that heavy handed policies just don't work? Melting pot? More like oil & water.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The larger issue is why the US become such a police state, with the largest prison population in the world, the police getting involved in even minor school issues, and of course, the police killing innocent people.

Fairly certain neither Philandro nor Alton were killed with military style weapon. Actually, just standard police issue pistols did them in.

You are, however, correct the militarization of police has become a problem. Why? Ever heard of an arm's race? Over the past several decades, the NRA's 'guns save lives' tripe has held sway over public opinion. After each and every mass shooting, the NRA come up with new excuses and 'clever' ways of solving gun crime, all completely refusing to take a look at gun control. Keep the guns at all costs, out of my cold, dead hands.

Meanwhile, you have numerous right-wingers right here on the forum proclaiming that guns are meant for Americans to defend themselves from tyrannical governments, like BHO, and we are literally off to the races here. In numerous states now you can open carry or CC. You can own semi-automatics, and you still ask why police too are increasing their arsenal? What you believe you should have any less firepower than you, a private citizen?

should we get more upset about the racism or about mass murder?

When is the last time the police killed an unarmed white man?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

When is the last time the police killed an unarmed white man?

June 25th.

"Police confronted Dylan Noble, 19, at a gas station after a car chase for speeding down the street. According to police, Noble got out of his pickup truck, started to walk away and refused to show his hands. Fresno Deputy Chief Pat Farmer told reporters Saturday that “The subject made a statement that he hated his life and made affirmative movement to the small of his back at which time he was shot several times by officers at the scene.”The officers indicated they feared that Noble was reaching behind his back for a weapon and they opened fire. Noble was hit several times and later died during surgery at a local hospital. The two officers involved in the shooting were wearing body cameras. No weapon was found on Noble or in the vehicle.”

5 ( +5 / -0 )

42 US police officers were shot and killed in 2015.

US police officers killed 1,186 people in 2015.

@domtoidi - so i gather you won't be happy until the the figures are evened up?

The amount of disgusting comments on this thread almost celebrating this massacre is shocking.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Terrible news. Rest in Peace to the poor officers. I hope all the cowards who did this are brought to justice. The U.S. media is just starting to talk of a possible "civil war" between blacks and white people - I seriously hope it does not come to this. Dare I say if it does kick off, a certain orange-skinned, be-wigged presidential hopeful may start making promises to round up all black men...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

When a cop kills a black person, nothing happens.

That's because most of the time the black suspect escalated the confrontation to where officers must employ deadly force.

Many x-cons and felons have 2 Strikes on their criminal records. The 3rd strike puts them away for a very long time. So they will do "whatever " they can to avoid going back to jail.

Too bad more Blacks aren't police officers.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

It's less likely when you're white. You can point your gun at police and come away with your life if you're white.

What about Asian?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Laguna; my point was how to escape poverty, not violence. You are right, and the victim was an example of how to do things. The tragedy is the police. As I said earlier the level of paranoia in the cops is unreal.

It's true that people fear the police, but it seems equally true that the police fear the people. Hence their overreactions in situations that called for calm and de-escalation. IMHO the problem is attitude and poor training of police. There is little or no standardized training for law enforcement, instead they quickly develop an "us vs. them" mentality.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"i gather you won't be happy until the the figures are evened up?" I won't be happy until:

(1) All new gun transactions are registered so any gun can be traced to its owner as easily as a car

(2) End the war on blacks, especially. For the same crimes they go to prison more often and/or longer sentences. Even if you are happy about blacks going to prison so easily it's costing taxpayer money.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Why do American police use lethal force so much more frequently than in other countries?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Dallas has many unpleasant memories from past! President John F Kennedy was killed there. United States is disunited for gun law. It is time for preventing more tragedies. Israel special service units are highly trained for unarmed combat. They can wrestle armed person without using weapons. Israel police do not kill their citizens with guns!

USA police should learn from Israel martial art for arresting suspected persons. No more guns mean no more trigger happy lunatics whether civilians or police!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@ takeda.shingen.1991@gmail.com

should we get more upset about the racism or about mass murder?

When is the last time the police killed an unarmed white man? Brea California White cops beat homeless man Kelly Thomas to death for sitting on side walk!!!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Have to agree with you on your point that BLM declared war on the police last night.

Anyone who needs proof should look up on YouTube the "protest march" in NYC where the BLM-teers chanted:

"What do we want?" "Dead cops !!!" "When do we want it?" "Now!!!""

Aren't armed Texans supposed to have prevented this by being armed and prepared? Don't tell me they're actually cowards pretending to be tough? -- comment

The surviving sniper thugs who were nabbed by the Dallas PD picked the wrong city to conduct their attack on the police. We ain't shy about using the death penalty here in The Lone Star State. They should have chosen a girly man anti-capital punishment state somewhere up north where they would have been given free room and board at state taxpayers expense for the rest of their miserable lives instead of getting a fair trial before receiving a lethal injection while strapped to a gurney in Huntsville. . . .

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

We ain't shy about using the death penalty here The problem is these cops are not coming back- Texas or no Texas. You make a good point about outlawing new sales of semi autos. Didn't at least one of these shooters have an AR? Do those guns even contribute to anything positive other than mass murders?

receiving a lethal injection This is still a very expensive and complicated process. Texas still doesn't live under a dictatorship where the leader can just order someone to die at the drop of a hat. It will take many years and tax dollars.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

should we get more upset about the racism or about mass murder?

False dichotomy. Can we not be upset about both?

Am I upset about aggressive cops? Yes Am I upset about 5 cops being slaughtered for no apparent? Again, yes. America has a number of problems, and they will not be solved over night. Indeed, they will not be solved if people are not willing to look at the reason why.

The Orlando terrorist attack, this attack, the Charleston Church shooting, Sandyhook, you name the shooting, they have one thing in common: Guns.

You might not like it, but its guns. You have people like WC26 on this thread bashing the BLM movement and claiming they have assassins on their payroll, yet on other threads where shootings have happened, its 'gun ownership is might right, its unfortunate, but its how it is.' Well yeah, if that is how you think, then I guess its just unfortunate. But, we ALL know what is behind this time to act.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Why do American police use lethal force so much more frequently than in other countries?

Maybe because the criminals or suspects either don't comply or are more aggressive than other countries.

USA police should learn from Israel martial art for arresting suspected persons. No more guns mean no more trigger happy lunatics whether civilians or police!

Do you know how many Israeli police or IDF have shot? We are talking about mostly terrorists! Come on now....

The BLM movement is focusing on this one particular issue with good reason considering recent events. Or recent video evidence of these events, because let's face it, that's the probably the only thing that's new here.

Question, so why don't they focus on the Black on Black crime that is making up the majority and is the largest contributor to the death of Blacks. Why does this group have to cherry pick racial battles?

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Come on now.... Then why do you think this is 100% Obama's fault?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Atilla, thank you for your response. It's a tough world, and how you deal with things is difficult enough without throwing guns into the mix. Sterling likely had mental problems and was selling bootlegged DVDs, but he'd at least been stable enough to form a bond with the store owner strong enough to allow him to work there - funny how Wc castigates him for that: would he rather the man resort to crime or welfare? Castile was a typical middle class guy who, if white, would likely not even have drawn police attention (broken tail light - c'mon).

Texas - almost out of the dark ages, aren't we? You have zero evidence as to the motives or affiliation of the perpetrators. BLM participants both on-site and nationally have roundly declaimed this horrific crime. Ironic how it occurred just around the corner where a crazed white Texan assassinated Kennedy. Your state does not have a whole lot to be proud of.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Maybe because the criminals or suspects either don't comply or are more aggressive than other countries.

Or maybe its because Americans have bought into fear, mistakenly believing guns will save them from 'oppresive' governments, and in kind, police forces have also increased their arsenals. But, no, it can't be guns. Always Somethong else, definitely not the guns.

Why does this group have to cherry pick racial battles?

Are they really cherry picking or are you? Police are supposed to be looked up to and respected. With so many men slain for no reason, are you really surprised they do not cooperate more?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

NRA's comment: "Every police force in the nation should have armed guards!"

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Ironic how it occurred just around the corner where a crazed white Texan assassinated Kennedy.

Take the red pill next time. 51 witnesses said they heard shots from the grassy knoll.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

US police officers killed 1,186 people in 2015.

@ dorntodi: But in Chicago in 2015, 446 people were shot and killed, with 401 of them being Black. The USA has over 300 million people; compared to Chicago's roughly 5 million, you would see you have a higher chance of being shot by another Black in Chicago than you would be by the police.

I'm going to put this out there to clear the air. I have heard some on the right say that this was Obama's fault, for the comments he made about the two police shootings prior to this. And some on the left have said that this is Trump's fault because he is racist and brings up these feelings in people. Well, it is neither person's fault, but the fault of the shooters and their lack of understanding that brought this tragedy to happen. Obama may say some things, and people may not agree with them, but I don't think he called for the people to march out and take matters in their own hands and do something like this. Trump, some may not like his views, but if by what they are saying so far about the shooters, they weren't going to be voting for him anyway, and if he was so racist, it would be the thousands at the rally who would have been shot and not the police. The shooters are responsible for this, mainly for them not being able to understand that in order to make changes you have to work with people to do this, and pointing a gun at them though a good motivator, will not get the type of change that is needed. Shoot up a BLM rally, now you will have every BLM rally tainted as being suspect for causing this, setting back the voices of the people whether you agree with them or not. I compare this event to when our people riot in our own communities. All that happens is businesses and our areas are destroyed, thus making people less likely to want to invest there and pushing us down more. Shoot up a BLM rally, doing the same thing.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

To all of the posters here especially West Cost "WC626" if you have never had the unfortunate chance of looking down the barrel of an angry police officers gun with a blinding bright line in your face for doing NOTHING AT ALL except trying to get home from work at 4am in the morning and back to your family then you can't negatively talk here. All of your comments are speculation and racist. I am in law enforcement and I am well aware of how things are done and its either you one of them or you are not. In the ranks there is a joke "there is no such thing as a good cop" on the outside all cops are good cops. I have been on many crime scenes and from what I have seen I have my questions and concerns about how some thing just so happen to appear or disappear. I will keep it at that. There is so much cover up and corruption and the people who believe what they read and have no clue. I was watching the news I saw black cops and white cops and I know the feeling that those cops are going through. I read the threads daily and I find them entertaining but if there is anyone spreading hate its "WC626" he always mentions Hispanic and black thugs little do he know we arrest many white thugs and poor white trash, it just doesn't make the daily news!!!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Or maybe its because Americans have bought into fear, mistakenly believing guns will save them from 'oppresive' governments, and in kind, police forces have also increased their arsenals. But, no, it can't be guns. Always Somethong else, definitely not the guns.

Ahhh, the typical argument once again, let's blame guns and make front and center the Gun debate as main issue bypassing the REAL problem which is racism, crime and PC is what exactly the people are tire of.

Are they really cherry picking or are you?

No, by the way, how many Blacks died in Chicago this week, the murder rate is off the charts, so why doesn't the BLM group protest and demand action be taken and push to get that city back under control. Why is it every single time when a Black person is killed by a White person for whatever reason, we have to investigate, racists such as Al Sharpton (still waiting for him to pop up) will definitely try to milk this and politicize this, but when it's a Black on Black crime, these so called people that are supposedly fighting for racial justice ONLY do so if a White person is involved, a Black person, utter silence. So yes, without a doubt, these people are constantly cherry picking.

Police are supposed to be looked up to and respected. With so many men slain for no reason, are you really surprised they do not cooperate more?

At the same time, there are a lot of people that refuse to cooperate with the police, when an officer gives you an order for whatever reason, comply, follow it and if you feel the officer was unjust in the way you were treated, after everyone goes their separate ways, file a compliant or take whatever legal action you must and if it comes out that the officer was in the wrong, take the necessary and appropriate actions, until then, listen to the officer, that's one advice I would recommend anyone. I will NOT pass judgment on either of the killings until we have all the facts. Everyone thought that Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin were innocent and then it was proven that they weren't and had these men listened to the police (Michael Brown's case) at the time, they still might be here. But I do also agree that the police need better training in possible volatile situations and the media as well as the president needs to tone it done and stop making it a racial issue every single time.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

So much racism in this thread alone make me wonder about the future of American society as a whole.....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Another person who attended BLM Rally was shot on her leg.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Massive number of guns and a soil to breed racism and you have this recipe of disaster. I guess America is happy with this kind of society, because they would’ve changed it after so many tragedies like this.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Am I upset about aggressive cops? Yes Am I upset about 5 cops being slaughtered for no apparent? Again, yes.

Thanks for that comment, takeda. It's a comfort to hear confirmation that important things don't reduce to cheerleader viewpoints.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

^^ Funny stuff.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The sniper was arrested.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm worried what will happen if Trump becomes president. He's already embolded the white trash, American racist. Imagine those people in positions of power if Trump wins. It will he a massive vindication for their views.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Ahhh, the typical argument once again, let's blame guns and make front and center the Gun debate as main issue bypassing

Considering the one constant in all of these shootings are the guns, it seems quite sensible.

the REAL problem which is racism, crime and PC is what exactly the people are tire of.

And racism does not exist elsewhere in the world? Its a phenomena unique to America? Certainly not, but America's gun culture certainly is?

What exactly do you mean by "pc?" You mean the far right's right to spew lies and absolute garbage. Following the Orlando shootings, you Trump supporters fully embraced a 'temporary' ban on Muslim immigration, well what's the solution now? A 'temporary' ban blacks from owning guns?

Your reaction is typical, exactly what I expected. Its never ever the gun, we can't talk about guns. Its always something else.

follow it and if you feel the officer was unjust in the way you were treated, after everyone goes their separate ways, file a compliant or take whatever legal action you must and if it comes out that the officer was in the wrong,

A bit too late for Philando Castile to do that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This is a civil war of black and white. America is cursed by guns and racists. No one would not be able to stop it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hard to care about the USA anymore when it shoots how many black men a day a month a year? Rampant death, crime, and jail?

NRA and Republicans have destroyed their own country and have turned into their own extremest group, wanting even more power. The KKK in all but name now. USA will not recover until the hate groups, their followers, and FOX News, are gone. They simply can't continue to exist if you want to have a functioning country.

Since that will not happen today tomorrow or anytime soon it's more bad news to follow.

Thus USA becomes an important lesson to the world to never be like them

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

NRA and Republicans have destroyed their own country and have turned into their own extremest group, wanting even more power. The KKK in all but name now.

Actually, it's liberalism that has destroyed the country. The KKK are a very small and marginalized group.

USA will not recover until the hate groups, their followers, and FOX News, are gone. They simply can't continue to exist if you want to have a functioning country.

Well, hate will always continue in the country as long as political correctness continues to smother the country. Also, if you want to make FOX a scapegoat, then you need to do away equally with msnbc which constantly stirs up racial tension.

Thus USA becomes an important lesson to the world to never be like them

I would hope the US would never be like the rest of the world, thankfully.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

But if people have declared that it is open season on the police, the police themselves and the justice system have brought it to this point by failing to indict or convict them in clear cases of aggravated manslaughter by police over decades.

This is nonsense. Like most people here who read the news, you have probably never lived or worked in the neighborhoods where these police officers work. You have never seen the mindless violence, and crime which occur on an hourly basis. Despite much heavier police presence in these neighborhoods than others, it is still unsafe to walk the streets at any time of day.

Which lives really matter to "black lives matter"? Only those blacks killed by police? The number-one cause of death of young black men is murder, but extremely few of those are killed by police. For every young black man killed by a police officer, many times more are killed by another black man. An average of 5000 murders are committed by black men every year, and they are about 5 times more likely to kill than white men.

Having been a police officer in a large American inner city, I can tell you right now that working in such places is awful. Every day the list of crimes which occur is endless. Robbery, burglary, prostitution, rape, murder. For the most part, the people who live in these places place very little value on the lives and property of their neighbors. Education is not respected, the dropout rate is high, the young men are in and out of prison on a regular basis, the young women begin having children at a young age. People fight and kill each other for the stupidest and smallest of reasons. And very few ever go to the trouble of getting their act together, and finding a way to get out and live a productive life.

When you are a police officer working in such places, seeing such nonsense every day rubs off on you. You begin not to see the people who live in the inner city as human beings worthy of human respect. There certainly are good and hardworking people who live in these places, but the police never deal with these people. The police have to deal only with the worst, and there are plenty of these whom the police deal with on a regular basis. Some police officers become just like the worst of the people they are exposed to. Being disliked at best, and generally hated by everyone in the neighborhood, they end up becoming hateful themselves, and can easily be pushed to return that hatred, or react as violently as many of those who live in the inner city.

What is it like working in Northwest Miami on a typical night? You don't want to know. You'll see at least a dozen prostitutes on 79th street at any time, and you know every one of them by name. At night people sit or stand around in front of their homes, drinking, and talking with each other. Drug dealers fade out of sight as you drive by, you know their names as well as you know the names of the prostitutes. The screen on the computer monitor is a list of calls, each one with a case number, most nights the list is long; you are always on a call, and have at least 5 more waiting. There are several other units in the area, and their lists are as long as yours.

Most of the calls are "disturbances", most often fights between neighbors or family members. You show up, break up the fight, try to find out what happened. People are yelling and screaming at each other, every person tells a different story, there is no way to know who is telling the truth. You write the names and information on a report form, but as you seldom know who started the fight, or for what reason. You run the names of the bloodiest ones, often they have a warrant out for their arrest. If they do, you cuff them, and take them to the jail, and you get a break from the rest of your calls for a couple hours. If everyone is clean (not often) the people break up, you leave and move on to the next call.

Between 40 and 50 people per year are shot, many more are beaten, strangled, or stabbed. The crime rate is five times as high as the state average, and the state's crime rate is higher than many other states. Gun fire can be heard almost every night. Often these gun shots result in a call, though they usually don't, most often you ignore them, as you have too many calls waiting.

Murders happen often, and you almost always know the victim. Most are drug dealers, others are car thieves, or petty criminals who got shot while trying to steal something. In the neighborhood, people shoot first, and ask questions later. Nearly every murder is solved, as the murderers are usually other people you know, and as they seldom leave the neighborhood, they can usually be tracked down pretty quickly.

As a police officer, in order to be safe, you have to assume the worst possible scenario in every call. You respond to each and every call as though you might be shot. You assume everyone has a gun or a knife, and may use it at any time. You trust no one, and believe no one, because from experience you learn than no one tells the truth. And if you are like many police officers, you can be pushed to violence as easily as those whom you try to keep from hurting others.

In more than 10 years working in one of America's most dangerous inner cities, I never shot anyone. I seldom drew my gun. But I was always ready to use it, and I practiced drawing and firing my gun regularly. After time, I grew to hate my job, and to hate the city where I worked, and one day I walked away. I am glad I did. The only thing worse than living in America's inner cities is having to work in them. I moved as far away as I could, and here I am in Japan.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Actually, it's liberalism that has destroyed the country So you blame 100% of this on Obama....

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

1) All new gun transactions are registered so any gun can be traced to its owner as easily as a car

They are! What makes you think they're not?


0 ( +0 / -0 )

"They are! What makes you think they're not?" Really? So as long as the serial number is not filed off any cop can pick up any gun in the USA and put it in the computer to find out who that gun belongs to? Just as easily as entering the license plate number?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

You completely miss the point.......it makes no difference whether gun purchases are registered ( they are), it does nothing to combat guns smuggled in on ships (often in barrels of food or other commodities), the resale of guns in pawn shops, the large number of guns stolen from people's homes...braying about gun sale registrations does nothing to stem the tide of illegal guns. Your comment completely ignores changes in gun ownership and theft, which no amount of registration law will cover. You're barking up the wrong tree, as are all 'more gun laws' people. It ignores one half of the equation.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

(they are)

Let me get this straight. So a cop can just pick up a gun dumped on the street by a drug dealer and (as long as it's not filed off) enter the serial number in the database to find out who the last legal purchaser is? This is the fact? Please clarify.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Go read up on some gun laws and come back

You were the one who said they are [registered]. Please be clear. Are guns registered or not.

it makes no difference

OK, then you think buying a gun should be as easy as buying a pair of socks at Walmart. I don't agree with that but you have a right to believe what you want.

And what is the point of having semi autos available for civilian purchase?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

First let's examine the killer in Orlando; he possessed a Florida Class G firearm license which was very rigorous and intensive to acquire and required proofs of identity, citizenship/legal residency and fingerprints. He completed an additional 28 hours of instruction focusing on legal statutes governing the permit and responsibilities therein (12 hours); operational safety and firearm operation (8 hours); and an 8 hour firearms shooting qualification exam, on a shooting range, requiring 96-rounds.

The killer's criminal background was reviewed, again pursuant to the application, and submitted to a 'separate' medical evaluation that certified he had no conditions that "would preclude him from performing duties in an armed capacity."

The Orlando murderer 'cleared' multiple background checks, medical examination, registration and dozens of hours of mandated training and was investigated TWICE extensively by the FBI"


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Go read up on some gun laws

I just did...

shall not be infringed

Then how come I can't buy a rocket launcher?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"it makes no difference

OK, then you think buying a gun should be as easy as buying a pair of socks at Walmart. I don't agree with that but you have a right to believe what you want.

And what is the point of having semi autos available for civilian purchase?"


"it makes no difference whether gun purchases are registered ,it does nothing to combat guns smuggled in on ships" was what I said, how does that equate with what you said?

I said that gun registration alone makes no sense without addressing the black market in guns. Every gun in the US that was legally purchased could be registered and people would still be able to get smuggled guns and kill people. Japan has some of the toughest gun laws in the world and still the yakuza manage to get guns in from Taiwan and shoot each other.

I did not say that gun purchase should be as easy as buying socks al Walmart. Read what I actually wrote. I didn't even mention assault waepons.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Rocket launchers? Shall not be infringed? Keep it simple. It's just four words. Shouldn't civilians be able to buy rocket launchers?

Do you live in Japan?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

What is your point? You don't seem to have one, nor do you give any indication that you read multiple sources I put up.

A rocket launcher is not reasonably needed for self-defense. If lawmakers and the high court enact laws that say you can't buy a rocket launcher, then it's the law and should be obeyed. Were the law based on the Constitution as it stood originally, your freedom of speech would be limited to print and the spoken word only....no computers or smart phones in 1776-1778....but seeing as we're not total idiots, freedom of speech is expanded to include all forms of your speech regardless. As weapons have progressed beyond the musket and blunderbuss the laws have evolved as well, keeping extremely powerful weapons like rocket launchers out of the hands of the average citizen.

But, I don't expect much from you, after you interpret 'it doesn't matter if all guns are registered without tackling the illegal gun trade' as 'buying a gun should be as easy as buying a pair of socks at Walmart". You either can't address this issue rationally, or you aren't reading what I've written,.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

A rocket launcher is not reasonably needed for self-defense Yes, it is. And it's no up to you. It's up to the founding fathers who wrote shall not be infringed.

Please explain the need for semi autos other than mass murder.

Do you live in Japan?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Please explain the need for semi autos other than mass murder.

Why do I owe you an explanation for something I've not said?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

the large number of guns stolen from people's homes How do you know? How can you say there are a large number of guns stolen from people's homes unless guns are registered like cars in a database? If it is a large number please be specific as to what that large number is. Because large number is not a number.

the resale of guns in pawn shops Registration/Universal checks- I'm for both and so are many other people

registrations does nothing to stem the tide of illegal guns Japan?

You are saying that all gun laws do nothing to stem the tide of illegal guns Then that would mean that all gun laws are useless

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Then how come I can't buy a rocket launcher?

A rocket launcher is not a gun in the eyes of the law, a rocket launcher is classified as a destructive device. Destructive devices have very specific and very restrictive regulations governing them.

But guess what, if you meet all the requirements and possess all the necessary licences you can buy a rocket launcher.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hard to care about the USA anymore when it shoots how many black men a day a month a year? Rampant death, crime, and jail?

If you watch the American media or just about any Obama press conference I can understand why you would believe that America today is no different from the Jim Crow south of half a century ago. The truth is that very few blacks are killed by white people. The vast majority of blacks are killed by other blacks. There is absolutely no evidence of any nefarious white supremacist group that is causing this black on black slaughter. So the frustration for the failure of modern black culture and bad personal behavior within black communities are diverted by blaming white policemen.

White people are not forcing blacks to commit crimes at disproportionate rates. The blame for that goes to the breakdown of the family and the resulting poverty and dysfunction. What makes things even more bleak is the fact that whites are also undergoing the same process of family breakdown now that blacks experienced two generations ago. Throw in the animosities and divide caused by multiculturalism and the future appears dire indeed.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If you watch the American media or just about any Obama press conference I can understand why you would believe that America today is no different from the Jim Crow south of half a century ago. The truth is that very few blacks are killed by white people. The vast majority of blacks are killed by other blacks.

There are a couple of problems with this comment.

The first is that you seem to be saying that because black people kill each other at higher rates than white people killing black people, the killing of black people by white people does not deserve any attention. The truth is, both elements are separate issues that need to be addressed separately. One does not have bearing on the other.

The second is the idea of relevance by numbers. Terrorism kills very few people in the US. Almost none. Guns kill tens of thousands every year. Crazy numbers of people. Yet the right-wingers in the US are so hung up on terrorists and terrorism, even though the relative numbers are so small. Yet, when the small relative numbers happen in a different situation - where relatively small numbers of black people are killed by white policemen in comparison to the number of black people are killed by black people - the right-wingers are trying to say that these relatively small numbers mean that the problem can be ignored. So should we ignore terrorism as well?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

A rocket launcher is not a gun in the eyes of the law Even so Americans cannot buy any machine gun made after 1986. And that is a gun.

The blame for that goes to the breakdown of the family and the resulting poverty and dysfunction. Mass shootings? Adam Lanza was pretty well provided for even though his parents divorced. It goes back to the gun and the question of - should semi autos be legal? The answer is looking more and more like no for general cases.Then there is the Virginia tech shooter whose parents did all they could. What we are possibly looking at for the future is the general ban of new sales of any newly and legally manufactured semi auto. There could be some specialized hunters but they would have to go though a special permission process if they wanted a newly made semi auto rifle. The semi auto might become a collectors' item like the machine gun is these days the way things are going.

black people kill each other Make all gun ownership registration via database. Machine guns made up to around '86 can be legally purchased if you go through a real registration process and I have not heard of any being used in any mass shooting. For semi autos there would need to be a strict monitoring process the owner is willing to pay for.

Japan has some of the toughest gun laws in the world and still the yakuza manage to get guns in from Taiwan and shoot each other. How many per year? And are these getting in the hands of frustrated Japanese youths and shooting each other? Please go on....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The mindset of there's no option to winning even when there are innocent lives on the line has created a major divide. Add to it that so much violence is against those profiled as dangerous, terrorists, etc. I see lots more coming in the future. It's a Disunited States when it comes to the forces. This violence is like pus coming out of an infected wound. We need to take care of the wound. From infection to cancer.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I was a police officer in the USA before moving to Japan. This is just sick!!! What I cannot understand is why so many of the posters here seem to praise the shooters! What's wrong with you?

None of you know what it is like to put on a bulletproof vest, and put yourself in harms way on a daily basis just to protect people, regardless of color!

Here is a thought..... Imagine a world without police!!! Would you still feel as safe as you do today???

I do not condone the wrongful actions of police that have abused their power or responsibilities!!!

Do not make support these killers or their actions.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This is just sick!!! What I cannot understand is why so many of the posters here seem to praise the shooters! Which shooters/killers (plural) are you talking about?

None of you know what it is like to put on a bulletproof vest, Psychologically? Are they uncomfortable to wear? Both? You must really be for stricter gun control such as universal checks and strict gun registration via database. And probably for the general banning of semi autos among civilians. If that were the case you and the rest of the police folk would feel less on edge. I mean look how calm the J cops are here, and I'm sure you must notice that with what you went through in the States.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@ nishikat... The police here still wear bulletproof vests....

And a vest will not stop a knife too....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You didn't answer my questions. But if a cop in Japan gets stabbed (attempted, just threatened or otherwise) it makes national news. I don't recall reading any such news recently.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The popular saying in the US, 'you reap what you sow' pretty much sums up the dysfunctional history of race relations in US which often manifests in the violence we see there today.

This is what happens when a country is created by raping/murdering the native population then further capturing/enslaving others all while proclaiming that 'All Men are Created Equal.'

The legacy of such violence and psychopathy is decades of lynchings, institutional racism and police brutality.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Strangerland: The first is that you seem to be saying that because black people kill each other at higher rates than white people killing black people, the killing of black people by white people does not deserve any attention.

...The second is the idea of relevance by numbers

No, that is obviously not what I am saying. To address your second point first , if the issue here is "black lives matter", the much greater number of blacks that are killed at the hands of other black people should garner at least equal concern should it not? If appears to me that the reason it does not appears to be because the primary goal of BLM is something other than the well being of black people. As-long-as Obama and BLM continue to ignore the higher per capita black on black killing you will continue to hear people point out this inconvenient truth.

To your first point, if a policeman involved in the shooting of a black person is found to be motivated by racial animus then certainly that should be made widely known. However, it should not be assumed that every incident in which a black person is killed by a policemen was motivated by racism - without any evidence to that effect. That is what Obama and BLM are doing. In my view, this is precisely why race relations in America have deteriorated so much in recent years.

When cases are adjudicated rarely are police found to be motivated by racial animus. That fact seems to be very frustrating to Obama and many on the Left. It does not fit their view of reality. Tryvan Martin was not killed by a racist white man. Zimmerman is Hispanic and was not an anti-black racist. Michael Brown was not killed by a racist cop - the facts proved otherwise. Yet Obama continually assumes that every incident is racial even before the facts are known. He did so only 24 hours before the Dallas massacre generating increasing frustration among black Americans. He has been fanning the flames of racial discontent and has been doing so since he associated the white Cambridge policemen with past racist police.

Shouldn't each police shooting be evaluated on the facts and not laden by the weight of past crimes? Shouldn't a responsible government official refrain from making inflammatory assumptions about any incident before it has even been investigated?

Making matters worse, whereas Obama readily assumes police are racist, he pointedly gives non-whites the benefit of the doubt. Yesterday from Poland Obama stated that is was "not clear" what motivated Micah Johnson's actions when the black Dallas police commissioner stated immediately after the event that he was a black nationalist and specifically targeted white policeman for assassination. In the Orlando gay nightclub terrorist attack he has still not assigned blame although it is now well known that the man responsible was an Islamist. This blinkered view of the world in which so many on the Left see white and non-white people differently bodes ill for the future of race relations in America.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

if the issue here is "black lives matter", the much greater number of blacks that are killed at the hands of other black people should garner at least equal concern should it not?

It has nothing to do with police killing unarmed black people, and trying to tie the issues together is just a means of not dealing with the killing of unarmed black people by the police.

If appears to me that the reason it does not appears to be because the primary goal of BLM is something other than the well being of black people.

It is something other than that. The primary goal of BLM is to stop unjustified shootings of black people by the police.

it should not be assumed that every incident in which a black person is killed by a policemen was motivated by racism - without any evidence to that effect.

Who is assuming that every incident is motivated by racism? Quotes please.

Yet Obama continually assumes that every incident is racial even before the facts are known. He did so only 24 hours before the Dallas massacre

No he didn't. You should try actually reading the transcripts of what he has said, rather than just claiming things you wish he would have said.

whereas Obama readily assumes police are racist

No he doesn't. Again, you're attributing things to him that he has never said.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Zimmerman is Hispanic and was not an anti-black racist Don't forget to mention Michael Dunn

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Why do American police use lethal force so much more frequently than in other countries?

Because look at our criminals. They come from the toughest neighborhoods. They're on drugs. They fight back, resist officers lawful orders. When a police officer tells you to do something, just do it.

Anyone who needs proof should look up on YouTube the "protest march" in NYC where the BLM-teers chanted:

Yeah. I saw that too. . . Chanting about how they want to see dead cops. Those are some sick people.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Chanting about how they want to see dead cops.

People are chanting dead EVERYBODY...

cops, whites, blacks, Muslims, gays, PP clinic workers, you name it and someone wants them dead.

And the shooter can be any race.

What does this mean universally?

More gun control and banning semi autos. 5 cops just died and 50 people in Orlando did as well. The gun needs to be controlled.

There seems to be no practical purpose of semi autos among regular citizens except for mass murder.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

What we are witnessing here is the Rage Against The Institution. We have the Rage Against The Machine, now we have very angry people who rage against the institution. The police force in US always act with overwhelming force against perceived lawbreakers. Anytime there is an arrest, usually there will be multiple police cars showing up To Protect Their Own. It is an Institutionalized Standard Operating Procedure all over the country. Videos of such 'many police to one perceived lawbreaker' make it looks like the police is terrorizing the citizens. No wonder the blacks who seems to be arrested more frequently are very very angry!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

No. People need to behave. People need to respect the law. This all took off from Ferguson. "Gentle Giant" Micheal Brown assaults the store clerk, steals a pack of cigars. Then ignoring officer Wilson's lawful and reasonable commands to get out of the middle of the street onto the sidewalk.

Then he attacks the officer and goes for his gun. The media says unarmed black teen shot dead by police. Officer Wilson ain't no racist. He was just doing his job.

There seems to be no practical purpose of semi autos among regular citizens except for mass murder.

And the ones who want to "murder" are the radical muslims and (Black Power) racist who are on the BLM payroll. Not the lawful gun owners.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Strangerland: It has nothing to do with police killing unarmed black people, and trying to tie the issues together is just a means of not dealing with the killing of unarmed black people by the police.


The primary goal of BLM is to stop unjustified shootings of black people by the police.

BLM is a hate group. They have been using the unfortunate but almost always justified shootings of blacks by cops of all races to further their black nationalist ideology. The Washington Post database of police shootings show that about half the people involved in shootings are white and only a quarter black. So clearly cops are not systematically targeting blacks and ignoring the threatening actions of white criminals. If you feel that these stats prove that blacks are being targeted because they are affected at twice the rate as their population, then you are ignoring all the data taken in context.

According to the FBI, 40 percent of cop killers are black. According to Obama's Bureau of Justice Statistics in the 75 largest counties in America, blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults while comprising only 15 percent of the population in those counties. BLM's claim that white police are targeting blacks are false based on the data. Taking stats in isolation and disregarding context is how the Left is playing on the fears of blacks to promote their ideological worldview. That worldview being that disparate outcomes is proof of a racist system; but not if that negative impact is on whites of course.

Who is assuming that every incident is motivated by racism? Quotes please.

Obama, Hillary, and BLM.

I hardly feel that I need to provide quotes for Obama. Every time the press publicizes a racially charged incident, Obama is asked about it and he always makes the assumption that the black person was wronged, often without waiting for any evidence to back up his claim. In response to the Castile and Sterling shooting incidents:

These are not isolated incidents. They are symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system.

He makes such statements without evidence of racism. Without even knowing the circumstances or any evidence of police wrongdoing. The most egregious example of this was the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson. Obama charged racism and later the officer was proven innocent of being a racist (or of any wrongdoing). For the president of the US to gin up and inflame racial tensions based on a falsehood is hugely irresponsible given American history. We do not know if racism is a contributing factor in the two recent cases, but Obama went ahead and made the connection anyway. I can only imagine that his reasons for making such socially damaging statements are for ideological purposes.

BLM frequently march and shout chants calling for the killing of police. Hillary thinks the Dallas police massacre by a black man was reason for white people to reflect on how racist they are - there is no logic in such dimwitted comments.

No he doesn't. Again, you're attributing things to him that he has never said.

Do you live in some alternative media universe where every time Obama associates current events - unproven to be inspired by racism - with Jim Crow and America's history of racism you hear him preaching racial unity instead?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

No. People need to behave. People need to respect the law. Ain't going to happen. Have to restrict the guns. White people are even mass shooting children.

If not then they need to legalize rocket launchers.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

No. People need to behave. People need to respect the law. Ain't going to happen

Why "ain't " it going to happen? You're a voter, taxpayer, educated and civilized person right? Citizens of any nation obey (or should be obeying) laws right? We are a nation of laws, no?

. . . I know you're not one of the "thugs."

1 ( +1 / -0 )

My condolences to all, po!ice and families of all those involved in all shootings and killings. Until we have a mindset of being one, these killings will continue. Forgive, Love, Unite.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

you're a voter, taxpayer, educated and civilized person right? Mass shooter are not. They cannot be controlled through votes so guns need to be.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They cannot be controlled through votes so guns need to be.

Right. Their false religion and ideology compels them to pick up a gun and "murder". Lawful gun owners do not have this problem.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Dallas? Highly trained cops could not stop this crazy one. Got to address the gun. Ban those semis.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

certainly some interesting comments here start with a good premise, then devolve into various fallacies of argument; irrelevant ad hominem, false dichotomy, and lots lots more. I'm amazed you can function as a country at all.

however there are other people in your country who are trying to make things right. They're not Republicans though. And there's the rub.

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I hate to be the person to have foreshadowed more problems in the USA - but the race relations issue there now is very very dangerous - from all sides, I feel the country is sitting on the edge of a sword.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW94694MlbI My Youtube video on the USA Police Violence - A look at what the future might be there.

Thank you Japan Today for always bringing us great coverage of world events.

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“We don’t exactly know the last moments of his death but explosives did blast him out,”

Or rather, the police executed him with a drone.

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Or rather, the police executed him with a drone.

Considering he'd just killed five police officers, why is this a problem?

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why is this a problem?

Not being in thrall of 'due process', I am not sure it is necessarily a problem, but it is an issue, and a first on US soil. I fear drones may used to execute more people on US streets in future, for lesser offences, till eventually they may even be used to take out people suspected of being about to commit violent acts, like the aforementioned Dylan Noble (gruesome, like the rest of the channel's videos. Probably best not to watch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgIvaRwVUFE And then there is the possible lack of sensitivity. If it had been the Dallas police commissioner, I would have been very reticent to escalate to execution by drone at a Black Lives Matter rally. It will be remembered, and it does not bode well. May they all rest in peace.

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Not being in thrall of 'due process'

I am a full supporter of due process. But when a suspect has already killed, and is still armed and ready to kill more, then if they can be taken out to prevent the loss of further life, that takes priority over due process.

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Below are from three different sources.

Heather Mac Donald's most recent book, "The War on Cops," points out some devastating and sobering statistics: "Blacks were charged with 62 percent of all robberies, 57 percent of all murders, and 45 percent of all assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, while constituting roughly 15 percent of the population in those counties. From 2005 to 2014, 40 percent of cop-killers were black. Given the racially lopsided nature of gun violence, a 26 percent rate of black victimization by the police is not evidence of bias."

From a different source. Police Shootings

One of the main arguments behind the Black Lives Matter movement is that blacks are being slaughtered at the hands of police. The wife of Philando Castile, a Minnesota man who was shot during a traffic stop last week, said, “It’s just like we’re animals. It’s basically modern-day lynching.”

The Washington Post’s database of police shootings in 2015 will be used for the purpose of this section.

The numbers show that black people are more likely than others to be the victim of a fatal police shooting. But a deeper look at the individual incidents shows that they were not primarily of defenseless people.

Of the 990 people shot fatally by police in 2015, 49.8 percent were white, 26 percent black, 17.3 percent were Hispanic, and 6 percent were other or unknown.

Of the 990 shooting deaths, 73.7 percent were made during an “attack in progress.” This would include a shootout, charging with a knife or a physical struggle. The Washington Post also has a category called “other,” 216 total, which consists of 21.8 percent of fatal shootings.

While this includes incidents of unarmed six-year-old children getting caught in the crossfire of bullets, it also includes the shootings of people driving their cars toward police officers, which would seem more appropriately described as an “attack in progress.”

There is also a category called “undetermined,” 44 people, which includes two people who were in shootouts with police.

Of the 260 “other” and “undetermined” victims of police shootings, 212, 81.5 percent, were either brandishing a weapon, had attacked a police officers or were charging at them, were ramming, or had rammed them with a car.

Gun ownership and crime

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report shows that while gun ownership climbed from 192 million firearms in 1994 to 310 million firearms in 2009, crime fell–and fell sharply. According to the report, the “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” rate was 6.6 per 100,000 Americans in 1993. Following the exponential growth in the number of guns, that rate fell to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2000.

This rate rose from 2004 to 2005 and got as high as 3.9 in 2006 and 2007, but it then resumed falling in 2008, the year the Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that individual firearm possession is Constitutionally protected–particularly for self-defense. This figure fell to 3.2 per 100,000 by 2011.

In other words, as the number of firearms almost doubled over a nearly 20-year period, the “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” rate was more than halved.

Additionally, the overall murder rate dropped from 9.0 per 100,000 in 1994 to 4.7 in 2011. The overall number of estimated murder victims fell from 23,326 in 1994 to 14,612 in 2011. For estimated firearms-related murder victims, those numbers are 16,333 in 1994 and 9,903 in 2011.

The firearm category that led the way from 1994 through 2009 was handguns. And these were “mostly pistols, revolvers, and derringers,” the most concealable types of guns.

So after after all the pro-gun control grandstanding and the relentless focus on how the so-called easy availability of guns drives up crime, the CRS report shows that more guns–especially more concealable guns–has actually correlated with less crime.

Oh, and at least one of the shooters was a member of the New Black Panthers.

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