Japan Today

88-year-old gunman kills guard at U.S. Holocaust Museum


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This violence and hatred against the Jews has to stop whether its some kooky white supremist or muslim jihadi.

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An octogenarian neo-nazi, that is a lot of suppressed anger and hate. His anger may have been directed at Jews, but it seems he was willing to kill arbitrarily. CNN reported he served aboard a PT boat during WWII.

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This nut case was a convicted felon and yet he could get a gun. That says a lot about the easy access to guns in the US. Score one more point for the NRA.

This is one more hate murder within a fortnight. Dr. Tiller's clinic had to close after his murder. They won't be closing the Holocaust Museum after this. But I wonder how many people will be afraid to go there after this incident.

The real dangerous terrorists in the US are right wing.

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Just another far right terrorist. I suspect we are going to see more and more of these terrorist. It all began when President Obama was elected. These guys are filled with hate and rhetoric fanned by the far right propaganda machine.

I just wish that some of the far right mouth pieces would see what they are doing by spreading their lies. Kooks like this guy are going to be more motivated to kill. But that maybe what the far right mouth pieces really want, chaos.

So sad really and they call themselves Americans.

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jeancolmar- So much about your comment was so right. This is "one more hate murder within a fortnight". What really bothers me is why we can't get these sickos help before they have a chance to carry out these vile acts? America needs to pull itself together and start fixing it's mental health care system, because I'm sick of these incidents happening. Apparently, this family knew this man had mental problems and chose to disown him, instead of committing him to the appropriate institution. It's sad when anyone loses a life, but what makes it worse is knowing that these atrocities could have been prevented. I doubt anything could have cured this man, but I know he could have been in a place where he wouldn't have had the opportunity to hurt others. That's what really bothers me, knowing this carnage was avoidable.

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I think the time has come for the authorities to set up checkpoints with metal detectors at all entry points to Washington DC.

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Actually, guns are illegal within Washington DC. However criminals always find a way to gain access.

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Actually, guns are illegal within Washington DC. However criminals always find a way to gain access.

Woo boy, that is an outrageously innacurate statement. Read this story from a year ago, posted on the Voice of America web site: "US Supreme Court Says Washington DC Gun Ban Unconstitutional"


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He was from Maryland and most likely bought his weapons legally. Real sad that so many have so many guns.....

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Beelzebub: I apologize you are correct, Who am I to doubt the infinite wisdom of the US Supreme Court.

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He was from Maryland and most likely bought his weapons legally.

Convicted felons with a history of violence can buy guns legally in Maryland? I thought it was only law-abidin' citizens protectin' their families and their property who were allowed to own guns?

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I wish the US would ban guns. They just cause too many innocents to die every year.

As for racial hatred. It is an old evil that dies very hard. I hope some day people will come to realize that we are all human beings and that our collective home is Earth and not some artificial political or racial separation by nation, creed or heritage.

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cleo at 09:06 AM JST - 11th June He was from Maryland and most likely bought his weapons legally. Convicted felons with a history of violence can buy guns legally in Maryland? I thought it was only law-abidin' citizens protectin' their families and their property who were allowed to own guns?

Actually two ways he could have had weapons,

If he bought his guns before he was arrested he could have hid them.

If he applied for and received his civil rights back then he can buy buy buy as many weapons as he wanted too.

Guns do not kill people, far right wing terrorist with guns kill people.

Ergo, take the guns out of the hands of the people and bingo, no more gun violence.

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Unfortunately, the jeannie is out of the bottle and cannot be re corked. Even if they could pass a law regarding this, I fear it would only hurt law-abiding citizens who feel the need to defend themselves against very well armed criminals.

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JoeBigs -

So all these NRA supporter-types who keep telling us the bad guys can't get guns legally, are being frugal with the truth? Basically anyone who wants a gun can get one, regardless of their past history or mental state?


Guns do not kill people, far right wing terrorist with guns kill people.

As well as sickos, muggers, housebreakers, 'hunters' with lawyer friends, people who are p'd off because they lost their job and/or someone looked at them funny, people who lose their temper with other people waiting at the supermarket check-out counter, little kids playing in Daddy's study who pick up the gun just to show it to their friends.....

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Basically anyone who wants a gun can get one, regardless of their past history or mental state?

Yes Cleo. I'm pretty certain even YOU could get one... : )

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Now the only thing I am not certain on is if he could have his gun rights restored because his prior violation was with a gun. But he commited his crime in DC but lived in Maryland.

Also the purchase of weapons is easier if you go to gun shows. There you can walk out with a weapon and a coupon for the next show just by showing them your id...


In the 1990s the bradly act was passed, background checks to purchase guns. Prior to that you could walk into a store and in minutes walk out with whatever you could pay for and carry.


He served time from 1983 to 1989, so after stepping out of prison he could have went and bought anything he wished.....Joy

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jeancolmar wrote: The real dangerous terrorists in the US are right wing.

more crazy talk from the left wing.

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get rid of this waste right away

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I wish the US would ban guns.

Guns were banned in Washington DC for 32 years and they had one of the highest gun crime rates in the nation. States with the strictest gun control laws have some the highest gun crime rates as well. There are an estimated 200 million guns in the US. Banning guns to reduce gun crime is wishful thinking, not to mention a violation of the second amendment of the constitution.

JeanColmar: The real dangerous terrorists in the US are right wing.

What this Nazi nutjob did is despicable and quite frankly I hope he doesn't survive his injuries. But when you consider all of the violent crime in the US, the right wing is certainly not the most dangerous group. But there's no political mileage for a self-proclaimed Communist like yourself to acknowledge this fact.

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well, loony hatemongers killing security gaurds and a doctor in his church. The rightwing republican party I guess after all is a big tent, but sadly its pitched out in part of the funny farm. The nuts and racists seem to be gathering there. Of course instructed by their brainless leaders like Beck and Limbaugh.

Guess this guy was trying to avoid the FEMA camp internment that Beck predicted.

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zurc: hatemongers killing security gaurds and a doctor in his church. The rightwing republican party...

Hehe. Leave it to the Leftists to try to get as much political mileage out of these terrible, yet extreme cases. Meanwhile, there's violent crime and murders occurring every single day by groups who predominately support and vote democrat. The Right's got nothing on them.

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There are an estimated 200 million guns in the US

Holy @$#%! That's an unbelievable amount of product out there with the sole purpose of killing. As much as I am for banning guns, there's no WAY a ban on guns would be a success in the US with that many guns (most of them are probably illegal anyway). Not to mention, if the US government announced they were to ban guns, can you guess what every gun owner is going to do? ...stockpile illegal guns.

Even if von Brunn couldn't buy guns legally, there's no doubt that he would have had countless connections to supply him with guns, given his white supremacist, military, and prison backgrounds.

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Sorry, I'm confused. Are we debating gun control or the Republican Party?

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Tahoochi: with the sole purpose of killing

Hey wait a minute. I use a 12 gauge shotgun solely for trap shooting. I've never killed a thing with it. It's a great sport and would recommend it to anyone. But I suppose it might be too scary for the leftists here.

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The weapon was a .22-caliber rifle,

It was a rifle not a hand-gun. I don't think I've ever heard a call for a total ban on hunting rifles in the U.S or for that matter anywhere in Europe or Japan.

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Send him to Israel for a little poetic justice. I'm sure he would get exactly what he deserves over there.

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This violence and hatred against the Jews has to stop whether its some kooky white supremist or muslim jihadi.

His victim was a black security guard named Stephen Tyrone Johns. RIP Mr. Johns.

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Helter skelter: Sorry, forgot about the sport. I'm not a leftist or right wing or anything... just myself. You have to admit though, guns were invented for one reason only, and that's killing.

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Helter_Skelter: "Hehe. Leave it to the Leftists to try to get as much political mileage out of these terrible, yet extreme cases."

Excuse me?? This from a guy who often argues the same points as teleprompter, who came on the church shooting site and kept bringing up the shooting of a US army recruiter by an Islamist and in turn tried linking it to liberals?

Please, you're really not one who should be talking about getting political mileage out of terrible situations. At least zucronium is on topic, as extreme as his comparison may be (and which I don't 100% agree with).

"Guns were banned in Washington DC for 32 years and they had one of the highest gun crime rates in the nation."

Are they banned now and when this man committed his horribe crime? No? Well then I guess that blows all the hot air out of your 'defense', eh? :)

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i suppose he feels his innings is coming to a close and fancied going out in a blaze of "glory"

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i suppose he feels his innings is coming to a close and fancied going out in a blaze of "glory"

I know everyone who visited the museum today and emerged unharmed is grateful for the professionalism of the security staff. No doubt his imaginerd blaze of glory would have been bigger had he taken out more.

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Helter: "Hey wait a minute. I use a 12 gauge shotgun solely for trap shooting. I've never killed a thing with it. It's a great sport and would recommend it to anyone. But I suppose it might be too scary for the leftists here."

This following: 'Leave it to the Leftists to try to get as much political mileage...'. :)

I don't think using a lethal weapon designed to kill for shooting traps, and considering that 'fun', is limited to policital ideology. It's more a matter of individual opinion, I'd say. But good to see the hypocrisy alive and well.

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I'm sure the NRA has put out a press release saying, "This just goes to show the only way to be safe is for everyone to be armed." In a museum??? Imagine what the insurance would run to cover the items on display.

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In 1983, he was convicted of attempting to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve Board and served more than six years in prison. He was arrested two years earlier outside the room where the board was meeting, carrying a revolver, knife and sawed-off shotgun. At the time, police said von Brunn wanted to take the members hostage because of high interest rates and the nation’s economic difficulties.

Sounds like the crazy old geezer thoroughly immersed himself in the creepy anti-capitalist, anti-business worldview the Left espouses. I wouldn't be surprised if they find the Canadian Naomi Klein's wacked out conspiracies were a major influence on him.

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He [teleprompter] only knows one topic and, as usual, he falls short:

von Brun's book, "Kill the Best Gentiles," is a screed against the Talmud and is dedicated to Revilo Oliver, a well-known denier of the Holocaust. Von Brunn's writings condemning "Negroes" and Jews were prolific.

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Wouldn't you know it - the killer was a 9-11 "troofer"; hated Bush, hated McCain.

DC newspaper is on it.

The anti-semitism of von Brunn is the first thing one notices when visiting these bizarre websites. However, like those of most "white supremacists", many of von Brunn's political views track "Left" rather than "Right." Clearly, a re-evaluation of these obsolete definitions is long overdue.

For example, he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other "neo-conservatives" in online essays. As even some "progressives" such as the influential Adbusters magazine publicly admit, "neoconservative" is often used as a derogatory code word for "Jews". As well, even a cursory glance at "white supremacist" writings reveals a hatred of, say, big corporations that is virtually indistinguishable from that of anti-globalization activists.

James von Brunn's advocacy of 9/11 conspiracy theories also gives him an additional commonality with individuals on the far-left.


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It was only a .22... doesn't sound as though he really meant to kill anyone. Not anyone's weapon of choice really, except for shooting at targets or small animals. Or just plain nuts?

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he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other "neo-conservatives"

Well that settles it, I'm sure he supported Obama and backed ACORN's efforts to rig the election, don't ya think?

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teleprompter: "He only knows one topic."

Even if that's the case, it doesn't necessarily make him wrong. I don't think this is a 'Right-wing' issue, personally, but it's definitely an issue relatable to gun-laws (or the lack thereof, as he clearly got one despite previous crimes).

"Sounds like the crazy old geezer thoroughly immersed himself in the creepy anti-capitalist, anti-business worldview the Left espouses."

Perhaps Helter_Skelter would like to come on here again and say how only 'Leftists' try to milk such issues for political gain. At least on this thread you're not constantly changing the topic to the US recruiter shooting (errr... 'changing' would imply you were on topic in the first place, which was not the case). Zing!

Oh, and don't forget to undermine your comments and nation by being ultra-nationalist and trying to...

"I wouldn't be surprised if they find the Canadian Naomi Klein's wacked out conspiracies were a major influence on him."

...oops, too late!

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Another Right Wing Republican Freak....

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smith: Are they banned now and when this man committed his horribe crime? No? Well then I guess that blows all the hot air out of your 'defense', eh? :)

So you believe if the gun ban were still in effect this never would have never happened? If that's the case, then you're sillier than I already think you are.

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Did 6 million people really visit the Holocaust Museum?

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9-11 "troofer" wingnuts like Von Brunn should be under surveillance.

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Jeancolmar: It says more about the state laws then it does about US as a whole or the NRA. Vermont for example has one of the least restrictive gun laws in the US but has some of the lowest gun violence.

Tkoind2: They should ban cars before guns then considering there are more guns in the US then cars yet more people die each year from cars then guns.

Cleo: Not exactly true that anyone can get a gun in the US, it varys by state.

Tahoochi: The reason why the number of guns is so high is because you are legally allowed to own multiple guns. I know several people who own over a dozen guns, why? Because they like to collect them. I wouldn't say most or the majority of them are illegal, I would say at the very least half of them are legally owned. To you guns were invented for the sole purpose of killing, remember knives were invented for the sole purpose of killing and skinning

Smithinjapan: No they are not banned now however though during the ban gun crime went up not down, when the ban lifted gun crime began to fall. Many people don't know this but incidents that involved guns are around 1/5th the level they were back when bill clinton was first elected, that is from the US government own statistics, and no it has nothing to do with his assualt rifle ban considering that it continued to fall after the ban was lifted under bush. Whether you agree with it or not but helter was right, and that is some people, particularly democrats/leftist, will use this as a smear against republicans. Not saying all democrats or leftists will but if there is to be someone using this for politics it will most likely come from their.

zurcronium: What does this have to do with the republican party? They have no relationship with this man not to mention this man hated the republican party to begin with.

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Jus another day in the good ol' US where every jew hating, white supremacist felon is about to get his hands on a gun. Reading this, I think the saddest thing of all is that one of the other guards didn't misfire a few rounds into grandpa's head. As a dead loony, he would have quickly been forgotten, as a live loony who could still get his day in court, he will act like shxt in attracting other misguided souls to his cause.

RIP The guard.

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Jus another day in the good ol' US where every jew hating, white supremacist felon is about to get his hands on a gun

88-yr old ex-felons with history of mental illness everywhere.

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oh brother, the barking moonbats are out once again using the action of some nutcase to demonize republicans, demonize guns, demonize anything they disagree with. it only makes sense to those whose lives are controlled by victim hood.

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" oh brother, the barking moonbats are out once again using the action of some nutcase to demonize republicans, "

Ironically, his 9-11 troother and Jew-hating beliefs match perfectly with the islamist position .... only now suddenly it is allowed to be critized.

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Another Right Wing Republican Freak....

Funny, how now that this nutcase did this, we see all of the Jew/Israel supporters come out on the board since people want to say he belongs to the republican party, yet when Israel bombs a few Palestinians the very same people begin to denounce Israel and side with their enemies.

The republican party had nothing to do with this. If it did, then we could say that the Dems are anti-Israel and pro Arab. I guess that is not true.

This is what it is. A crazy hater who would probably like to see the many nationalities that post here on JT burn in Hell if he had his chance, regardless of political affiliation, or their belief in gun control or not. To him, those that are not of his kind are nothing more than "mud people." Face up to that fact, and don't try to put this lunatic action into a civilized debate on gun control.

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Helter: "So you believe if the gun ban were still in effect this never would have never happened? If that's the case, then you're sillier than I already think you are."

We'll never know if it would have happened or not. Either way, what I DO kno is that you're point about DC and banned guns a long time ago in relation to (and in defense of guns) this event is moot, since there was no gun ban when it happened.

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Alphaape: "Funny, how now that this nutcase did this, we see all of the Jew/Israel supporters come out on the board since people want to say he belongs to the republican party, yet when Israel bombs a few Palestinians the very same people begin to denounce Israel and side with their enemies."

I think what you'll actually find, if you look a little more carefully and in less black-and-white terms, is that said people generally denounce violence and extremism, and hence are not only against what this man did, but against Israel's irrational response to Palestinian rocket fire (for example). Makes perfect sense, whereas defending Israeli military extremism simply because this man hated Jews does not make any sense whatsoever.

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Alphaape: I want to qualify that a little more. I see (or saw) a lot of people who do not defend Palestinian acts of terrorism at all, while still criticizing the Israeli military/leadership. Also, I've really only seen one or two people on this thread accusing the Republican party of having anything to do with what happened.

My point is that you need to stop seeing criticism of one thing meaning condoning of the opposite, for it is not necessarily, and usually not, the case.

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The killer was a 9-11 troofer dufus who hates Jews and Israel.

Politically, that puts him squarely on the Left in America.

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Oh dear! How sad.:)

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smithinjapan, I want you to remember your post, and the nex time Israel does something see how many of the posters say they should be driven into the sea. It just seems to me that there may be a slight response to Palistine lobbing rockets into Isreal indiscriminately, but when Israel goes for a precision strike all hell breaks loose.

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Alphaape: "smithinjapan, I want you to remember your post, and the nex time Israel does something see how many of the posters say they should be driven into the sea. It just seems to me that there may be a slight response to Palistine lobbing rockets into Isreal indiscriminately, but when Israel goes for a precision strike all hell breaks loose."

I'll remember my post no problem, and anyone who says Israel 'should be driven into the sea' I'll gladly criticize along side you. However, saying Israel was in overkill mode killing more than 1000 people in response to zero hobby-rocket deaths is akin to them deserving to 'be driven into the sea' is not at all the same thing. Likewise going AGAIN to extremes with 'Palestinians lobbing rockets indiscriminately while Israel does nothing but precision strikes' (paraphrasing you) is being pretty polar.

But hey, like I said; people who hate war and violence should hate ALL war and violence -- be it terrorists attacking the US, the US attacking unrelated countries, Israel attacking Palestinians and Palestinians attacking Israel, and this guy killing someone else.

Saying 'this guy was anti-Jew therefore you HAVE TO loev Israel' is just foolish and lame.

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Alphaape: sorry... I realize I'm going to need to spell it out to you more clearly since you only deal in absolutes, but HATING what this man did does not mean you have to give Israel carte blanche to kill Palestinian civilians; likewise criticizing Israel for doing so does not mean you support what this man did. Why can't you understand that? Show me a poster on here who criticizes what this man did but also thinks 'Israel should be driven into the sea' like all the hypocrites you claim are posting here. My guess is you cannot find one post as such.

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They say he is "virulently anti-Semitic". This might be true, but I wonder, has he ever attacked a synagogue? If someone just hates Jews, wouldn't that be their main target? The victim was not Jewish, and I suspect neither are most of the visitors.

I am not trying to put ideas into anyone's head; I don't approve what this guy did. I am just wondering about his motivation (and sanity).

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Nazis and their supporters can carry violent hate even in old age.

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Found some more of Von Brunn's articles.

Whatta fruitcake: 9-11 Troofer, anti-Semite and anti-Christian.


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Definitely a nut case who can't be grouped with any type of rational people or debate. The sad fact that some would try to assign this type of behaviour to any group shows how low the discussion on JT (or most other blogs) can go.

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The only group this guy represents is the criminally insane.

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Whether or not his is the unwanted political child of the Left or Right, I don't know (I'll let the nutters argue this one until the moderator tells them to go home). What I do know is that von Brunn is a part of the political culture in America and it bodes ill that 3 political killings have occurred in the past 3 weeks. Killing for ideology is not a good sign for America.

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People need to start listening:

Why are we leasing all our money from The Federal Reserve (a private corporation, with no accountability and pays no taxes) when the Constitution forbids it. -This was this mans main arguement.

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88 years old? And still to damb stupid to not understand the Jews are just human beings, regular people like me and you? This is sickening! I have many good Jewish friends and I feel so sorry for them, but we must be vigilent of all these idiot Rush Limbaugh loving KKK, Nazi dorks! We must exterminate them like cockroaches!

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This was this mans main arguement.

So where is it written he has the right to murder?

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The only group this guy represents is the criminally insane.

Thank you, superlib. You are absolutely correct.


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What I do know is that von Brunn is a part of the political culture in America and it bodes ill that 3 political killings have occurred in the past 3 weeks. Killing for ideology is not a good sign for America.

Thank you Buddha4brains. You are absolutely correct also.

I do believe that perhaps those who were angry with the DHS's recent report need to reassess their opinions. The report specifically addressed the possibility of violence from anti-abortion radicals and anti-Semitic extremists.


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"The only group this guy represents is the criminally insane."

SuperLib seems to be somewhat the voice of reason on this thread.

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"The only group this guy represents is the criminally insane."

I'll, er...third that.

What the hell happened to the debate here?

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The guard who was killed opened the museum door to let in what he thought was a harmless old man. His act of courtesy cost him his life. He was simply a target of opportunity. So very sad. The nutters make their presence known, when the economy goes pear shaped.

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Right you are hopfly, but there is one other reason for the increase in hate crimes and it falls to the immigration debate as flamed by the right wing radio jocks.

Last month the Department of Homeland Security issued a report on the expansion of right wing extremist groups, saying those organizations are being fueled by the economic downturn and the election of Barack Obama.

But experts say it is the immigration debate that is most significantly contributing to the rise of hate groups, an issue that is exacerbated by the shaky economy. "These groups have really successfully exploited the immigration issue," Potok says. "For them it's ‘brown skin people are coming into this country to destroy us.'" The immigration backlash has led to a surge in hate crimes against Hispanics, up 40 percent between 2003 and 2007, according to FBI statistics. Last November, 37-year-old Ecuadorian immigrant Marcelo Lucero, a 16-year resident of the U.S., was attacked while walking near his home in Patchogue, New York. Prosecutors say a group of seven teens taunted Lucero with racial slurs, beat him, and fatally stabbed him in the chest. The reason? According to prosecutors they were "beaner hopping": attacking Hispanics for sport. All of the defendants have pled not guilty. "In that moment, the world collapsed on my shoulders and everything changed," says the victim's brother, Joselo Lucero. "I don't want my community, my people suffering anymore. Because everyday people wake up to work and they don't know if they're going to come back."
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We're seeing the Right rise again in the UK, it's important that we give these people enough copy and airtime, in order show them in the light they they are, nationalist, racist and politically inept. I really hope the liberals can handle that approach, the more we attack the Right, the more we run the risk of making martyrs out of them and their cause. It's best to let them have enough rope, no matter how uncomfortable that makes us.

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You are seeing 'Right Wing' rising because it's what the people want!

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"The much-maligned DHS report on the rise of right-wing extremism in America, released last April by Secretary Napolitano to conservative cries of outrage, appears to have been pretty much on the button. Three days before the report was made public, three Pittsburgh police officers were shot to death by a right-wing gun-ownership extremist who believed President Obama was coming for his guns. One month after the report was made public, an anti-choice zealot named Scott Roeder gunned down Dr. George Tiller in the vestibule of Tiller's church in Kansas while his wife sang in the choir. On Wednesday, a security guard was shot and killed at the Holocaust Memorial in Washington, DC, by James W. von Brunn, a right-wing conspiracy theorist who filled pages on his blog with screeds about a Jewish world conspiracy and, you guessed it, Obama's so-called 'false' birth certificate."

Hard times, a black president and rush limbaugh and the republican party pandering to winger fringe is leading to home grown terrorism.

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In any society, at any time, there will always be malcontents. Home grown terrorism is not new to the US. Remember Timothy McVeigh?

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aww.. who cares.

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You seeing theRight Wing rising although in Europe. The thinking part of people wants it everywhere.

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