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90 minutes of fire: Trump, Clinton trade charges, insults


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by all accounts trump is holding his own in this mass debate.

-29 ( +12 / -41 )

OutriderOCT. 10, 2016 - 11:41AM JST by all accounts trump is holding his own in this mass debate.

LMAO. Which debates are you watching, exactly?

21 ( +30 / -9 )

hillary deflects trumpys questions re bills sexyall exploits by instead talking abt muslim war hero.

-25 ( +7 / -32 )

Plenty of swinging punches from both here but nothing which landed on the chin for me. Hillary was understandably evasive at times and Trump typically lapsed into utter gibberish at times.

Trump looked a bit perturbed. Pacing around, interrupting, paranoid about fairness and all that sniffing again....

I have to say Hillary looks as fit as a fiddle.

17 ( +25 / -8 )

Trump did well in the debate?! Must have been some other debate! He just interrupted, ranted and rambled off topic as usual. If that's what his decreasing number of supporters like well.....ok. Thanks Donald! Amazing how his, 'Locker room talk' apology quickly changed to ISIS and people getting their heads chopped off. Really relevant Donald!! And he brings up Bill Clinton as though that makes it ok for him to, 'Grab them by the p_____'? If people can't see how bad Trump is, not only as a candidate, but as a person it really says a lot about his supporters.

18 ( +27 / -9 )

For someone who has the intellect of a junior high school student Trump didn't do so bad. That would have been my answer to the last question.

He still lost though, because as usual he is all out attack with baseless accusations, deflects critical questions about him, lies and lies, has no actual policies other than vague keywords he remembers and goes after the hosts (I mean really, "I got less talking time than her"???).

No republican rhetoric is going to change the fact he lost.

14 ( +22 / -8 )

I noticed the energy levels of both candidates was so different. Donald was ready to talk and respond the entire time, all while standing. Hillary on the other hand sat down immediately after being introduced and seemed to lack the energy and stamina to complete the debate with the same dynamic as Trump. I think Trump clearly won the debate this time.

-17 ( +13 / -30 )


baseless accusations

Please explain them. I didn't hear anything baseless at all. They all seemed like pretty good points.

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Trump is like Samson in the GOP temple -- bringing the entire structure down along with himself. The party is a national disgrace.

21 ( +26 / -5 )

AP: Trump opens debate with insults aimed at Clinton

Fact-checking the AP ...

I question that title. First, he didn't open the debate, Hillary spoke first, after the moderators initial statement. Second, where is there an insult in his opening statement? He doesn't mention her.

Was there once a time where the Associated Press was balanced, and eschewed publishing opinionated articles? How long ago was that? Anybody remember?

Transcript: http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/10/9/13220702/second-presidential-debate-live-transcript-clinton-trump

-19 ( +3 / -22 )

Baseless accusations:

Clinton putting coalminers out of business (any proof for this?) she is all talk and no action (she has signed a lot of legislation actually and yet it takes more than one senator to enact legislation) and yet again, the emails... she hasn't been indicted, she hasn't been arrested, there is no story here. simple Birtherism... sigh. Not. Even. Close.

The man is hopeless, absolutely hopeless.

9 ( +16 / -7 )

I like the bit about hillary quoting a movie to deflect the wikileaks mention of her duplicity, 2016 folks, what happened?!

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

"I noticed the energy levels of both candidates was so different. Donald was ready to talk and respond the entire time, all while standing."

He looked a paranoid wreck to be. He was jittery, irritable and edgy.

He made Tim Kaine look like a pot smoker.

13 ( +20 / -7 )

Thought it was American politics at its best/worst and despite feeling frustrated at times when both candidates (especially Trump) dodged the question that was asked I still thought it was an unbelievable debate to watch that will make history.

Both are incredibly tough debaters and it often felt like a street-smart kid vs book-smart one backyard brawl and am afraid the ghetto kid may have just won this one (at least for quite a few undecided voters seeking 'real stuff').

0 ( +3 / -3 )

'Sexyall exploits' ? That sounds like NBC Today show host Billy Bush trying to affect his cousin GWB's Texas twang. Time for Trump to join indefinitely suspended Billy Bush on the unemployment line.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

He looked a paranoid wreck to be. He was jittery, irritable and edgy.

Again with the appearance shtick. The most important thing is who put what points across in the most understandable way. It's why many people keep falling for the same BS because the actors are working off great scripts. Wake up!!

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Honestly couldn't tell who won the debate.. who cares. I'm sure there will be online polls stating either way, and the candidates will spin it their way regardless. Perhaps for the next debate...they should auto cut off the candidates mic when they reach their time limits. Avoids having to deal with accusations of favoritism (re: Trump).

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Hillary and her two moderators lost. Trump won! Next debate in 10 days.

-15 ( +8 / -23 )

Did he really threaten to go after her with a special prosecutor and said she'd be in jail? Thats a big no no.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

"Again with the appearance shtick. The most important thing is who put what points across in the most understandable way. It's why many people keep falling for the same BS because the actors are working off great scripts. Wake up!!"

I'm talking about temperament and mental health here. Not insignificant things.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Did he really threaten to go after her with a special prosecutor and said she'd be in jail? Thats a big no no.

Why is that a big no no? If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be allowed to live in the free world again.

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

Outrider wrote: "... Trump is holding his own..." ... ... Blame the following on the Zeitgeist, but I don't think he'd be holding Hillary's. (Apparently, not even Bill has done that for a while hence his philandering.)

Trump's vulgarity - the "worst" yet though used in a private conversation in 2005 and leaked now ... Land Sakes! ... of all the coincidences: Billy Bush (a cousin of THOSE Bushes it seems) and Wikileaks within days (hours?) of each other?! - is not an issue, friends. So what? He's vulgar. So what? If you haven't acquired immunity yet to the grossest crudity in the entertainment world then you've been living in monasteries and convents. I don't particularly care for the artless vulgarity of TV and many of the comments appearing here, but "I'll defend to the death their right to be vulgar". Trump's said vulgar things? So f***ing what?

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Ha! Now fact-checking the transcript I posted from vox.com!

Somehow vox.com dropped one sentence and morphed the next: "No I didn’t say that at all; I don’t think you understand what was said."

into: "I don't think you understood."

And given how critical it is, somehow I don't think it was an accident.

turbotsat: Transcript: http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/10/9/13220702/second-presidential-debate-live-transcript-clinton-trump

AC: ... That is sexual assault. You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women.

DT: I don't think you understood.

This was locker room talk. I'm not proud of it. I apologize to my family.

But what other sites reported Trump's answer was:


"No, I didn't say that at all," Trump said. "I don't think you understood what was said. This was locker-room talk. ..."



"... No I didn’t say that at all; I don’t think you understand what was said. This was locker room talk, ..."

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

OutriderOCT. 10, 2016 - 11:41AM JST by all accounts trump is holding his own in this mass debate.

It's not a mass debate, there's only two of them. It's a town-hall debate.

Unless by "holding his own", you mean Trump was actually mass debating. I haven't seen video yet, so I'll have to take your word on it. But if true, it's hardly surprising. Trump is such a narcissist that pretty much every word out of his mouth is some form of mass debation.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I can't believe Clinton actually used Abe Lincoln to lie about her emails. No, wait, I do believe it.

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

Hillary = MORE WAR!

This debate clearly outlined that! She said she would make a "no fly zone" over Syria.... Gee, that will go down just great with the Russians!

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Why does Clinton keep laughing? At this point he has nothing to laugh about. Be worried, very worried.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Bill Murphy: ... He's vulgar. So what? If you haven't acquired immunity yet to the grossest crudity in the entertainment world then you've been living in monasteries and convents. ...

It's like magic! October 2016 and the schoolboys posting on JT have suddenly been transformed into a bunch of Tim Tebows ...

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Why does Clinton keep laughing? At this point he has nothing to laugh about. Be worried, very worried.

Over confidence, I guess.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )

It's incredible that these two people are running for president of the U.S. I guess all the rest of the world and most of the American people can do now is hope someone better will come along for both parties in 2020.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I can't believe Clinton actually used Abe Lincoln to lie about her emails.

Presidential material right there!!

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Serrano: I can't believe Clinton actually used Abe Lincoln to lie about her emails.

I believe he was her password.

otherworldly: Why is that a big no no? If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be allowed to live in the free world again.

I have a Hillary bot on my six, anyone copy?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

“The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half a chance (Jews, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks and Roma, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances.”

Isn't it perplexing how the media is fixated on one story while all the while ignoring hillarys true perception of certain groups of people. What a joke!!

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

My favorite point in the debate was when they were talking over each other and they were both telling the other to go ahead, say your piece. Don the Con actually said, and I quote, "No, you go ahead Hillary, I'm a gentleman." OMG, WTH, did he really say that ? YEAH, RIGHT ! ! !

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Niether candidate did particularly well, but I felt Trump came off the worse.

Both were evasive in answering pointed questions they wanted to avoid, but Clinton was the only one who provided substantive answers to policy questions, while Trumps stock answer to almost everything was that Clinton was a disaster because she hadnt fixed everything wrong in the world in 30 years of political experience. When asked what he would do, he never provided a solid answer and always framed whatever he would do as the opposite of whatever Clinton would do.

Trump also came across as childish in his spats with the moderators. And in constantly interrupting Clinton just for the sake of interrupting her and not to actually say anything of substance. Not sure how many times Anderson Cooper said "Let her respond, she did not interrupt you" but it was a lot.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Why does Clinton keep laughing? At this point she has nothing to laugh about. Be worried, very worried.

I do believe crooked Hillary should wipe that smirk off her face. She has a lot to answer for.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

That was beyond awesome. Even the CNN talking heads afterwards admitted that it was a "draw", so hearing that from CNN= "Trump win". And the CNN poll again....Yeah of course Hillary won (in a heavily skewed Democratic poll of 58% Clinton supporters).

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Remarkable display of resilience by Trump. I seriously thought he was done for when he was grilled about his sexist and crude comments by Anderson Cooper and Hillary Clinton. But he came back and got stronger while Hillary got weaker and ran out of steam. Any lesser man would have given up.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Presidents are selected not elected. Both are puppets to be honest. In all honesty, the election has already been decided.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@Nothernlife, I would have no smirk on my face going after crooked Hillary. Soros losers.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

He did great, went after her, calm and cool-headed. And the Dems thought it was so easy. Well, he wasn't a punk, that's for damn sure! But typical liberals always underestimate any conservative and overestimate themselves.

-20 ( +2 / -22 )

Trump used the revelations as an opening to make good on his repeated promises to throw Bill Clinton’s sexual history into the center of his campaign against his wife. Less than two hours before the debate, he brazenly met publicly with several women who have accused Bill Clinton of unwanted sexual advances and even rape.

He was lucky this didn't come up...


8 ( +8 / -0 )

Of course CNN says Clinton won, and the Fox News poll has Trump at 78% and Clinton at 19%. That Fox poll must be completely bogus...

Super: "I have a Hillary bot on my six, anyone copy?"

Don't give up your day job, Super.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Haven't watched the debate yet, Im in the middle of watching Zardoz, U know, the 70's movie were the ultra rich control everyone else, until a leader comes along and takes it away from them. Boy does it piss them off.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Trump did seem senile at one point, which is new. Immediately after the mod asked Clinton a very sharp question about her emails Trump asked "why arent you asking her about the emails?" Too which Cooper responded "Uh...we just did..."


10 ( +10 / -0 )

He was lucky this didn't come up...

Are Dems that desperate? LOL Hey, then their hair should be on fire reading this...


Clinton is the one that is really lucky. I knew the man was dirty when it comes to women, but this.....

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

"He did great, went after her, calm and cool-headed."

Do you call constant interruptions, bleating about bias and pacing around pulling his trademark smacked-arse face cool and calm-headed?

I actually thought he did better than in the last debate. This was probably due to the fact that he was more in his element of a slanging match, but to call his performance calm and cool-headed seems to show that you didn't watch this in its entirety.

Don't you think Hillary looks well?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

bass4funkOCT. 10, 2016 - 03:39PM JST


Clinton is the one that is really lucky. I knew the man was dirty when it comes to women, but this.....

I notice you have absolutely nothing to say about Donald Trump's effusive words of praise for Jeffrey Epstein. Prefer just to ignore that, would you?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Trump is the very definition of sleaze.

"I know nothing about Russia..." Really? Either Trump is lying (what a concept!) about Russian connections, or Donald=Sarah Palin.

Do we really want a president who knows nothing about Russia?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

SerranoOCT. 10, 2016 - 03:04PM JST

Of course CNN says Clinton won, and the Fox News poll has Trump at 78% and Clinton at 19%. That Fox poll must be completely bogus...

A Fox News online poll says Trump won??!??! Well colour me astonished!

Got any more bombshells for us?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

A washington times poll currently has the following:

Poll: Who won the presidential debate?

Hillary Clinton 4428 (13%) Donald Trump 17122 (51%) Neither 611 (2%) Gary Johnson 11280 (34%)

Lol. Cue the Republicans coming out and saying how Trump won the debate because the polls say so. Mwhahaha (Btw if any of you republicans dont get it, please say so, and Im happy to explain why this poll is comedy gold).

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I didn't see the debate. But from reading the comments here it would appear that trump supporters think trump won and Clinton supporters think Clinton won. So I'm guessing there won't be a big change in numbers based on the debate. But they haven't had a poll since his groper admittance tape came out, and that will probably have a sizeable effect.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Great performance from Trump, the next president. Clinton is just crooked and how she got here, god only knows. She should be a jailbird for all her crimes but money and influence gives you a free pass it seems. I really hope President Trump follows through on his promise and next year sees her jailed.

Hail President Trump!

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

I'd say Hillary was very very kind to the Donald here. When he started going off on Bill Clinton and his sexual adventures when questioned about last weekend's revelations, Hillary should have fired back by saying:

1) Bill Clinton is not running for presidency here

2) The Donald, a few years back, was on record as saying he didn't think much of the allegations about Bill Clinton and basically dismissing the women involved

3) There has recently been allegations against the Donald of unwanted sexual advances towards women

4) The Donald has had affairs while being married to his ex-wives.

Hypocrisy is part of this Republican campaign. Basically, Hillary held back this time. Then again, the democrats probably don't want the Donald to have any reason to bow out too early. I have a feeling more disgusting revelations will come out as the elections come closer. What was the name of the song by Vanessa Williams?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I watched the debate, but ... I just wish they provided simultaneous translation into English so that I could understand what Trump was trying to say. When only one of the speakers uses comprehensible English and speaks, for the most part, in complete sentences it's really hard to judge who won!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I have a feeling more disgusting revelations will come out as the elections come closer.

Yeah, like this for instance!!


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Hillary. Got. Lit. Up. Tonight. His vow to us American voters that as POTUS he will convene a special prosecutor to look into her shady pay-to-play dealings turned Mr. Trump into President Trump.

Down vote all you want, but the fact remains Mr. and soon to be President Trump will be getting a yuuuge bump in the upcoming national polls.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Texas A&M AggieOCT. 10, 2016 - 05:06PM JST

Down vote all you want, but the fact remains Mr. and soon to be President Trump will be getting a yuuuge bump in the upcoming national polls.

I will be very interested to read what you have to say if that bump does not in fact materialise.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Turbotsat wrote: "It's like magic! October 2016 and the schoolboys posting on JT have suddenly been transformed into a bunch of Tim Tebows ..." ... ... Sorry, old boy, but I'm not up on Gridiron. Apart from Wikipedia, who is Tim Tebows and why should anyone care?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I notice you have absolutely nothing to say about Donald Trump's effusive words of praise for Jeffrey Epstein. Prefer just to ignore that, would you?

Not ignoring it at all, but it seems you libs are ignoring this...


-12 ( +1 / -13 )

The saddest thing is, this is the best American can offer. Makes you appreciate Obama because he stands up far better in comparision. It feels as though there should be a better choice. Don't you think? Yes, I know it isn't that simple, but still...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

bass4funkOCT. 10, 2016 - 06:19PM JST

"I notice you have absolutely nothing to say about Donald Trump's effusive words of praise for Jeffrey Epstein. Prefer just to ignore that, would you?"

Not ignoring it at all, but it seems you libs are ignoring this...

You have nothing at all to say about it, however.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

*Trump's said vulgar things? Trump said vulgar things that degrade women! you know women are more than half of the American voting public, if you think that is something to brush aside so easily then your as lost as Trump is!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

You have nothing at all to say about it, however.

If the allegations are true, the. It would be bad. Although, Epstein is famously notorious for his obsession with little girls and I don't think Clinton, given his past with women, is hanging out with Epstein just to talk about politics.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Bass4: why do you have such a fascination with Bill's affairs when it's Hillary that's a candidate? It makes no sense that I can reason to dwell on the spouse of the candidate when the other candidate doesn't have a very enviable past either. Saying it's because Hillary "approved" doesn't make sense either because in the case of Trump it is obvious that his first two wives didn't, hence the divorces, and his third obviously also approves or she would be filling for divorce with all that's known about Trump's affairs. Can you enlighten me on this?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

CrazyJoe: "Trump is the very definition of sleaze."

Um, that wouldbe Bill Clinton. Check it out.

"I know nothing about Russia..." Really? Either Trump is lying (what a concept!) about Russian connections, or Donald=Sarah Palin. Do we really want a president who knows nothing about Russia?"

Talk about taking 4 words out of context... I guess you just watched the Clinton News Network's version of the debate, and not the entire debate. Check it out.

Hillary forgot to Shimmy! She also forgot her hot sauce!

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

bass4funkOCT. 10, 2016 - 06:19PM JST

...it seems you libs are ignoring this...

As for that article in the link? Pffft. The stuff floating around linking Trump and Epstein is every bit as damning. So come on - you claim you hate hypocrites and anyone who lies, twists, distorts or glosses over the truth, and you don't give anyone a free pass. If you're going to damn Bill Clinton on the basis of flimsy articles like that, where's your condemnation of Trump? Or doesn't that pay well enough for you?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

As for that article in the link? Pffft. The stuff floating around linking Trump and Epstein is every bit as damning.

Yeah, but Clinton has over 20 past charges filed against him. Don't even go there. Yeah, I get it, Trump has a problem with women, we all know that, but his indiscretions fail totally in comparison to what Bill has done over the last 40 years.

So come on - you claim you hate hypocrites and anyone who lies, twists, distorts or glosses over the truth, and you don't give anyone a free pass. If you're going to damn Bill Clinton on the basis of flimsy articles like that, where's your condemnation of Trump? Or doesn't that pay well enough for you?

I already said, my viewpoint on that.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Trump has a problem with women, we all know that

And unlike Bill, he's running for president.

So I guess that makes the choice clear, right?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Every single time that Trump was asked what he would do, he never answered clearly and just started saying how bad Hillary is or was at everything. He offers nothing so he will not win on Nov 8. I also think Hillary let him off today. She could have gone for the jugular with his, 'It was just locker room talk' excuse. Anyway, the Dems shouldn't be too worried as, without a doubt, that recent video is the nail in the coffin for Trump's campaign. How many female supporters did he lose because of it? Quite a lot of males too I'd say. In the debate he really looked like he knows he's going to lose the election.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

.....what can I say...Bernie, Bernie, Bernie...where did you go wrong!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I am not American therefore I can not vote. I have no bias against each candidate. In my humble eyes, Trump stand straight and talk bluntly with full eye contact. Cliton sit and smile and tried to hide something. She avoided eye contact.

She changed uncomfortable topic such as Bangazi and her husband Arabian nights stories. She looks not sincere. Trump is not acting. Cliton is the polished Greek statue.

Trump is real human with rage and temper. Cliton is the Robot without natural instincts.

According their facial expression, Trump is angry and frustrated for injustices. Clinton is smiling secretively. Americans need to choose straight talker and sugar coated lemon.

Trump may be reincarnated by late American cowboy actor John Wayne Who talks touch and full of actions and adventures. Cliton is boring as Current president.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

I knew the man was dirty when it comes to women, but this..... so you knew he was a sleaze and degrading towards women but still choose to support him!? seems you think women as second rate citizens compared to men!? maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia, Iran or Afganistan.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

And unlike Bill, he's running for president.

True, but if Hillary wants to sling mud and go back in the time machine 12 years ago, Trump can do the same and go back 40 years ago on either of them, they targeted Melania after her speech at the RNC, she wasn't running, so all is far in the world of politics and I would do the same, if you try and guttersnipe me, dude, I'll do the same to you 10 fold! It's all legit.

So I guess that makes the choice clear, right?

That depends on what your political viewpoints are.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Frankly I am disappointed and disgusted by the media and the candidates turning a Presidential race into "virtual reality tv show" and more like a Jerry Springer show than covering hard topics ongoing around that the US is involved with. These two clowns have taken the honor and integrity of the Oval office it's no wonder that Russia, China, NK and now Philippines have no respect for Obama or any future elected official due to this circus...Reagan, Kennedy and the rest of the great past Presidents are rolling in their graves..what a shame, so sorry US people.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Neither of them or their running mates are candidates I would vote for.

The choice seems to be who you hate the least.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


I can`t believe Trump brought up the rape case from '75 where she got the rapist off the hook by vicitim shaming (ruining her life) AND she showed up to the debate!!!

So, how is it a public servant (Clinton) can make $250,000,000 by serving the American people? Is there any Japanese politican is history that ever made that much off Japan?

Why did all the refugees come to Europe?????????? Clearly Obama and Hillary played the largest (Only?) hand in it. After watching this debate, any of you Clinton supporters are merely victims of mainstream media brainwash, dying to defend the very system that controls you. NEWSFLASH! Hillary HATES YOU AND DOESNT CARE!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Quiz- Who said it?

( referring to Hillary Clinton ) "We neeed someone who's honest and plays by the rules"

a) The Onion

b) Pinocchio

c) Michelle Obama

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

bass4funkOCT. 10, 2016 - 07:02PM JST

"So come on - you claim you hate hypocrites and anyone who lies, twists, distorts or glosses over the truth, and you don't give anyone a free pass. If you're going to damn Bill Clinton on the basis of flimsy articles like that, where's your condemnation of Trump? Or doesn't that pay well enough for you?"

I already said, my viewpoint on that.

What, your viewpoint on Donald Trump possibly going on trial for multiple counts of rape, his name being in Jeffrey Epstein's book and him saying Epstein's a "terrific guy?" I don't ever remember reading that. I just recall quoting what Trump said about him and you... well, you saying nothing at all.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Paul Krugman ✔ @paulkrugman Let's be clear: a candidate for president promised to put his opponent in jail if he wins. Everything else is secondary.

Super already pointed this out but it bears repeating.

This idiot is a wanabee fascist.

That screamfest of a "debate" is an insult to the United States of America. The Republican party should be ashamed of themselves for dragging the politics into the gutter with this joke of a candidate. May their defeat by massive.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

so all is far in the world of politics and I would do the same, if you try and guttersnipe me, dude, I'll do the same to you 10 fold! It's all legit.

Not being a journalist, I had to check on the application of *guttersnipe" as a verb. There is no such definition. A noun, a guttersnipe is a person of "the lowest economic or moral station."

So, it appears you are bragging that you can lower yourself 10 times under anyone you perceive is slighting you.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

"The Republican party should be ashamed of themselves for dragging the politics into the gutter with this joke of a candidate."

You mean the Democratic Party.

Trump won this debate Big League.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I fail to understand the point Trump is trying to make when I see him in this photograph with the Stars and Stripes behind him and two women on either side, women allegedly having been involved in improper relations with Bill Clinton. Is this man (trump) trying to say he is not a man like Bill Clinton by showing support for these women? Seems to me he is kicking himself in the you-know-where.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Yeah, Trump's comments about jailing political opponents was straight about of the dictator handbook. The good thing for him is that his white trash supporters don't know any better, and the ones who do are anti-Hillary bots so democracy is meaningless to them anyway.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Hillary ran for cover behind Abraham Lincoln in a jarring non-sequitor. She's got plenty to hide.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Hillary relied on previously used stump speech rhetoric to get through the night. She failed miserably. Voting Americans saw she's just an elitist, status quo, establishment candidate who doesn't bring a single new idea to the table. Everything she stands for has been tried and has failed. She had to steal Bernie's free college idea just to have a chance with younger voters whom she has dismissed as "basement dwellers". Yet another swing and a miss.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The Republican party should be ashamed of themselves for dragging the politics into the gutter with this joke of a candidate. May their defeat by massive.

Trump's campaign had not been able to nudge above 40% since he clinched the nomination in May. Not nearly enough to win. And now he's headed down again.

Trump will be like a black hole for the GOP -- sucking everything into total darkness. He has made Hillary Clinton look very, very good.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Clinton was asked about an excerpt of a hacked e-mail containing potentially controversial excerpts from a $225,000 paid speech she delivered to the National Multi-Housing Council in 2013, after she left public office.

In her speech to the nonprofit, Clinton argued that politicians “need both a public and a private position” in order to accomplish anything. The debate moderators asked Clinton on behalf of a voter, “Is it ok for politicians to be two-faced?”

Clinton responded, “As I recall, that was something I said about Abraham Lincoln after having seen the wonderful Steven Spielberg movie ‘Abraham Lincoln,'” she said. “It was a master class watching president Lincoln get the Congress to approve the 13th amendment, it was principled and strategic. I was making the point that it is hard sometimes to get the Congress to do what you want to do.”

Only die-hard Hillary supporters would believe that.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Ivanka didn't look too happy. Feel sorry for the children.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

she has dismissed as "basement dwellers".

No she didn't. Let's stick with the truth ok? There are more than enough lies already floating around.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

bass4funkOCT. 10, 2016 - 07:02PM JST

I already said, my viewpoint on that.

Interesting - you'll go on and on repeating the same things over and over about liberals, Democrats, Clinton and Obama until everyone's sick of seeing them, but when it comes to Donald Trump all we get is "I already said, my viewpoint on that."

No double standards there at all, then.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

What, your viewpoint on Donald Trump possibly going on trial for multiple counts of rape

I seriously doubt it, if Hillary won't see a day in jail, then Trump won't either. She didn't do anything and he didn't either, for if he did, he would have already been arrested or at least been charged. Nice try though.

Not being a journalist, I had to check on the application of *guttersnipe" as a verb. There is no such definition. A noun, a guttersnipe is a person of "the lowest economic or moral station."

I know exactly what it is and why I said it, thank you though

So, it appears you are bragging that you can lower yourself 10 times under anyone you perceive is slighting you.

No, I leave the sinking for the libs?

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Oh, all the bickering. Let's finish on a nice note like the final debate question.

It's time for my nightcap. I invite you to all raise a glass to Hillary's health - didn't she look well? I'm sure all the rightists here who posted heartfelt and concerned warnings about her health will be the first to join us.


4 ( +5 / -1 )

Hillary looked a bit overmedicated. By the way, the president is a glorified office manager. The constitution gives the motivating power to congress.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

bass4funkOCT. 10, 2016 - 11:06PM JST

I seriously doubt it, if Hillary won't see a day in jail, then Trump won't either. She didn't do anything and he didn't either, for if he did, he would have already been arrested or at least been charged. Nice try though.

Bill Clinton hasn't seen a day in jail either, doesn't stop you damning him every chance you get as you've obviously decided he's guilty. It looks as if at least one charge of rape is going to be brought against Donald Trump, and then who knows how many more stories might emerge, but you apply a different standard to him, don't you.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

It's like magic! October 2016 and the schoolboys posting on JT have suddenly been transformed into a bunch of Tim Tebows come election day Trump supporters will most likely all but disappear from JT, and the ones that stay will be the most bu**hurt salty comments that'll keep the moderator working overtime. I personally cant wait to read them lol

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Bill Clinton hasn't seen a day in jail either...

As someone has observed, Bernie Madoff is looking at Trump's campaign from his prison cell and thinking: "Gee, I should have run for president."

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Trump reminds me of a Vietnamese King who was dethroned by the French authorities on Set 3, 1907, namely Nguyen Phuoc Chieu, whose reign name was Thanh Thai [Complete Achievement].. Nguyen Phuoc Chieu was described by several French Catholic journalists as the man who loves the women so much that he opens up the women's belly to see what is inside it. Last evening, Trump apologized for his "locker talks" that he had been very respectful of the women, especially the married "hot sh..,." by groping them between their legs and freely assaulting them because of his stardom. Furthermore, he threatened Hilary Clinton, the female Democratic Presidential candidate, that if he wins this election, he would put her in jail. It's not only outrageous but also unconstitutional. It may explain, inter alia, why did dozens of GOP leaders distance themselves from Trump. The race, I strongly believe, is over

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Bill Clinton accusers sitting with the p-grabber was....interesting.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Bill Clinton hasn't seen a day in jail either, doesn't stop you damning him every chance you get as you've obviously decided he's guilty.

As if you guys didn't bring Bush up every single day, tedious, is it not?

It looks as if at least one charge of rape is going to be brought against Donald Trump, and then who knows how many more stories might emerge, but you apply a different standard to him, don't you.

Well and now the feds are looking more into the charges that Clinton could have been soliciting sex from young girls as well. I guess we shall see who gets called in for questioning.


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Bill Murphy: Sorry, old boy, but I'm not up on Gridiron. Apart from Wikipedia, who is Tim Tebows and why should anyone care?


Tim Tebow may not mind his New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan using profanity in the locker room, but the 24-year-old quarterback is reportedly not willing to sit through swearing when getting his hair cut. ... Tebow reportedly visited the Chris McMillan Salon in Beverly Hills where a client reportedly heard him make a special request. "He asked for a woman to cut his hair who doesn't curse," the client told ...

Fred Wallace: Isn't it perplexing how the media is fixated on one story while all the while ignoring hillarys true perception of certain groups of people. What a joke!! ... http://freedomdaily.com/wikileaks-october-surprise-hillary-blacks-muslims/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Looking at the "Muslims, blacks** and Roma***" email on Wikileaks, it doesn't have anything to do with Hillary unless she used orca100@upcmail.nl as an address. It looks more like an unsolicited email sent by an anonymous person to several people that happened to include Podesta. I know there's several sites attributing it to Hillary but they seem to be attributing it incorrectly and to be doing that only because it's part of the Podesta dump, not because she actually had anything to do with the email.



-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Bill Clinton accusers sitting with the p-grabber was....interesting.

Yeah, I was getting ready for Trump to accuse Bill of having really bad taste. "I grope only 10s; not dogs."

At least Trump could have apologized to Paula Jones, who he called a "liar" at the time, among other things.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

In a newly leaked message, posted this morning by WikiLeaks, John Podesta admits that Hillary has a problem telling the truth. Or, as he puts it:

“she says things that are untrue, which candidly she does often.”

When asked, Podesta went on some deflection about Russians and said he doesnt "have time" to figure out whether the mail is authentic or not. He doesn't remember his own feelings? Sure is a lot of "I dont recall" and "Look over there, Russia!!" deflections going on. That is why I cant trust any of these people. .

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Even Paul Ryan will no longer defend Trump. He'll focus his time defending the Insane party's majority in the legislative chamber.

In other words - it's over. And the GOP leaders know it. It will take them years to get over Trump, if they actually can....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Proof positive that Trump won the debate:

It's only the morning after, and Google News has dropped mention of the debate to the bottom of the page, to the last two item blocks in the Elections section. The two item blocks (collections of news items) on the top of the page are both about how Paul Ryan is not going to campaign for Trump any more, he's only going to campaign 'against Hillary' now.

The remaining items in "Top Stories" today ... Third: Samsung Galaxy 7 blowing up. Fourth: German police arrest Syrian in bomb plot. Fifth: WaPo - Donald Trump and Atlantic City casinos (exposed!). Sixth: Yemenis shoot missiles at US Navy ship.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Even Paul Ryan will no longer defend Trump. He'll focus his time defending the Insane party's majority in the legislative chamber.

Good riddance to that coward anyway, better for Trump anyhow.

In other words - it's over. And the GOP leaders know it. It will take them years to get over Trump, if they actually can....

Don't count on it, 24 hours ago, you libs wrote him off and to everyone's amazement, Trump defied all odds...again! Maybe he'll win, who knows or maybe he won't, but you libs need to learn to stop underestimating people and overestimating yourselves. Gosh did I enjoy that match up, especially the part where he said, if he were president, he would see that she lands in prison, too funny!

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

I knew the man was dirty when it comes to women, but this..... so you knew he was a sleaze and degrading towards women but still choose to support him!? seems you think women as second rate citizens compared to men!? maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia, Iran or Afganistan.

Please stop. When it comes to the treatment of women, anything that can be said about Trump can also be said about Bill Clinton - and Hillary and the Left supported and defended him right on down the line. There are even multiple instances of women claiming that Bill raped and sexually assaulted them. Bubba has always lied about his sexual conquests so there is no reason to trust his word now. Hillary stood by her man the whole time. Why? Because she stood to gain from being Bill's wife - so she helped to smear and cover up for him. It's not that Hillary slept her way to the top. No, she got to the top by allowing her husband to sleep with - and even assault - other women. What is most screwed up about it is that it worked! She is the Democrat nominee and is all but certain to become the next president.

All of the establishment on the Left, a good part of the Right, and the main stream media are all supporting her. It would take a truly remarkable citizen revolt at the ballot box for her not to win. Politics is a dirty nasty business and Hillary plays the game as well as any back room wheeler and dealer. America is going to get a good hard dose of democracy right between the eyes over the next four years. Doubling down on failure is what America seems to do best these days.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Washington (CNN)House Speaker Paul Ryan dealt his own party's presidential nominee a withering blow Monday, telling fellow Republicans he will no longer defend Donald Trump and will instead use the next 29 days to focus on preserving his party's hold on Congress.

The move -- highly unusual in US political history -- laid bare the seemingly intractable divisions now seizing the Republican Party with a month left before the presidential vote. Support for Trump among the GOP establishment, already weak amid disagreements over policy and tone, has now eroded to new lows.

In a conference call with members Monday morning, Ryan told lawmakers, "you all need to do what's best for you and your district," according to someone who listened to the meeting.

"He will spend his entire energy making sure that Hillary Clinton does not get a blank check with a Democrat-controlled Congress," said the person on the call — an implied acknowledgment that Trump no longer appears able to capture the White House.


Just like with Dole / Clinton. Heh, kinda weird it's a similar upcoming electoral wipeout with Bubba's better half, but hey the nineties were cool. The GOP realize the writing is on the wall they are fools for thinking this wouldn't happen. The so-called "biased" media and the Beliebers are the only ones still interested in Trump's outrageous, racist, divisive campaign. It's over...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Bill Clinton's face at debate 2, peeking at his accusers:


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Don't worry Turbo, you'll have Trump's accusers on the telly soon.

His "fortune" assures it.

Plus there's the dodgy dealings in Cuba. The bribing of a Florida judge - with "charitable" cash....

The presidency was Don the Con's last change of staving off huge bankruptcy. He's in debt up to his neck - the Chinese and more importantly the Russian gangsters he owes hundreds of millions aren't likely to take Chapter 11 as an excuse....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trump rallied Republican voters to his side and stopped the GOP from abandoning him -- which they were doing over the weakened.

"Moderate" Republicans cannot dump Trump, because 75% of Republicans voters want them to stand by their man. So now Trump is the GOP brand. Evangelicals "Christians" like Pence are now wed to Trump, his rapey talk and 3 marriages.

This is quite simply the best possible outcome for Team Dem.

Basically, we're looking at Trump getting crushed, the Senate possibly 55 Dems, and the House is actually in play.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I was worried Trump would drop out, but it looks safe now. The bigots and anti-Hillary bots are going strong enough to keep him in, but not big enough to get a win. That's the ideal situation for us.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This debate: 33 false claims for Trump, five false claims for Clinton

Last debate: 34 false claims for Trump, four false claims for Clinton

Trump and Trump supporters remain utterly ridiculous

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This debate: 33 false claims for Trump, five false claims for Clinton

According to whom?

Last debate: 34 false claims for Trump, four false claims for Clinton

According to whom?

Trump and Trump supporters remain utterly ridiculous

And they feel exactly the same about Hillary supporters, don't forget that.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

bass4funkOCT. 11, 2016 - 01:13AM JST

As if you guys didn't bring Bush up every single day, tedious, is it not?

Haven't seen any references to Bush here, although I might have overlooked one or two. Haven't made any myself though, whereas you definitely go on about the Clintons all the time and that certainly is tedious.

Well and now the feds are looking more into the charges that Clinton could have been soliciting sex from young girls as well. I guess we shall see who gets called in for questioning.


I thought that article might have something substantive, such as the kind of specific accusations of rape made against Donald Trump or something about the FBI investigating Clinton as you make out they are. It's actually just lurid, sensationalist fluff. Is this the kind of garbage you spend all your time reading? It would certainly explain the tone and content of your comments.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Haven't seen any references to Bush here, although I might have overlooked one or two. Haven't made any myself though,

Well, finally after 8 years, you guys gave up.

whereas you definitely go on about the Clintons all the time and that certainly is tedious.

ONLY because She's running and she's married to the man that was involved in sexual misconduct and who's wife is accusing Trump of being a misogynist and the woman's husband abused women in the worse possible way physically, so if the Dems can play that game of Trump being a pig and going back 12 years of something he said, then the Repubs can do the same. It's politics. If I brought up Ross Perot, then you can jump on me for bringing somebody into the conversation that's not relevant, but that's not the case.

I thought that article might have something substantive, such as the kind of specific accusations of rape made against Donald Trump or something about the FBI investigating Clinton as you make out they are. It's actually just lurid, sensationalist fluff. Is this the kind of garbage you spend all your time reading? It would certainly explain the tone and content of your comments.

I want to say the same about the Left.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Thing is, if the Democrats call Trump a misogynist, adulterer and what have you, and Trump hits back with stuff about Bill Clinton, there's a counterattack. Put it this way, imagine Bill Clinton had said this:

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Or if this accusation made been made about him:

Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened Plaintiff that, were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse of her by Defendant Trump, Plaintiff and her family would be physically harmed if not killed.

You just wouldn't be able to stop yourself going on about it, would you, no matter who had said what first? And of course Bill Clinton would be guilty as charged, wouldn't he? But it's Trump, so even though there are actual, specific accusations floating around this is your response.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

You just wouldn't be able to stop yourself going on about it, would you, no matter who had said what first? And of course Bill Clinton would be guilty as charged, wouldn't he? But it's Trump, so even though there are actual, specific accusations floating around this is your response.

Yes, so Trump is alleged and Clinton also, so what's your point? LOL

If you think Trump is going to be hauled off in cuffs over something alleged, then you need to take a page from Bill and Hillary. It's just not going to stick, if the charges had the smallest amount of merit, he would have been approached by the authorities.

But nice try.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

There are other, way more important things that need attention, like we're getting closer to war with Russia, but Hillary still wants to keep bringing up crap like some dumb stuff Trump said decades ago.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

turbotsat: Clinton's face at debate 2, peeking at his accusers:


Ha ha, same image, but in a jpeg, with wikileaks overlay.


Looks like Halloween came early for Bill!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump did amazingly well, considering it was a 3 on 1 debate. The bias of the moderators was expected of course, but this time it was truly over the top, especially by the woman. Are there still people denying media bias? After seeing this?

As for the content, some great lines, but what truly scared my was Clinton practically declaring war on Russia with her insane claims about Syria. She wants Syria to turn into another Libya. God help us if that woman gets into the White House.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

bass4funkOCT. 11, 2016 - 07:44AM JST

Yes, so Trump is alleged...

"alleged?" Trump is alleged? What does that mean? Oh, did you mean to write "accused?"

and Clinton also, so what's your point? LOL

You think it's funny that your reading skills are clearly so poor that you can't make a very simple inference? You've obviously been reading too much of the sort of "journalism" featured in that article you posted the link to. Or perhaps you're being deliberately obtuse because you'd really rather not face up to this and acknowledge anything bad about your hero, in which case I really can't be bothered making it any simpler for you. I couldn't use pictures and crayons anyway.

If you think Trump is going to be hauled off in cuffs over something alleged, then you need to take a page from Bill and Hillary. It's just not going to stick, if the charges had the smallest amount of merit, he would have been approached by the authorities.

You could well be right. We'll see what the jury thinks.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Proof positive that Trump won the debate:

It's only the morning after, and Google News has dropped mention of the debate to the bottom of the page, to the last two item blocks in the Elections section. The two item blocks (collections of news items) on the top of the page are both about how Paul Ryan is not going to campaign for Trump any more, he's only going to campaign 'against Hillary' now.

That you consider that 'proof positive' is indicative of the problems in the Republican party of today, and in particular with the Strumpets.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Oh yeah one of the fact checks:

Trump said the emails were "acid washed" then corrected himself later and said "bleached"

FACT CHECK: "FALSE" (The emails were deleted by Bleach Bit).

So that makes the claim false? Lets just ignore that the issue was not what was used but the fact that the emails were deleted at all. But when Hillary is fact checked it would be "TRUE BUT MISLEADING" (she said the wrong technical term, but she doesn't know anything about IT, so its ok)

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Strangerland: That you consider that 'proof positive' is indicative of the problems in the Republican party of today, and in particular with the Strumpets.

Weren't there a few days of the 1st debate and discussion about it being the top news item on Google News, when media were touting a Hillary win? And now not even 12 hours gone by and the second debate was buried at bottom of the page. In favor of Paul freakin' Ryan, and Samsung Galaxy 7.

Case in point, another example of media's different treatment of the second debate:


Half a Dozen News Sites Stop Polling Their Readers on Who Won the Presidential Debate

Half a dozen news outlets skipped posting snap polls after the second 2016 presidential debate on Sunday — most likely because Donald Trump touted his dominance of their polls after the first debate in September. ... The first presidential debate was a tough one for Republican presidential candidate Trump, but he publicly declared victory by citing a slew of unscientific online polls where respondents said he beat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. The Daily Mail rounded up the results of many of these snap polls, as well, with a headline blaring “Trump won debate by a landslide.” ...

Sites listed by the article as discontinuing their snap polls:

Time Magazine, Slate, Fortune, The Hill, CBS New York, CNBC.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Weren't there a few days of the 1st debate and discussion about it being the top news item on Google News, when media were touting a Hillary win?

I have no idea, but whether it was or wasn't doesn't change my comment:

That you consider that 'proof positive' is indicative of the problems in the Republican party of today, and in particular with the Strumpets.

You guys have set an extremely low bar for 'proof positive'.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

With four abused women (by Bill) in the front row I guess the Clintons were feeling the heat! I'm surprised Hillary didn't wobble to the ground! Imagine having to protect a philandering husband? It mist take its toll.....

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Strangerland: I have no idea, but ...

As the guy said, "You can't handle the truth!"

I suppose you think the 2016 moderators weren't biased, either! Except Matt Lauer, of course. Obviously.

Hasn't he been suspended yet?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

As the guy said, "You can't handle the truth!"

The truth or lack thereof does not change my comment:

That you consider that 'proof positive' is indicative of the problems in the Republican party of today, and in particular with the Strumpets.

Your repeated attempts to deflect in other directions does not change this - you people have set an extremely low bar for proof.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Media bias is obvious in many ways, not just the couple I just pointed out. Can't expect you to admit to it, though.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

They were just making fun of Trump on the Japanese tv for switching from locker room talk to ISIS! They said it made no sense to jump to ISIS when they were talking about what he had said.

Media bias is obvious in many ways, not just the couple I just pointed out. Can't expect you to admit to it, though.

What does that have to do with the fact that you've set an extremely low burden of proof with this comment:

It's only the morning after, and Google News has dropped mention of the debate to the bottom of the page, to the last two item blocks in the Elections section. The two item blocks (collections of news items) on the top of the page are both about how Paul Ryan is not going to campaign for Trump any more, he's only going to campaign 'against Hillary' now.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

indeed bill is not running for president - but the wife who stood by him and denigrated, threatened and helped him spin and strategize his evasion of the law is.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Trump is a disgrace as presidential candidate but Hilary is not much better coming across as deceptive and conniving.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

With four abused women (by Bill) in the front row I guess the Clintons were feeling the heat!

All paid very well by Trump's campaign. At least two of the women had their stories debunked by Trump at the time they first hit public nearly 20 years ago. One woman was not associated with Bill, but with a criminal case in which Hillary, as a public defender, defended an accused rapist. (Trump doesn't appear to understand our legal system -- which is strange as often has he has been sued.)

It's funny for Trump to pay a lot of money dredging up things most Americans know well about in order to cover up his shameful behavior, now just being revealed. Only the very foolish are going to be taken in by the attempt to deflect.

I'm surprised Hillary didn't wobble to the ground! Imagine having to protect a philandering husband?

Hillary handled it very well. Trump is an excellent liar. Supposedly more "tapes" are going to be revealed about him, and they usually save the best ones closer to last. More and more women will come forward with stories. I believe even Bill Cosby will distance himself from Trump.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Is that a cigar I see before me ?

Bill Clinton couldn't even work out what he was doing with Monica without reference to his lawyer. It was embarrassing to hear him refute shoving a cigar in Monica's vagina wasn't sex! Bill the deceiver!

And how many people has his wife murdered? Certainly she threw a cackling fit over Gadhafi's brutal murder! And the debacle in Benghazi was a total failure on her part! And in power she'd declare war on Iran as she has stated on the record!

She has already proved she is a maniacal menace!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Is that a cigar I see before me ?

If so, it was brought to you by Donald J. Trump. His campaign is spending a lot of money to rehash all that Kenneth Starr found out and should have been resolved years ago.

Trump seems to have forgotten that President Clinton accepted an impeachment trial and then was cleared by a majority-Republican Congress which voted that none of his misdeeds rose to the level required for removal from office by our constitution. He's stupidly trying to tie Mrs. Clinton somehow to that.

Trump also seems to be ignorant of the fact that Bill Clinton's popularity and approval rating rose after the trial was over. The Trump Train is railroading itself.

The rumors have it that the tapes yet to be released reveal even worse -- and some racist -- spoutings by the Donald. Think Donald Sterling -- whom Trump reminds me of. You know those balloons they drop at the conventions from the ceiling? Well, in Trump's case, they're shoes. Another will drop very soon.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hope the train wreck continues. It's the only way to get rid of the Republicans in the House and Senate which will allow higher taxes to finally be put through. Time for the USA to start paying its deficits and debts

0 ( +1 / -1 )

yabits: ... Trump seems to have forgotten that President Clinton accepted an impeachment trial and then was cleared by a majority-Republican Congress which voted that none of his misdeeds rose to the level required for removal from office by our constitution. ...

Just as 'declared innocent in court' doesn't mean 'factually innocent', not losing the impeachment vote doesn't mean 'cleared of wrongdoing'.

As far as 'by a majority-Republican Congress', a supermajority of 67 votes were needed for impeachment. If the Democratic minority pulls la palanca and votes as a bloc along party lines, which they did in this case with 45 votes, impeachment would fail, even without the votes of the ten Republican senators who crossed over. 'By a super-majority Republican Congress' would actually mean something.

And the 'clearing' was not universal:


OCT. 1, 2001 - The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I enjoyed the debate. 3 on 1, and still crooked Hillary lost.

Slam-dunk moment of the event:

CLINTON: "it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country."

TRUMP: Because you'd be in jail.


CLINTON ASSISTANT AKA "MODERATOR COOPER: Please do not applaud! Please do not applaud!

Epic! If I could vote, he´d get my vote right there.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Strangerland: What does that have to do with the fact that you've set an extremely low burden of proof with this comment

Maybe you can give more details. Like, what are you even talking about, burden of proof of what? And given that, what level of proof would satisfy you?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


You'd love Putin's Russia. His opponents are routinely jailed or murdered

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


" you'd love Putin's Russia. His opponents are routinely jailed or murdered "

That is a pretty weird comment, considering the number of people who crossed the Clinton family and then suddenly disappeared. Clinton has a body count (google for it), Trump does not.

In the event, presidents can not jail people. They can appoint special prosecutors though, which Clintons long string of scandals sorely deserve. I assume you know that and are just flippant.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

African-American protestor wears '(Bill) RAPE' t-shirt behind Hillary (on podium) at rally in Detroit, gets ejected ... NYT not covering it so we have to go to Daily Mail:



'You know, I do hope someone follows that gentleman out and stages an intervention,' Clinton told the crowd, yelling out a hearty laugh. 'He clearly has not been following this election very closely.'

And WaPo (limiting coverage to a vid and caption) scrubs her comment for her, because, y'know, 'intervention' is not something PC-minded people should be tossing around lightly:


At a rally in Detroit, Oct. 10, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton laughed at a protester who was led out, saying, "He clearly has not been following this election very closely."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

African-American protestor wears '(Bill) RAPE' t-shirt behind Hillary (on podium) at rally in Detroit, gets ejected ...

I am delighted to hear that the protester was led out safely before a another Trump-paid plant could start a fight with him.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

LOL at Hillary's leaked Goldman-Sachs speech: "We discovered Japan for Heaven sakes."

Wonder how the Japanese feel about that ...


Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton on Chinese Aggression: ‘You Can’t Blame’ China - 11 Oct 2016... “We have as much claim to all of the Pacific. And we could call it the American Sea, and it could go from the West Coast of California all the way to the Philippines. And, you know, my counterpart sat up very straight and goes, well, you can’t do that. And I said, well, we have as much right to claim that as you do,” she continued, according to the text. “I mean, you claim it based on pottery shards from, you know, some fishing vessel that ran aground in an atoll somewhere. You know, we had conveys of military strength. We discovered Japan for Heaven sakes.” ...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So many Rebs have abandoned Trump, are they still the Reb party?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

even if trump appoints a special prosecuter, bill will find a way to wander onto the plane for a "chat".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Texas A&M AggieOCT. 10, 2016 - 05:06PM JST

Down vote all you want, but the fact remains Mr. and soon to be President Trump will be getting a yuuuge bump in the upcoming national polls.

So - where's that "yuuuuge" bump for Trump, then?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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