Japan Today

8-year-old Saudi girl divorces 50-year-old husband


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conservative Muslim clergy have opposed the drive to end child marriages." And yet, I am supposed to be tolerant.....

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"It's not pedophilia, it's just their culture." is the line I've always heard from their defenders. Sorry, the term defines their condition, it doesn't change whether it's legal or acceptable in that country or not.

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The liberal loonies want us to be tolerant of these people and their customs. The muslim religion: supporting child marriages, female genital mutilation and fatwahs since the beginning of time. True shining stars in the world these 'Clerics' and pedophiles.

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8 year old divorces 50 year old husband. I wonder, when they enroll in elementary school, is there a marital status question on the forms?

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Isn't it more like 'culturally or religiously sanctioned' pedophilia? This is the age of globalisation and here we are saying that because it's their culture we cannot say what's wrong is 'WRONG'. If religion teaches that as right and if so-called 'God' of whatever name he is known, if that is what he taught then he should just have created 'man' and let him do what he likes with his pecker.

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There is nothing perverted about it. The islamic clergy is simply following the correct religious doctrine. The prophet was the perfect man, and his life is to be emulated. The prophet took a 6-year old wife and "consumated" the marriage when she was 9, so that is islamic law.

There is nothing extraordinary here; the same applies everywhere where islamic law rules. Note that Khomeini also lowered the marriage age for girls to 9, when he took office, again simply following religious prescription.

Sharia courts in Europe reach the same verdict, of course.

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what the hell can a man do with an 8 yo girl? Its so sick.

How could anyone just give their daughter away and this is not an isolated incident.

Reports say that some of the Muslim immigrants actually claim a wife is a daughter and the immigration officials have very little to work with to dispute it.

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telepromter: careful. You do know you IP is seen don't you? I wouldn't want something to happen to you.

But, is that really true about the 6 yo?

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yeah, this case reminds me of that imbroglio in US last year. All those children taken away from their multitude of fathers and mothers, because it was immoral. And if my memory doesn´t fail it, there was a religious aspect behind them. So much to talk about somebody else´s backyard mess and ignore one´s own.

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The whole "Its culture so its OK" thing is beyond ridiculous.

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" . . .after her father forced her to marry him last year in exchange for about $13,000 . . .

In most civilized corners of the world, this is otherwise referred to as "human trafficking."

Good news that the girl's lawyer could figure out a way to end this nightmare, but really sad that some in the Saudi government and the conservative Muslim, ahem, "clergy" can't seem to understand how trading and bartering children like they were pottery is morally abhorent.

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Again, I don´t understand the brouhaha. The Shariah is the law of Saudi Arabia, and according to the Shariah, clearly girls can married at 6, and the marriage consumated at 9. Following Haddiths describing the life of the prophet, which is normative.

All that the commentators with their fake astonishment are really saying that they don´t have a clue what the Shariah entails.

If we allow Shariah, that is what we get, period. Where is the beef?

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When Khomeini assumed power in Iran one of his first decrees was to allow for child brides.It was to signal his interpretation of Islam was intent on reversing the advances women in Iran had achieved under the secular, albeit far from perfect regime the Shah led.

None of the pollyana multi-culti crowd understand that for the devout Mohammed was 'the perfect man', his life is to be a model for Muslim males. Hence the restraint,reluctance and timorousness about denouncing things which Islam's founder practiced - including slavery. Oh, and let us also be very clear about another thing - Mohammed, by any modern reading of his deeds on the warpath, practiced things far worse than "torture."

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lostinnagoya: Yeah, and didn't the authorities take the kids away? point to be taken, something was done and their biggest critics were the ultra libs, who on the other hand, somewhat welcome this tradition.

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where are the women's groups?

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where are the women's groups?

Dutifully observing the unwritten code they had to consent to before the other causes of the Left would grant them full legitimacy:they are witholding any criticism because even if valid it puts their other allies on the Left on the side of ordinary, decent, patriotic working people (the bourgeois), whom they despise.

Besides, it's not about equality or fairness for many feminists;as with most of the Left it is more about their hatred of 'inequality'. They would rather tear down in the West what they consider responsible for 'inequality' than encourage elsewhere the kinds of democratic institutions, customs and rule of law we have and which give them the freedom so many on the Left so perversely abuse.

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Who the hell would want to marry a prepubescent kid? Sick people.

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The islamic prophet did, and he recommended it to its followers, and his example is normative. Why do you need to ask?

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what really turns my stomach about this is that only after this hit the news has action taken place. A divorce was refused already. How many more of these young brides are there and as Islam grows, how many more to come?

I think as Muslims immigrate to other countries, for what ever reason (in their quest to spread Islam), government should pass laws preventing this.

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" I think as Muslims immigrate to other countries, for what ever reason (in their quest to spread Islam), government should pass laws preventing this. "

Nice wish, but the opposite is happening. Look at the UK, where Shariah "family courts" have now been legalized, which of course follow the Koran instead of the legal code of the UK.

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Notice not a single leftist has posted on this thread condemning this act of child molestation. Pedophilia, homophobia, mysogyny, anti-Semitism, racism, ....all is forgiven when it comes to the left's alliance with Islam.

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I think you guys are being too hard on Islam. As far as religions go, it is one of the most successful. At its start 1400 years ago, it was only practiced by a few tribes in the Arabian desert. Look how far it has spread since then.

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lostinnagoya: Yeah, and didn't the authorities take the kids away? point to be taken, something was done and their biggest critics were the ultra libs, who on the other hand, somewhat welcome this tradition.

Actually, they were returned after some days, legally. So, US and Saudi countries are even on this, legally.

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The liberal loonies want us to be tolerant of these people and their customs

all is forgiven when it comes to the left's alliance with Islam

Last I checked it was the conservatives who supported irrational extremist religion (redundancy noted)

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Last I checked it was the conservatives who supported irrational extremist religion (redundancy noted)

Voting patterns among Mohammedan immigrants to Europe show they support Lefties.


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lostinnagoya: "Actually, they were returned after some days, legally. So, US and Saudi countries are even on this, legally." And 90% of the US is outraged about them existing and no, its not legal, which is why, mind you, they fence themselves in. Didn't we even arrest their big grand puba? This board was flying when that happened. I was even for taking down the 10 commandants down from that court down south. Were you? What are you trying to insinuate? I for one welcome the idea of going in with the FBI and removing them. Are you? However, I can say with all honesty, I have not heard of them marrying off eight year olds. Yes, 14 yo's, still, too young and its criminal, even if the girls are already matured. Additinally, how large is that group? About a 1000 or 2? How large is Islam? Now, do you still want to compare? But at the same time, just because I have some bad apples in my basket, doesn't mean I should put more in, does it?

I'll leave you with this, religion is bad for mankind, and Islam is currently the worst out of all them in its current form.

Moderator: Please stay on topic and refrain from making inflammatory statements such as "religion is bad for mankind."

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Helter_Skelter: Notice not a single leftist has posted on this thread condemning this act of child molestation.

It might have something to do with the fact that no child molestation was mentioned? But it is nice that you share with us your ideas of what marriage means and can only mean. Thanks.

all is forgiven when it comes to the left's alliance with Islam.

This is less an Islam thing and more a Saudi Arabian thing.

I am not exactly a leftist. But the A number one problem I have here is that she got no say in the marriage. You might not want to accept it, but with a father who will sell you for 13 grand, getting married might not be such a bad option, that is, if she can choose.

My number two problem is that they let her get forced to marry, but would not take her petition for divorce saying she was not old enough. Double standards.

Saying anything else outside of that is hearsay and imagination. But despite that, a poster sharing with us their imaginations of child sex coming in 3,2,1....

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WilliB:The islamic prophet did,

Yes. Over one thousand years ago when EVERYBODY else did too.

and he recommended it to its followers

No, he didn't. It was a one off deal. He said he did it because he saw it in a vision/dream. He did it exactly once and recommended it to no one.

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This is less an Islam thing and more a Saudi Arabian thing." Nope! Girls in Yehman, Jordan, Syria, Somolia, Lybia, Egypt, Pakistan, Qatar allow girls that young to be married off.

Should I be concerned? or should I just simply brush it off as though nothing happened?

Look, whether you believe it or not, I believe that Islam will dominate most of the world. I feel that we need to get ready for it but in the mean time, we should voice our opinions and perhaps when it does take over, things like this girl and the thousands of girls like her, won't have to worry as they will have conformed.

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THis is disgusting, He's a dirty old man and a peadophile. How can this be allowed to happen?

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I'd like to get a list of names of all men, regardless of country or religion, that are in such marriages and ban them from traveling out of their countries.

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skipthesong: Nope! Girls in Yehman, Jordan, Syria, Somolia, Lybia, Egypt, Pakistan, Qatar allow girls that young to be married off.

And so did Christian countries in the past, and Hindus of the present, while some Muslim countries do not allow it. Yet if it were truly a Muslim thing, all or nearly all Muslims would do it. And while Islam does have an influence, it is STILL a question of the laws and norms of each individual country. And it does not seem to be common anywhere.

Should I be concerned?

Its up to you. I have already presented my concerns.

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Thanks for cherry picking the facts of the case news people. Yes she was married by contract, but she never met the man, never went to his evil lair, or even knew she was married. Her mother found the contract, and took her from the house. Her mother filed for the divorce but that was overturned when the high court sent it back when the lower court wouldn't grant the divorce.

Likeitis. I'm glad you have your head on straight I only hope your common sence can rub off on a few here.

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DXXJP: Thanks for doing that digging that everyone, myself included, should have done sooner. You have your head on straightest of all.

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"...and he [Muhammed] recommended it to its followers

No, he didn't. It was a one off deal. He said he did it because he saw it in a vision/dream. He did it exactly once and recommended it to no one."



Mohammed recommended, and heartily, the practice of taking a very young girl as a bride.

There are countless sources documenting what we would basically call clerical or official endorsement of this practice. And the ultimate and final legitimacy, as is the case in so many things Mohammedan, is the precedent set by the so-called Prophet.

As I said earlier, Khomeini immediately reintroduced the practice in his theocratic Iran.

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" This is less an Islam thing and more a Saudi Arabian thing. "

Then why does it prop up everywhere where islamic law is practised, including in Iran, which is not even an Arabic country?

" Yes. Over one thousand years ago when EVERYBODY else did too. "

Firstly, the age of the bride (Aisha) raised some eyebrows even at the time. Secondly, the whole point is that in case of islam, this 1400-year old behaviour is considered normative... today, and forever.

That is what Shariah gets you. In Saudi Arabia and everywhere else.

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teleprompter: There are countless sources documenting what we would basically call clerical or official endorsement of this practice.

Of which I am not very interested. All I am interested in is this claim:

Mohammed recommended, and heartily, the practice of taking a very young girl as a bride.

Prove it.

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Prove it.

Do a search. "Prove it" is here an admission of ignorance.

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Religion is not related here, it is about the intention of the marriage.........love or lust. Everybody knows that an 8-year girl is not of age to get married. I cannot imagine the psychological effect of this to the poor child.

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teleprompter: Do a search. "Prove it" is here an admission of ignorance.

Cop out. It is your point to either back up or admit you were wrong about. I am taking your post as a very childish way of admitting you were wrong, because I have researched this.

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Everybody knows that an 8-year girl is not of age to get married."

Well, you better get telling a whole bunch of Islamic countries, cause they haven't heard about it.

DXJP: "Funny everybody has this stigmatisim about Islam?" Wow, and here I thought it was they who had that about everybody.

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No wonder we need to re-educate and bring civilisation to these guys. You don't see this happening in free Iraq. Maybe more liberations are required to stop these evil practices.

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like: "And so did Christian countries in the past," Look, I could careless what some stupid religion did 500 years ago. Shouldn't we move into the now?

and Hindus of the present," Funny, I spent two years working in and out of India and I haven't met one Muslim who had a kid as a wife.

while some Muslim countries do not allow it." Ok, get them to start talking to the other comunities then.

Yet if it were truly a Muslim thing, all or nearly all Muslims would do it." Again, we are not talking about the individual any longer. You are trying to make this thread into such. The article was written as an awareness.

And while Islam does have an influence, it is STILL a question of the laws and norms of each individual country." 95% of Islamic countries follow Islamic laws.

And it does not seem to be common anywhere." Did you bother to do a statistical search? Almost all of them allow for it.

"I have already presented my concerns." No, you are not concerned.

Look, whether you believe it or not, I believe that Islam will dominate most of the world.

I do not think its that great, nor do I think people will conform but will continue to question things. And if Islam is going to take over the world, it sure is taking its time since the Muslim conquests ended in 732." And they were finally kicked out in 1492, a date, converted, they still hold feelings about. Why have so many leaders come out and stated the Islam will conquer, such as Quadaffi???

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What a bunch of neanderthals. I can't believe this goes on in the 21st century.

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OnTheRecord: No wonder we need to re-educate and bring civilisation to these guys. You don't see this happening in free Iraq. Maybe more liberations are required to stop these evil practices.

In Iraq what you see are large wedding parties where consenting adults get married, and then half the party gets blown to bits by a suicide bomber. Here, an 8 year old who never even met her husband successfully got a divorce.

There is this thing called priorities. And you, not having any, are about the last person that should be talking about nation building and "evil" practices. You do not even seem to possess 20/20 hindsight.

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Here, an 8 year old who never even met her husband successfully got a divorce." No, you are trying to mininpulate the conversation. You are trying to have us stick to only what is in the article, but now what it is telling us.

If you believe marriage of young girls in Islamic countries doesn't not happen and it is a figment of our imagination, then tell us out loud. don't go bringing up no prehistoric history of what barbarians did. We talking about now.

Actually, Iraq was one country were a man could not marry a young girl. I don't know about it now, but under Saddam, that was the rule.

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"after her father forced her to marry him last year in exchange for about $13,000"

Only $13,000? Heck, my suit cost more than that. ( just kidding )

I would love to have just five minutes with this "father" and the scumbags who wrote the laws legalizing marriage with 8-year-olds.

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skipthesong: No, you are trying to mininpulate the conversation.

No, skip, that would be you. Your post of 8:44 was absolute crap. Like this:

Me: And it does not seem to be common anywhere." You: Did you bother to do a statistical search? Almost all of them allow for it.

Allowing it for it and it being common are two TOTALLY different things Skip. Your post is literally littered with such bewildering nonsensical crap. I do not even feel like picking it apart.

Its a good tactice for winning an argument, in the eyes of simple people. But you will never get a handle of the truth of things this way.

Moderator: Readers, enough of this nonsense. Please cut out the petty sniping and focus your comments on the story, not at each other.

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Allowing it for it and it being common are two TOTALLY different things" Look, you want to try to portray many of us here against this practice as lunatics. But let's face facts, women are clearly and without a doubt oppressed and at this very moment and in Islamic led countries and young girls get married off as though they are just a piece of property. You and others want us to be tolerant to these barbaric ways, yet you won't tolerate our criticism nor any flak we talk about it.

I guess this should end our postings between each other because trying to find any rational that supports this practice is sick.

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Saudi Arabia sounds like one very sick and twisted country for allowing old geezer to "marry" 8 year olds. Sick! Sick! Sick!

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please do not critisize muslim people. none of you understand their culture or their reasons for marrying young children.

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Well the clerics take the position that since the profit's favorite wife was married at 5 and consumated at 9 that it's acceptible. If they choose to govern by the Koran than they are not being inconsistent. Not a justification more pointing out the problem of basing a legal system on the "word of god" as it were. Same goes for any "word" of god be it Christian, Jewish or Muslim.

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But the A number one problem I have here is that she got no say in the marriage.

Huh. Because my A number one problem is she's eight years old. Likeitis, since nowhere in your posts does this seem to concern you, is pedophilia something you support?

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please do not critisize muslim people. none of you understand their culture or their reasons for marrying young children.

And you do? Explain their reasons then, if you don't mind. As for criticizing them, I'll do so as much as I please. Sweeping deviant and destructive behavior under the "culture" rug does not protect them from being criticized by those of us in the free and civilized world. :-D

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What will an 8 year old "so called wife" suppose to do for her husband? Let him change her nappy every time perhaps? And when she reaches the age of 18 he is already very close to his grave ,and maybe no or very little "fire power" left.I like to vomit when thinking sex between 50 and 8 year old, in civilised Western countries this 50 will go to jail for sure.

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It must have been embarrassing for this guy to be out in public with his wife, having strangers say, "My, what a cute grand-daughter you have!"

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mistersmarmy like WhiteHawk I am awaiting a reply to see all the justification of this cultural practice in Saudi. Well maybe likitis can help out. We are waiting.

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About a 1000 or 2(the community in US where 14-y.o. girls get married to adult men)? How large is Islam? Now, do you still want to compare? But at the same time, just because I have some bad apples in my basket, doesn't mean I should put more in, does it?

I make your words my own: I didn´t read anywhere that ALL Islamists are supporting this outrageous 8 x 50 marriages. And let remind you, these US children were returned to their community LEGALLY, under US laws. So, you´re right that there are SOME bad apples in the basket, not all of them.

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The court in the small town of Onaiza upheld the marriage on condition that the husband did not consummate it until the girl reached puberty.

So when she reaches puberty at age 12, you're OK with her having sex with a 54 year old? It's considered pedophilia and a felony in most of the civilized world. And this is your argument supporting this Islamic law permitting child marriages? Unbelievable. Seriously likeitis, what is it exactly that you think you're going to gain with your blind support of everything Islam?

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Why isn't there a picture? Maybe they make a lovely couple.

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Seriously likeitis, what is it exactly that you think you're going to gain with your blind support of everything Islam?

I know its a lot of reading for conservative eyes not used to it, but if you go further up the thread you might notice that I do not support this.

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Helter_Skelter: So when she reaches puberty at age 12, you're OK with her having sex with a 54 year old?

Lets just say that I consider Saudi Arabia to be pretty far behind the rest of the world, and, in that state of affairs, I can imagine FAR WORSE things happening to a 12 year old female than having sex with her own husband so long as she herself is ok with it. If she isn't, or wants a divorce, she should have that choice.

But if you want to think this is the worst thing that can happen to a 12 year old in Saudi, or several other parts of the world, where the life of a single female of any age is rumored to be pure bliss, even when your Papa is willing to sell you for 13 grand, knock yourself out.

I think we have better and far more far-reaching things to be down on Saudi about.

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FAR WORSE things happening to a 12 year old female than having sex with her own husband so long as she herself is ok with it. If she isn't, or wants a divorce, she should have that choice.

She's a child and you're talking about her making decisions concerning sex, marriage, and divorce? And that it's somehow OK since there are worse things than having sex with a minor? I hope you don't have any children, or have any proximity to them.

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likeitis: But if you want to think this is the worst thing that can happen to a 12 year old in Saudi, or several other parts of the world

It's odd to me that you'd use this tactic. If you have to go as far as comparing this situation to the worst thing in the world that could happen just to make it seem a little less frightening, then that might clue you in that it actually is pretty frightening on its own. But really, who would describe a child put at risk with this line of thinking?

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Sick bastards. I'm all for tolerance of other religions and cultures as long as the behaviour is reasonable. Child marriages is simply disgraceful.

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Madverts: "Sick bastards"


"I'm all for tolerance of other religions"

You sure about that? Didn't you say before that religion is for the weak-minded?

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Yes my boy, but I'm willing to be tolerant with the weak-minded.

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I can imagine FAR WORSE things happening to a 12 year old female than having sex

so we should no worry? I see

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Madverts: "I'm willing to be tolerant with the weak-minded"

But aren't the "weak-minded" the ones who allow 8-year-olds to marry?

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No sarge - they're the sick-minded. C'mon, you can work this out for yourself from now on.

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Madverts: "they're the sick-minded"

So, who are the weak-minded? The ones who don't allow 8-year-olds to marry?

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She's a child and you're talking about her making decisions concerning sex, marriage, and divorce?

Not sex. Not now. Because the court said no sex until puberty.

So just answer me this: Is it better for 1) a girl to get married at 8, have sex with her own husband at 12 or so, or 2) be sexually abused from 8 by her own father and brothers and more distant male relatives, impregnated by them after puberty, and then tried and imprisoned for what they did?

Because 2 seems to be more common in Saudi. Take your pic, because number 1 will often protect her from number 2, but 2 will likely ensure she never gets married.

You pick yet? Hard choice for you? And if say neither, then you may as well hold out for the moon. One thing at a time. Rome was not built in a day.

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I find it hard to tolerate religiously challenged people who believe it's their right to kill in the name of that religion so of course I also don't support them in their quest for buying young prepubescent females either. Call me strict but I have my morals when it comes to murder and human trafficking in children especially.

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"So, who are the weak-minded?"

Far too many to list.

"The ones who don't allow 8-year-olds to marry?"

That's just common sense for the rest of us. Clearly this issue is posing a moral dilemna for you, all of which is more the worrying, young sarge.

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just answer me this: Is it better for 1) a girl to get married at 8, have sex with her own husband at 12 or so, or 2) be sexually abused from 8 by her own father and brothers and more distant male relatives, impregnated by them after puberty, and then tried and imprisoned for what they did?

black and white. no room for the ethics. just imaging and the soapsbox. how about you try to think of the choice 3?

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Madverts: "That's just common sense for the rest of us."

So, the weak-minded don't allow 8-year-olds to marry?

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fat - Heh, I never tire of rufuting erroneous arguments. You agree with Madverts that the weak-minded don't allow 8-year-olds to marry?

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Madverts - We basically agree that a society that allows 8-year-olds to marry is sick. Too bad you had to go and get all condescending and say stuff like this is posing a moral dilemma for me, and get all confused and say it's common sense that the weak-minded don't allow 8-year-olds to get married.

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I suspect that many here missed an important point, the court DID NOT settle the issue, it was settle out of court. That means that nothing in that country has changed. This is one case of one eight year old. The rest just go on to get raped when they reach 9 years old.

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Madverts: "That's your claim"

Sarge: "So who are the weak-minded? The ones who don't allow 8-year-olds to marry?"

Madverts: "That's just common sense for the rest of us."

I rest my case.

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Madverts. Just look at your history on this story for the proof. Putting words into another's mouth does not make you win the argument. You do what a number of other posters do by stuffing replies to people with false words in a poor effort to make them look bad. Nice try so please stick to the subject matter. Sarge clearly thinks that the subject matter of this story is 'sick' so give up the pettiness please.

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50 year old man with 8 year old girl???? This should not only be outlawed but we should really think of boy cotting any nation that even dares to try and up hold this kind of barbaric practice, this is what greedy Saudis etc..really fear. Stop buying their oil, start making new kinds of bio fuels etc..you will see Saudis etc..start changing their attitudes on treating females there worse than dogs.

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" This should not only be outlawed but we should really think of boy cotting any nation that even dares to try and up hold this kind of barbaric practice "

I am beginning to feel like a broken record, having to point out to you that marrying little girls is LEGAL according to islamic law, and is therefore practised in all countries that base their laws on the Sharia, such as Saudi, Iran, Afghanistan, etc et.

And good luck anyway boycotting a country on whose oil we all depend. Get real.

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" Not a justification more pointing out the problem of basing a legal system on the "word of god" as it were. Same goes for any "word" of god be it Christian, Jewish or Muslim. "

Christians do not take their books as the literal word of good and base their laws on them. Orthodox Jews do, but their clerics have been jumping through hoops to interpret the brutalies that are described in the Jewish bible in a human way.

No such effort in islam. Not only is the Koran considered the literal word of god, which must not be doubted, but (and that is even more problematic), Mohammed is considered the perfect man, whose life is normative for muslims. And Mohammed, in case you forgot, took 11 wifes, one of them the 6-year old Aisha when he was 52.

Now, are you criticizing the prophet? I thought you know what happens when people do that.

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There seem to be a few "christians" and "jews" who would take their religion to extremes that result in the state taking the children for their own protection. It's fairly regular in NY with a few sects who refuse modern medical treatment for minor children. Parents refuse, kid gets picked up by social services.

Unfortunately Islam preaches that young girls can be married off. This seems to be limited to the Middle Eastern version of Islam. The Indonesians don't seem to condone it. But then the middle east is like one big feudal culture.

Islam, as practiced in the middle east, should be considered a plague by the modern world. Too bad there isn't a vaccine.

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She sounds like a little gold-digger and a man-eater...her dad made a fortune from her. No doubt she will now go off and nab another rich man.

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...by the way, I was being facetious...

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fatfrenchfool: how about you try to think of the choice 3?

No buddy. Your turn. If you got some brilliant way to protect prepubescent females in Saudi from a fate worse than unconsummated marriage, and the Saudis are going to embrace it with relish, then post it. I have said my bit.

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One of the main reasons why S.A. doesn't want to denounce child weddings outright is because Muhammed himself married a 4-year-old, and they feel like by banning these marriages they are condemning the acts of Muhammed.

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" This seems to be limited to the Middle Eastern version of Islam. "

No, marrying off kindergarten-age girls is practised everywhere where islam is taken literally, and that is everywhere where the islamic scholars get their way.

That includes Iran (not "Middle Eastern" country, and Shiite not Sunni), northern Nigeria, and fundamentalist islamic pockets everywhere, maybe even in your backyard.

Remember, the muslim prophet took a 6-year wife into his harem, and he is the role model for every true muslim believer.

The Saudi geezer with his 8-year old wife was simply following true islamic scripture, and the Saudi Shariah courts correctly defended this according to the Sharia.

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" One of the main reasons why S.A. doesn't want to denounce child weddings outright is because Muhammed himself married a 4-year-old, "

Incorrect. Aisha was 6 (six), when Mohammed (at age 52) added her to his harem, and she was 9 (nine) when he had intercourse with her. This is the muslim role model, and it is (including the ages) described in detail in islamic scripture.

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At least he had the decency to wait 3 years til she was 9. Much better then this saudi bastard who didn't wait even a day.

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I might have gotten the age wrong, as I didn't bother to check Wikipedia before I wrote this, but I think the gist of what I am trying to say is the same. 4, 6, or 9; she was still what we consider to be a child, and outlawing child marriages is a condemnation of his actions. I don't care when they consummated their marriage - that is besides the point.

And likeitis, I'm not passing judgement as to the happiness of Aisha in her marriage, that really doesn't matter for the point I am trying to make.

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Molenir: At least he had the decency to wait 3 years til she was 9. Much better then this saudi bastard who didn't wait even a day.

There is whole thread above. Reading it might prove enlightening. It would seem that they had not even met, and definitely had not met as husband and wife.

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And likeitis, I'm not passing judgement as to the happiness of Aisha in her marriage, that really doesn't matter for the point I am trying to make.

Yes, I know. By that time in the now deleted post, I was simply pointing out that those who bring up Aisha seem to know only one small detail about her; her age when she married Muhammad. As if that just completely defines Aisha. In fact, Aisha just seems to be a stepping stone of whom they take little note in their desperation to attack Muhammad and Islam. She hardly seems to have been a human being to them.

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ninacma: outlawing child marriages is a condemnation of his actions.

Yes, it is a stupidity endemic to Islam. Muhammad was a prophet, a special person. Thinking every fool should do exactly what such a special person did it extremely stupid. So is thinking that outlawing something he did as a result of a vision over a thousand years ago is an insult to him. I don't think this guy in the article or any other had a vision of their child bride, did they? Therefore, they are NOT doing what Muhammad did anyhow, just a small mimicking of a small detail of what he did.

I don't care when they consummated their marriage - that is besides the point.

Is it? For most here, it seems paramount. I do not think they would care if the marriage was only on paper, it would not be consumated until she was 18, and she was free to divorce at any time without the consumation. Then, suddenly, they would see all the potential benefits of the marriage and regard it as some quaint foreign tradition.

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they would see all the potential benefits of the marriage and regard it as some quaint foreign tradition.<

A tradition that makes it impossible for the child in question to lead a carefree life as a child should. Or is it appropriate to have to remind a little girl not to do this or that because she is a married woman? As it is, this girl is now a divorcee, a girl with a past. And puberty comes young in those parts too. Gah, they probably had to return the bride price to the old goat plus damages and the family is going to be the laugingstock of the whole nation. A weak father like that is likely to take it out on his women. What a world.

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There is whole thread above. Reading it might prove enlightening. It would seem that they had not even met, and definitely had not met as husband and wife.

Try doing a little research on the subject before you spout off on this. The father married this girl to the guy, they lived together and the marriage was consummated before the mother could reclaim her daughter. This whole story was in the papers months ago. So they had definitely met as "husband and wife" Though I doubt very seriously if the little girl enjoyed it. In fact, if I remember right, the original article talked about how the little girl was happy to be away from her new husband, as that way she might be able to go back to school.

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He turns 50 and she dumps him? What a hussy.

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